[The Murder Game Series] Murder: The Ties that Bind

Cressy said:

Solaire turned to see a man punch a hole in the wall.

"Hello wall punching brethren! Are you here to PRAISE THE SUN as well and rejoice at the power of JOLLY CO-OPERATION!"

Some would probably think Solaire as naive and too trustworthy, but to be honest.

He was suspicious of everyone after he was killed.​
Katniss, wakes stretching out her limbs underneath the scratching sheets..

Why have I got so much space..?

Her eyes flicker open stiff from sleep - she wipes them clear peering around the dank room, as her eyes adjust to the low light, her heart leaps.


She scrambles around the room searching for a note.. There wasn't one, Katniss pulls on her clothes sitting on the bed racking her brain. This was a large ship she didn't want to be asking around for her again. Katniss puts her fingers through her pushing it back..

What did she say yesterday?

Katniss thinks back to their last conversation, frowning..

Her leg..!

Katniss' mood lightens and heart beat slows..

She's probably just getting her bandage changed..

She would stand up, feeling foolish once again jumping to conclusions.. She stands up walking towards the door, making her way to the 'Medical Bay'

As Katniss passes the lobby, she would walk to the receptionist providing there was one..

"Excuse me, has a girl called Ellie.. Come in to get her bandages attended to?"

She would peer at the elderly woman in the reception, also dressed in the smart uniform of the nurses - she would be applying lipstick twelve shades too wrong, her eyes heavily made up sagging under the looseness of her skin - the grey curls of her dying hair flop besides her ears. Staring deeply into a small pocket mirror she looks up towards Katniss' general direction lighting up a cigaret blowing the smoke into her face.



Cressy said:

Solaire turned to see a man punch a hole in the wall.

"Hello wall punching brethren! Are you here to PRAISE THE SUN as well and rejoice at the power of JOLLY CO-OPERATION!"

Some would probably think Solaire as naive and too trustworthy, but to be honest.

He was suspicious of everyone after he was killed.​
*looks at him cocking my head and blinks with confusion* Um I guess the cooperation part?...
Cressy said:

Solaire turned to see a man punch a hole in the wall.

"Hello wall punching brethren! Are you here to PRAISE THE SUN as well and rejoice at the power of JOLLY CO-OPERATION!"

Some would probably think Solaire as naive and too trustworthy, but to be honest.

He was suspicious of everyone after he was killed.​
Leo had enough time to finish up, taking in the Acetaminophen pills as to dull the pain once the Morphine faded away. He walked back to the medical bay and hugged Solaire. "Hey, your back!"
"Whoa shit." Was Luke's first response to the woman suddenly coming through the fucking wall. That couldn't be good. "You sure that's a good idea?" Clementine responded to the woman, questioning the structural integrity of the Helicarrier.
SuperChocoMilk said:
"Whoa shit." Was Luke's first response to the woman suddenly coming through the fucking wall. That couldn't be good. "You sure that's a good idea?" Clementine responded to the woman, questioning the structural integrity of the Helicarrier.
I heard a scream and was left alone. I panicked so this is the response.
Finally, Ellie decided to get up and leave the room.

She's gotta be around here somewhere...

She wandered around for a minute or two when she sighed.

"Ugh... She is gonna be so pissed..."

Continuing on, Ellie didn't find a sign of Katniss for a good while.

When she decided to leave the medical bay and head back to her room, she saw Katniss standing at the reception.

She smiled widely.

"Morning, Katniss." she said while walking up to her.

"Listen, uh... Sorry for leaving you again... I promise I won't do that again."

No fucking way I'm doing that again.

Ellie wasn't planning on leaving Katniss' side for more than a minute ever again.

She's the only one I can trust. Keep that in mind Ellie, only her. She'll protect you.

JayJay said:
Finally, Ellie decided to get up and leave the room.
She's gotta be around here somewhere...

She wandered around for a minute or two when she sighed.

"Ugh... She is gonna be so pissed..."

Continuing on, Ellie didn't find a sign of Katniss for a good while.

When she decided to leave the medical bay and head back to her room, she saw Katniss standing at the reception.

She smiled widely.

"Morning, Katniss." she said while walking up to her.

"Listen, uh... Sorry for leaving you again... I promise I won't do that again."

