• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern THE MUNDANE - Characters




You may have up to 2 characters
One post per writer, please.

As far as the Character Sheets go, you may spruce them up as much as you would like as long as you include all of the information that I’ve asked for — it’s up to you to use your initiative and add what you think is necessary. I also ask that you use realistic images; if you’re not sure who to use as your face claim, I’ve included a link to a face claim directory down below.



[INDENT][h1][i]Character First Name/Font Meme Text[/i][/h1][/INDENT]

[INDENT][sup][b]“[/b]INSERT EDGY QUOTE HERE.[b]”[/b][/sup][/INDENT]





[INDENT]full name / nickname(s)[/INDENT]

[INDENT][indent]First. Middle. Last.[/indent][/INDENT]

[INDENT]gender / sexuality[/INDENT]

[INDENT][indent]Female, Male, Non-Binary, Whatever.[/INDENT]

[INDENT]Self explanatory.[/indent][/INDENT]

[INDENT]age / grade level[/INDENT]

[INDENT][indent]Between the ages of fourteen and eighteen, grade levels nine through twelve.[/indent][/INDENT]


[INDENT][indent]If you have a job, go ahead and drop it.[/indent][/INDENT]

[INDENT]physical appearance[/INDENT]

[INDENT][indent]Doesn't have to be super long. Include things such as ethnicity, tattoos, scars/markings, etc. Also feel free to include their future "super suit" if they'll have one.[/indent][/INDENT]



[INDENT][indent]Does not have to be super long. One paragraph at the least.[/indent][/INDENT]


[INDENT][indent]Superpower and what all it entails as well as strengths and weaknesses.[/INDENT]

[INDENT]Should have great limitations. You're still noobs.[/indent][/INDENT]


[INDENT][indent]Common knowledge; things that your close friends know about.[/INDENT]

[INDENT]Include place of origin, life for your character up until this point, their reputation, how they felt while they had the virus, etc.[/indent][/INDENT]


[INDENT]extracurricular activities[/INDENT]

[INDENT][indent]Whatever you do in your free time, whether it be play video games or a participate in a team sport.[/indent][/INDENT]

[INDENT]supporting cast[/INDENT]

[INDENT][indent]Family | NPCs. This section is also optional, but it would be nice if you used this section to keep track of your NPCs.[/indent][/INDENT]


[INDENT][indent]Whatever else you feel the need to include. You can even include a cool theme song if you wish.[/indent]





You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing.



full name / nickname(s)
Cameron Michelle Eastwood​
Cam; The only person who calls Cameron by her full name is her mother. To everyone else, she is simply Cam.
Cammy; Zoya was the only person who called her Cammy. Now that Zoya is gone, Cam will blow up at anyone who uses the nickname.

gender / sexuality
Female | Bisexual

age / grade level
Eighteen | 12th Grade​

She makes pizzas at Grimaldi's Pizzeria​

physical appearance
At first glance, Cam appears to be cold and calculating, her expression always one that leads people to believe this. Her strong case of "resting bitch face" gives her a somewhat unfriendly air, though she doesn't mind that it puts people off. She is a curvy black woman, standing at five feet, seven inches tall and weighing in at a little over one hundred thirty pounds. Her skin is beautifully dark, darker than any glancing touch of the sun could ever produce. Brown, thick locks of hair cascade down her back and curls around her youthful face. You'll usually see her with her hair straightened, however, as it is easier to manage. She has a prominent nose and full lips that always look poised to speak something important. But her most compelling feature is her piercing brown eyes that can change from affection to aversion without notice.​
Cameron carries herself elegantly with good posture, long confident strides, and her head held high. Due to this and her love of high heels, she often looks taller than she really is. Speckling her nose are freckles that are slightly darker than her skin, though she'll usually cover these freckles, as well as any other blemishes, with a thin layer of concealer and foundation. When smiling, you can see that she has two rows of perfectly white teeth, a slight overbite present. Cameron often times finds herself applying a full face of makeup before her day begins. The young woman has her belly button pierced, as well as her nose and ear lobes. She also has three tattoos on her arm and thigh, all of which she got recently on her eighteenth birthday.​
When it comes to his fashion sense, Cameron surprisingly likes to keep it simple. When out and about, you'll usually see her wearing pants or jeans, a plain T-shirt, and a pair of sneakers or heels. When it's cold, she'll switch the T-shirt out for a solid colored sweater or wear a black, leather jacket over top of it. As far as jewelry goes, however, Cam is always blinged out. With her flashy necklaces, rings, and bracelets, she can make the most basic and minimalist outfits look like they belong in a fashion editorial.​


If anyone who doesn't know Cameron that well would have to describe the young woman in one word, the first that pops into their mind is "bitch," and the second, "fierce." Though being a pretty face, Cameron has a reputation for not being the friendliest girl on the block, therefore making it very challenging to befriend her. Though keeping to herself most of the time, when the young woman does open her mouth it is either to correct or insult someone, or to make a sarcastic remark. She's very blunt and straightforward, and doesn't hesitate to put someone in their place. Her introverted nature makes her seem a bit stand-offish and cold, and the amount of time she spends looking in the mirror leads others to believe that she is conceited.
Cam's intelligence is mostly based on her determination to succeed; all throughout grade school, Cameron has studied more than the average student in order to "stay ahead of the game," as she likes to say. She's very articulate and observant, tending to notice things about people that they may not even be consciously aware of themselves. With the aid of her eloquence, Cameron is very manipulative, like her mother, and finds joy in getting others to do as she pleases. Another trait she inherited from her mother is her love for the finer things such as flashy jewelry and expensive shoes. As a result, she is a bit of a kleptomaniac and takes things without thinking. This has also led to her getting into a bit of trouble with the law in the past.​
She often finds herself envying or detesting other women, even some of her friends, because they have things that she does not whether it be the perfect body, expensive clothing, or tight-knit family. She is also a bit of an instigator. Being the observant and manipulative young woman she is, she has become very good at hearing things that she probably shouldn't and spreading them around without drawing any attention to herself. Despite all of her shortcomings, Cam is extremely dependable and protective. If she says that she is going to do something, she will do everything in her power to follow through. Though seeming to not care about much, Cameron would go to Hell and back for the people that she loves, even though she has an odd way of showing it. Underneath the multiple layers of sarcasm and bitchiness lays a warm heart and a kind soul.​

Shapeshifting | Biomorphing; Cameron can shapeshift her form, transforming and reshaping herself potentially down to her genetic and cellular structure. She can impersonate others or enhance her own body for combat, either by turning into animals, other humans, or by making her body stronger. At the moment, however, she is only capable of altering her voice at will. She'll sometimes shift into other forms when angry or under extreme emotional distress, but cannot control who it is that she shifts to.​
Weaknesses; Can only turn into living things.
Cannot turn into anything inorganic
Cannot control her shifting as of yet.

Cameron, a Chicago native, was born on Christmas eve as the first daughter of Rachelle Eastwood, an ordinary single mother who worked as a lounge singer until she finally met her prince charming, Michael Brown, after one of her performances. Despite his arrogant attitude and inflated ego, Michael had a great job and a steady income, which was more than enough for Rachelle to pursue the younger man. Rachelle had always had a love for the finer things such as flashy jewelry and expensive clothing, so it's safe to say that she loved Michael's money more than she loved him. The couple hit it off almost instantly, tying the knot after only six months! Her parents had been married for eight months before Rachelle got pregnant. Michael knew that he wasn't ready for another child—he'd already had three children with two other women—but decided to go along with it right up until Cameron was six months old, when he packed his things and left the mother and daughter alone.​
Eager for a fresh start, Rachelle packed up their things and relocated to Brooklyn, New York when Cameron was less than one year old. They've resided in a small, two bedroom apartment in Brownsville ever since. Although her family wasn't the most fortunate, Cameron's mother tried her hardest to give her child a normal life. She landed a job as a bar singer, bringing in just enough money to keep the rent paid and food on the table. Cameron's mother, unable to fully adjust to living without a wealthy husband, began to spend more than they could afford. Soon, their small apartment would be filled with expensive decor and mounds of beautiful clothing, all while the lights and cable would be shut off. It eventually got to the point where a thirteen year old Cameron had to sell a lot of her own items, most of which were bought on a whim by her mother, in order to get the rent paid on time so that they wouldn't lose their home. Even as Cameron grew older, her mother's spending habits never slowed down. Every time she brought the subject up to her mother, it'd end in a huge fight, ultimately resulting in Cam being punished. She found herself getting a job at the age of fifteen in order to keep up with payments and have more time away from her mom.​
When the virus came along, Cameron thought for sure she was going to die. It came as a huge surprise to her, whoever, when one of her few friends, Zoya, lost her life to the virus. Cameron was devastated, of course, but felt more anger than anything. She was angry that she wouldn't have anyone to bitch about to about Mrs. Marshall and her mother. She was angry that she wouldn't have anyone to talk her into going to school functions. She was angry that someone else had left her behind. But most of all, she was angry that the virus had taken Zoya's life and not hers instead.​


