The Most Outrageous Things Your Characters Have Done


Probably not an assassin.
Let's face it. Exalted is a game with infinite potential for ridiculousness. Hell it's encouraged! And I think we all have that one story. The one where you did something so insane that the GM laughed, or cried, or both. And then you rolled for it. And it worked. So let's hear some crazy stories people! I'll go first. :P

So right now I'm in an Exalted Fantasy game, we're a sorta kinda circle doing some work for the city of Lookshy. We have a Twilight caste Solar who remembers every single death of every bearer of her exaltation. A Zenith caste professional escort who also happens to be a nymphomaniac, like she took that as a flaw. A Dawn caste who... is... shockingly normal. A hilariously overprotective lunar who is the mate of the nymphomaniac prostitute Exalt (you can see how this would be a problem). And then just as icing on the cake, I play a Midnight Caste Abyssal musician, who can quite literally sing your face off.

Anyway, so we're scouting this town somewhat north of Thorns that the Mask of Winters has decided should belong to him for one reason or another. Thing is this place is being guarded mostly by war ghosts, and most of the labor is provided by zombies. So not a big deal for a circle of exalts. But we decided we'd best scout the place out just to be sure. Of course because we are a terrible party this involved splitting the party three ways. So while our Zenith, Twilight, and Dawn just kinda wandered off somewhere I and the Lunar did... pretty much nothing.

This went on for some time. Particularly since the Dawn's player was being slow that night. Finally my Abyssal was invited into the village tavern to play some tunes for the ghosts. So this continued on and we were rapidly figuring out that our Dawn player was not getting much of anything done. In fact he had probably fallen asleep at his keyboard. So the Zenith player says to me, "Just have your character do something. Anything, I don't care."

If it hadn't been for the fact that it was 2 AM and I was tired as hell this probably wouldn't have happened. But I said, "Alright fine," and started looking up amusing songs that my Midnight might play. And... well what do you play in a village of the dead? The Monster Mash of course! Yeah that's right, I had my Exalt play the Monster Mash on a harp, while tweaking the lyrics to fit the setting a little better. The GM was so amused that he gave me a 3 die stunt and I rolled 7 successes. And... promptly had the entire tavern, ghosts mortals and all dancing to the Monster Mash.
First game, a DB Akuma was producing an alchemical poison which, when it killed someone, would turn their corpse into an unbound Blood Ape. No really sure how. One of my friends had decided he wanted the Hammer of Dawn from Gears of War. As a bow. So he had an ordinary bow that he could pay 1wp and some motes to direct a beam of fire from the Daystar. We discovered the poison reacted with extreme pyrotechnics when struck by this beam. His Lunar mate is killed in the day market at Gem. In grief-stoked rage, he smites a whole crate, and literally hollows out the city. Almost everyone died.

At least it worked out for the First and Forsaken Lion, right?
Playing an Eclipse with a custom Temperance Virtue Flaw of 'Wine, Women & Song' who happened to Limit Break in Nexus. Roleplayed my character going completely 'dirty old man' and throwing the biggest bash ever in the cities' history going deeply into hock with the Guild to finance it. It lasted about 2 weeks and a decade later in Nexus it was the stuff of legends.
Oh goodness... I've had a couple of "Why would you do that" moments.

The one that sticks out the most was I used to play on supernatural sites a lot. I had this one vampire who was a reclusive artist, famous but preferred his solitude. Well, he gets involved with this con-woman, and she ends up starting a fight in a bar. Things turn ugly, a gun gets turned on the woman, and he ends up killing the person who was going to shoot her.

Biggest issue in my head was instantly there were obviously other people at the bar. So what does my character do? He burns it down. -.-
My Eclipse caste once got our Solar circle, and our manse (one of the Tombs), personally kicked out of Nexus by the Emissary.

And in another game, my mortal astrologer successfully passed himself off as a First Age Solar for a whole week.
Not sure how on earth your Eclipse managed to screw things up that bad. And pure Win to your mortal astrologer!
So, I made an Infernal for one of the on-site games recently, and had some notes from what I was thinking as I built it. This is, to my knowledge, how you get the fastest possible movement speed while retaining actual speeds. Sorcery is far, far behind.

