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Realistic or Modern the mystery club // character sheet


books and coffee
greetings everyone, and welcome to the character sheet thread for the 1980's mystery roleplay, the mystery club!

you do not have to use a fancy code for your sheet. you may use one but do whatever makes you feel comfortable!

the club
lead investigator - otto fischer - played by snowyleopard snowyleopard

assistant - character name - played by

medium - juno ashwood - played by vixe vixe

the skeptic - character name - played by

researcher - malachi vara - played by Society of Strays Society of Strays

the baits - sammi hicks - played by dowagers dowagers madison brookes - played by SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles

journalist - margaret winehouse - played by serenibee serenibee

interviewer - character name - played by

nerd - character name - played by

sketch artist - roxie heart - played by animegirl20 animegirl20

the form
character image here (realistic)
full name
age (20-24)

appearance description
personality - traits or paragraph
history/backstory - optional!
place of birth
date of birth - please include month, day, and year. remember this is summer of 1986!

are they good at their role?
do they believe in the ghosts and the supernatural?

body modifications/scars
romantic orientation
sexuality orientation
headcanons/fun facts
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this code scrolls!

the investigator

billie eilish

FULL NAME: otto theodore fischer
D.O.B: April 14th, 1965
P.O.B: Berlin, Germany
AGE: 21 years old
GENDER: transgender male
PRONOUNS: he/otter
ORIENTATION: polyamorous homoromantic homosexual
ROLE: the lead investigator

APPEARANCE: Otto is short, standing at 5'1" in height. He has short, fluffy hair that varies in color due to the fact that Otto will often dye his hair different colors. Otto's hair is long enough to put it up into a short ponytail. His eyes are a warm brown.
FACECLAIM: kaiisyourhomie

Otto is... spontaneous. Sometimes you will find him up on his toes because he hates sitting still for long periods of time and he wants to do something, or other times you will see him being calm and quiet. He's pretty easy to get along if you can handle the fact that he's pretty enthusiastic and hyper. He loves making other people smile and laugh, so you'll see him doing something goofy or comical to get a laugh out of others, he's a pretty funny guy. Otto is also pretty forgetful, an example being that he'll forget what he was talking about earlier.

Otto is also messy and disorganized, the type to stuff papers into a bag and go rummaging for them later. Otter also doesn't like being told what to do, and more than likely otter is going to brush it off and do what he wants to. Otto is prone to reckless and impulsive behavior, doing things out of sheer impulse and not thinking about what otter is doing is possibly a rash decision. He wants to help out, he wants to help others and he doesn't want to be standing idly by when he could be helping somebody out.

Otto is easy to scare, every little noise will make otter jump in fright.


impulsive, creative, loyal, moody, gullible, helpful


chronic insomnia, ADHD, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, hypochondriasis, latex allergy, bee sting allergy

HISTORY: uhhhhhhhhh

Otto has a septum piercing, ear piercings, and a lip piercing. Otto also has a stick and poke tattoo on his right ankle of a cat.

iced coffee, cats, sweaters, fireplaces, aromatherapy, rain, cold weather, fluffy blankets, books, strawberries

bugs, crowds, hot weather, being disturbed, summer, sour things, cheese, mud, itchy clothes

cardiophobia -- fear of something being wrong with the heart
thalassophobia -- fear of deep bodies of water
arachnophobia -- fear of arachnids
thanatophobia -- fear of dying

bouncing his leg, biting his fingernails, pacing, humming when nervous or scared

crocheting, ghost story telling, swimming, drawing

Well, Otto is... kind of good at his role. He's a scaredy cat and will jump at the smallest of sounds, thinking it's some monster out to get him.

Otto sure does! In fact, otter will tell the other members of the group about otters paranormal experiences.

- remember courage the cowardly dog? that's him. that's otto.
- what a scaredy cat lmao
- a bundle of chaos
- Norse Pagan
- soft fluffy hair 101
- sweaters and hoodies are his friends
- will bite
- clumsy, tripping over nothing
- butter fingers
- leg bouncing go brrrrr
- easily distracted
- what do you mean otter needs to organize otters belongings?
- forgets that otter forgets things
- LOVES SWEETS like i'm not joking, Otto has a big sweet tooth
- for the love of the gods, DO NOT LET THIS MAN DRIVE


otto fischer.

