[The Murder Game Series] Murder: The Ties that Bind

Leo cocked the MK14, a jammed bullet coming out as he switched over to his shotgun. "Everyone, come on!" He did have the dignity to pick up Debra on the way, he was already running happily to the Umbrella Corp building, oblivious to the others. He saw Claire, motioning for her "Come on, man, come on!"


@All y'all foos

[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]Emiya nodded.
"I see. Alright, lean on me; I'll get you to where the others are, then we can lay you down and take a look. We can't afford any more injuries among us now."

Ellie nodded as well.

"Yeah, okay..."

She took the offer Emiya gave her but she didn't like it.

Getting her leg checked out by a group of people she didn't trust...

It's fine Ellie, they'll just look at it, maybe fix it and then you'll be fine...
JayJay said:
Ellie nodded as well.
"Yeah, okay..."

She took the offer Emiya gave her but she didn't like it.

Getting her leg checked out by a group of people she didn't trust...

It's fine Ellie, they'll just look at it, maybe fix it and then you'll be fine...
Emiya brings Ellie over and clears the rubble to make a patch for her to lie down.

"Before we do anything; I appreciate that it's probably hard to trust us with something like this; are you okay with us seeing to your leg?"
[QUOTE="Lunar-Eclipse]Mikasa looked straight ahead. Only one block away...then she'd find the cure. It'd be the best thing to happen to her today, or pretty much the entire time she had been trapped in this world.

Upon making his way towards the facility, he managed to catch sight of Mikasa. Waving at her in an attempt to get her attention, Shiki jogged over to her, glad that she (along with his body) was okay. "Hey, there you are! I'm glad you're alright, Mikasa!"
Chids said:
"Hm. I'm glad you're up for it, then. You seem less irritating than my former 'partners'." He said, referring to the people he had talked to for about a total of five minutes. "Come, let's try to make our way to that hospital. Is anything broken?"
She smiled at him still for the compliment, then looking a little more solemn after he asked if anything was broken.

"No, nothing's broken..."

She rubbed her teddy's belly with her thumb.

"Tibbers is still hurt though..."

She heard Leo speak to the group, quickly motioning the man she was with towards them, pulling him along by his wrist.


@Leo Barnes

Akibahara said:
“Yes... sort of. You're a clone of your former self. Technically, you're still dead, you're merely a replica.” He paused, “I've also done some research on your genetics: You have natural resistance to the cold and possess the ability to manipulate ice. Very appealing. If you don't mind...” He clenched his leather chair, icicles forming at the end of it, “... I've transferred some of your DNA into myself.”
He paused.

“You'll serve the company, you'll kill the survivors. If you fail or if you do not comply. I'll be sure to end you. Understand?”


Elsa's eyes widened, horrified by the man's words. She squeezed her eyes shut and gripped both sides of her head. He was lying. She began breathing harder as if having a panic attack.

"You're lying!" she cried out, the ground around her feet freezing. "I'm not dead! I'm not a replica! I'm me! I remember my sister, my friends, and my life. Molly... Solaire... Ellie... I met them!"

The air in the room began to drop in temperature the more she panicked.

Taking a few deep breaths, the queen tried to calm herself down.

"I-I-- I don't have to believe you."

But whether she believed him or not, it didn't change that one fact was true. She was under his thumb for the moment.

Trying to calm down she added, "Why do you want me to kill the other survivors?" She felt a knot form in the pit of her stomach and narrowed her eyes. "They're good people." Some of them, at least.

Solaire nodded at the girl

"I will find your hat miss!"

He bowed and then Solaire went off searching, and found a metal first aid kid, and other medical supplies that managed to survive.

He then found a hat and smiled, snatching it and heading back to the girl.

"Here you go, your helm!"

He put the hat on her head in an odd fashion, he honestly didn't know how to deal with hats but it was goofy.

"Would you also like help with that arm of yours?"

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[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]Emiya brings Ellie over and clears the rubble to make a patch for her to lie down.
"Before we do anything; I appreciate that it's probably hard to trust us with something like this; are you okay with us seeing to your leg?"

Ellie felt helpless, people staring at her like a vulnerable little kid.

"Yeah, just... Don't touch it too much...

I don't wanna hold you all back either..."
Leo was too far to hear them, but he was still smart. He did fire shotgun rounds at random Crossed near the building, covering and cleaning up the route. Once he reached the building, he stopped infront of the building as he guarded the buildings entrance, a pathway clear as he let Debra down onto the wall. He switched the to the MK for long range cover to the group, once inside with the group, he'd switch back over to the shotgun.


@Reaper Jack

Cressy said:

Solaire nodded at the girl

"I will find your hat miss!"

He bowed and then Solaire went off searching, and found a metal first aid kid, and other medical supplies that managed to survive.

He then found a hat and smiled, snatching it and heading back to the girl.

