The Neko Girl and Her Master [Inactive]

Mikkelle Sting

One Thousand Club





Accepting one male only!


Amethyst Folling




Any is a very happy and innocent. She is often known as not only being beautiful but kiddish for her age and people often mistake her for being younger.
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Blaine Deranite

Bane (His little sister, Ilenna Deranite, can't say Blaine so she just says Bane. It has become a cutesy and affectionate nickname for him)


16 (Though he looks almost 20)

Blane is a very cold, ignorant, and arrogant. He fools around with the maids every once in a while to satisfy himself, but he trys his best to keep his little sister's innocence with her. He blocks off his true emotions, and only shows happiness around his kid sister, but hides his negative emotions whenever she is near him. He cares very much for Ilenna and doesn't want her to lose her sweet innocence.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/258s86t.jpg.ce4cd15c260484c7a36ff92fcccef989.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20457" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/258s86t.jpg.ce4cd15c260484c7a36ff92fcccef989.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Amethyst Folling

Amy stood next to two other nekos, chains around her wrists, ankles, and neck. Her ears were low with fear as she watched the slave trader's every move.
I wish momma were here. she thought as she saw one of the neko boys get sold. The owner growled at him and cracked a whip to his back. She backed up slowly, her eyes wide with fear. "Oh no ya don't. You're the freshest neko here, you stay in front." said the slave trader gave a yank on her chain and she was standing in front again. Oh, momma, I need you. she thought, her head hanging as tears spilled from her eyes.

@Heir Sholen)

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((Sorry for not replying sooner! I have a busy life, and it's always a fun challenge to find time to come on here! :3))((And I like to do first person. Is that alright?))

I let out a bored sigh as I walked the streets of the slave market with Ilenna. She wanted a neko so badly, and I just couldn't deny her one... could I? No, that would be impossible. For me, anyway. When the hell is she going to choose one? I thought to myself as we walked through the lines of chained up cat-human mutants. "Ilenna, have you seen one that you like yet?" I asked as I lifted her up and put her on my shoulders. "Hmmm..." she hummed in an adorable voice, "Oh! I want that one!" She shouted as she pointed to a small, female neko girl who was in the front and seemed to be on the verge of tears. I chuckled and she crawled off of my shoulder and ran up to the neko slave, hugging her. I wasn't really surprised by this, but it wasn't a good way to start this off.
( (It's fine, I'm busy a lot myself. I'm ok with doing first person :) ) )

~Amethyst Folling~

“Hey, get your hands of my neko!” the slave holder yelled yanking Ilenna off me. "Hey, leave her alone, she was only trying to be nice." I said quietly, and he took a fistfull of my tattered dress and pulled me up to his height so I was looking into his eyes. "Don't ever talk to me like that, ever." his sour breath scorching my face before he slapped me across the cheek and let me fall to the ground. He turned back to the girl that had hugged me. "What the h*** do you think your doin' touchin' my neko." he said, his eyes blazing as he leaned over her.

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I calmly walked over to Ilenna and the slave tradesman as Ilenna began to cry. I shooshed and and put her back up on my shoulders her then looked the man dead in the eye, giving him a wicked glare, causing him to step back a little. Just after that he recognized me and fell to his knees, bowing to me. "I apologize, your majesty, for my rude and inconsiderate behavior towards this little girl. Please, forgive me," he begged as he kissed my feet. "Don't disgrace yourself, old man. I do not need you nor your idiocy. However, because my little sister is here, I shall grant you mercy. You are banished from the kingdom, and must live in the vilages on it's outskirts," I stated blatantly as I looked down at him, not turning my head. "Thank you, oh merciful one," he said before standing up, avoiding eye contact with me, and rushing away. I looked around and saw a tall, kind looking man. I called him over and quickly gave him the man's position before looking down at the small neko slave, bending down to her level. "Are you alright?" I asked, softly turning her face to see the mark on her cheek. I usually wouldn't be so kind to a lowly slave, but this would help me make face with the commoners. Also... she reminds me of Ilenna...
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~Amethyst Folling~

I felt back to myself since the mean slave trader was gone. “Yeah, I'm fine, I was handling the situation. I could'a taken him.” I said balling up my fists. “Wait, your the prince, right? Shouldn't I be bowing down to you or somethin'?” I asked wondering if he was really the prince.

( (Sorry for getting my post up so late, I went to see Maleficent with my family. Hope you reply soon! :) ) ) 
@Heir Sholen
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((I'm sorry for not meeting your hopes! I'm very busy with all these stupid camps that I have to go to... :/ :3))

I chuckled lightly and nodded with a short "Mhhm." Then I called the man who I had just given the job over and paid for the girl. "Bane! Bane!!" I heard Ilenna calling me from my shoulders. "Yes?" I replied with a smile as I looked up to her. "Carry her too! With me!" She said, pointing to the little neko girl that I had just bought for her. I nodded with an inner grimace at having to carry a lowly slave, but I picked her up and set her on my other shoulder; the one that Ilenna wasn't on.
( (It's ok, I understand. C: ) )

Amethyst Folling

"Oh my." I uttered as Bane, as his sister called him put me on his shoulder.
Well, that was quite a turn of events. I thought looking at the ground below. "Whoa, we're so high up, I can see everything from here! Are you a giant?" I asked him my eyes wide with wonder.