extracurricular activities
Cameron doesn't really have much free time; if she isn't working or at school, she's usually at the Cafe participating in open mic nights or hanging out with a couple of her friends.​

supporting cast

Zoya Williams (17 | Deceased) - She was one of Cam's best friends who was lost to the virus; Rachelle Eastwood (47) - Cameron's mother

It's just another day, around the way
around the muthafuckin' way

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You say you don't want the responsibility? Guess what? People like us...we don't get a choice.



full name / nickname(s)​

Atticus Loren Anderson / Atty​

gender / sexuality​

Male / Heterosexual​

age / grade level​

17yrs Old / Junior​



physical appearance​

Atticus is a biracial, tall, and lean teenage boy that stands at whopping 5'9. Just from glancing at him someone would assume he doesn't eat, but he's continuously shoving food into his body. He has light brownish, slightly dirty blonde curls that are constantly bouncy. Underneath his shirt, Atticus has dark brown freckles around his chest and stomach. As a little touch to his California casual style, he has both ears pierced to add a little sparkle.​



Greeting everyone with a sunny smile, Atticus likes to make sure everyone is happy and not in a downer mood. The kid loves to have a good time and keep it that way. Between acting the clown or just joking around he wants to make people laugh, and smiling. When it comes to flirting, he's a tremendous dork that fumbles around his words when trying to speak to a pretty girl. But if you bring up anything relating comic books, he'll open up immediately.

Whenever Atticus is in a sour mood, he likes to hide it with a smile. Instead of making anyone worry, he much rather just stay quiet on his issues. Changing the subject, or making a joke out it; he just can't do with so many pressing matters. Atticus can only deal with one issue at a time so he can remain focused. Ultimately, everything will begin to overload his head and stress him out.​


Electricity Manipulation - Atticus can emit and shape electricity from his hands and mouth at will. The ferocity of his sparks are all determined by his emotional state, and control is based on the amount of focus. If he's unable to maintain a healthy mind or focus, it could lead to disaster and destruction. Overusing his power can cause her to become lightheaded and dazed. Along with this ability, he's obtained an immunity to being shocked making him incapable of being electrocuted. Naturally, with water Atticus' powers become heightened, but too much can make his short fuse. Much like a battery he can become drained and will need to recharge periodically.​


Atticus lives on the top floor of an obnoxious apartment complex with his single father. Everything started out fine when he was a child, living with both of his parents; but that quickly changed when his mother left. She wasn't happy in the marriage, wanting to start anew and find herself. Leaving Atticus a confused 9yr old, with his broken father. It's still a fresh memory in Atty's head as he watched her car pull out of the driveway one last time.

Living with his father hasn't been the worst. They both get along really well, almost as if they're telekinetic. Like a fully functional system, they both look out for each other with keeping the bills paid, and the apartment up to date. With so many bills Atticus' father works a lot, so their quality time together is small. Leaving Atty alone at home, or hanging with friends. Or you could catch him cruising on his bike listening to music. With his bubbly personality, Atty tries to be friends with everyone. But, he really clicks with the nerdy kids best. Ever since the virus swooped through the town, everyone has become somber. Except for Atty, even after getting infected he's managed to make the best out of it.​


extracurricular activities​

Works a part-time job in the early morning as a paperboy. Is a frequent visitor of the cafe to read his latest comic book purchase.​

supporting cast​


Rides a cherry red mountain bike around town. It's his mode of transportation.​
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B a s i c

Full name / nickname(s)
Danielle Blake/ Dani

Gender / Sexuality
Female/ Hetrosexual

Age / Grade Level
17/ Junior​

Physical Appearance
Dani is Caucasian. She small at 5'5 with a thin build. She has pale skin with a light scattering of freckles and shoulder length brown hair she likes to dye silver or other colors. She has a tattoo on her back of a flying one eyed raven with feathers scattering behind it. She has a large scar down her left leg and a small scar by her left eye.​
P e r s o n a l

Dani is knowingly stubborn and strong willed. It caused her to push herself to play and hide her sickness when she was younger. She is also very smart and observant. Even now she has good grades and hears things other's don't (though usually by incident) when she blends into the background (which is often) which she uses to her abilities when it comes to blackmailing or gaining info for the school paper. She can be short tempered at times when her patience is thin and lash out. This is especially true when her blindness causes her trouble with something she want's to do. She likes to act unaffected by others and by her inability to see but meanwhile is affected by her own guilt and self loathing, caused by her belief that she killed her parents, so she secretly take's every mean word to heart even if she gives a scathing response. Believing she deserves it. She tries to push people away and very rarely seek's out the presence of others. Causing her to be a loner for the most part except for her clubs, though she keeps her interactions with other member short. Though her kind heart still forces her to interfere if she see's other's being bullied. She's also a secret nerd.

Dani can produce an intangible force field that she can project five feet around her. It allows her to sense or 'see' what is in the force field along with the field itself. So far she can also make about two inches of the field solid and capable of cutting threw whatever is in its way. She can maintain the force field for about two hours while is a few inches around. It exhaust her a great deal to do this and even more so to make any of it solid. She is not sure what else it is capable of or if she can throw it off her and onto others.
In the future- She will be able to extend the shield a few hundred feet, make it tangible, and throw it off herself. She will also be able to generate a number of force fields around people or objects (To protect or make them immobile) and change the force fields shape. The force field, when tangible, can be shaped into weapons like sharp disk's. The force field also protects against most physical and energy attacks. She can also 'see' whatever is in the shield so there are no surprises. And she can meld the shield to herself like a second skin.

Intangible shields don't protect her from any physical attacks, they only allow her to 'see' and can protect her from low level mental attacks if they come from outside the shield. Tangible fields cannot protect against physical attacks
In order to make a tangible field larger then 50 ft she won't be able to make others and if she is not within the shield then it falls within minutes. She will also have to concentrate on it immensely to keep it up. The large shield will also break under immense pressure so is only good for deflecting large attacks once (like a missile) and the energy it take to make throws Dani into a coma. If she tries to make more then one within a seven day period, depending on the size and attack, she will either fall into a coma for several days or die. Her shields after she makes a large one are also weaker for a time after.
Her tangible shields can be made invisible but it takes effort and exhausts her after a time so usually they are visible though her intangible shields can only be seen by her (usually).​

Danielle used to live in England and was a sickly child. Born premature she had a weak immune system. So her parents were overprotective and kept her close. Making it hard to make friends. When she was eight and her immune system had gotten tougher she begged her parents to let her go to a birthday party/sleepover. However, she grew scared in the middle of the night and called her parents to get her. They were rammed into by a drunk driver on their way home. Her parents died and Dani sustained a head injury that caused her to become blind. Dani and her little brother (who had been left with a babysitter) were sent to live with their aunt in Brooklyn, New York. Danielle has lived there since, struggling to overcome her blindness and her guilt. Her shyness and self isolation means she isn't very popular, though she has a few friends. She's more known as 'the blind girl' by others. She had fallen ill with the virus before her aunt could pull her aunt and was sure she would die, her immune system still wasn't the best. Miraculously she survived though a few kids she frequently talked to, if not secretly acknowledging them as friends, didn't make it. Soon after she found herself randomly being able to sense or 'see' things around her and saw flashes of a green shield.​

