[The Murder Game Series] Murder: The Ties that Bind

(It's hard to keep track of all these replies >0<)

TheAlmightyEmperor said:
Rand looked at the young woman who just screamed and said, "It was a grave error on my part. I had mistaken this large... creature and its master for a shadow spawn. But it seems like it's somehow controlled through the source." Rand turned to the little girl, wondering if maybe she could channel Saidar and said, "You mistress. I deeply apologize for my rudeness. I hope you can forgive me. And I was wondering, how do you control such a beast? It's quite amazing"
"Oh, he is a shadow spawn! He's my cute little shadow bear, I found him when I was two!" She giggled, while Tibbers allowed Vi room to have fun with his master. "I turned him into my own little teddy bear to carry around!"
Deeox2 said:
There, the conflict was dealt with. One less thing to deal with.
Delta grasped the coin and held it in his hand for a moment, examining each side. With a flourish, it disappeared behind his back. "I will remember your talk of debts well, hopefully there is not insinuation behind your words."

He turned slightly eyeing the crowd. "The gentleman in a red suit is your ally, the current objective is to find allies. You'd do well to find another, mature in both mind and body and recruit them to the cause. Though, that is not an order, take your time."
[[i'm back! Sorry had to do something for a while.]]

Lann only smiled in response. "There is nothing to worry about my words, for I keep them true." He glanced at the man in the red suit and nodded. "Consider it done." He promptly turned his back to look for allies when he faced the stranger again. "Be careful of whom you choose. This place might be filled with people who are also lost, but all of us keep secrets yes? Instead of one with a mature mind and body, it would be more wise to hire one with need? Someone who depends entirely on you for their survival?" Lann shook his head and went back to his task. "That's for you to decide though." With that, he walked away, looking at every group and alliance forming throughout the area.
Delayinder said:
Isaac lowered the weapon, the targeting lasers flickering and fading.
"I understand your tension, but now is not a time to start throwing things around. Everyone here is clearly more sane than those maniacs outside, and starting a brawl right here will only result in more than a few people dead or maimed," Isaac explained, trying to keep everything calm.

Despite his severe PTSD, Isaac cared for people and resolution --the monster only came out when it was time to draw blood.

He didn't notice the woman that had approached until after he lowered his weapon. He noted her as one of the people who had been part of the earlier standoff with the police officer.

"It's been handled, no more trouble," he said, trying to head off the confrontation before it started.
(( I fixed that post, just so ya know. ))

" Thank goodness... " She let out a sigh of relief, giving the man's armor a once over, noting the glowing visor and tube along the spine, deciding to quietly accept it rather than trouble him with questions. " Welp, if everything is okay, I'm going to go back to being done with all of this, at that reception desk, until we actually have something to do. " Claire had declared, giving the man a small wave before turning around and making her way back over, slowly this time, to the desk she had seemingly favored as a resting place.
I notice a lone individual (GLaDOS) and decide to walk over, as she seems to be in the same boat as I am. "Hi, I'm Garrus Vakarian, and you are?"
Kinzie nodded, she needed all the information she could get. "Okay, so what is todays date and who is the president currently?, also how long has your organization existed?, and how good are you with a gun?, Have you ever had any odd experiences involving things in the sky or strange creatures?" she grabbed a notepad to write this down.
After leaving the red haired girl under the care of the witch and the demon boy, Bigby and started to walk around again. They already had what looked like a mexican standoff and a bit more group tension, but now it looked like everyone had settled. He wanted to talk to somebody, but he had nothing to say, and he seriously doubted that anyone had new information. He expected to see more interesting things, but apparently, that was it. Drawing his gun, he opened its barrel to see if it was loaded. It was, all the eight bullets were inside. He holstered it again. Looking at the armoured man he had seen before, the one who looked like he was using a diving suit. Could he be a law enforcer too, like Chris? He sure looked like he was some sort of killing machine. That suit of him surely made him look like he was the more informed person around. Bigby approached him, while thinking about lighting another cigarette. "Hey... Metal thing. You're military, law enforcement? You can get any radio signals with your special suit?"

