[The Murder Game Series] OOC Section


I will be my version of Kit Fisto. But rather than the noble Jedi Master he went rouge when the empire took over and hid. The big parts of him I will like draw out during the even.

And I'm also going to use Ghost from Modern Warfare 2

[QUOTE="La Muerte]

I will be my version of Kit Fisto. But rather than the noble Jedi Master he went rouge when the empire took over and hid. The big parts of him I will like draw out during the even.

And I'm also going to use Ghost from Modern Warfare 2


Ehhh, I've been in the "GM business" for a long time. I understand using a single character throughout an RP event is far, -far- more beneficial than multiple characters: It encourages character interaction, long-standing relationships, etc - with two characters, you juggle back and forth - making it increasingly difficult to form a connection with your character. For the sake and quality of the RP event, come in as either Kit Fisto or Ghost from Modern Warfare.
Akibahara said:
Ehhh, I've been in the "GM business" for a long time. I understand using a single character throughout an RP event is far, -far- more beneficial than multiple characters: It encourages character interaction, long-standing relationships, etc - with two characters, you juggle back and forth - making it increasingly difficult to form a connection with your character. For the sake and quality of the RP event, come in as either Kit Fisto or Ghost from Modern Warfare.
Then its Fisto by far. He is the one that belongs in space
[QUOTE="La Muerte]Then its Fisto by far. He is the one that belongs in space

Hooray! Fisto it is!
I will play Thomas "Sev" Sevchenko from the Killzone series


AND Colonel Mael Radec.


I may drop one of the characters,
So far we have 4 Star Wars/space related characters. That's good. Maybe possibly I could fetch someone but I'm not sure if this person has applied yet or not. If they have , it wasn't as a Star Wars character.
Akibahara said:
Nah, we need to keep it at one character. Having two characters can lead to a lower quality of RP and decreased character interaction. ): Please choose either Radec or Sev. :)
Okay, good. Just checking. Maybe some people were getting confused since Rainbow allowed 2 characters each in the last one.

But on another note... I'll probably be The Doctor again. He fits better with the sci-fi theme, is used to aliens, knows how to speak like every alien, language, and has a ship he travels in. :) So it works. But I'm sooo gonna die. xD Playing a pacifist character in one of Aki's dangerous rps is gonna get my butt keeled. Risky for me. haha. Even if he gets fatally wounded and regenerates, if he's attacked while regenerating he's a dead man anyhow. (Just so you non-whovians know.) lol. But oh well, let's do dis! :cool:
Hell, yeah. I've been playing mafia for years on another site, I'm glad I found this.

I'd like to join.

I'm gonna go with Commander Wolffe to keep it Star Wars themed.

ChanpuruDragon said:
Hell, yeah. I've been playing mafia for years on another site, I'm glad I found this.
I'd like to join.

I'm gonna go with Commander Wolffe to keep it Star Wars themed.

Woo hoo! I hope you stay as a Murder regular! I can't wait until my next Murder GM'd event, too: It's WWII/League of Legends themed, here's the plot synopsis: (Btw, it's totes copy/paste):

So, everyone, if you're not aware--there's a reason Adam is going crazy with LoL characters--this is a Murder event idea I have planned in the near future. Tell me what y'all think:

Eventually, in a Murder game, Adam and Katarina meet up, have a child, yada yada yada. The child is male--during his youth, he discovers the multiversal device capable of sending him into our world and various others. He enters 1933 Germany, at the advent of Hitler's rise to power. He studies Mein Kampf, enthralled by the racial theories and "power through strength" ideals, he idolizes the Fuhrer--and once he returns home, Noxus, his home city-state changes completely: He creates an airforce or Luftwaffe, recruits foreign aid akin to the Nazi Waffen SS, and develops genocidal hatred toward "inferior" races throughout the LoL universe.

Taking visual elements from Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, real-life atrocities such as the Holocaust, Unit 731, and more, this game is an evolutionary hybrid of war, genocide, racial discrimination, emotional conflict, and the philosophy of body, mind, and soul. A scenario stretching from wartime romance, to intense twisting drama mixed with a changing and interactive environment allows for a playing experience unlike any other (as far as I know while typing this).

Of course, players who are situated in the LoL universe will re-appear, namely Dallas and Vi.

Hellkite said:
Looks awesome- I'll take Mass Effect's very own Legion, if thats cool. Cant wait for everything to get started!
Looks interesting. Now we have Christmas droids , green and red XP. Anyway , I was about to say 'there's got to be at least ONE other droid here!'
Akibahara said:
Woo hoo! I hope you stay as a Murder regular! I can't wait until my next Murder GM'd event, too: It's WWII/League of Legends themed, here's the plot synopsis: (Btw, it's totes copy/paste):
So, everyone, if you're not aware--there's a reason Adam is going crazy with LoL characters--this is a Murder event idea I have planned in the near future. Tell me what y'all think:

Eventually, in a Murder game, Adam and Katarina meet up, have a child, yada yada yada. The child is male--during his youth, he discovers the multiversal device capable of sending him into our world and various others. He enters 1933 Germany, at the advent of Hitler's rise to power. He studies Mein Kampf, enthralled by the racial theories and "power through strength" ideals, he idolizes the Fuhrer--and once he returns home, Noxus, his home city-state changes completely: He creates an airforce or Luftwaffe, recruits foreign aid akin to the Nazi Waffen SS, and develops genocidal hatred toward "inferior" races throughout the LoL universe.

Taking visual elements from Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, real-life atrocities such as the Holocaust, Unit 731, and more, this game is an evolutionary hybrid of war, genocide, racial discrimination, emotional conflict, and the philosophy of body, mind, and soul. A scenario stretching from wartime romance, to intense twisting drama mixed with a changing and interactive environment allows for a playing experience unlike any other (as far as I know while typing this).

Of course, players who are situated in the LoL universe will re-appear, namely Dallas and Vi.

Sounds good! Will you be GMing this one next? Or will there be one other Murder game before you do that one?
[QUOTE="Klutzy Ninja Kitty]Sounds good! Will you be GMing this one next? Or will there be one other Murder game before you do that one?

I believe SuperChocoMilk will GM a Gotham City/Batman, one.
[QUOTE="R4 C9]So when is this gonna start? Any set time or just when we reach X amount of players?

Probably early next week: A typical Murder event consists of 30-50 players.
Akibahara said:
Probably early next week: A typical Murder event consists of 30-50 players.
I see. I better see if I can't get this other person I know to join (hopefully not as an anime person , Becuase he/she likes both anime and Star Wars)
[QUOTE="R4 C9]I see. I better see if I can't get this other person I know to join (hopefully not as an anime person , Becuase he/she likes both anime and Star Wars)

Woo hoo! Hell yeah, you get brownie points in my book if you bring in more people. PM your friends or multiple friends and see if they want in. :3 
I'm totes waiting for a Stargate: SG-1 or Atlantis character to pop in. >_>

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