[The Mythical Land] Roleplay

Rinne stopped near a clearing in the woods, admiring how the sunlight shone freely onto the grass and flowers without trees to block its path. This was an ideal spot for bugs and sometimes fairies to admire the scenery. If anyone came here at night, they'd probably catch a show of them flying around with their wings lighting up the darkness. A few berry bushes also scattered the area. She ran around gathering the ones she knew were not poisonous, then hoisted herself onto a large boulder. "If my nose is right, they should be near here, but I don't see anyone." Rinne stared off into the distance. Her ears sat upright like radars, twitching every few seconds at the slightest noise of a squirrel running by, or a butterfly landing on a flower. She seemed to be the only person here, for now. A disappointed look crossed her face. "Here I thought I was going to make some friends." Rinne slid another berry past her lips, tail swaying behind her sadly.
Justin sighed and walked around the forest making a move he didn't want to meet anyone but he soon realized he was careless then fell out of the tree and onto the ground.
Annika heard a loud rustle and froze, staring in the direction. It wasn't very far away. Very slowly she crept closer to eventually see another elf laying on the ground. Ester Lee meowed, a growl forming in her throat. Annika looked like she wanted to ask if he was ok, and run away at the same time, so she ended up staring at him silently.
Rinne jumped at the sound of someone falling nearby. Dropping the rest of her snack, she leaped from her rock and scurried off in the direction it came from. She didn't need much time to find what she'd been searching for all this time. Or who. It was both of the elves she noticed earlier, one passed out on the ground for some reason. Rinne hesitated for a moment to get closer, unsure of what caused the male elf to pass out. From where she stood, it looked as if the other female knocked him unconscious or something. Did she just walk into a fight? Her eyes shifted for a moment, then locked onto the woman. "Uh...I didn't mean to walk in on a brawl. I'll just..ease my way on out of here..." Laughing awkwardly, Rinne slowly scooted in the opposite direction, planning on making a break for it once she was in the clear. The last thing she needed was any trouble right now.
The ancient dragon Durnehviir opened his eyes for the first time in sixteen days, his stomachs ached and he felt hunger for the first time in nearly a month, but it was not hunger that had disturbed his thoughts on this day. "Something ancient stirs Rochk fallehck dumir I feel a darkness approaching the land" muttered Durnehviir to himself in a painfully slow and measured voice. He had been meditating upon the snow capped peak for half a month now, and his wings were stiff, and his limbs felt heavy. He slowly raised himself from his sitting position and thrust his wings outward, extending them to their full length of almost fifty feet each, causing a massive gust of wind, blowing snow away from his body while also shaking off the layer of small ice crystals which had settled upon his scales. "Reovok telmik dura viir like so many lives" thought Durnehviir as he watched the crystals settle upon the snowy ground, their moments in the sun reminding him of the fleeting and short nature of even the longest of lives. Using the strength of his legs he thrust himself into the air and pushed with his wings, becoming airborne for the first time in half a month, his wings no longer feeling stiff and his hunger growing he swept down into the valley below the mountain with considerable speed, using his massive wings to glide downward to the woodlands below him. He could feel the life below him, their energy met with his as he descended and he could feel their emotions. He could feel the life force of several elves, a pixie as well. "Seloch veniir dur another Draake stirs beneath me, he is young, a mere infant, but no less a Draake " thought Durnehviir, as he felt the energy of a fellow dragon within the heart of the forest. Before he could think of the sentient beings beneath him any longer he fixated his mind upon a sturdy buck, one large enough to keep him full for another couple of weeks.

"Dolok naj talak the chase begins" said Durnehviir, his voice booming over the valley beneath him. Although he had changed over the years he was still very much a Draake, an apex predator among apex predators and as the Buck entered a small clearing among the trees he swept down with force upon the deer he had been tracking, landing on the buck's neck with his right forward claw, splitting the head from the body in one fell swoop, ending the life of the buck without submitting the animal to undue pain. "Sojiik dach najiim I am sorry friend" said Durnehviir as he bent his neck downward, picking up the deer with ease, and tossing it into the air, sending a jet of flame upon the corpse, crisping the deer to it's core before the force of gravity returned the body of the deer to the massive jaw of the ancient dragon.'

(OOC) BTW Draake = Dragon
Annika looked more afraid then Rinne did when she popped up. The cat on the elf's shoulder hissed, her hackles raising.