Klutzy Ninja Kitty] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/6848-rainbowwave/ said:
@RainbowWave[/URL] @TheAlmightyEmperor
Elsa turned her head from Rand, not catching him use his flames. She was distracted hearing Molly call out to her. She didn't sound exactly right. "I'm coming!" Elsa called back, heading over to the woman. She stopped in front of her, gasping at the blood on her. "What happened to you? Are you all right?" she asked, wandering closer to her.
"Does my pale complexion and bloody clothing make me look alright?" Molly gave a small smile, and pointed to the opened room. "Can you help me look for a needle, and something for stitches, my wound keeps bleeding. I also need antibiotics, but I don't think this room will have any." Molly moved to the room, once again searching for the room light switch. After a short 30 seconds, Molly manged to discover the switch, and flick the dim lighting on. "Eh...better then nothing." The light exposed just how bloody her shirt really was, and the red stain only extended down to the tip of Molly's bluejeans.

Debra kept looking at the man holding and inspecting her wound. "What the fuck is going on anyway?" She said, curiosity striking over her.
Jeremiah said:
(It's hard to keep track of all these replies >0<)
"Oh, he is a shadow spawn! He's my cute little shadow bear, I found him when I was two!" She giggled, while Tibbers allowed Vi room to have fun with his master. "I turned him into my own little teddy bear to carry around!"
(Tell me about it. xD )

Rand was completely and utterly shocked. To be able to turn such a monstrosity into her own servant to use to her every whim is quite the feat. Aes Sedai would have absolutely held her in their thick chains if she were from his time. "Amazing! Young mistress, you are quite gifted. Are there any other of these, er, 'magics' that you can do?"
SuperChocoMilk said:
Clementine backed up slowly, but raised an eyebrow at the thing's name of Protector and Savior. Something about him just seemed safe. She stepped back up to him, and answered his question. "Yes. There's somebody named Molly, she's the girl who's unconscious right now, the one with the ice pick. Then there's the girl cop, I think someone called her Claire. And the other person, who I came here with but I got separated from, is Luke. He should have a machete on his back, he has brown hair." Clementine thought for a minute, looking into the diving suit's glowing "eyes." He seemed friendly, even though he was slightly intimidating. "I'm Clementine. Who are you?"
There was something of a chuckle in Delta's voice as he answered Clementine's question simply. " Clementine, my name is Delta." Perhaps the role of protector was physically implanted in his DNA. "We will allow Molly to rest. For now, we shall find 'Luke.'"

He briefly though of Lann's words. Yes, a child would satisfy that. With two careful hands, Delta raised Clementine swiftly and set her down on his shoulder. "Luke," he repeated, standing tall to look above the crowd. Even though the arsenals of the group were different in tastes and styles, it was easy to spot the one man with the specific blade on his back. "There."

He stepped carefully this time, trying to not break the tiling but still failing in every attempt. That's when the detective caught his attention.

"I would have you know that this is a modified diving suit, built for combat, yes, but I am not part of any organization. I am not entirely sure my radio works right now anyway."

@The Gil
LunarDiscord said:
(( I fixed that post, just so ya know. ))
" Thank goodness... " She let out a sigh of relief, giving the man's armor a once over, noting the glowing visor and tube along the spine, deciding to quietly accept it rather than trouble him with questions. " Welp, if everything is okay, I'm going to go back to being done with all of this, at that reception desk, until we actually have something to do. " Claire had declared, giving the man a small wave before turning around and making her way back over, slowly this time, to the desk she had seemingly favored as a resting place.
TheAlmightyEmperor said:
(Tell me about it. xD )
Rand was completely and utterly shocked. To be able to turn such a monstrosity into her own servant to use to her every whim is quite the feat. Aes Sedai would have absolutely held her in their thick chains if she were from his time. "Amazing! Young mistress, you are quite gifted. Are there any other of these, er, 'magics' that you can do?"
Once again being left to his own devices, Isaac set to wandering around listening to people and their conversations. He no longer dripped blood but his armor was certainly still caked in it. He figured his appearance would be a little off-putting , but there was nothing he could really do about it right at the moment.

