[The Mythical Land] Roleplay

Rinne struggled a bit to lift him on one side by wrapping his left arm around her shoulder, leaving the other dangling freely. He didn't weigh as much as she thought he would, but it still took a lot for her to support him. "I-I thought you'd never ask." She chuckled, knees buckling under such pressure.
"I'm not very strong, but I will try.." She murmured, not wanting to be seen as pathetic. She already knew she was, so she didn't need to be reminded. It was better to admit she wasn't very good at lifting heavy weights, so it was less likely to be judged.. She hoped at least. She moved to his other side and tenderly brought his arm over her own shoulder, which forced Ester Lee to move, in this case to the ground. This guy was easily at least five inches taller than her, so he was held unevenly on their shoulders.

Annika tried her best to hold him up, but he was just a big, dead weight which was very hard to hold. "Let's go.. He's heavy," She said.

Now she was hoping he didn't wake up and be violent. She was positive she wouldn't have enough energy to stand, let alone run when they got to their destination.
She hefted her side of the 'cargo' higher, to accommodate the difference in height. "You're kinda short, you know." Rinne gestured to Justin's body slumping over her own tiny frame. His head rolled back and forth with every unsteady step they took forward, closer to the edge of the forest. She didn't mean it as an insult, they were both much taller than her in comparison. Some creatures just weren't born to be large. "Now that I think about it, I don't think you ever told me your name." There were a lot of questions to be answered about the situation, but most of them could wait until they reached the village.
"I"m an elf. Some of us are short," She replied, not taking too much offence to it. Generally, she wasn't offended easily.. Now being scared, that was easy to do. "My name is Annika." She later replied, a little quieter as if getting shy again.
rix puffed a bit of teal smoke and tried to say his name. ''Rrrrix.'' he managed to get out. He thought his name, as loud as he could. Rix. Rix. Rix.
"The first thing he said to me was 'Rix', so that's his name." Li responded to Drnehviir, gazing at him with her brown eyes, watching his every move. She pulled Rix into her arms gently.

"You'e the second eldest, huh? Interesting. What're you thinking about?" She asked, having noticed his mind was on other things. The biggest thing on Li's mind at the moment was the fact that she really really wanted to pet Durnehviir, and maybe get a ride on his back. Back when Li had contact with her family, she'd made a bet with her brother. In order to satisfy the bet and her own pride, Li was required to pet a dragon, something she'd accomplished, and ride one, the latter of course being the task she hadn't yet completed.

"Do you think I could ride on your back, just for a little bit? I have a bet to win," Li asked, knowing she'd probably get yelled at for even bringing the subject up. Durnehviir didn't seem like the type of dragon who'd let someone ride him, which was understandable given how few dragons were still around.
Durnehviir was taken aback by the young one's question, to ask a Draake for a ride was a dangerous thing but he forgave her almost immediately, she had meant no harm by the statement, he could tell that much from the innocent way she had asked the question in the first place. The dragon brought his head from the sunlight and coiled his neck downward once more, settling down into a sitting position he was once again level with the woman. He took a deep breath, thinking his words through before finally speaking. "Vaenock tak duum aliikar naeviim I will forgive your ignorance of my kind now that we are so few, to be ridden we were not made to be, many a Draake would end you for such a question" said the dragon in his slow manner, taking his time with every word. "Saeviik nak duviim my mind is occupied with a darkness which stirs young one, an ancient evil rises from a long slumber. Salock tiinoch valak an energy I haven't felt since my youth" said the dragon slowly and contemplatively, his mind still focused upon the darkness.
Rix chirped a laugh. When he would be bigger, he'd only let Li ride on him. He snuggled into the girl's arms affectionately. He let out a surprised sound as he felt the presence too. He let out a small chirp of fear and looked at the old one. He seemed troubled at the presence, and Rix shuddeted. It was Big. Bigger than maybe the mountain itself.
"Annika, nice to meet'cha." Rinne smiled, seeming proud of her rhyme. For a moment, she struggled to step over a rock in their path without falling over, regaining her balance with ease. "What were you doing traveling through here, anyway? Not too often that I find elves around these parts, nevermind unconscious ones." Thinking back on how she'd stumbled upon them, she suddenly became curious. Did these two know each other? The forest could be dangerous, depending on who you came across. It didn't make sense that such a timid person would be walking around alone unless they had a purpose.
"I was aiming to get the village before night fell." She said simply, not wanting to go much farther into detail. She could defend herself , it just didn't seem so. She actually had a small knife strapped to her thigh as well, but she rarely took it out. (Sorry for shortness)
She nodded at her response. "Hopefully we'll get there before this guy gets any worse." Rinne wrapped the male elf's arm a little tighter around her shoulder, trying to keep him from falling over.

((No worries ^ ^ Mine is pretty short, too.))
Annika gave a tiny nod of her head, her knees feeling weak. They had to be extremely close now.. Not much farther at all.
Li frowned. If a draake was worried about something, than it was something everyone should worry about. Li forgot about the bet she wanted to win, and her frown deepened.

"A darkness that a dragon is worried about is definitely not a good thing. Let's go kill it before it gets too difficult to handle." She said with a daring grin. She hadn't had any adventures in order to purge the world of darkness in a long time. "I've let darkness sit before, within myself, and not attending to it resulted in chaos and sheer agony. I'd rather not let that happen to anyone else. I'd like to help you find the darkness, and eradicate it before it gets serious. Usually when things just wake up, their groggy and slow to react to immediate attention." Li stated as she returned the affection to Rix by kissing his head. She didn't know what it was about the little dragon that tugged at her heart, perhaps it was the fact that he was obviously an orphan. Whatever it was, she swore to herself she'd protect the little one with her life.
"Ti nok duoviin vuhrniik reveal itself it must, stirs in it's sleep it does now, preparing to sow the seeds of destruction" said the old dragon. The darkness was alive but it was still, it would awake soon from it's ancient slumber to return to the world, and while Durnehviir could feel the darkness of whatever it was, its identity was still shrouded in darkness.

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