designed by bad ending. & coded by xayah.ღ
  • Dead men tell no tales? Why, I find them to be rather chatty.
coded by natasha.
samantha hicks
❛ the bait ❜
surf curse
i can't help it with you, stubborn-hearted, blue.
code by opaline
'cause i can't wait for you!
  • i.
    samantha elizabeth-ann hicks
    sammi, something she's been called since grade school. the name tastes like stale bubblegum and nights on the floor of her mobile home, her dolls proudly on display in every corner of her room. anyone who's anyone knows her by it. it's warm, familiar, like a dimpled, crooked smile of nostalgia.
    sam, once a nickname reserved by family, but ears ring and mouths follow. it's a name dripping in disdain, the mocking echo of prepubescent boys and pretty little rich girls with plaits, just in arm's reach to yank. "that's a boy's name," you say, but kids are cruel, and names stick faster than you can tell them to fuck off. an echo of the past, it's a name she's not entirely fond of, as much as her mother encourages embraces it. only close friends have the privilege of calling her sam without a wicked glare in their direction.
    twenty-two years old. july 12nd, 1964. cancer. born in toledo, ohio.
    cisgender female, she/her.
    bisexual. from a young age, sammi has always been sure of herself, stubbornly so. she's relatively open about her sexuality, and has had a few boyfriends and girlfriends over the years, always fleeting, always casual. she doesn’t go around saying it (even though she’s sure it’d fix a few problems) but she’ll mention it if the topic calls for it.
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* Malachi Vara

  • req.

    fc: arthur frederick

    * name
    Malachi Vara
    * age
    * gender
    cisgender male
    * pronouns
    * sexual / romantic orientation
    Heteroromantic Demisexual


    Portimão, Portugal

    * height
    * weight
    155 lbs.
    * ethnicity
    * hair / eye color
    brown hair & brown eyes
    * body modifications & tattoos





♡coded by uxie♡



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Margaret Elle Winehouse
Cisgender Female

Margaret or Rhett as she's called by others is known for being very responsible and practical, having her stuff together all the time. She's the person you come to if you have a problem, the mom friend per se. She's always calm and collected (er, most the time anyways)and is never seen in an extreme state of emotion. Rhett loves to research, spending hours upon hours at the library reading about something that has suddenly piqued her interest. She is highly dedicated to both of her jobs, loving to talk to other people and discover new styles; while at her journalist job, she loves writing new articles and listening to the latest of the town.

However she is very dishonest to others, hiding her true feelings towards them to protect her own reputation. Even through her calm persona, she harbors quite a lot of spite towards others even if she mistakenly judged them. Even though she loves to pursue her passions, often she loses interest after burning herself out of that subject which leaves her tired and sometimes even sick. She hates being pitied or seen as less as she is, even if she needs it. Rhett sees even some sympathy towards her situation as trying to gain her trust, which she believes has to be earned not given. But through the calm yet cold exterior, she can't help falling in love with everyone she meets, a hopeless romantic to the core. She's just to brush off these feelings but her feelings towards her crush can't be hidden.


Rhett is highly scared of the following: deep bodies of water, and ghosts or strange voices that shouldn't be there


- Humming.
- Putting their feet up on tables or desks.
- Swears like sailor.
- Picks at their nail polish.

Margaret was born on February 7th, 1961 to her mother, Beatrice Winehouse and her father, Nate Winehouse. She was raised in Toronto, Canada by her parents who were very into the psychedelic lifestyle. She was pretty much an only child with her older brother running away from home long before she was born. She loved playing in the dirt and secretly watching the horror movies her dad watched at night. She went to kindergarten at a local school but unfortunately this was less than ideal for her with the house barely hanging by a thread and the teacher caring less about her students and more about the latest drama in the town. She didn't have many friends at all due to most people being turned off by her love for macabre. Her father died when Rhett was ten. This shocked her mother so much that she immediately stopped doing drugs and moved her and her daughter to Florida Rhett developed her love of bug collecting after meeting her new friend, Marcus. She was ecstatic to find someone like her, who loved creepy stuff and would rather read books than go shopping.

Middle school didn't seem like much of a change from the ordinary. Mean girls like always, boys who rather kick you in the privates than actually hold a conversation with you, and some really terrible teachers. Marcus seemed to agree with Rhett about how abysmal school was but some things began to change, and not for the better. People would start to complain about freezing even though it was always hot in the keys. Students couldn't control their own actions as if being controlled like a puppet. Teachers would suddenly get sick and throw up what looked like buckets upon buckets of blood. Eventually the worst happened, Marcus disappeared from the town. Nobody could find him, it was as if he turned into smoke. Rhett felt like she could still hear his voice, calling her from the sea but she never heeded these false promises.