So, for the time being he simply listened and gathered information -likely until someone approached him.
MattieLee said:
Kinzie nodded, she needed all the information she could get. "Okay, so what is todays date and who is the president currently?, also how long has your organization existed?, and how good are you with a gun?, Have you ever had any odd experiences involving things in the sky or strange creatures?" she grabbed a notepad to write this down.
Chris sighed, “It's April 22nd, 2014, and the President is Barrack Obama. We've existed for a few good years, and I'm an excellent marksman and no... no strange experiences with sky creatures, aliens, or extraterrestrial overlords.
TheAlmightyEmperor said:
(Tell me about it. xD )
Rand was completely and utterly shocked. To be able to turn such a monstrosity into her own servant to use to her every whim is quite the feat. Aes Sedai would have absolutely held her in their thick chains if she were from his time. "Amazing! Young mistress, you are quite gifted. Are there any other of these, er, 'magics' that you can do?"
"Oh yeah, totally!" She excitedly replied, hopping up from Tibbers' hold. Tibbers laughed lowly as he watched his cute master start waving her arms around as they became covered in bright flames, raising an open palm to her mouth before blowing flames out from it and giggling. She then crouched on the ground as sparks began to flutter off the ground in front of her, before a large pillar of flame popped up from the ground, though they were controlled, and wouldn't spread. The pillar began swirling around before flying into Tibbers' mouth, causing him to burp out a puff of black smoke.
[[ Hey, hey, looking for more peeps to talk to!! C: ]]

Lann circled around and walked past all sorts of groups forming. Here and there he heard some tidbits of information, but not much to make anything out of it, aside from personalities and temperament. He finally stopped walking and stood still, trying to assess the situation. "Anyone want to forge an alliance?" He called out, waiting for a response or two. If someone is in need, they'll be the one to approach, no need to waste his strength to persuade stubborn minds.
Jeremiah said:
"Oh yeah, totally!" She excitedly replied, hopping up from Tibbers' hold. Tibbers laughed lowly as he watched his cute master start waving her arms around as they became covered in bright flames, raising an open palm to her mouth before blowing flames out from it and giggling. She then crouched on the ground as sparks began to flutter off the ground in front of her, before a large pillar of flame popped up from the ground, though they were controlled, and wouldn't spread. The pillar began swirling around before flying into Tibbers' mouth, causing him to burp out a puff of black smoke.
*laughs and claps with my gauntlets so it is well heard.*Always loved that one.
Kinzie scoffed, sure it might be obvious to him but she had to know this basic info. "Fine, alright so this is the same time and date but indeed an alternate reality, the saints never existed so Obama is still president and hey if there are those things outside and the bio hazards don't keep the thought of aliens out of the picture" little did she know Matt was with Dandy, someone who had seen many aliens.
Bombielonia said:
Rolled her eyes at him, smirking as she replies: ".. Li-.. Ex lieutenant Debra, Miami homicide." she eyed him up and down as they conversed.
(Be right back, breakfast.)