The elf however, just stared at Rinne, wondering if she would pose as a threat. It didn't seem so and Annika's bright green eyes followed her movements. Once she was gone however, Annika kneeled down to the male's side. Her arms were beginning to shake as she very gently took his wrist and felt for a pulse, then on his neck, then she examined him quickly. He looked fine. He could end up having a sprained ankle or something however... Annika hoped not.
Li walked outside of her cave in bear form, having heard the dragon Durnehviir wake. She'd heard stories about him, villagers had begun to worship him, and apparently he was ancient. She turned to Rix, "You stay in here baby dragon. I don't know if male dragons like younger male dragons on their territory." She said.

Li took her bear form, and followed under Durnehviir, curious. She'd never seen a dragon before, besides Rix. She watched as the large dragon tossed up a deer, cooking it with his own fire.

'Deer sounds good...' She thought, as she hid quietly, watching Durnehviir. She wasn't sure she liked having a neighbor.
Rinne's head slowly peeked out from behind a tree she'd taken shelter behind, observing the lady elf as she looked over the other's injury. Her movements were searching, but gentle. She didn't seem violent at all. Rinne's expression slowly changed from skeptical to surprised as it dawned on her that she may have misunderstood what was going on. "Do you need some help..?" She eased herself out into the open again, and walked a little more confidently towards them, this time putting on a friendly smile. "We probably shouldn't leave him laying there. I can help you move him." She felt a little bad about jumping to conclusions.

Somewhere in the distance, a great force shook the forest. Rinne easily picked up on the noise made by so-and-so's awakening, but any living creature could feel the change of energy. If you drop a rock into a puddle, the water will ripple and rise from the added mass. That's what it felt like. What was his name, again? Ah..she couldn't be bothered to remember the details, but her parents told tales of a slumbering dragon who lived in the snowy mountains. What are the chances he would be roaming the lands, after so long?
Annika abruptly stood up, stepping away from the male's body as Rinne returned. The small elf suddenly flinched, seeing to cower as the forest seemed to shake. It was easy to tell this elf was timid, if not a coward. Her lips didn't move, but she stared at Rinne, as if debating over running or trying to speak and work with this new person. Ester Lee meowed softly, licking the edge of the elf's ear comfortingly. Then she turned her different colored optics on the two bodies as well.
rix felt the energy pulse and his ears pricked up. He sent a small pulse himself, having learned this afew days ago. He hummed loudly after Li left, his tiny vibrations resounding off the cave walls. The wise one was back.
Rinne's smile disappeared for a moment, replaced by a curious expression when she didn't get a reply from the elf. She raised both hands into the air, open-palmed, as if to show that she had no intentions of hurting anyone today. "Don't worry. I may look vicious, but this fox wouldn't harm a fly." Contrary to her joke, she didn't look very dangerous at all. Most enemies (Bigger predators) underestimated her strength because of this, which gave her the upper-hand in most fights. Not that she needed one in the first place.
Annika blinked, gazing at her. After a long hesitation she very slowly nodded her head. She would stick around and trust this humaniod for now. She stepped closer to the elf's side, looking up at Rinne as if awaiting some kind of command.
The old dragon finished the deer quickly, swallowing the buck near whole, his neck stretching out to accommodate the large animal. Before he took off to return to his mountain he heard a vibration from the forest. "Sehvak dolokii naviin the young one calls back" thought Durnehviir in response to the vibration of energy sent by the young dragon. Durnehviir turned to his rear swiftly, swinging his tail with reckless abandon he crushed two trees on the edge of the clearing, sending splinters and parts of the now crushed trunk sprawling into the woods. Using his claws he rapidly moved into the forest in what could best be described as a run, cutting down trees with swipes of his razor sharp claws and leaving a path of cleared land in his wake. "Uvekiin draake veviin there are so few of us who remain, even fewer understand the balance" thought the old dragon as he barged through the forest in a manic pace, rushing quickly so that he could find the baby dragon before a more malicious force could arrive. There were so few dragons left in the world, a dying breed they were, and many had turned to a darker path, preferring violence, wealth and war to peaceful coexistence. "Dovak karakiin duevoch tueviin udiich fall to our instincts we do, to be different I will teach this Draake" thought the old dragon as he barged through the forest.

"Lokiin odoviin eyes watch but do not challenge" thought Durnehviir, noticing the energy of a sentient being who had chosen to hide rather than fight or run. "Duermii havak a navak toliidech come out from your hole small one, I am not one to fear, your spirit is peaceful as is mine" said the dragon loudly as he paused his rampage through the woods, his voice echoing into the forest.
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Li walked out of her hiding spot and looked up at the ancient dragon and shifted human, and stood in front of him.

