[The Mythical Land] Character Sign Up


Lady, running down to the riptide
Character Sheet









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(When I LIKE your character, you are accepted. Feel free to like mine too :3 )
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Name: Annika

Nicknames: Ann, Anni

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Species: Elf

Powers/Magic: When upset in any way, acid laser type of things shoot from her fingertips, they can burn skin like acid.

She can hold her breath under water for nearly five minutes.

She has good hearing and vision.

Family: Unknown, probably dead by now.

Personality: Very timid and shy. Due to being locked up and hurt for years, she is extremely slow to befriend and trust someone. Even the smallest thing can scare her in some way. When she befriends you however, she can be friendly and easy to approach. She even has her cuddly and childish moments.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c055f3910_Annikatheelf.PNG.e1e171f22b318186a03520668e3c539b.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29365" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c055f3910_Annikatheelf.PNG.e1e171f22b318186a03520668e3c539b.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5'1


She has a kitten named Ester Lee

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c05e7a7c4_EsterLeeimage.jpg.5886899e06d59819641d39994f512e39.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29759" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c05e7a7c4_EsterLeeimage.jpg.5886899e06d59819641d39994f512e39.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


When Anni was young, she was kidnapped by humans and brought to a lab and experimented on. Eventually she was let free into the wilderness, expected to die, but instead the elf found the mythical land, and made her home there, though she still has no official home.



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Name: Felicia

Nicknames: Feli, Felicia

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Species: Fairy

Powers/magic: Felicia can speak animal languages since she is an Animal Fairy

Family: unknown

Personality: Felicia is introverted and shy, but she's that type who really cares about other people's needs and she likes helping people. She often trusts people easily and often being taken for granted. Even though she can't be easily angry, but if she gets angry she'll explode and will not talk to anyone until she's back in a good mood again.



Other: Felicia used to live in a fairyland with the other fairies, but one day she made a big mistake and all of the fairies hated and ignored her. The animal fairy was so sad that she quietly left the fairyland late at night and swore would never come back. Then she found this mythical land which she hoped could be a home for her.
Name: Justin Frail

Nicknames: Jay

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Species: Elf

Powers/magic: Necromancy and Lightning magic.

Family: All Deceased they were told that his father was a warlock.

Personality: Rude, smart, kind, slight tinge of evil, selfless, stubborn, impatient.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.9533572beaace999ac1de9de914d966e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29545" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.9533572beaace999ac1de9de914d966e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5"11

Other: Rules



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@wizard justin Once you get a picture uploaded, you are accepted ;3
Name: Maya

Nickname: None

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Species: Wolf

Powers/Magic: Has a powerful bite that can wound anyone since she is a wolf. She can turn at any time, especially at midnight.

Family: Unknown

Personality: Loves nature and tends to be very strong. She is very nice to people and will do anything just to stay out fights. She will try her best to defend her friends and family.

Height: 5'3


Other: She was turned into a werewolf after being scratched by one at the age of 15. She went into the forest and experienced her new life as a wolf after finding no ways of turning herself back.
Name: Rix


Gender: Male

Age: 6

Species: Dragon

Powers/Magic: can heal any wound as long as it's not ENTIRELY fatal.

Family: None. He was abandoned at birth.

Personality: sweet, curious, and very protective of those he loves. He likes Pie (blackberry and apple), cake (chocolate), and playing.

Appearance: see below.

Other: i read the rules!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/images-27.jpeg.56b47209969828bae2f7586b6cb1d46d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29652" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/images-27.jpeg.56b47209969828bae2f7586b6cb1d46d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Li Fang

Nicknames: Grizz

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Species: Werebear

Powers/magic: She has the ability to shift into a grizzly bear, and with the shifting powers comes the senses of a bear.

Family: They're alive somewhere, but given that it's in her nature to be a bit solitary, she broke off communications with her family. She has a mother, father, and a big brother.

Personality: She's quiet and almost never talks. She ha an air of absolute strength about her which tends to put people off a bit. She's genrally very nice, but when you harm the things oor people she loves, she will downright slaughter you.


Height: 5'10

Other: none

I read the Rules
Name: Rinne

Nicknames: Rin, Rinny, Rinn.

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Species: Fox

Powers/magic: She has a heightened sense of smell, agility, and speed. Her ears also give her better hearing.

Family: Rinne was born in the mythical land years ago, by her parents who had found this place and made their home in the forest. She has been out and about since then, living independently from the day she was able to properly hunt for herself.

Personality: She is a strong-spirited, playful type of character, and loves to explore the land while interacting with whatever she comes across. Everything is an adventure. She doesn't believe in covering up the truth and often talks herself into trouble by speaking bluntly, but for the few friends who have looked past those faults, Rinne has always been a loyal companion.