Leo's eyes glistened with glee, he was speaking to an officer from across the country. He grabbed a gauze pad and tweasers from the duffle bag on his back "Sergeant Barnes, LAPD, Newton Division." He kept looking at her arm before raising the length of the shirt. He quickly came to work as he began to use the tweezers to find the bullet.
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MattieLee said:
Kinzie scoffed, sure it might be obvious to him but she had to know this basic info. "Fine, alright so this is the same time and date but indeed an alternate reality, the saints never existed so Obama is still president and hey if there are those things outside and the bio hazards don't keep the thought of aliens out of the picture" little did she know Matt was with Dandy, someone who had seen many aliens.
Chris paused, “By the way, I never caught your name? I understand you're good with tech, from what I overheard, you and your boyfriend over there. If you can, I'd be thankful if you can somehow fix my transmitter.
Matt noticed a walking robot-man and then ignored Dandy to fawn over the designs "Oh my Nyteblade your beautiful!, such complex components!, tell me who manages your armor and mechanics?"
Delayinder said:
Once again being left to his own devices, Isaac set to wandering around listening to people and their conversations. He no longer dripped blood but his armor was certainly still caked in it. He figured his appearance would be a little off-putting , but there was nothing he could really do about it right at the moment.
So, for the time being he simply listened and gathered information -likely until someone approached him.
I shrug, and walk away from the woman who hasn't responded, walking over to Isaac, leaving my weapons holstered. "No one to talk to?" I ask him. I'm easily taller than him, as I'm a Turian.

(lol, Matt got distracted and left you Dandy)

Kinzie suddenly got furious and blushed when he called matt her boyfriend, for christ's sake he tried to kill her because the government was getting in his way, haha she won the war of wits in the long run though. She resisted the urge to slap this man and just yelled instead. "HE ISN'T MY BOYFRIEND!!" sounded like she was about to strangle him or something.

"Amazing! This is certainly impressive. Tell me, what is your 'magic' like? Must you reach out towards something, or does it come to you naturally? Oh, and in return for showing me something interesting, I'll show you something as well." A ball of blue light appeared in front of Rand, then a ball of green light, then red, and then many countless balls of color were appearing and disappearing, circling each other, forming into rings and going through each other into quite a beautiful display of light. "How did you like that, little miss?"

Rand suddenly noticed that the insectile man was walking away.
"Hey! Wait, where are you going?."

((I didn't want to steal your partner delayinder, sorry if I made it appear so.): ))
No luck. If that big tin man wasn't getting signals by now, nobody else would. At least that armour would be useful in case the infected decided to drop by. A theory was developing on his mind, and it said that everyone there was a deputy to each of their own "reigns", but after the man stated that he wasn't in any organization, the theory went down the flush. "Combat built, huh? Don't you feel kinda weird inside? It sure look uncomfortable as hell, as if you were inside a hardware factory".

Saturnice01 said:
I shrug, and walk away from the woman who hasn't responded, walking over to Isaac, leaving my weapons holstered. "No one to talk to?" I ask him. I'm easily taller than him, as I'm a Turian.
At six feet in height, Isaac Clarke was not a short man --but the alien certainly had him beat. Beyond the point of questioning what is going on, he once again took what he saw at face value. Clearly alien. Clearly non-hostile.

"Plenty to talk to, just a man who is expecting to wake up somewhere else. Odd that this nightmare is technically better than where I came from," he explained, too tired to reserve himself really. "I can see this all going wrong already --these cliques forming. Like-minded people falling in with one another and those who are running the rim left out. It's a dangerous progression --a slippery slope, and it could turn this whole thing into a powder keg. Unity is our best bet, but at the same time a healthy suspicion will keep us alive."


When he heard the other man call to him again, he looked back over his shoulder.

"Information is power, friend --so are numbers. A small group is better than a single pair."
TheAlmightyEmperor said:
"Amazing! This is certainly impressive. Tell me, what is your 'magic' like? Must you reach out towards something, or does it come to you naturally? Oh, and in return for showing me something interesting, I'll show you something as well." A ball of blue light appeared in front of Rand, then a ball of green light, then red, and then many countless balls of color were appearing and disappearing, circling each other, forming into rings and going through each other into quite a beautiful display of light. "How did you like that, little miss?"

Rand suddenly noticed that the insectile man was walking away.
"Hey! Wait, where are you going?."

((I didn't want to steal your partner delayinder, sorry if I made it appear so.): ))
Woah... Cool lights...

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