The Mole


Bumblebee Therapist
xx0mittens0xx submitted a new role play. @xx0mittens0xx, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Appearance: Picture or Description


Name: Kira

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Ability: Shape-shifting into animals

Appearance: Picture or Description

Personality/About: Easy going and easy to talk to. She's very trusting and tries to make herself seem trustworthy. She's honest when it's about things that don't relate to her job. She doesn't change who she is for the job. She is showing her true self to those she's manipulating. Because of the fact she owe's her life to her rescuer is why she does this job. On certain things about the world she seems a little naive. Her rescuer only has exposed her to things that doesn't make their operation negative. He's filled her heads with reasons and excuses.

Other: No matter what she changes into, her eyes are always the same color.

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To grow sharp claws (kind of like wolverine) out of her fingers and has tough skin that doesn't allow injuries as quickly as regular skin.




When she discovered she had powers, her mother freaked out and her father kicked her out of the house. She left immediantly and didn't stop to grab possesions. After a month or two of being on her own, she found the group of mutants and made friends with them. She has grown to love each and every one of them no matter how mad she gets.

She has a short temper, easily pushed off the edge, moody at times, suspicious, sassy but sweet, annoyed easily.




Name: Salem Markos

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Ability: Salem can sense the emotions of the people around him. He senses the emotions of anyone within about two hundred feet, and often has difficulty distinguishing their feelings from his own. He's incapable of turning his ability off and often suffers from debilitating headaches as a result.



Personality/About: Salem is a gentle and kind-hearted young man, with an easy-going and mellow personality that makes him easy to get along with. He’s very patient when it comes to the mistakes of others, and tends to be more likely to forgive and forget as quickly as possible than he is to hold grudges. He's rather naive in her kindness, and his tendency to act selflessly towards anyone around him has allowed people to take advantage of him in the past. Still, he maintains a somewhat childish view of the world, believing most if not all people to be are good at heart. His enjoyment is usually put before that of other people's, and he has on occasion gone along on something he didn't enjoy just to make others happy.

Born in Greece to his busybody American historian of a mother and a laid back Greek sailor, Salem spent much of his childhood travelling over the Greek peninsula with his mother, though he rarely left the hotel rooms they stayed at. He ran away when he was about seven, to escape the constant flow of emotions that came with being in a crowded place. He only spoke Greek for a large portion of his life, and English is his second language.

Other: N/A

Name: Lloyd Fredricks

Gender: Male


Ability: Can regenerate from almost any wound (Will die if wounded enough times in a short span of time, if his brain gets damaged he's rendered unconscious and it takes longer than normal to regenerate) and has slightly increased regular human abilities (Good perception, never runs out of stamina, can easily grow muscles)


About: Lloyd had a regular life. Didn't stand out in school to begin with, always kept a bit to himself. He had friends, he just liked being alone a lot. He often seemed like the "Weird kid", walking around in hoodies and keeping to himself, but people who knew him knew that he always did his best not to insult people or hurt their feelings. He took up smoking at a pretty young age, but never felt any side effects from it, so he didn't stop and currently has a pretty big smoking problem, fortunately for him, it's only wounding his wallet. He didn't realize he had special powers until he was 15, at which point a stray bullet during a bank robbery pierced his left arm, flew through his ribcage hitting both lungs and his heart. He was never really attached to his family, but when he saw the fear in his mothers eyes when he got back on his feet after spending 5 minutes in a pool of his own blood, he knew what was going to happen. She called the cops, and after a short while a black cab with tinted windows arrived. Lloyd had made up his mind and accepted his fate, and was brought to a laboratory for testing. He was tested in many ways, most of them excruciatingly painful. He was exposed with gamma radiation, he was pierced through with metal poles, they flayed him alive, all to test his limits. Eventually, he saw a chance to escape from the facility, and took it. Now he's running around with another group of so-called "Mutants" and evading his captors at every turn.

Personality: Lloyd is careless, and tends to move around a lot. He does his best not to insult people, but he isn't always empathic, and can at times come with inappropriate jokes.

Other: Well, that turned out to get a lot longer than I wanted it to.
Name: Juniper Zelda (Juno)

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Ability: She can control all forms of energy and electricity

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/tumblr_mom2xjywf81rxnn5ro1_500.jpg.208277a755d8a6001ac3722ed5470197.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17877" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/tumblr_mom2xjywf81rxnn5ro1_500.jpg.208277a755d8a6001ac3722ed5470197.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality/About: Juniper Zelda (or her nickname, Juno) was born in Oslo, Norway. When she was 2 years old her family was outside during a lighting storm and her mom, dad, older brother, and herself were struck by lightning. Such a high level of electricity should have killed her but it didn't, instead it enhanced her DNA making her a conductor of electricity. Growing up was quite hard for Juno because she always felt different. But when she was 11, Juno read the X-Men comics for the first time and for once in her life she could relate to people (even if they were fictional). Juno was always very sassy, tough, brave, fearless, and witty. But when it comes down to the people she loves she would do anything to insure their protection. She also has a hilarious sense of humor.

Other: Mehhh



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(I apologize so much for not responding quicker I am usually much more punctual than this! I'm new and expected a notification I feel like an idiot but anyways you all are accepted and we can begin the role play. Whoever wants to reply first can or we can go in order how people posted here)

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