The Neko Girl and Her Master [Inactive]

I smiled and carried Ilenna to the castle. Once we reached our destination, the workers opened the doors for us and we walked into the castle. I sighed silently and set Ilenna down. She ran off to somewhere, pulling Amethyst along with her, no doubt to her room to show it to her. I smiled lightly and cupped my hands over my face, quickly wiping off the small beads of sweat that had formed there. I shook my head at myself and then set off for my parents' old room.
"Whoa, where are we going?" I asked as Ilenna pulled me along down the hallway, not giving me time to stop and admire everything. It seemed so amazing to know I would be living in this beautiful place.
Ilenna: I giggled happily as I dragged her to my room. The door servant opened the door just before we ran into it and then closed it behind us. "This is my room! You can sleep wit h me if you want to!" I offered happily, spinning around.

Blaine: I walked into my parents' old room, the door being closed behind me by one of the servants. I smiled lightly, laying down on their old bed, wishing they were here with us to watch Ilenna and I. 
((There, done! :3))
"I thought your brother said I would sleep in the servant's quarters. I realy don't want to intrude." I said shyly looking around at her very fancy room.
Ilenna: I smiled brightly at her and shook my head. "No intrusion at all! I'm inviting you to stay in my room," I replied happily, jumping on my bed.

Blaine: I smiled lightly as I laid on the large, soft bed. "Miss you guys..." I trailed as I sat up.
Ilenna: I smiled and nodded vigorously. "Would you like one?" I offered, landing on my butt on the bed.

Blaine: I stood up and began to walk down to Ilenna's room when I was stopped by one of the maidservants. "Sir, your uncle would like to see you," she said. I nodded and walked to the throne room, waiting at the door to be allowed in.
Ilenna: I smiles softly at Amethyst and nodded. "Yeah, which one do you like the most? You may have whichever one that you want," I replied, making a grand gesture to all of the stuffed animals that were strooned about my bed systemically.

Blaine: I stood perfectly still for almost three minutes, waiting for the door to be opened and allow me through it's threshold. It finally opened without a sound and light came flooding out. There were dozens of tinted windows, just lining the wall behind the throne, which my uncle sat upon. "Come. . ." He trailed, his old voice unnoticeably cracking. He motioned slightly for me to come closer to him and, of course, I followed his order. I stepped closer to him and he leaned back into the throne, his head resting on his hand, who's fingers were riddled with rings and jewels. "You called, uncle?" I asked, hoping that he would tell me the reason that he called me for.
"Can I have that one?" she said pointing to Ilenna's only stuffed animal that wasn't completely extravagant. It was an old bunny with one of it's eyes missing.
((Eheheh, sorry I haven't replied, I've been extremely busy and I'm only going to get busier. This week, I'm going to a camp where I think that I don't get any reception, but we'll see :/ ))

Ilenna: I looked at the old bunny that which was not only missing an eye, but also had a few pasta stains on it and sort of smelled. "Eh. . . Uhm. . ." I trailed, giving her a big, reassuring smile. "Any but that one, please. . ? It. . My mother made that for me when I was born, an-" I was cut off by a warm tear gliding down my cheek.

Blaine: He looked me up and down and noticed something. A small tear in my cloak. "Take that off, it shall be sewn properly," he ordered. I did as I was told and removed my cloak, handing it to one of the maids. "Take that to my seamstress," I told her before she nodded, giving a bow, and shuffled off to the seamstress' room. "Now," the old man before me began, "I called you here to speak of your inheriting the throne."
( (It's ok, I've been really busy myself so I know how it feels.) )

I stepped away from it and look at her in sympathy. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know it would bring up a touchy subject. And I know how you feel. I miss my mom to." I said giving Ilenna a hug.

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