Opinion The most Annoying Kind Of People

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People who refuse to accept the facts when they are literally thrown in their faces.
The word you're thinking of are misandrist. They just hate men in general and use feminism as a cover for their sexism. As a feminist that actually wants true equality, I find them just as annoying as men who are sexist.

thank you for remembering the word i couldn't think of
People who shove their opinions down your throat and try to force you to accept it.

This is me when I come across these people.

gun to head1.gif
ignorant people annoy me. does this make me a bad person? yes. 

but somebody once told me asia was in china and i just wanted to cry.
Bernie or Bust people. I get it, you wanted him to be president, but this is the real world and sometimes the lesser of two evils is a choice you have to make.
People who say god did literally everything. In fact, one of the principals in my school once claimed that (I'm not making this up) 'A garbage dump smelled like a garden because god was there with him'.

Seriously. What the fuck. What kinds of chemicals did he breathe in the dump?

also, ppl who spek liek dis. srsly. did u evar go 2 sch? lern some grammer and spelieng for fucks sake.

God, I just want to fucking murder people who write like that. 
Atheists who think it's their duty to proselytize their atheist beliefs to fucking everyone.

"Feminists" who think that all men are scum and rapists

People who buy into "cultural appropriation"
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People that feel the need to correct everyone. 

Those who believe only their opinions matter and try to shove them down everyone else's throats.
Okay, just to keep it short as I typed this up and ended up being rather extensive. Other's have already posted it, I am just adding refining my point.

The type of person who supports feminism and equal rights, but when asked if they should be A: paid the same as men, B:Paid more than men or C: less, they reply with B. 

What dictionary did they use to define the term 'equal'? 

So I'm not annoyed by feminists but more matriarchal pushers (don't know the correct term, sorry).

Equality yes, placing one sex above another...no, regardless of which one.

Don't hide beneath banner of equal rights if you the opposite.  
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I dislike people who are over protective of people. Like, someone who thinks that they literally own one of their friends, and can't seem to understand that that certain friend has other friends too D:<
This is kind of relative to the first post, but yeah, overemotional people. 

But like, the kind of people who just want to tell you how depressed they are and how much they hate themselves and think they are a piece of shit. 

And ik, that SUPER insensitive of me. I have a hard time feeling bad for people like that. (Show me some act of kindness or something and I'll be crying my eyes out though) 

But let me just say that I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT. There are exceptions, of course. Like if we are really close I'm like "omg I'm so sorry that is horrible. But if I don't know you that well and you start preaching about your shitty life, let me tell you girrrrl I do not have enough emotional stability to care about everyone's shit! 

And now I'm a shitty person and everyone knows it. 
Not those kinds of feminists. Feminists that think everything is homophobic and sexist. Plus, they think all men are pigs.

I believe the internet calls these people Third Wave Feminists.

For me anyone who confuses opinion with fact. Like they can say - I think apples are the best fruit. And in their mind that's the same as saying "Water is Wet, Fire is Hot."

And thus when you come back with - Eh? Not so hot about apples, I like mangos though. 

It's like in their mind you have just spouted some jibberish like - Fire is Wet.

So then they either get super condescending or proceed to lecture you for the next two hours about why your totally wrong and talking nonsense and how all right thinking and civilized people agree that Apples are in fact the best fruit ever.
The one kind of person that almost everyone seems to suck up to and brown nose when this person is a huge jerk and doesn't have any likable qualities.
Since I've read a lot of things relating to this...

People who think it's impossible for straight, white, Cisgendered men to have problems.
1. liars

2. ignorant people

3. hypocrites

top 3 of the kind of people that can easily make my blood boil

those are in my opinion the worst things people can be and if you are all three, wow 
Hypocrites. No matter if it's regular hypocrites, racial hypocrites, gender hypocrites, etc hypocrites, those are the people that get on my single nerv the most.
I'm fairly sure this one was mentioned as well, but people who seek drama and do everything in their power to start it. No matter what one person does, they find some 'flaw' with it, call on their buddies and start some drama war bullshit. They don't listen to anyone else's opinions and shove their own down everyone's throat. 

Also, people who use the term 'victimizing'? Like, when someone is being assaulted with some bullshit opinion and they feel bad about it, apparently that's victimizing? I don't know. It annoys the shit out of me. 
I pretty much agree with a lot of people here so yeah, this is not going to be very original but, here are some "types" of people I find annoying.

In a spoiler because I have a lot of shit to say and the list isn't even done C:

There's the person who just wants to fite me. I really dislike that, and when most of the female population in your class has some kind of vendetta against you- it's not very pleasant. But this kind of stems from my own problem of accidentally insulting people. Teehee. ^^'

But when it's with no provocation. Like, ugh, just stop please. And when they continue EVEN THOUGH I APOLOGISED (sometimes for nothing???)?

Another thing is the one who reads something or hears something and believes it immediately, I mean, can't you think for yourself you "random hypothetical person"? For an example, there was this thing about saying thank you. Basically in Russian (which is the language of my surroundings) the word thank you roughly translates as "Hope god saves you" or  "Save god", makes sense, ye? But then someone reads something that says it's bad and BOOM! Now every single time I try and show proper use of manners I get corrected. Like no. That does not excuse you from being a civilised person!

The one who thinks the new "generation" is stupid. GMO ruined food, schools were better back then, they played outside instead of staying indoors all day, and they just were over all better children. And while true, somethings are worse nowadays, it's still overall BETTER now then back then. (And I can rant on the topic of GMO furiously but eh, it's not that interesting anyhow)

Idiotic children. Urghhhh. I can rant so much, but basically children who do not understand that they are shaming their parents with the way they act sometimes (and when they use homosexuality and mental disorders as insults >:( ). And then parents who view their children as perfect angels. Nuff said.

Hypocrites. I think that everyone hates them. But, a lot of people do not understand they are hypocrites. Particularly a lot of "feminists", people are going to correct me and say that "feminism" is the fight for equality for everyone. But the definition has changed a lot in my opinion. To me the fight for female equality in things like the wage gap is rather stupid, because if you think about it women are MORE privileged. Most of the time the custody of a child goes to the woman, the female student is generally considered to be better then the male (as such women get picked for college and university more often!), and honestly there are many examples.


Of course it's not all that bad. There will always be worse things that drive me nut but yes, this is it.

Anyone as an opposing opinion? I'm free for a fun debate so if anyone is up for it....
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Third wave feminists

BLM members

Followers of George Soros

Wannabe communists


People who use "Republican" as an insult

People who yell "Racist" "Fascist" "Nazi" for having a different opinion
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