Extracurricular activities

She is part of an Archery club for the vision impaired and goes horse riding every weekend at Kensington stables (which her aunt owns), both of which she actually enjoys. She is also part of the school newspaper(at the urging of her aunt)

supporting cast
Jasper Blake (littler brother)/Clarrisa Blake (Aunt)
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The winds of change always disrupt my studying



full name / nickname(s)

Miu Torika / Maya​

gender / sexuality



age / grade level

16 / Senior​


Full time student, but will tutor others​

physical appearance

Miu is a second generation Japanese immigrant. She has rather pale looking skin, which can burn pretty easily, her ebony black eyes offset her pale skin, but show off her Japanese background. The same could be said for her small face, though her eyes are more closely seen as Caucasian. Her hair is a mix of auburn and brunette hair, with some natural highlights. Though she keeps her shoulders covered almost always, she has freckles that are very prevalent and opaque. Those freckles come from her Welsh mother, along with her lighter looking hair and wider eyes, though most of her other physical traits come from her father.​



Miu is very reserved. She tries to keep to herself as much as possible, and though it may seem like she looks down on others, it is really because she is constantly nervous of saying the wrong thing. Because of this constant state of nerves, Miu barely speaks to anyone and will respond to most people with head shakes and nods, or a small hum of acceptance or disapproval. She is a very dedicated person and keeps to her studies as much as she possibly can, often times studying during gym class in some loophole kind of way. She never show boats her intellect and will often times ramble on about things without even noticing she hasn't stopped talking. Miu is very naive and rather gullible because of how little she speaks to others and really can only go off her interactions with her family as experience.​



The ability to control the element of air. This ability allows the user to fly by harnessing the air, as well float and even walk on clouds. Aerokinesis works slightly like telekinesis, where the user can pick up objects, but with air, rather than their mind. Aerokinesis is mostly used as utility and can create barriers that deflect projectiles, as well as redirected object and personal with a strong enough gust or blast of air. Aerokinesis can be used offensively through the enhancing of strong gusts and winds, but the effects of such usage can be hugely devastating to the surrounding area. Ironically, the more closed in the more powerful Aerokinesis can be, rather than an open area, where the winds could take longer to gather and have more space to disperse rather than gather.

Creating gusts at all exhaust an immense amount of concentration, Aerokinesis can even wear out a user to exhaustion and unconsciousness. If huge enough gusts are created they can become unstable and the user may not be able to control them any longer. If such an incident occurs the winds will not die down, but rather find footing in the atmosphere and create possible tornado, cyclones, and hurricanes depending on the pressure system. If the user becomes unconscious creating such winds, the winds will not die down with the user and instead create such cyclones, for the winds will rage on naturally without the user to constrain them any longer.


Miu's parents are part of a law firm, her mother a prosecutor attorney and her father is in the running for state senator. Because of work her parents are constantly busy and although her father almost never is home, her mother takes time out of her day to be with Miu and take care of her. Miu's mother; Gwendolyn, is very caring for her daughter, but at the same time she is very strict. It is her mother's strictness and expectations of Miu that drove her to study as much as she does, after all Miu skipped a grade due to her mother's efforts, an achievement that he mother was very proud of. Miu's father has been very different from the start, spoiling Miu whenever he is actually around. He would often interupt her studies to watch a show with her, or just eat ice cream, or even go out for a walk to Grilamdi's Pizzaria. Since he started running for senator; however, Miu hasn't seen much of him at all and has had less and less free time.​
The only time Miu has had free time within the past few months was went she got sick due to the virus. She was actually bedridden for the entire time she was sick, this was due to the fact that Miu could barely breathe and her parents had to admit her to a hospital and hook her up to Ventilator. Miu was finally able to relax, until the next breathing fit she had, which was weird considering she had never had asthma. Miu has always been physically well and mentally as well, though her physical fitness is lacking a bit. (WIP)​


extracurricular activities

She studies and tutors in her free time, that's it.​

supporting cast

Gwendolyn Torika; Asashi Torika.​


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Samuel Mordecai Lieberman
[class=tabs] background-color: #c4c4c4; box-sizing: border-box; color: #3d5968; font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; min-width: 280px; text-align: center; width: 100%; [/class] [class=tab] box-sizing: border-box; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 5px 0; width: 22%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: #c5c5c5; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} Picture) (show tabsContentPicture) if (eq ${currentTab} Basics) (show tabsContentBasics) if (eq ${currentTab} Personality) (show tabsContentPersonality) if (eq ${currentTab} Background) (show tabsContentBackground) [/script] [div class=tabs][div class=tab]Picture
[div class=tab]Basics
[div class=tab]Personality[/div][div class=tab]Background[/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentPicture"]
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentBasics" style="display: none;"]
Grade Level:
11th Grade​
Baker at Herzl's Bake Shop​

Sam is a young Caucasian male of middling height and slender build. His hair is dark brown with some lighter strands that only seem to catch the light under the right circumstances. He has warm hazel eyes that deepen to dark brown near the irises. Though he works hard to be seen as painfully average, something inside of him rebels against it. He dresses modestly yet fashionably, with a stud in his right ear to ease these feelings.​

[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentPersonality" style="display: none;"]
Sam has the ability to create visual and auditory illusions by manipulating light and sound waves. The illusion of his choice is based upon his imagination, and requires at least a mental picturing of the intended creation. An illusion can be created anywhere, but requires conscious and constant focus to maintain, and so a close proximity must be kept. Unless the illusion is intentionally dissolved, it will remain active until Sam leaves the general vicinity of it. It is also possible attach an illusion to oneself or others so that it will automatically follow the movements of the being to which it is attached. This sort of "disguise" illusion can mimic even the subtlest of facial expressions and adapt to the clothes and accessories Sam wears. An illusory image has no substance to it or any sort of physical mass. If an object were to physically pass through the illusion, the image will distort temporarily until the object withdraws and the image rebuilds itself.

To make up for this, Sam is able to attach sounds to his illusions in order to simulate weight, albeit to a limited degree. He can also create his own or replicate others' voices by lipsyncing and mimicking their sound and speech pattern, but this ability is still unrefined.

Sam is, to be perfectly frank, somewhat reticent. He's not a loner, nor is he particularly lacking in social graces, but he's not one to open up easily to others. He is cordial with a streak of dry wit, but it doesn't take long for his keen intelligence and ardent determination to peek through the walls he's built.

Beneath his outward aloofness and taciturn demeanor lies fiery passions, first and foremost of these being his devotion and loyalty to his family and his community. This loyalty also extends to his friends, those select few who manage to break past the young illusionist's natural defenses. To those individuals, they would be hard pressed to find a truer or more loyal companion.
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentBackground" style="display: none;"]
Samuel Mordecai Lieberman is a Brooklyn native, born and bred. He was the middle child to parents of Ashkenazi Jewish background, who owned a small kosher bakery in East Midwood. Growing up, Sam had never been afraid of hard work, and he often helped his parents in the bakery or with household work. Of course, the family business was small enough to stay out of most peoples' notice, but it was fortunate enough that they never had any shortage of food, shelter, and comfort. Sam has two brothers: his older brother Daniel, who currently attends college in Masachusetts, and a younger brother named Zachary.

When the Virus came, the Liebermans were among the first to evacuate the city during the initial panic, hoping to seek refuge with family friends until the whole thing blew over. But despite their attempts to avoid its reach, Sam ultimately fell sick. What happened next became a blur to him, and he recalls little about his time under the virus's effect. Only that he was placed in quarantine for around two weeks before being released back to his family. By then, the virus had already been contained and neutralized. Over the next few months, New York would recover, and life would continue much in the same way as it did before, though of course now, the virus would continue to take its toll.