"Here you go, your helm!"

He put the hat on her head in an odd fashion, he honestly didn't know how to deal with hats but it was goofy.

"Would you also like help with that arm of yours?"
Clementine suddenly grinned widely as the Knight found her hat, and then dropping it back on her head. It hung loosely, and she pushed it back upright with her good arm. When the knight asked her if she needed help with her arm, she nodded. "Yes please."

Verite said:
Upon making his way towards the facility, he managed to catch sight of Mikasa. Waving at her in an attempt to get her attention, Shiki jogged over to her, glad that she (along with his body) was okay. "Hey, there you are! I'm glad you're alright, Mikasa!"
Mikasa nodded, "I'm glad you are too. We'd better get going, our destination is just over there." She said pointing towards the building. She readied her gear again just in case there was any other threat before they made it there.

(Probably the last thing I'm gonna post for a few hours. Airplane here I come)
JayJay said:
Ellie felt helpless, people staring at her like a vulnerable little kid.
"Yeah, just... Don't touch it too much...

I don't wanna hold you all back either..."
"I see. You're scared. Not just of us; but your own faults as well. That's understandable. I was the same once. But that's enough talk, let's see to this."

Emiya rolls Ellie's trouser leg up to her knee and makes a visual examination of the wound; friction burning had occurred all across the calf, actual burning from the explosion was also present in the ankle area; the skin had glazed over somewhat; though it didn't look to be to threatening to the girl's general wellbeing. Emiya himself however, did not have the means to treat the wound, he looked up at the others.

"Did anyone pick up some gauze in the hospital? Or at the very least, could we get water here?"
Jeremiah said:
She smiled at him still for the compliment, then looking a little more solemn after he asked if anything was broken.
"No, nothing's broken..."

She rubbed her teddy's belly with her thumb.

"Tibbers is still hurt though..."

She heard Leo speak to the group, quickly motioning the man she was with towards them, pulling him along by his wrist.


@Leo Barnes

He rolled his eyes as she mentioned the teddy bear, but at the same time, he felt a tinge of sympathy. She reminded him of his own children, in a way. The ones he had killed. He then looked to the man she was dragging him towards. The one with the shotgun earlier. He shook his head, coming to a full stop, "I'd rather not listen to a word of what he has to say. Or that any of them has to say."
[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]
"I see. You're scared. Not just of us; but your own faults as well. That's understandable. I was the same once. But that's enough talk, let's see to this."
Emiya rolls Ellie's trouser leg up to her knee and makes a visual examination of the wound; friction burning had occurred all across the calf, actual burning from the explosion was also present in the ankle area; the skin had glazed over somewhat; though it didn't look to be to threatening to the girl's general wellbeing. Emiya himself however, did not have the means to treat the wound, he looked up at the others.

"Did anyone pick up some gauze in the hospital? Or at the very least, could we get water here?"

Ellie didn't want to look back at the state of her leg, instead she looked forward.

Forward to see some of the others walking on.

"Look, I... I'll be okay, it just needs some time..."

She started trying to get up and pull her jeans leg back down.

"I really don't wanna hold you all up... You can just go on, I'll keep up."
Chids said:
He rolled his eyes as she mentioned the teddy bear, but at the same time, he felt a tinge of sympathy. She reminded him of his own children, in a way. The ones he had killed. He then looked to the man she was dragging him towards. The one with the shotgun earlier. He shook his head, coming to a full stop, "I'd rather not listen to a word of what he has to say. Or that any of them has to say."
She noticed him stop, looking at him over her shoulder to see him shake his head, turning around to face him. "I know, I'd rather not either, I didn't even want to come here...but where else are we going to find a group of survivors? If we leave the group, it'll only decrease our chances of living through this, even though some people in the group are trying to kill us..."
Klutzy Ninja Kitty] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7527-akibahara/ said:
Elsa's eyes widened, horrified by the man's words. She squeezed her eyes shut and gripped both sides of her head. He was lying. She began breathing harder as if having a panic attack.

"You're lying!" she cried out, the ground around her feet freezing. "I'm not dead! I'm not a replica! I'm me! I remember my sister, my friends, and my life. Molly... Solaire... Ellie... I met them!"

The air in the room began to drop in temperature the more she panicked.

Taking a few deep breaths, the queen tried to calm herself down.

"I-I-- I don't have to believe you."

But whether she believed him or not, it didn't change that one fact was true. She was under his thumb for the moment.

Trying to calm down she added, "Why do you want me to kill the other survivors?" She felt a knot form in the pit of her stomach and narrowed her eyes. "They're good people." Some of them, at least.


Wesker couldn't help but stifle a dark chuckle, “Elsa, you're a clone of yourself. If you're not aware, the last thing you ever did was use a man's fecal matter as a sex toy.” He leaned back, his sunglasses gleaming against the lamp above, “The Umbrella Corporation has operatives everywhere. We know all. See all. Hear all. We managed to smuggle this back to our labs...”