You begin with an Essence 10 (10 dex, 10 Martial Arts) Infernal. You add Celestial battle armor, the Charms listed, and tie a friendly Chosen of Journeys onto your back.

Dash: 156 yards/action

Armor: x10

Sidereal Journeys: x3

Racing Vitaris: x3

Wind-Borne Stride (10 purchases)

Death-Dealing Journey: “x3” (technically reduces the speed of a Dash action to 1, but from 3, so I treat it as a multiplier to even out the fact that we start in yards.)

Light-Treading Technique: +10 yards/tick (Adds Martial Arts to Dash, from Crystal Chameleon Style)

Flashing Passage: x4 (For one action, from Crystal Chameleon)

Scarlet Rapture Shintai: +30

1080*156=168,480 feet per tick... you know, 32 miles per second. 114872.7 mph. Mach 151.
I had my Eclipse trigger an avalanche against a 40-Terrestrials+Warstriders-Wyld Hunt, then attack them by surfing on a huge pine tree and slamming it against the 'striders (thanks Graceful Crane Stance), then jump and go Invisible Statue Spirit on the shoulder of a 'strider, then escape by shooting myself two miles away from the giant bow of one of the 'striders (thanks Increasing Strength Exercise).

Upon being attacked with heavy artillery, my weaponless Day-caste jumped in the sky, meeting the slugs in the air and using them as support to leap, one after the other, to the battleship that was firing them and at the same time deviating them (thanks ludicrous Athletic Charms) against their own units.

I love Exalted.
Now this here isn’t really my story to tell but since the owner of the Character that did this barely understands English and I was the Storyteller when this happened, I figured Meh Why not share…

Two of my players walk into a tavern (good start for a bad joke eh?) the type that’s just crawling with pirates and low-lives of all breeds with a perpetual brawl in effect at all times, the most decent person in the room was probably the hustler in the corner of the room. Anyway, one of my players is a Changing moon Lunar designed entirely around the Appearance Attribute and only has one Combat Charm (at my insistence that at least one was necessary), the other a Chosen of endings with nothing but High powered (relatively speaking the game was still only at Essence 3-4 ratings at this point) Sideral combat charms (Mostly the Violet Bier of Sorrows). At this point the two of them had a pretty good Idea what the other could do (I encouraged them not to show each other they’re sheets, which turned out led to this story’s ending wohoo). So these two guys sit at a recently vacated table order a pint and after barely a sip and a pile of groupies for the Lunar later the Sideral decides to challenge the Pretty-boy Lunar to a form of duel, who can take out the most mooks in this bar before they are all out… the Pretty-boy laughs a moment and declares that he can take them all out in 5 seconds flat and that they aught to bet on it: the looser serves the winner for 3 months? Amused and thinking this was a sure thing the Sideral accepts. A moment later the Lunar stands up as he uses the Perfect Symmetry Charm, the slowly gets on the table as he uses the Twin Faced Hero Knack to retake his now HER true form, (Reminds the other players of her 6 Appearance and 3 dots of specialty in Appearance for her voice) Screams “LOOK HERE” Tears open her shirt this time Screams “FLASH ATTACK!” Spends her maximum amount of essence possible in the first Appearance Excellency to now give her a whopping momentary 15 in appearance, (or was it 19? I don’t remember if she used Irresistible Silver Spirit… Either way more than the unconquered sun and at least as much as Luna herself! I didn’t even bother making her roll anything seeing as the only non extras in the room were the players themselves) the Lunar buttons up her shirt as she climbs down the table to claim her prize with a stare towards the still jaw-dropped Sideral that says “you’re mine now”. And so they walked out of the Tavern to find something new to do as no-one was left standing in this particular “establishment”

And that’s the story of how a cowardly Lunar acquired the services of a Sideral martial artist as a Bodyguard
You know the City of Thorns? The one that's been taken over Skeletor? Yeah we killed him and took his city.

We accomplished this by making it into a giant flying Fortress. It was awesome.
[QUOTE="TV Head]You know the City of Thorns? The one that's been taken over Skeletor? Yeah we killed him and took his city.
We accomplished this by making it into a giant flying Fortress. It was awesome.

I approve of this. Giant flying Fortresses are awesome.

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