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“There's a fine line between self-confidence and cockiness. I'd like to think I've mastered both.”



full name / nickname(s)

Richard Palomer​

gender / sexuality

Male / Asexual​

age / grade level

16 / 11​



physical appearance

Physically unremarkable. 5'11, with a moderately above-average build.​



Richard is a systematic individual above all else. When faced with a problem, be it physical, mental, emotional, or otherwise, his first instinct always lies in objective fact. Richard's mind detests inconsistency; if something is out of line with his perceptions, it will cause him great distress until he can correct his perceptions or the inconsistency itself. To him, something is only true if it can be proven and demonstrated. If an idea has no reasons behind it, it may as well be disregarded. This principle has landed him into trouble a great many times, and as a result he expresses a general disdain for formality and authority, bordering on an irrational paranoia. Despite this, he typically exhibits a grounded nature, constantly aware of the physical world and his presence within it. His mind is strongly tied to what is tangible, and as a result he is very observant, able to quickly pick up on errant details and read subtle body language. In spite of his external awareness, however, he is a man of few words, keeping to himself out of a desire to be perceived as independent. He maintains a lone wolf persona, simply because he lacks the emotional intuition to act otherwise.​
Though he acts cold and judgemental to those he is unfamiliar with, when he is able to find common ground (usually through shared interests), he reveals a much more laid-back and open personality. Typical discussions don't tend to hold his interest; if something piques his interest, he wants to know its implications in the real world, and as such he tends to engage in a lot of physical experiments. To him, a friend is someone who can indulge him through his strange habits.​


At the onset of his powers, Richard is able to "hide" within a blind spot; he can go unnoticed in crowds and in inconspicuous situations, and any normal sounds he makes he can mask. However, he can still be spotted if he is being sought by someone with particularly keen senses, or if he is in a situation where ignoring him would be nearly impossible. With time, this ability can progress to total invisibility/inaudibility.​

Richard, from his birth in the unremarkable Leduc, to his bland childhood, often seemed as if he was trying to be boring. Nobody engaged with him because nobody felt the need to, and the feeling was always mutual. His early life was shaped by isolation. He could never pinpoint any important moments of his life, or any sort of direction it may have been headed. His life felt to him more like a series of unrelated, causal experiences than any sort of narrative. The virus, for the moments while he was unaware of his powers, were just another card in the deck for him. However, once his powers were realized, the implications set in. Armed with abilities, all he had to do now was find a purpose for them.​

extracurricular activities

Though he has a great many small interests, above all he interested in programming and technology.​

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I hate all of you.


Full Name
Hayley Lane​

Gender / Sexuality



Physical Appearance
Hayley's most distinctive feature is her eyes. They seem to pierce into the soul of anyone she looks at, passing cold judgement. She usually opts for very casual clothing - ripped jeans and t-shirts being staple - but occasionally wears more tight-fitting clothes.​


Hayley isn't exactly the nicest of people. She can be passive aggressive, deliberately ignorant, or sometimes just straight-up mean. A lot of the time, it seems like she enjoys seeing other people in pain, and there's probably some truth to that. Underneath it all, she does care about the few people who she trusts and respects, but earning that status with her can be incredibly difficult when she's so resistant to the idea.​

Hayley has the ability to create incredibly realistic illusions in the minds of other people. Although primarily visual and auditory, she can manifest aspects of all five senses to some degree. Although the amount she can affect a single person's mind is quite extreme, she can only influence one at a time, and requires line of sight to keep it going.​

Since she was old enough to talk, Hayley has always been a pain. School had always been a bit of a sore spot, for whatever reason, and was the setting for most of her heated arguments, and straight-up fistfights at times. Her parents attempted to control her somewhat, but once she hit her teenage years, it seemed like a waste of effort. She would frequently disappear until late at night, returning with little explanation of what she'd been doing, and pretty much everyone was a target for her tantrums when they happened.

Of course, the virus represented a turning point in her life, being genuinely scared she was going to die. This has somewhat tempered her strong personality, but she still continues to be mean-spirited and disruptive at times.​


Extracurricular Activities
Although not particularly social, she had been known to ply tennis from time to time. Of course, she's fiercely competitive when she does take part.​



...can anyone hear me?

Full Name
Chris Derby​

Gender / Sexuality


Physical Appearance
Chris is a fairly average height, being around 5'8 (at least for now). He has a thin layer of brown hair on his head, which he keeps short and simple, more out of laziness than style. He is not particularly notable in build, being strong enough to hold his own, but not impressively so. His face tends to be his most memorable feature, with a defined jaw and piercing green eyes. Clothing-wise, he usually opts for jeans and a t-shirt, combined with a solid pair of trainers.​


Chris is known for being a generally sociable person, despite not being overly talkative. He is often described as being "closed" by people who have encountered him, rarely talking about himself unless heavily prompted. With people he is close to, however, he is much relaxed and open. He potentially can be too trusting of people at times, and this has lead to confrontations which highlight his passive nature.​

Chris has the ability to shrink his body down to incredibly small sizes. As it turns out, this change is permanent, and cannot be reversed. When in this state, he is as physically weak and fragile as you'd expect, leaving him incredibly vulnerable pretty much all the time.​

Chris was born to a reasonably well-off family, the youngest child of a pair of typical middle-class parents. His upbringing was relatively normal and uneventful, being educated much like any other teenager would have, although he lived slightly in the shadow of his older siblings. Of course, that all changed when he was infected by the virus, with his family giving him plenty of attention. It gave him a greater appreciation of life in general, big or small.​


Extracurricular Activities
Tending to shy away from sport, Chris has recently involved himself in art, sometimes spending a decent chunk of his day drawing​

Chris has a particularly strong dislike of bare feet, to the point of wearing socks most of the time.​


Death is the wish of some, the relief of many, and the end of all.


Full name/ Nickname(s)​
Thalia Harris/ Lia or T

gender / sexuality​
Female/ Heterosexual

age / grade level​
Sixteen, 11th grade
physical appearance​
A bi-racial female (black and white) with a caramel skintone and shoulder length, curly hair in the shade of a dark brown with a few blonde highlights. Stands only at the height of 5'5 so she's fairly short for her age. She has a tattoo on her left wrist that says "Trust Issues".

Thalia is a very stubborn female. She doesn't always go by the rules and she can be a very sarcastic pain in the butt. She isn't a very social person, she likes to keep to herself most of the time, and she doesn't trust people very easily due to past experiences with her parents. Quite brutally honest and will always keep things real with you. T's not one to speak up to anybody, but if needed, she will not hesitate to keep them in their lane. She can have an attitude at times, but it's rare that she'll realize it. Solitude is something she cherishes the most unless she's around someone she deeply cares for, and when she's alone, you can always find a pair of earphones stuck in her ears, blasting the latest hits. Even though it may seem as if Thalia is quite nonchalant, there's a million thoughts running through her mind and she takes in all her surroundings, observing every little detail.

Thalia has the power of pyrokinesis. She can basically control fire with not only her hands, but also her mind. Being in temperatures below 40 degrees will weaken her strength and ability to control fire, making her feel a bit tired and weary. Thalia's emotions greatly affect how she is able to control her power, and can sometimes become uncontrollable due to her supernatural abilities being relatively new.

Thalia grew up with her father and mother constantly neglecting her. Her parents eventually gave her to child services, taking her to foster care around the age of seven. She got adopted a couple of times but both households were abusive. She ran away from the latest family that adopted her and has been moving from place to place until she had caught the virus, causing her to stay in an abandoned home for a while before she found her aunt and two cousins. She now stays with them, but they are clueless as to what kind of effect the virus had on her.

extracurricular activities​
Thalia is an antisocial person so she finds peace in drawing in a notebook that she keeps with her at all times.
supporting cast​
Aunt- Sheila Evans
Cousins- Imani Evans (11 yrs old) and Andre Evans (9 yrs old)

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No. Mischief is a small thing, a toy I've well used and discarded. This isn't mischief. This is mayhem. Just watch



full name / nickname(s)

Alexandria Jean Danvers / Alex, Lexi, AJ​

gender / sexuality

Female / Bi-Curious​

age / grade level

16yrs Old / 11th Grade​


Full-Time Student​

physical appearance

Alex has dyed her hair platinum blonde, as wanting to not look like her twin sister. Sharing the same height, she's 5'5 with a more toned & shapely figure.​



Alexandria is your typical girl next door with the flirty and bubbly personality. Bold, ambitious, and rebellious; Alexa likes to stick out from the rest. Therefore she's noticed. The girl craves the attention, it's similar to a form of adrenaline that courses within her. A type of reassurance that lets her know she's doing excellent and prevailing. Whether that's in class, or at home, Alexa needs to be on top. Just be careful not to compare her with her twin sister, or she'll bite your head off. The two share a mutual hatred for each other, and Alexa wants nothing to do with her.

