[The Murder Game Series] Murder: The Ties that Bind

Xibilation said:
Ariel had no barnacling idea what she was doing.
She had been bored, sitting in the medical bay. Although it was called a "bay", there was no water whatsoever! It was atrocious. But since there was no water, there was absolutely nothing to do. Nada. Ariel figured that she would need to train a bit so that she could defend herself against the Crossed.

If she wasn't going to kill them, she may as well try.

So, she stood in what's called the "weapons room", holding a trident. It was SUPER heavy, but it was the only "weapon" she semi knew how to use. Ariel dragged it over to a dummy, and tried to lift it.

No such luck.

It was a lot harder above water. Ariel grunted, putting her back into it, and still couldn't lift it.

Ariel dropped the trident and sat down on the ground. She sighed. She was completely useless. There was absolutely no way she could survive. None. She was so caught up in her self pity that she almost didn't hear the man who cleared his throat.

It was the eyepatch man.

((Aki you better wake up and answer >.> ))
Nick Fury gazed at Ariel with his one good eye, "I don't think you're suited to hold that, ma'am. Here, you look like that one mermaid from that Disney movie back in the '60s... or was it '70s? I'm not sure." He hefted a rather large gun, it looked futuristic in appearance, with a soft tune radiating from it, "... We found it not too long ago. Many call it 'The Dubstep Gun.' It's simple. All you have to do it point at a target, shoot, and they literally dance themselves to death. We... have no clue as to how it works or if it works on cyborgs or machines or large organic entities."

MrDubWubs said:
*I wake up with Annie in my arms, asleep, after we slept on the bed where she and Adam phornocated. I shift away to leave her on the bed alone. I stand up and tuck her in patting her head. I leave the room quietly closing the door behind me. I stretch when outside and yawn. I look around to see who is up but it is interrupted by a loud growl from my stomach.* Well time for food... *I make my way to the cafeteria slowly*
@JayJay @Jeremiah
Ellie just came out of the cafetaria, thinking about everything that had been happening.

Completely lost in though, she didn't notice the woman with pink hair in front of her.

She walked into Vi...

"Omf! Oh! I uh... I'm sorry, I didn't see you..."

Ellie noticed the gauntlet the woman was wearing, she frowned in confusion.
JayJay said:
Ellie just came out of the cafetaria, thinking about everything that had been happening.
Completely lost in though, she didn't notice the woman with pink hair in front of her.

She walked into Vi...

"Omf! Oh! I uh... I'm sorry, I didn't see you..."

Ellie noticed the gauntlet the woman was wearing, she frowned in confusion.
*to tired to really react* h-huh? oh its ok...

From the moment Ellie saw the woman's gauntlet, she didn't stop staring at it.

"... Do you really need a glove that big? It looks heavy too."
Akibahara said:
Nick Fury gazed at Ariel with his one good eye, "I don't think you're suited to hold that, ma'am. Here, you look like that one mermaid from that Disney movie back in the '60s... or was it '70s? I'm not sure." He hefted a rather large gun, it looked futuristic in appearance, with a soft tune radiating from it, "... We found it not too long ago. Many call it 'The Dubstep Gun.' It's simple. All you have to do it point at a target, shoot, and they literally dance themselves to death. We... have no clue as to how it works or if it works on cyborgs or machines or large organic entities."
(Yeeey~ Time to bring out those Sick SwagyoloMLG Jams!)
JayJay said:
From the moment Ellie saw the woman's gauntlet, she didn't stop staring at it.

"... Do you really need a glove that big? It looks heavy too."
*notices you staring and feels a little empowered* Well.. they are but it just means im strong enough to use them. Also bigger is better *smiles weakly as i'm quite hungry*

Ellie smirked.

"They look really cool! Hey listen, maybe you can tell me about what you can do with em while you eat?

I mean, I have nothing else to do anyway, so... If you don't mind, I can stick with yu for a while."
Akibahara said:
Nick Fury gazed at Ariel with his one good eye, "I don't think you're suited to hold that, ma'am. Here, you look like that one mermaid from that Disney movie back in the '60s... or was it '70s? I'm not sure." He hefted a rather large gun, it looked futuristic in appearance, with a soft tune radiating from it, "... We found it not too long ago. Many call it 'The Dubstep Gun.' It's simple. All you have to do it point at a target, shoot, and they literally dance themselves to death. We... have no clue as to how it works or if it works on cyborgs or machines or large organic entities."

Ariel frowned, hesitantly taking the gun from him. "But why would I want to kill anyone? I know the Crossed are nasty but couldn't you just make them dance away instead of to death? Besides, the trident is my daddy's weapon," Ariel said proudly, lifting her chin up, "he would..." Her voice cracked. Actually, she wouldn't know what Daddy would want.... He wasn't there.