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I smirked slightly, in my mind, of course. Then I shook my head a little. "No, I am not," I said as I began to walk back to the street where the carriers were. I set the two girls down in it and then crawled in myself, sitting beside the slave neko as the men stood up and began carrying us back to the castle. 
((I forgot to say thank you OOC! Well, anyways, thank you! :3))
“So, am I going to live with you guys? What is the castle like? Is it on a mountain like I heard it was? Is it made out of jewels and gold? Is it big? What does it look like on the inside? I bet the rooms are awesome, are they? Are there other nekos there, like me?” she asked all at once, excited to go to an actual real live castle.

( (Your welcome. C:) )
I sighed silently and began to answer all of her questions. "You will be living in the servants' quarters, the castle is great, it is indeed on a mountain, no, it is not made out of jewels and gold, it's extravagantly large, the rooms are quite... awesome...? And yes, there will be other nekos li-" I was cut off right at the end as I was finishing off answering her questions when the upper left corner fell and hit the ground, causing the carrier to be imbalanced. I heard shouting outside as the curtain was pulled aside to reveal a tall, stocky man, wearing all black and a mask. I sighed irritatedly as he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out of the carrier. "Give me all of your money," he snarled as he placed a large knife against my throat. "That was hardly a polite way to ask me to bribe you so as you would not take my life," I stated blankly.
Amy scowled at the man then turned to Ilenna. “You stay here, I'll handle this.” she jumped out of the carriage and pulled out a small dagger she had secretly kept. “Hey, what the h*** do you think you doin' pickin' on my friend!” she growled and sliced his arm.
I blinked a few times and then burst out laughing before my face became stoic once moreand I stood straight up. I picked up the neko and tossed her back into the carried and then turned back to the man, who was now holding his sliced arm. "Ah.. where were we? Oh, yes, I was about to beat the soul out of your chest," I said as I simultaneously put on a pair of gloves. Immediately, I punched the man in the chest, strategically in the diaphragm, and knocking the wind out of him. He fell to the ground, grasping his chest and trying to breath before I kicked him in his upper back, most likely braking his neck, since he stopped moving. I dusted my hands off and shook my head at the sorry figure before turning around.
Amethyst grinned. “Ah, man, that was awesome! You were all like, 'Take some if this' and 'no one messes with me!' That was exciting!” she said bouncing up and down. “Man, can you give me fighting lesson's?! That was flippin' awesome! I want to learn that one move that you did, when you made him go unconscious.” she said as she punched lightly at his chest giggling.
I somehow managed to keep a straight face throughout the statements of the small neko girl, though I fought back the strong urge to let out a chuckle. She reminded me of Ilenna almost, but Ilenna is more... reserved. "I'll have my teacher teach you," I said simply, showing as little emotion as I could. "It seems that the carrier is broken, and we have lost one of the workers to carry us," I said as I bent down, picking up a splinter of wood and soon tossing it aside. I stood back up with a sigh and continued, "We will have to walk to the castle. It is not too far of a walk, however if either of you would like to be carried, I shall have a worker carry you." I motioned for two of the workers to come to us and began walking in the direction of the castle myself.
( (Hey, wazzup! Nice to hear from you again. C: ) )

I saw the castle in the distance and my eyes grew as big as saucers. "Oh my gosh! It's so big!" I exclaimed stretching my arms wide. "Am I going to live in there?" I asked, unable to contain my excitement.
((Same! :3))

This time I couldn't help but let out a light-hearted chuckle. "Yes, you will be living in the servants' quarters, as I said before," I said as we began the short trek back up to the castle. I turned around and walked backwards for a few moments as the two workers picked up Ilenna and the neko. Once they were being held, I turns back around with a light nod and began walking forward again.
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I turned to Ilenna. "So, Ilenna, what do you like to do in your spare time? For fun I mean." I asked curiously, wondering if royals liked to play to.
Ilenna: I blinked at the srevant neko's question a moment and then began to wonder. Well, I love games, but servant's don't know how to play games unless I teach them, right? All of my other servants only know how to clean and make food for me to eat. I thought to myself. "I like to play games!" I replied, smiling happily, "What about you?"

Blaine: I let out a quiet laugh as I listened to Ilenna and the neko girl's conversation. Of course you like to play games, Ilenna, that's all you can do in the castle. I to myself as I walked along, eavesdropping.
"I like to play games to! I used to play with the other nekos until---" suddenly a dark saddened look clouded her face. "Well, I don't really like to talk about it. But we would play tag and hide and seek all of the time." she said trying to keep her lip and eyes from quivering.
Ilenna: My eyes widened as the girl began holding back tears. "No! Uhm... you don't have to think about sad things if you don't want to... I know that it hurts when you think about it too much," I said quickly, trying to make her feel better.

Blaine: I laughed again, even quieter than the last time. "You know, Ilenna," I said as I turned around and waited for the worker to catch up with me, "your sad memories are probably very similar to... what is your name?" I asked, tilting my head at the neko.
"Amethyst, Amethyst Folling." I said quietly clasping my hands together, thinking about mom, how she was on the verge of death.
I nodded and looked back at Ilenna, continuing what I was saying. "Your sad thoughts are probably more similar to Amethyst's than you think," I said softly, pulling her from the worker and carrying her myself. She giggled and I gave her a small squeeze and put her on my shoulders.
I smiled tentatively as I watched them together; a bond between brother and sister that was not normally seen by people of royal blood. It made me jealous, it made me miss my mother even more. Oh momma, please get well. I thought silently, to sad to speak.

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