Though behind closed doors, Alexandria is miserable, cruel, and cynical. Masking it entirely under her extravagant smile and voluptuous eyelashes, she has them coiled around her little fingers. Obtaining delight in observing people squirm and shredding them down from the inside out. To her best way to take out the competition. One of her victims being her twin sister that Alexa adores to continuously push. Everyone encompassing her who are incapable of seeing through her veil believes she's some charming angel. Acting as if she's everyone's friend and on their side. Yet in actuality, Alexa is the complete polar opposite.​


Umbrakinetic Constructs - Alexandria is capable of controlling and manipulating the shadows and darkness around her. Forming them into any solid shape that pleases her, she can also grab hold of objects and individuals. For now, she can only gradually mold the darkness & shadows into thin tendrils but continuously trains every day at home. The side effects of her abilities are worrisome and may lead her down a treacherous path. Overusing her powers causes her to hear faint eery voices in her head. Slowly developing her disturbed nature. One way to interrupt her powers is light. The light concentrating on her shadows, and the eyes will disintegrate her shadows, rendering her skills useless. As she'll need to see what she's trying to manipulate..​


Much like her twin sister, they come from a pretty dull and average family. Alexa's father is a dentist, and her mother is a child psychologist. They are oblivious to Alexa's mean spirit; her mother thinks it's just her coming of age. Growing up, Alexandria has always tried to get the attention of her parents either through sports, good grades or just acting out. To Alexa, they've only seemed interested in her sister Layla as they post her artwork around the house. As much as she won't admit it, she's envious jealous of all the love her sister receives.

When they were kids everything seemed fine; they got along like healthy children. Photo albums are filled with them together getting along. It wasn't until 8th grade that Alexa made new friends, causing her whole persona to shift, to be cool like them. Wanting to fit in so badly, she changed her entire style. Her sister, on the other hand, liked to be left alone, not wanting to be in the 'limelight' like Alexa. Thinking she was helping her sister, Alexa decided to give some friendly advice on how to get friends. Layla wasn't too keen on the advice and struck Alexa on the mouth.

Since then it's been awkward car rides to school and family dinners, as neither of them will talk to each other. In school, Alexa is pretty popular and well known for being the sociable cute girl. Since the virus up and gone, Alexa has felt like a new person. Having a strange gift like no one else makes her feel unique and secure. It's still all new to her, but she's excited to explore its possibilities. As of now, no one knows that she has this power, just her.​

extracurricular activities
Alexa likes to change between tennis and volleyball, finding it someway therapeutic. Outside of school, she'll visit the cafe with her friend or smoke in the back of the high school.​

supporting cast
Mother: Diana Danvers​
Fathers: Norman Danvers​
Has a sociopathy tendency; to use her powers on small rodents and bugs.​
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Clever as the devil and twice as pretty,


Full Name
Marie Elaise Jameson​

Gender / Sexuality
Female / Pansexual​

Age/Grade Level
Eighteen / 12th​

Boutique Cashier

Physical Appearance
Marie is all dark mahogany skin and soft curves. She’s a picture of grace and delicate beauty. Her eyes a black in color, they’re very expressive and the key to reading her. She posses a head of straight black hair. It reached her collarbones and in its natural state is large and curly. Marie had soft mahogany skin with warm undertones. Her skin seems to possess a soft glow and is blemish free thanks to her skin care routine. Marie is quite tall, standing at 5’8 and weighing about 134lbs. Her style of clothing is is trendy and eye catching.​


Upon first meeting her Marie is a graceful young woman with an aloof personality. She’s a rather reserved girl who is hard to read at times. The quote eyes are the windows to the soul suits her well. Marie is the poster girl for poise. She’s respectful towards those older or higher up than her. Using her please and thank yous is something that she does frequently. She can be quite manipulative when she wants to be. Marie has a gift when it comes to acting. She’s a persuasive young woman who is. It above using underhanded trick to get her way.

Marie has a barbed tongue and a mouth full of stinging insults. She doesn’t mind tearing others down with her words alone. In fact the young woman likes to believe that she’s a wordsmith. She doesn't believe in lying or sugar coating to some extent. Marie doesn't completely tell the truth one hundred percent of the time but she doesn't make lying a habit. Despite how she acts Marie is actually a kind person. Lending a war or a shoulder is something that she’ll do for those in need of it. She’s surprisingly insightful and wise for her age. Marie has an open-mind and doesn’t have a problem with change.

Despite her overall tame personality Marie can be quite fierce when she needs to be. She's not one to let others walk all over her. Marie is protective of her friends and family like any person is. She's always looking out for them.

Marie is an indecisive person . She has a hard time making a decision about the simplest things, like what color top she wants to wear or what she wants to eat . She has a stubborn streak. It's hard to change her mind when it's set on something. Marie is a confident woman, she’s not one to cower easily.

Marie has been blessed with the gift of Plant Manipulation. With this power of hers Marie has control over all aspects of plant life. She can control them so that they do her bidding and can either help them grow or cause them to wilt. Marie can communicate with them in a way, they can send her images of an area or warn her about approaching danger.​

Marie grew up in an upperclass home. Being an only child meant that her parents doted on her. She wanted for nothing. Despite their wealth her parents valued hard work yet they also valued scheming and politics. They taught their daughter about the importance of being business savvy and tough. Her life was pretty normal. When the virus hit Marie had lost some close friends and family members. Luckily she wasn’t one of the many victims. Marie had to leave behind her life and home.​
She managed to settle in pretty quickly after moving. Her father remaining a CEO and her mother’s boutique opened once again and expanded. She found herself at the top of the hierarchy in her new school.​


Extracurricular Activities
She works part time as a ballet instructor for kids.​
Has a greenhouse at home that she spend a lot of her time in. It’s filled with all types of exotic plant life.​
Supporting Cast
Joseph Jameson - Father - Ceo​
Grace Jameson - Mother - Boutique Owner​
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Emily Willis

People say that I care too much for my own good. They are probably right



full name / nickname(s)
Emily Grace Willis
> Em: Emily was mostly called this by her relatives and close friends.
> Emil: A joking nickname used by one of her close friends that had died due to the virus.
> Emmy: She was mostly called this by Elle in a joking manner
> Bird/Birdie: This nickname was mostly used by her family, her mother and brother more than anyone else. This nickname was given to her when she was younger and some birds nested right in their window and Emily would often crack joke saying that they were her new family. The nickname stuck throughout the years and can often be told that she is "Squawking" when she is being very loud.

gender / sexuality

age / grade level


physical appearance
Emily has light brown hair that looks blonde in the sunlight. She has deep blue eyes and wears thick-framed glasses. She has a small spray of freckles across her slightly tanned skin with a few stray ones on her cheek. She doesn't wear makeup as she sees it as covering up her true self with a "mask" and doesn't quite see the point, though she doesn't judge those that do wear makeup.


Emily on the outside can seem one of two ways. When seen with friends she is seen as obnoxious and annoying and people mock her due to her loud voice and odd remarks. When alone, however, she is seen as shy and maybe edgy. Emily is really a sweet girl that cares about her friends and family more than herself. She always wants to make sure they are okay emotionally and physically, and though she is definitely not one to fight she will hurt anyone who hurts her friends. Emily is very emotionally sensitive and is depressed. She does not really talk about her emotional sensitivities or depression with anyone though and has a tendency to keep it to herself in a fear of being abandoned by her friends and family. The female is an ambivert that has trouble making new friends due to her awkwardness but once she does find friends she is very outgoing and social.

Emily has the power known as Water Manipulation or Aquakenesis. When in full power this entails her being able to walk on water, control it to grab things or deflect, or in real dire situations, drown someone. However, since Emily is still a beginner all she can really do is produce small water bubbles. If she exerts herself too much she will even pass out, this power draining her greatly.