"Pleasure to meet you. You can call me Li Fang." She said to him, bowing a bit in respect, but also being very cautious and keeping her large brown eyes upon the dragon.

"You believe my spirit is peaceful?" She asked, arching an eyebrow. No one had ever called her peaceful, Li didn't even think of herself as peaceful. She'd always thought she was rather...unpeaceful since she killed for territorry gain.
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rix heard the master of the snowy peak talking, his great voice vibrating out and around the forest. He chirped in suprise when the baby realized that the old one was talking to Li. He ran out of the cave towards the voice, finding the werebear and the old one. He rushed in front of Li, rearing up on his hind legs and spreading out his good wing in gentle protection, looking up at the immense white wyrm, respectively defending the being who had rescued him.
The laughter of a dragon could scare grown men, start avalanches and drive cattle into stampedes and the laughter of the old dragon was no different. It reverberated through the forest, causing birds to flee from their treetops, and sending animals into their dens, shaking the trees with the deep baritone of the dragon's voice. After a bout of laughter that lasted about five or six seconds the dragon finally spoke, drawing each syllable out, accentuating every sound of the words he spoke. "Sechk shiinok iil navaak kiilvak the young one seems to respect you a great deal to stand before an elder with such determination in his stance" said the dragon, taking a long pause before continuing. "Selock dremiir reviik ah tremoch peaceful to others perhaps you are not, but threatening to me you have not been and protective of my fellow Draake you are, in return you have my word as a Draake that I will not strike you down...... "

"Seviik delok danack forgive my tongue young ones, the habit of speaking the ancient language of my kind I have failed to break" said the Dragon after another pause in his painfully slow pace.

"Draake anoch velom the young one is different, respect for the other races he has at a young age, where others have fallen, he can rise above" thought the old dragon, analyzing the young dragon's behavior around what many other dragons would deem a lesser race.
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Not scared whatsoever by the deep echoing laughter, Li looked at Rix standing protectively in front of her.

"I've never had respect from someone before..." Was all she said for a minute or so as she took in the sense of accomplishment.

"I'm healing his wing. I suppose that's enough reason for him to be standing up for me." Li smiled, finding the way Rix was protecting her extremely adorable. "He's returning the favor, the cute bugger." Li muttered, her wide smile spreading. She looked up at the ancient one.

"May I have your name?" She asked, gently touching Rix's back in thanks, also signalling that she believed the large dragon was okay to be around.
Rinne smiled triumphantly, happy the elf finally decided to trust her a bit. They had to find a safer spot for this guy and figure out how the two of them were going to move him through the forest by foot. And if that weren't enough of an issue... The trees and ground around them shook again in response to the old dragon's laughter. 'He's really going at it. Are all dragons this noisy?' Rinne pondered the question to herself, returning her attention to her new companions. "We need to get him out of this area. Though I'm not sure where.." Her brows furrowed. "Do you have any ideas?"
Annika seemed to shrink lower to the ground in fear of the booming laughter. Very slowly she looked up at Rinne, then hesitated before saying quietly, "There is a town nearby. A mile or so." Rinne would have to carefully listen to hear her words, and Annika didn't seem too confident in speaking.
The girl's response came out quietly, but Rinne heard her as if she'd spoken in a normal tone. "Really? I never noticed any villages around here." She brightened at the idea of exploring a new place. Being born and raised in the forest, she never bothered going into towns for anything other than curiosity. Everything she needed to survive came from mother nature. "Let's go, then. I'll let you lead the way." She leaned forward to grab the boy's arms, then paused. "My name is Rinne, by the way." She said, smiling gently. Somehow, she got the feeling she would need to be more careful around this timid elf.
"He may be hurt... Do you want me to help you?" She asked quietly, looking at Justin with some concern.
"Achk saeliim dollochk draake this Draake's name is Durnehviir" said Durnehviir loudly and with the pride of a dragon, raising himself into the sunlight on his forelegs and extending his neck into the warmth of the light. " Donoch dueviik nak tlii I am the second eldest of my kind, the warden of the north and protector of the balance, and you, small Draake, what name have you been given" said the Dragon. Durnehviir looked up into the blue sky briefly , and exhaled a stream of thin smoke from his nose, thinking of the shift in the balance which had woken him. Somewhere in the realm a darkness shifted, rising from a deep sleep, something more ancient and deadly than Durnehviir had ever encountered before stirred and he felt it within his gut as he awaited the response of the young woman who stood before him.

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