No fucking way I'm doing that again.

Ellie wasn't planning on leaving Katniss' side for more than a minute ever again.

She's the only one I can trust. Keep that in mind Ellie, only her. She'll protect you.

MrDubWubs said:
I heard a scream and was left alone. I panicked so this is the response.
"Yeah, I get that, but I'm not sure the Helicarrier is exactly...used to getting hole's punched in it." Luke said, crossing his arms.
SuperChocoMilk said:
"Yeah, I get that, but I'm not sure the Helicarrier is exactly...used to getting hole's punched in it." Luke said, crossing his arms.
*looks at the ceiling and ground then stomps on the ground* Its seems fine to me.
[QUOTE="Leo Barnes]Leo had enough time to finish up, taking in the Acetaminophen pills as to dull the pain once the Morphine faded away. He walked back to the medical bay and hugged Solaire. "Hey, your back!"


Solaire smiled with joy happy that others were warmly welcoming him once again, he bear hugged Leo and lifted him off his feet, embracing him with all his might.


((Brb gonna go for a small break for like a few minutes probs)​
MrDubWubs said:
*looks at the ceiling and ground then stomps on the ground* Its seems fine to me.
Leo turned his attention to the woman "Just stop making holes on the ship. We're it's guests, not it's tax payers."
[QUOTE="Leo Barnes]Leo turned his attention to the woman "Just stop making holes on the ship. We're it's guests, not it's tax payers."

*imitates a mouth with my hand with your voice* Yeah yeah I understand
At hearing Leo's voice, Luke suddenly perked up, having remembered the pistols. "Oh, yeah, Leo, right? I forgot about this." He held out Leo's previous pistol, offering it back to him. "I got a new one, you can have this one back."

@Leo Barnes
Cressy said:

Solaire smiled with joy happy that others were warmly welcoming him once again, he bear hugged Leo and lifted him off his feet, embracing him with all his might.


((Brb gonna go for a small break for like a few minutes probs)​
He felt like dying from the hug.

"Yep, l-love you too'!" His breath giving out "Can't.... Breath!" 

SuperChocoMilk said:
At hearing Leo's voice, Luke suddenly perked up, having remembered the pistols. "Oh, yeah, Leo, right? I forgot about this." He held out Leo's previous pistol, offering it back to him. "I got a new one, you can have this one back."
@Leo Barnes
He grinned, grabbing it as he put it in the police uniforms belt. All he wore today was jeans and a black shirt, the bullet proof vest back at the Cabin. "Thank you. First person to give me my guns back!" 

MrDubWubs said:
*imitates a mouth with my hand with your voice* Yeah yeah I understand
"Hey, just because we're out of Cali and Las Vegas, doesn't mean I'm not a police officer. Show some respect."
*looks around amongst the crowd* Where is Annie? 

[QUOTE="Leo Barnes]He felt like dying from the hug.
"Yep, l-love you too'!" His breath giving out "Can't.... Breath!" 

He grinned, grabbing it as he put it in the police uniforms belt. All he wore today was jeans and a black shirt, the bullet proof vest back at the Cabin. "Thank you. First person to give me my guns back!" 

"Hey, just because we're out of Cali and Las Vegas, doesn't mean I'm not a police officer. Show some respect."

I'm an officer too, so *sticks my tongue out*
"If you're an officer, you sure don't act like it." Luke said, crossing his arms and leaning next to the giant open hole in the Helicarrier. "Destroying stuff, being immature. I mean, of all the childish bullshit, you stuck your tongue out at him."

MrDubWubs said:
*looks around amongst the crowd* Where is Annie? 

I'm an officer too, so *sticks my tongue out*
"Really? From where?" He walked up to the female "As far as I know, I'm a legal Police Seargent of the Los Angeles Police Department of the United States." He gently nudged her with his index finger, the bandaged hand a bit bloodied. "Not from your fairy tail land. Know what that means? My jurisdiction even works on this ship." He was becoming more suspicious of her.

Jeremiah said:
(I want someone to tell herrrrrrr! ^0^ )
// "She's being screwed by a random man she just met. No biggie. I still have a shotgun, an AK74U, and an MK14 EBR. And that's just for starters."

Wicked grin.

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