Emily as a child didn't live in the best neighboorhood. She was born to Laura and Steven Willis on July 10, in a little house that had mold in the corners and ants infesting in the summers. Emily did not know that this was abnormal though and was very happy in her home. As a kid, she had never gone walking in the neighboorhood because her parents were too scared of her getting hurt and she always had to have a supervisor when she went out into the yard. When Emily was four, her parents had her little brother, Michael. Emily and Michael got along very well besides some sister/brother squabbles that went on sometimes, but that was normal for any child.
They moved into a nice new one-story house seven years later. By this time Emily was eleven and she had multiple friends. She would always hang out with them and she was happy enough. It was eighth grade when everything went downhill. Her mother became more and more stressed out and would often yell at Emily and Michael. She became cold. Their father tried his best to help them but the damage had been done. Emily was broken at some of the things her mother had said, some of these being that "She won't have anyone in the future, only us" and "There is no chance that you will ever become an actor. You are going to end up a random office worker like everyone else." Next year Emily found out about her depression, but in fear of her mom getting mad hid it, along with her sexuality. They already had enough going on and she didn't want to burden them. She would never have the chance.
When the virus had hit it took them off guard. All but her father had fallen ill with the virus. Emily was confined to her room for a week but was able to pull through it and live. However, her brother died the next week in his sleep and her mother two more after him. Emily and Steven were devastated and as soon as their mother had gone, her father had to run around to try and find a job. Emily found out a little before school that most of her friends did not make it. Only one remained who wasn't even in high school yet.

extracurricular activities
Emily is a part of the drama club and choir programs. She is often found in either the library doing her homework or the choir room practicing lines or concert pieces.
supporting cast
Steven Willis//Father//Alive
Laura Willis//Mother//Deceased
Michael Willis//Younger Brother//Deceased
Sarah Fowler//Close Friend//Alive
Jess Brown//Close Friend//Deceased
Elle Adams//Close Friend//Deceased
Character Playlist

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tumblr_ohzw2oUWG71s2tg5no2_400.gif tumblr_ohzw2oUWG71s2tg5no4_400.gif
Full name / nickname(s)
Karma Myriam Romanov

Gender / Sexuality
F, Heterosexual

Age / Grade Level

Makeup assistant/Flower shop takes care of plants frequently

Physical Appearance
Karma stands at 5' 7'' or 169 cm. Although she works multiple hours and comes from a lower class family, Diala as if a habit commonly she always sits up strat & walks with head held high. She weighs 114 lbs or 52 kgs although she isn't one to watch her weight and will always undoubtedly follow her stomach. She has vibrant Green eyes that at times look like they are blue. Her hair could be mistaken for a light shade of brown but that's merely the suns glow it's actually a Dark Brown.​

Karma is characterized as hardworking, talented, and a natural genius. Highly perceptive and good with problem-solving, Karma is a skilled planner and good at mapping out scenarios. Furthermore, Karma is very popular among peers and adored by her family members. However, her high intelligence and constant praise from others laid the foundation for an intense level of hubris. Similar to her father, Karma has a strong sense of justice.

Karma is very intelligent, though her disheveled and languid appearance masks her great powers of deduction and many questions her abilities upon viewing him. Karma tends to second-guess everything she is presented with and is extremely meticulous and analytical. She is good at deceiving her opponents. Karma is clever she's quick to understand, learn and devise or apply ideas. Proud she has or shows having a high opinion of herself her importance. She is very loyal and willing to support, work for someone, even in difficult times. Possessive she wants to have all of someone's love and attention. Charming very attractive and pleasant. Impulsive she is someone who does things quickly without thinking of what will happen as a result. Protective has or shows having a strong wish to protect someone or something. Stubborn nor willing to change her ideas or to consider anyone else's reason for arguments. She is the most determined and possessive person displaying resolve. Short-tempered she is quick to lose her temper.​

The user can restore biotic organisms to their optimal health, curing damaged or withered organisms, wounds, broken bones, low vitality, and diseases/poisoning. Though the user may potentially heal any form of bodily damage, the patient must be alive, even if hanging by a thin thread, in order to be healed; once the patient has died, it would transcend healing and would require resurrection instead.
May have limited range, including touch only.
Maybe painful for the recipient of the healing.
Certain methods may require delicate control when healing, otherwise, it may cause cellular damage.
May cause the healer's body to deteriorate.​

Karma grew up in a middle-class family in Russia her father was your average police officer who couldn't be any more helpful to society. He scared the whole family every time he would go and try to help people. When he died that night Karma didn't even go out to find the victim whom he had saved that night from to rapiest gangsters probably that's why she didn't come out when Karma's mother searched for her even on the news...she didn't come. Turning a blind eye became really easy for her, in fact, her life turned to the best she was popular wore beautiful clothing that she couldn't even afford. When her father died her mother would work hours to pay the bills of the run-down house they had got after selling their home. It was an enablement to karma thus she never let it get out her friends wouldn't come to her home anymore instead they would always go out. Russia had become expensive so they moved out if the country.

Karma quickly made friends her status didn't vary from her old schools and her grades never faltered not even once. When the virus hit Karma felt numb as if she's been on a drug of some sort.​

extracurricular activities
Shopping, studying, Working out, Drinking, Eating, Working to pay off the rent

Has a Russian accent
Can't understand the big English word

full name / nickname(s)
Angelique Midnight/Angel
gender / sexuality
age / grade level
17/senior(she skipped a grade)
Full time student
physical appearance
Angel has pitch black hair and wears color contacts to make her eyes seem light blue, as they're actually a bright purple, she's athletic and you can see she is, she has a scar on her back from an accident she won't tell anyone about. Her clothing choice is very casual and she wear black combat boot no matter what outfit she wears, she's slightly shorter then average, but uses that to he advantage most of the time.

Angel's behavior can vary each day depending on how well she slept or feels in the morning, but she's mostly very quiet at school unless she's playing sports or doing PE, she doesn't really like attention, but doesn't dislike it either, so she's neutral in school, she doesn't like hanging around large groups though and prefers to keep to a small group of friends
Darkness - She can control shadows and dark energy, currently she's only able to blend in with the shadows or make her own shadow temporary disappear or use it to spy on people in short distances. As her powers grow she will be able to make energy balls and other impressive things. To completely take control of her powers she needs to suppress her emotions almost completely, making her powers unstable most of the time.
Angel comes from an average family, her father being a basketball trainer and her mother working for the CIA and FBI, she loves them both equally even though her father has more time for her then her mother. When she was 15 she got a black kitten from her mother as an apology for missing her birthday party, she used to tag along with her father a lot before she got too busy with school until the virus struck

extracurricular activities
She's a member of the tennis club as the basketball club wouldn't let a girl join them
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“Y'all go to highschool. I go to school high.”


Full name:
Dominick King​
Gender / Sexuality:
Male / Heterosexual​
Age / Grade level:​
17 / 12th Grade​
Physical Appearance:
Slim and lean, Dominick's body is extremely toned with well defined muscle mass. His body has various scars here and there from skateboarding. His clothing consists of over sized shirts and jackets that hide his frame, with fitted pants.​


Dominick is impulsive, mischievous, upbeat, energetic, funny, flirty and loves to tell jokes constantly, even if they aren't particularly funny. He is usually a troublemaker, as he gets in trouble constantly, seeing the school's rules as more of school suggestions. Dominick is genuinely very intelligent and honest with a heart of gold, almost always willing to help. Although he's usually able to brush off most situations with a grin and a quip, he can still get serious or even angry when the situation calls for it -- especially if it involves his family. Extremely competitive, Dominick will rarely turn down a challenge and loves to trash talk opponents.​
However his upbeat, happy-go-lucky attitude is just a mask for an inferiority complex and insecurities that he won't amount to anything. His trademark laugh and humor are just how he's learned to cope without falling apart. Bottling all his negative emotions he puts up a brave face. Dominick is still raw from the death of his brother and feels guilty over not being able to do anything.​
Magnetic Manipulation - Dominick can control magnetic fields and by proxy metals. Repulsing, attracting, bending, and levitating metal objects to use in a variety of ways. At his current stage however he's not doing any crazy Magneto shit. Still getting the hang of his powers he can currently only levitate small metal objects (albeit with difficulty). One of the biggest weaknesses of his power is that he requires metal to use it (duh). Without metal or if the object is too large to affect, he's just your average highschooler.​
Dominick lives in an apartment complex with just his mom in one of the rougher parts of the city. His dad up and left his mother before he was even born. Growing up he never really noticed or cared much for his missing father, mainly because of his brother Andre was always there for him. Stronger and wiser than him, Dominick always looked up to his older brother and followed him like a shadow. Their mom was an EMT and worked long hours, barely having time for them. Thankfully his brother took care of him. Even a troublemaker as a kid, Andre was the one to constantly try to set him straight. All the way up to high school the two were inseparable best friends.​
In school Dominick is your typical social butterfly, with his goofy personality he's cool with just about everyone. But despite that, he has no real friends, never really going out of his way to open up to anyone and as a result nobody really knows him. Dominick doesn't remember much about what went down during the virus, completely delirious the whole time it burned through his body he vaguely remembers some weird ass dreams. When it ended however he woke up into a nightmare. His brother now dead, he almost wishes he'd died as well. After the discovery of his powers, he's not quite sure what to do now without his brother to guide him.​