It was a square box: Do you open it? Y/N?

“The survivors are a pest to the company: Do you understand why Umbrella is trying to kill your friends?” He paused once more, “Of course not, you impudent child. An outbreak occurred early on last year, codename 'Crimson Butterfly.' The side-effects include extreme aggressiveness and, most notably, a red cross on the victim's face. The facility holding the virus sample belonged to the Umbrella Corporation.”

He stood up, pacing back and forth, hands crossed behind his back, “... In another incident much more recently, we held a joint operation with the SCP Foundation. We discovered a device capable of traveling across the multiverse: Any universe, whether fictional or not, we could pull them OUT. Another incident occurred – this time, we pulled something... different, through. It's our job to clean it up.”
Mikasa nodded, "I'm glad you are too. We'd better get going, our destination is just over there." She said pointing towards the building. She readied her gear again just in case there was any other threat before they made it there.

"Yeah," he nodded, "Let's go. No time like the present, right? Right behind you," Shiki said, continuing to walk.
SuperChocoMilk said:
Clementine suddenly grinned widely as the Knight found her hat, and then dropping it back on her head. It hung loosely, and she pushed it back upright with her good arm. When the knight asked her if she needed help with her arm, she nodded. "Yes please."
[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]
"I see. You're scared. Not just of us; but your own faults as well. That's understandable. I was the same once. But that's enough talk, let's see to this."
Emiya rolls Ellie's trouser leg up to her knee and makes a visual examination of the wound; friction burning had occurred all across the calf, actual burning from the explosion was also present in the ankle area; the skin had glazed over somewhat; though it didn't look to be to threatening to the girl's general wellbeing. Emiya himself however, did not have the means to treat the wound, he looked up at the others.

"Did anyone pick up some gauze in the hospital? Or at the very least, could we get water here?"



Solaire smiled and nodded at the girl, he remembered he too was missing his iconic helm, but them he saw a red feather buried next to him, he pulled his helmet out of the rubble and smiled

"Wonderful! My Helmet!"

He put on his helm and then got to trying to heal the girl a bit, he didn't use just magic this time, applied to medical uses of a first aid kit and stuff from his pack, he then looked at the cup of Estus he still had sealed in his pack. How did that thing survive!? He thought of what he should do with the rest.

He looked at the girl and then nodded to himself.

He took a large gauze and coated it with the remains of Estus. He then wrapped the potion coated gauze around the girl's wounds, she would feel intense relief, of course he did this after cleaning the wounds with alcohol like he saw the doctors in the ship do! He was proud that he was learning the medical practices of this world!

"You should be healed within an hour Miss! Keep that band tightly wrapped! Estus is powerful stuff so don't let it go to waste, and always remember to PRAISE THE MIGHTY SUN FOR GIVING ME THE KNOWLEDGE TO HEAL YOU WITH IT'S OH SO GRAND INTELLIGENCE!"

Man these praises were getting ridiculous.

He looked to themanwholookedlikethatwomanandsaidhewasthatwomanandthatitwascomplicated. *Whew* mouthful.

"I have this.... "First aid kit" Is what it's called! But it has a red cross on it, so it might be crossed!"

Solaire said innocently with a cheesy grin​
OOC: Oh, shoot. That's right. I suppose I'll vote for Molly or somethin' somethin'?
JayJay said:
Ellie didn't want to look back at the state of her leg, instead she looked forward.
Forward to see some of the others walking on.

"Look, I... I'll be okay, it just needs some time..."

She started trying to get up and pull her jeans leg back down.

"I really don't wanna hold you all up... You can just go on, I'll keep up."
Emiya looked at the girl; she was brave...or maybe, and more likely, as he had stated earlier, afraid. Fright masquerading as bravery. He'd seen it before, he'd seen it time and again. This girl became one of the few entities that he had ever pitied. Even so...

"You won't keep up. True, an injury like this does just need time. It needs a fortnight to heal over properly. That's too long. You're running, and you know it."

Emiya then noticed Solaire come over and take over healing duties.

"It's okay. We're here to help you. We'll do our best to make sure no-one dies, including you."


"That first aid kit is fine, that cross represents help, not danger."
Bigby smiled while Solaire placed the hat on the head of the little girl. It was amusing someone so silly innocent could survive in such times. He looked around. The bear of the pink haired girl was pretty screwed up. The scent of his wound made Bigby a little bit uncomfortable. He was never sure if it was something about wild animals, but he always hated that bear. It looked dangerous and unstable. He wasn't very fond of the pink haired girl herself either. Anyone who feels pleasure in feeding corpses to a wild animal is... Odd, to say at least. He approached the girl. "Is your pet doing alright? He looks like he could use a slaughtherhouse. Or a vet, if you're that kind of person".


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