Ariel looked away from eyepatch man, hoping he didn't catch her mistake. "Can't you just get me a smaller and lighter one?"

((And The Little Mermaid was made in the 90s, dummy))
JayJay said:
Ellie smirked.

"They look really cool! Hey listen, maybe you can tell me about what you can do with em while you eat?

I mean, I have nothing else to do anyway, so... If you don't mind, I can stick with yu for a while."
*yawns* sure why not *goes to get food*
Ellie followed Vi when she went to go get food.

"So what's the deal, are you like... a superhero or something?

And you use that fist to beat bad guys' faces in, like BRAAWWHH!"

She yelled, thrusting her fist forward into the air.

Xibilation said:
Ariel frowned, hesitantly taking the gun from him. "But why would I want to kill anyone? I know the Crossed are nasty but couldn't you just make them dance away instead of to death? Besides, the trident is my daddy's weapon," Ariel said proudly, lifting her chin up, "he would..." Her voice cracked. Actually, she wouldn't know what Daddy would want.... He wasn't there.
Ariel looked away from eyepatch man, hoping he didn't catch her mistake. "Can't you just get me a smaller and lighter one?"

((And The Little Mermaid was made in the 90s, dummy))
Nick Fury genuinely smiled, wagging his finger at her, “C'mere, I have a secret to tell you...” He inched closer, his lips next to her ear, “QUIT BEIN' A BITCH AND KILL SOME SOME FOOLS.” Damn, that shit was loud. He ripped the Dubstep Gun from her dainty little mermaid hands, replacing it with a smaller Trident, “... And there you go,” Nick said, that same all-encompassing disarming smile crept on his black-ass features.
JayJay said:
Ellie followed Vi when she went to go get food.
"So what's the deal, are you like... a superhero or something?

And you use that fist to beat bad guys' faces in, like BRAAWWHH!"

She yelled, thrusting her fist forward into the air.

*chuckles* Well i'm an officer. so kinda I guess *detaches the gauntlets from my hands as I put the food on a plate*
Akibahara said:
Nick Fury genuinely smiled, wagging his finger at her, “C'mere, I have a secret to tell you...” He inched closer, his lips next to her ear, “QUIT BEIN' A BITCH AND KILL SOME SOME FOOLS.” Damn, that shit was loud. He ripped the Dubstep Gun from her dainty little mermaid hands, replacing it with a smaller Trident, “... And there you go,” Nick said, that same all-encompassing disarming smile crept on his black-ass features.
Ariel jumped away from him as he shouted at her, eyebrows shooting towards the sky and eyes as wide as saucers. She clutched her trident in her left hand, even though she was right handed. "B-but I already killed one.... It was horrible...." she whispered, looking at her missing pointer-through-pinky fingers.

When the eyepatch man looked at her darkly Ariel took a step back. "I-I mean, yay death?"

"Wait, you're a cop? Holy shit, that's awesome!

I would hate to be a bad guy with you around.

I mean, getting one of those things smacked into your face..."

Ellie cringed, imagining the pain that would bring.

"How many bad guys did you beat already?"
Xibilation said:
Ariel jumped away from him as he shouted at her, eyebrows shooting towards the sky and eyes as wide as saucers. She clutched her trident in her left hand, even though she was right handed. "B-but I already killed one.... It was horrible...." she whispered, looking at her missing pointer-through-pinky fingers.
When the eyepatch man looked at her darkly Ariel took a step back. "I-I mean, yay death?"
(( Goin' traditional Samuel L. Jackson in dis bitch))

“That's right, motherfucka. Death. That's how the world works now.” He paused, crossing his arms, “By the way, what's your name again?”
JayJay said:
"Wait, you're a cop? Holy shit, that's awesome!

I would hate to be a bad guy with you around.

I mean, getting one of those things smacked into your face..."

Ellie cringed, imagining the pain that would bring.

"How many bad guys did you beat already?"
Um... *doesn't want her to know i've only took out a few.. and Jinx of course* To many to count *is embarrassed I have to lie to seem cool*
Akibahara said:
(( Goin' traditional Samuel L. Jackson on** dis bitch))
“That's right, motherfucka. Death. That's how the world works now.” He paused, crossing his arms, “By the way, what's your name again?”
Ariel held her head up a tad bit higher as she said her title. "Princess Ariel, formerly of Atlantis and now of the Southern-Aqua Kingdom."
Xibilation said:
Ariel held her head up a tad bit higher as she said her title. "Princess Ariel, formerly of Atlantis and now of the Southern-Aqua Kingdom."
“Ahhh, a Princess! Yo, Jacobs, we got a princess here!” A SHIELD agent chuckled, typing into a blue-lit hologram, “You know what'd be a really good fuckin' idea! You, Princess Ariel, formerly of Atlantis and now of the Southern-I-don't-give-a-fuck, you're deploying out first. That's right, you're going to SEE shit. Like a fuckin' 'Nam vet. 'Cept, instead of the Viet Cong, you're going to be ass-up in Crossed who want nothing more THAN TO SKULL-FUCK YOUR DAINTY-ASS! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?”