Extracurricular Activities:
Track and Field; Polevaulting,​
Poetry (although he'd never admit it)​
Supporting cast:

Deandre King (18|Deceased) Dominick's older brother and one of many victims to the virus. ; Aileen King (44) - Dominick's doting, overprotective mother.

Dominick's Playlist Thingy:

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You may have up to 2 characters

One post per writer, please.

As far as the Character Sheets go, you may spruce them up as much as you would like as long as you include all of the information that I’ve asked for — it’s up to you to use your initiative and add what you think is necessary. I also ask that you use realistic images; if you’re not sure who to use as your face claim, I’ve included a link to a face claim directory down below.

[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][h1][i]Character First Name/Font Meme Text[/i][/h1][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]full name / nickname(s)[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][indent]First. Middle. Last.[/indent][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][indent]Female, Male, Non-Binary, Whatever.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]Self explanatory.[/indent][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][indent]Between the ages of fourteen and eighteen, grade levels nine through twelve.[/indent][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][indent]If you have a job, go ahead and drop it.[/indent][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][indent]Doesn't have to be super long. Include things such as ethnicity, tattoos, scars/markings, etc. Also feel free to include their future "super suit" if they'll have one.[/indent][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][indent]Does not have to be super long. One paragraph at the least.[/indent][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][indent]Superpower and what all it entails as well as strengths and weaknesses.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]Should have great limitations. You're still noobs.[/indent][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][indent]Common knowledge; things that your close friends know about.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]Include place of origin, life for your character up until this point, their reputation, how they felt while they had the virus, etc.[/indent][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]extracurricular activities[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][indent]Whatever you do in your free time, whether it be play video games or a participate in a team sport.[/indent][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][indent]Family | NPCs. This section is also optional, but it would be nice if you used this section to keep track of your NPCs.[/indent][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][indent]Whatever else you feel the need to include. You can even include a cool theme song if you wish.[/indent]


You may have up to 2 characters

One post per writer, please.

As far as the Character Sheets go, you may spruce them up as much as you would like as long as you include all of the information that I’ve asked for — it’s up to you to use your initiative and add what you think is necessary. I also ask that you use realistic images; if you’re not sure who to use as your face claim, I’ve included a link to a face claim directory down below.

[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][h1][i]Character First Name/Font Meme Text[/i][/h1][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]full name / nickname(s)[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][indent]First. Middle. Last.[/indent][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][indent]Female, Male, Non-Binary, Whatever.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]Self explanatory.[/indent][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][indent]Between the ages of fourteen and eighteen, grade levels nine through twelve.[/indent][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][indent]If you have a job, go ahead and drop it.[/indent][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][indent]Doesn't have to be super long. Include things such as ethnicity, tattoos, scars/markings, etc. Also feel free to include their future "super suit" if they'll have one.[/indent][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][indent]Does not have to be super long. One paragraph at the least.[/indent][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][indent]Superpower and what all it entails as well as strengths and weaknesses.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]Should have great limitations. You're still noobs.[/indent][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][indent]Common knowledge; things that your close friends know about.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]Include place of origin, life for your character up until this point, their reputation, how they felt while they had the virus, etc.[/indent][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]extracurricular activities[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][indent]Whatever you do in your free time, whether it be play video games or a participate in a team sport.[/indent][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][indent]Family | NPCs. This section is also optional, but it would be nice if you used this section to keep track of your NPCs.[/indent][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][indent]Whatever else you feel the need to include. You can even include a cool theme song if you wish.[/indent]

WIP Technological Manipulation


"I may be a senior but I stay fresh man"


full name / nickname(s)
Derrick Gregory Churchill

gender / sexuality

age / grade level


physical appearance
Derrick is a pale boy with ginger hair and green eyes. He has freckles that cover everywhere on his face and on other random patches of his body. He often wears polos or video game t-shirts with khakis or jeans. He has thick-framed glasses. Wears heelies. He recently has taken to wearing one of Nicky's old hoodies in memory of him.


Before the virus, other people saw Derrick as annoying, sarcastic, but admittedly smart. Derrick is a meme of a guy. You know those people that gasp and call you out for not knowing what vine is? Yeah, those people. He non-ironically wears heelys, has a Tumblr, and has started a fair share of internet arguments in youtube comments to see how people would react. Despite this Derrick is still a funny guy, if a little sarcastic at times. In serious situations, he knows just what to say to take the edge off of the situation and make people relax and he is a good person to talk about your issues too.

However as of late Derrick has become more reserved and quiet, often locking himself in his room for days on end. He is deeply wounded emotionally by his very close friends passing and this behavior has been present ever since he had received the news. When in public he will often try to keep his happy disposition from before to keep anyone from worrying and in hopes of one day becoming like his past self again. Therefore happy interactions with Derrick may often seem very forced as if he is acting.

Derrick has the power known as Technological Manipulation. When at full strength it can have the power to hack computers and electric locks with ease and activate and deactivate machines and even make his own devices. Even with Derrick's limited coding experience though he can't really manipulate data yet and can only turn his computer on and off at will. This does not mean he has electrokinesis so that nobody gets confused, he can not control electricity, he can only manipulate technological devices.

Derrick was born into a single parent family in a nice neighboorhood as an only child. All through childhood he lived with his mother who he barely saw due to her always being at work. Because of this Derrick at a young age learned to be very self-sufficient. At age thirteen he got his first job by walking dogs in the neighboorhood and pet sitting. It was around this time that he had met Nicky. He had been walking one of the dogs home and had finally reached the house when a boy his age opened the door. He soon learned his name was Nicky and that they went to the same school. They had quickly become friends and stayed together as high school rolled around. Near the end of Junior year, Nicky and Derrick both gained an interest in coding and had started working together to teach themselves. It was also around this time that the two would start their secret relationship.

Nicky and Derrick were very close and it hit Derrick really hard when he heard about his lover's death. He had gone over to his house days later, his mother offering if he wanted to go through his stuff and find some things to remember him by. Derrick had taken Nicky's favorite hoodie, that still smelled like him even. He also took a small box of little items, like the outdated iPod shuffle he had gotten when he was 10, his laptop, and a few scattered pictures of them together. He didn't go to Nicky's funeral, it being too hard for him to face and almost always is seen wearing that same hoodie and on occasion be seen listening to Nicky's iPod. He is still learning to code like Nicky and himself always wanted to do.


extracurricular activities
Derrick was a part of the VEX Robotics team but quit once the news of Nicky's death hit him. He can most often be found sitting in the lab working on his coding skills and if no labs are open then either the library or STEM room

supporting cast


Sabrina Churchill//Mother//Alive

Nicholas Hayman//Bestfriend and Lover//Deceased

Character Playlist
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Jaylen Marshall


Jaylen Emmanuel Marshall
I say with the utmost sincerity... Peace.

