The most cliche RP ever!


Zero Satisfaction
Character Sheet




Appearance (anime only please):

Hero or Villain:

Cliche Role your character plays (This can be simply the main character, the love interest, the comic relief, child hood best friend, the mascot, bishouen, hard headed female.. Hell think hard on this one. Be creative)


Bio (this is NOT optional. This helps design your cliche of a character out):



Name: Slashooze The Swift


Age: 34

Gender: Male

Hero or Villain: Villain

Cliche Role your character plays: The highly outspoken Villain who always tells his plans to the protagonist. He also wants nothing more than

Personality: He is totally bland, uninteresting and unlikeable. He has no such motivation for being evil, other than he feels like being evil. He is overly cocky and arrogant and always underestimates his opponents for no other reason then he thinks he is ALL POWERFUL. Although the most despicable part about him, is his tendency to break the fourth wall. He also tends to speak in all CAPS to make sure the audience knows he means business and is evil.

Bio: You see Slashooze (yes that is his actual name) wasn't always evil, actually yes he was. He was the son of a despicable business man, he manipulated his customers and was super rich because of it. Slash envied his father and wanted to be just like him. But only one thing stood in his path:
EDUCATION. You see Sir Slash really sucked at school, like alot. So when he finished highschool at age 27 he was really enraged, but he was already very evil at this point. He was always stealing and beating up people in the lower grades, because he thought evil was totally righteous! But back to the highschool enraged thing.

You see he was so angry that his education didn't allow him to take over his father's position, that he bombed his entire school....
ON A HOLIDAY! So, to his dismay no one died, but he NEVER PAID FOR THE DAMAGE... or go to jail. So now he lives his life as a rogue, stealing from those who work hard for what they have.


Evil, killing, stealing, money, women, power, candy and babysitting.

Loosing, love, good and Kittens!


(I may have had too much fun with this..)
Name - Viola Bane

Age- 25

Gender- Male

Neither he does as he pleases

The normal 4th wall breaker and of course funny guy, he is a fabulous werewolf after all

Personality- Well the charming normal male, Viola loves to flirt with the lady's and be loud he doesn't take no for a answear sometimes and gets a little annoying with his random out burstburst dancing and well never taking anything seriously, he's out going and funny, a real loveable guy OR IS HE?!

Back story- well he had a bad childhood, abuse of parents, a real run of the mill bad luck, he got kicked out at only 17, lucky for him Neko a shape shifter and Jin a disable women took him in, of course that didn't repay them as much as they thought it would

Cliche- his in almost every anime out there...


Name - Hannah Golden

Age- 22


Cliche- she's the motherly type, the one you always see the one who will even cuddle the villain when he needs it, too soft spoken and adorable for her own good, now she always gets into trouble but finds her way out with some help by a hero

Backstory- like Viola she had abuse by her great grandmother but she over came it, she became stronger from it, she has many a bad story to tell to cheer people up

Hobbie - sewing, writing and over all doing her witch magic

(If I'm too late for this tell me

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