Ready for the Shit Show, Shaka Brah
Nick Fury gazed at Ariel with his one good eye, "I don't think you're suited to hold that, ma'am. Here, you look like that one mermaid from that Disney movie back in the '60s... or was it '70s? I'm not sure." He hefted a rather large gun, it looked futuristic in appearance, with a soft tune radiating from it, "... We found it not too long ago. Many call it 'The Dubstep Gun.' It's simple. All you have to do it point at a target, shoot, and they literally dance themselves to death. We... have no clue as to how it works or if it works on cyborgs or machines or large organic entities."Xibilation said:Ariel had no barnacling idea what she was doing.
She had been bored, sitting in the medical bay. Although it was called a "bay", there was no water whatsoever! It was atrocious. But since there was no water, there was absolutely nothing to do. Nada. Ariel figured that she would need to train a bit so that she could defend herself against the Crossed.
If she wasn't going to kill them, she may as well try.
So, she stood in what's called the "weapons room", holding a trident. It was SUPER heavy, but it was the only "weapon" she semi knew how to use. Ariel dragged it over to a dummy, and tried to lift it.
No such luck.
It was a lot harder above water. Ariel grunted, putting her back into it, and still couldn't lift it.
Ariel dropped the trident and sat down on the ground. She sighed. She was completely useless. There was absolutely no way she could survive. None. She was so caught up in her self pity that she almost didn't hear the man who cleared his throat.
It was the eyepatch man.
((Aki you better wake up and answer >.> ))