Full Name: Jaylen Emmanuel Marshall​
Gender: Male​
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual​
Age: 17​
Grade: 12​
Occupation: Volunteer Worker, Student-Athlete​
Physical Appearance: Jaylen has a slim but an average muscular lean built which he attained and continues to maintain with great physical exercise and a proper healthy diet. He has a rich caramel skin tone, brown eyes, and a clean low-fade haircut. What is also notable is that he has long legs.​
Height: 6 ft 1 in / 1.85 m​
Weight: 184 lbs / 83.5 kg​

Personality: Jaylen is an honest, respectable, caring, and a quite tranquil individual who wishes to succeed in the face of doubt. Knowing his weaknesses and strengths he tries to better himself each and every day and also tries to better people around him as well. Being loyal to friends and family, making sure to be responsible, always being humble, and showing sincere compassion to his peers is an all-time high for Jaylen even when he is not at his best state of mind. When he's going through difficult times he would be distant, reserved, and quite inconsolable but can try to put on a smile every once in a while. Jaylen is not perfect and still goes through problems and struggles, and has his own mistakes to learn from. Every once in a while he can be uncommunicative, childish and immodest, and quick to conclusions. But he won't let those faults of his character define who he is as an actual person, and continues to strive to be best of who he can be. Jaylen is understanding, warmhearted, an empowering person, and continues to have an everlasting hunger for being an overall better and successful person.​
Superpower and Abilities: Jaylen possesses the superhuman capacity to run at great speeds, and can currently attain velocities of around 210 miles per hour, approximately three times faster than the fastest land animal, the cheetah who could run 70-75 mph. His superhuman endurance enables him to run great distances without tiring. Jaylen's entire body is oriented to rigors of high-speed running. His cardiovascular, skeletal, and respiratory systems are many times more efficient and different than a human. Having a small flattened ribcage which allows greater movement for his legs, and a flexible spine that acts like a spring during running, which maximizes stride length. Jaylen also has enlarged nostrils for oxygen intake, and an enlarged heart and large arteries to supply oxygen and blood; they allow quick air intake while sprinting, and the enlarged heart helps maximize the creation of energy. The chemical processes of Jaylen's musculature are highly enhanced that his body cannot generate fatigue-poisons. His body constantly expels waste products during his accelerated respiration through exhalation. His joints are also smoother and lubricated for more efficiency. His tendons have the tensile strength of spring steel and his bones are more durable than calcium to withstand powerful shocks of his feet touching the ground at speeds over 100 miles per hour. In addition, Jaylen metabolizes 75% caloric energy content of food whereas the average human use is about 25%. Jaylen's practical reaction time is about 4-5 times faster than human, and the speed at which his brain processes information is also heightened to a level to commensurate with his own bodily speed. Meaning he is able to perceive his surroundings while traveling at high speeds. He has a sufficient amount of energy reserves to enable him to run at his average speed for about 1-2 hours, whereupon he needs to replenish his body's store of energy and/or reduce his speed. His lachrymose is more viscous, allowing him to prevent rapid evaporation and replenishment of surface fluids on his eyeballs under the influence of high wind velocity to impede his vision. With his speed, he can create cyclone-like gusts of wind, race up across buildings, and can run up across a body of water with enough gained momentum.​
Backstory: Being raised by only his father at an early age, Jaylen was taught supreme discipline by being responsible, and also taught the value of hard work. Throughout his childhood, he always took an interest in running, and one of his favorite athletes is Usain Bolt alongside LeBron James. He would compete in track and field, long-distance running, sprint, marathons and would be an exceptional athlete, having an avid gift of speed and agility. But a few years later, a deadly unknown virus would hit claiming the lives of many, but while the virus occurred his physical body would differ from a human and go through unnatural changes.​
Extracurricular Activities: Track and Field, and Basketball.​

Jaylen's Playlist

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Azazel Jackson



Azazel Edward Jackson

The world is a cold place, and I can only make it colder...



Full Name: Azazel Edward Jackson​
Ed, Eddy​

Sexual Orientation:​

Physical Appearance:​
Azazel has a muscular beyond average slim built. He moderately engages in physical exercise, has blue eyes, and has a rosy pale skin complexion, with messy blonde hair.​
Height: 6'0"​
Weight: 172 lbs​
Azazel isn't really outgoing and is more so quiet, reserved, and an introvert. He really doesn't have many friends or any at all, and in many cases, he prefers to be alone at the back of the class where he isn't bothered by anybody. He looks down on everybody with "perfect" lives and knows that he himself is not perfect. Although he has a cold, quiet personality, he will open up in rare cases with a condescending tone. While Azazel shows more of his cold-hearted side to people, deep down he is a very emotional person with misguided views of the world.​
Superpower and Abilities:​
Azazel possesses the power of Cryokinesis/Ice Manipulation. He can reduce the kinetic energy of atoms and particles to its freezing point. He is able to lower his external and internal body temperature without harm to himself, thereby projecting/radiating intense cold from his body. In addition, he can thereby form simple objects such as transport himself with ice-slides, cover himself with ice-shields, and use as an offensive weapon like ice-clubs. Azazel can survive -39 degrees Celcius without his ice form. Furthur more, Azazel can augment his ice form with extraneous moisture to enhance his strength and durability and can reshape his body's ice form at will by using any available moisture from his surrounding environment. Currently, he cannot pull off below -0 temperatures and dependent on the temperature his ice may be prone to melt. If there happens to be no moisture in the air he cannot morph into his ice form or form his ice at all, which is theoretically impossible since it always present in the air and/or environment. However, the mental effort needed to employ his ice can eventually fatigue him and also render his freezing ability temporarily dysfunctional.​
Azazel born into a broken household with an abusive drunken father, and a drug-addicted mother. His mother sheltered from Azazel from his father, since he would take out his drunken rage on Azazel every chance that he got. However, one day when his father came home from work having been fired he was completely filled with anger and the only catharsis that had always worked for him was taking it out on his only son. Azazel's mother had intervened once again, but Azazel's father was blinded by his own fury and ended up beating his own wife to death with his own fists. Azazel had been watching from his room and barred himself within it until his father's rage passed over. The next day, the deadly virus taking the lives of many had struck and resulted in the death of his father. When the police had come they had found the two bodies of Azazel's parents, and Azazel himself crouched in a fetal position in the corner of his room. The police tried to convict him of the death of his parents but had no prior evidence that Azazel was the murderer to do so, and found out that The Barracuda Virus was the cause of the death of his father. Azazel thinking that the virus was a blessing, turned out to actually be a curse when it affected him. Going through an unnatural process of sickness and loss of himself.​
Extracurricular Activities:​



Never doubt yourself. That's how you get taken seriously.



full name / nickname(s)

Adam Roderick Holder​

gender / sexuality



age / grade level




Cashier at The Cafe(needed money)​

physical appearance

Adam stands at 6'0 and weighs at 170. He has straight blomd hair with blue eyes. He seems more taller than he should be. He is not athletic, but does have a average body in his opinion. While walking he seems responsible and focused. He has a deep voice, but doesn't sound very loud.​



Adam tries to be at the top of his game. He still tries to be easy going and fun, but respinsibility is more important to him. He is really interesred in journalism and writing. He founds it his favorite hobbies. It's why he signed up to work for the school newspaper.​

Adam tries to tell his own views on a belief. He does care about what other people say though. He tries to better himself everyday, but it only gets more harder. He doesn't try to make himself famous or make himself a loner. He just is there, and might make friends along the way.


Reptile Manipulation- Adam has the ability to change any part of his body to a lizards. This allows him to have the same skills as a lizard, such as healing of body parts, long tongue and the such. Adam can't transform more than one body part at a time. He also is attracted to the same things like a lizard, such as flies. This would make it hard to control himself, and it makes it harder for him to hide his power.

Adam was born to Amy Holder. For all his life, he was under the care of hid mother. His father died shortly before he was born. From a young age, he had tried his best to get better than he was. He wanted to support his mother, and the troubles she was going through. He had good grades, a few friend's, but that was really it. Even up until high school, everything was normal. He gained a few friends, got into the school newspaper, and even got a job. That was when the virus hit. Adam was hit with a kind of metamorphosis, being able to transform some of his body parts into the same as a lizard.​

Adam often likes to write stories when he does have the time. He also works at the school newspaper, which he really likes. He also works at The Cafe, a place for hipsters. He needed the money, and money to help his mom also.​

supporting cast
Amy Holder​

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