Height: 5'6"

Other: She prefers engaging in hand-to-hand combat.
Name: Durnehviir

Nicknames: The ancient one, The snow peak dragon, The white dragon of the north

Gender: Male

Age: 1412 years old

Species: Dragon

Powers/magic: Fire and ice breath, the ability to fly, brute physical strength and a maw filled with razor sharp teeth, scales which act as thick armor, and long, sharp claws which can tear through steel as if it were paper.

Family: None that he knows of, he had children in the past but as far as he knows, his lineage had ended during the fall of the dragons.

Personality: Sage like, his years have given him wisdom and patience. Sometimes, while dealing with other races or even younger dragons he can be a source of frustration as he is known for being long winded and slow to deal with issues or respond as his perception of time has become skewed after over a thousand years of existence, as a result of this he speaks very slowly. He is extremely proud and will not allow riders upon his back (for now at least).


As he is around 1400 years old, as a result he is truly a massive dragon, dwarfing many others of his kind.

Height: around sixty feet tall when standing upon his hind legs, and over one hundred feet in length when his tail is included.

Other: His age and experience have given him the mindset of an old sage, he prefers to deal with things peacefully and is a source of wisdom and historical truth (as he actually remembers what happened over the last 1300 years) for those who seek him atop his mountain. Unlike many other dragons he has no obsession with wealth, not to say that he never did, during his younger years he was known as a scourge upon the land and he had maintained quite the horde of treasure but the years have mellowed him to a point where he will only fight if his life is threatened or if he feels the balance of power in the realm is about to shift. He is obsessed with maintaining what he perceives as the natural order of the world, a perfect balance between light and dark. If the balance is about to shift (usually it is evil overrunning good as forces which fight for good aren't usually that aggressive) he will break his month long meditations and leave his mountain top retreat and return to the world to restore balance. He has been an equalizing force for hundreds of years, often finding himself fighting ancient and evil forces to maintain the balance of power. Some locals have begun to worship him as a living god, an angel who only reveals himself when evil will overrun the land, he hates them for this, as a dragon he has inherent knowledge of spiritual truths and knows that he is only a pawn within the arching sweeps of fate which dictate all life in the universe. He is a teacher and the dragon equivalent of a wise man. Many younger dragons and members of other races will seek out his guidance and knowledge, climbing the tall and treacherous slopes of the white mountain to reach his home upon their snow capped peaks.
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[QUOTE="Juli Zakstyre]does/did he have any offspring?

That's a good question, I didn't really think on that, I suppose after so many years he is bound to have a couple children here and there, so yeah he is a father, and probably a grandfather as well.
[QUOTE="Juli Zakstyre]because maybe rix...

Rix could be his great grand child or something like that, it's been hundreds of years since Durnehviir has had a mate and so a baby dragon wouldn't be his but he could definitely take Rix under his wing as a grandfather or great grandfather.
Name: Althusar

Nicknames: Harbinger of the Storm, Maelstrom of the South, Bringer of Lightning, Tempest of the Seas

Gender: Male

Age: 783

Species: Dragon

Powers/magic: He is unable to breathe fire or ice like the others, but his breath is of a different kind. From his mouth, he shoots pure bolts of lightning. He can as well create storms to do his bidding, thus his titles. His flight is also enhanced, usually wrapping himself in lightning to enhance his flight.

Family: He has none, although for what reason the rumors differ. Some said that he was an unholy offspring, something never meant to be born. Others said that he was from an ancient race of dragons, of whom which he was the only one left. Yet others suggested that it was a genocide committed by no other than him, that he killed every single one of his kind.

Personality: Much like his power, he is very much like lightning, unpredictable and deadly. He is cruel and easy to anger, although there are times, very much like when the skies are clear, he is calm and peaceful. He is full of wisdom, which he willingly shares if you can survive his tests. While much of the tests are deadly and unlikely for anyone to survive, those fortunate enough to survive it will regain his respect. Being the last of his kind, he is also lonely and sad, often seeking the companionship of others. Just don't make him mad, for you will surely be struck down by lightning if you do.



Height: Though he may be young compared to others, his body is bigger than most. Some suggested that it is because of his lineage, while others states that it's because of the dragons he ate. Whatever the reason is, he towers above 50 feet when standing up.

Other: While he may be easy to anger and cruel, he has a soft spot for those who were orphaned, feeling pity for them. This might be because he too had no one, no one to call his family. For reasons not yet known, he developed quite a liking to cats, in which many might be found in his lair.

(Sorry for the late cs. Hope he gets accepted.)
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50 stories would be five hundred feet just to let you know, idk if you meant fifty feet or actually five hundred feet.
CrimsonEclipse said:
So sorry! I meant feet! It's midnight here, so my brain is kinda fuzzy and tired. Thanks!
lol no worries man, I was picturing a dragon the size of Godzilla, thinking to myself "damn my dragon is going to be tiny in comparison"

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