Even though years passed, the pain still hurt, a lot. Entering high school without any friends what so ever was hell. Nobody liked her and nobody cared to be her friend after the Marcus incident. High school went by like a blur and soon she graduated, diploma in hand. Her mother was concerned for her as her daughter grew from an extroverted, curious child to a reclusive, insecure adult. She decided to move to a new place for college, Point Pleasant. After a quick flight and visiting a bunch of colleges, Rhett began an all new life, again.

College was secretly a blessing in disguise, she loved Point Pleasant and felt so much better around people who understood her! She met so many new people and began to grow confidence once more. Rhett's worries simply slipped away but that was until a few months before graduation.

Stuck in her dorm room after a raging party, she tried to dial her mother to tell her about her eventual graduation but her mother didn't pick up. She dialed again, and again but still nobody picked up. She quickly drove over to her house and knocked on the door but imagine her horror when the door swung open and a limp body sat on the floor, covered in thick black sludge which smelled like burning meat. She couldn't make out any features on the figure but her knew instantly, this was her mother.

Police came and interviewed her but she had nothing to say, her mother was dead and she barely knew anything behind it. She was alone, more alone than she had ever been before. She graduated and planned to move again but this time she decided to stay. She wanted to figure out what happened to both her mother and Marcus. How did they die? What was even going on behind these mysterious deaths. She got a job as journalist but unfortunately it didn't pay enough for her rent so what did she do? She got a day job as a tailor but she got stuck with the most insufferable person on planet earth, Shelly Redd, a peppy, excitable and maybe a bit too annoying college student who gushed about her latest boy trouble. Rhett regained her composure and told her to just work until she had enough money to live on her journalism job.

She joined the mystery club after seeing a strange poster, inviting others who had experienced strange or even supernatural occurrences. She hoped this could prove a great resource to solving her own mysteries.

The smell of old books, bird watching, reading, roller skating, coffee, nighttime, photography, her cat, horror movies and the color brown.

her overly peppy co-worker, strong smells, summer, her old school, water, airplanes, the heat

her overly peppy co-worker, strong smells, summer, her old school, water, airplanes, the heat

© pasta

Juno ‘June’ Ashwood

i crave your touch

Full name: Juno Cameron Ashwood

nickname(s): June: the name she goes primarily by. Juno is reserved by her family.
Junebug: Term of endearment given to her by her Mother and father (Mostly her dad)

age (20-24): 22

gender: Female

pronouns: she/her

faceclaim/voiceclaim: Asami Sato

personality -

  • impulsive
  • Just wants to have fun
  • Recovering people pleaser
  • Desperate/eager
  • Outwardly apathetic, inwardly anxious
  • Stubborn
  • Guarded, a bit paranoid
  • Huge romantic

history/backstory - June was born on a sweltering summer night, underneath the full moon. The moon had just reached its zenith in the sky as June screams could be heard throughout her home in Louisiana. The group of coveted witches and elders prayed over June, bestowing her gift to her.

Over the years, June’s gift showed up in little ways, like ghost writing, or seeing memories from an object she touched. They’d often show up in her dreams, or she’d have causal conversations with them at the dinner table.

Her newly found gift meant, she was in-line to become Matriarch of the coven. June grew to resent it, the position of power. She never felt like she could truly be her own person. But, she felt like she could never find her own voice, to tell her parents that she didn’t want to be head of the coven, that the responsibility was too much on her.

So for years, June kept her mouth shut and just let the resentment build and build until she inevitably exploded. She packed a bag and left New Orleans, traveling the east coast with nothing but a backpack, a deck of tarot cards and a few thousand she’d saved up.

place of birth: New Orleans, Louisiana.
date of birth - June 14th, 1964, two-faced Gemini.

role: The Medium
are they good at their role? Exceptional.
do they believe in the ghosts and the supernatural: She’d be stupid not to

  • Moths, literally any insect or creepy crawlies
  • candles
  • Wine
  • Reading, writing

  • that her family with find her and force her to come back
  • Loosing her individuality
habits: she twirls her hair, runs her finger through it to calm her anxieties

  • reading
  • writing poetry
  • journaling

body modifications/scars: Tongue pierced

romantic orientation: Homo-romantic

sexuality orientation: Bi-sexual

headcanons/fun facts:

  • she always carries her tarot cards and candles in her tote bag
  • She almost never takes her eye makeup off and you can always find a speck of glitter somewhere on her.

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