Klutzy Ninja Kitty] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/3134-cressy/ said:
((Aw Alrighty. Elsa will win. xD I gotta go here soon myself. I'll start wrapping up their conversation then. haha.))

Elsa moved at a medium pace, surprised he was gaining on her. She picked up her pace--not wanting to lose at one of the things she considered herself best at--sweating a little as she made it to the wall, her hand just barely brushing it before his did. Panting, she turned to face him. "I win, but I underestimated you a little. You did pretty good, Sir Solaris," she said with a smile. "Thanks for the race. It looks like I get a favor. But if you would have won, tell me, what would you have asked of me?" she questioned, curiously.

She grunted shortly after speaking, feeling an old wound on her shoulder start to bleed again. She had forgotten entirely that she had intended to head to the medical bay to look for the doctor she had requested! Realizing this, Elsa knew she should probably leave in a moment.
Solaire sighed as he reached the wall, he laughed hardily and said

"I could probably never best the Queen of Ice at her own game!" He clapped at her and bowed

He raised a brow when she asked what he would ask as a favor, he was indebted to her now right? He thought about it.

"I am not sure, I cannot so boldly ask a queen like yourself of something, I might have asked you to take the favor yourself..."

"If not maybe I would have asked to allow me to serve you dinne-!?"

Solaire saw her wound start to bleed and he made a ( :0 ) expression again.

"Elsa you're wounded! Allow me to heal you." He said

He placed an hand over the wound she had and light emitted from it, with his other hand he shook a chime with the handle shaped like a dragon. He casted a healing spell and the floor around them glowed a seal, when he was done Elsa's wound was healed, only leaving a slight soreness.

"Are you alright?"

"Woah... You're awesome!

Hey, do you think I could wear those?"

Ellie was very excited about all this, it was like talking to a superhero.
Akibahara said:
“Blah blah blah, shit Ariel doesn't like."

Ariel gasped, horrified at the thought of facing more Crossed. "A-are we going to be near water? Barnacles, I need to train. Is there a pool here? Please tell me there's a pool. I-I need to practice Daddy's powers and using the trident and- the magic lady!"

Ariel ran off, not giving Nick a chance to respond as she went to find Wynne.
JayJay said:
"Woah... You're awesome!

Hey, do you think I could wear those?"

Ellie was very excited about all this, it was like talking to a superhero.
*smiles feeling like i'm appreciated* Um you can try, but it takes a while to set up*takes a bite from a biscuit*
Cressy said:
Solaire sighed as he reached the wall, he laughed hardily and said
"I could probably never best the Queen of Ice at her own game!" He clapped at her and bowed

He raised a brow when she asked what he would ask as a favor, he was indebted to her now right? He thought about it.

"I am not sure, I cannot so boldly ask a queen like yourself of something, I might have asked you to take the favor yourself..."

"If not maybe I would have asked to allow me to serve you dinne-!?"

Solaire saw her wound start to bleed and he made a ( :0 ) expression again.

"Elsa you're wounded! Allow me to heal you." He said

He placed an hand over the wound she had and light emitted from it, with his other hand he shook a chime with the handle shaped like a dragon. He casted a healing spell and the floor around them glowed a seal, when he was done Elsa's wound was healed, only leaving a slight soreness.

"Are you alright?"
"Perhaps not now, but if you continue to practice you will be a worthy opponent to race," Elsa admitted with a smile. The queen listened to part of his favor, only hearing half of it until he exclaimed in shock seeing her wound. "You can heal?" she asked, looking down at her arm in surprise. "That's a wonderful gift you have. I'm much better now, thank you." She rubbed her shoulder before glancing to him again.

"I've actually had a lot of fun this evening. That isn't something I get to enjoy often, especially with all the chaos going on now, so I thank you. I will have to go soon, however, because I am supposed to meet up with a friend in while. Now what was that about serving me something?" she asked with a laugh. She didn't catch him say "dinner" but had caught the part about serving. "I thought that if you won, I was supposed to give you a favor? How does serving me count as a favor to you?"

"Alright!" she yelled in excitement.

Ellie immediately reached for one of the gauntlets and tried to lift it with both hands.

".. Nnnf... Oh fuck... Hnnnng..."

Using all her power, she managed to only lift it up for a second, about half an inch up, then she dropped it again, sweating.

"F-Fuck man, that's heavy..."

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