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Futuristic The Mismatched Heroes of The Odyssey (Now Accepting)

[QUOTE="Miss Ditzy]

Name: Capt. Bryn Rooker

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual


- Cyborg prosthetic legs start from about the knees down, she keeps hidden by pants and shoes




- Her cybernetics give her enhanced speed and phenomenal jump height

- Bryn is a skilled gunslinger, able to fire a full round of her revolvers and reload them in less than 4 seconds. Her aim is also just as remarkable.

- Very skilled in close quarters combat and acrobatic feats


From her very beginning Bryn’s life was never easy. Born into a poor family living the slums of Chicago in Terra, Bryn was one of a pair of twins, the other being her brother born a few minutes before. The area her family lived in was under the control of an extremely dangerous gang well known for threatening those living in it for almost everything they had in return for “protection”. When she was only 9, Bryn’s father was forced to flee in order to escape the debt he owed the gang. He wasn’t able to go far however, and was murdered in front of his children.

Two years later Bryn’s mother died of illness, leaving Bryn and her brother orphaned and broke. They were forced to work for the area gang for a few years, doing all sorts of illegal tasks and odd jobs just to make a living. That was when Bryn learned to fire her first gun. When they were 16, the twins were apprehended by police officials. Instead of serving any jail time, it was deemed more beneficial that the two were sent to the military academy and train to serve in the Imperial Fleet. There, they both excelled and graduated with honors before being sent out into the fields when they were 20. They were always stationed together and were always the closest pair in their company.

A few years later, Bryn and her brother were stationed on a fairly large Imperial cargo ship sent out to deliver basic supplies. All was well until the spacecraft was boarded and invaded by space pirates. The crew tried to fight them off, but these invaders were different. They were strong, specialized, and ruthless. One by one the Imperial Fleet soldiers fell as explosions continued to blast around them. It was a sight Bryn would never be able to forget. She even had to witness her brother take a bullet between his eyes. Her captain, bloodied and wounded, ordered her to leave the vessel, giving her a flash drive and instructing her to protect it with her life. Hesitantly obeying, Bryn equipped a spacesuit used to make repairs outside of the ship and jumped out the garbage bay, just in time as a large explosion blasted dangerously close to her. She remained conscious, but she could no longer feel her legs, and drifted away alone with the ships debris for a least a day until she was found by another Imperial ship.

Bryn was the only reported survivor left from the catastrophe. But she requested that any details about her and the tragedy be kept classified. Both of Bryn’s legs were blasted off from the explosion, but she was given prosthetic engineered by the military. And she was alive, though she hardly felt like it. For the next couple of years Bryn was given both physical and mental therapy. Her PTSD eventually settled down, though she know it would never fully heal. The government and military honored her and gave her the option of retiring, but Bryn turned it down to everyone's surprise. She was given the title of Captain in return, and has since then been famous for her service. To this day she chooses to keep many things about herself secret to almost everyone, like her early history and the fact that she even has prosthetics, but rumors about her still tend to float around among new recruits serving under her.

Personality: To many, it seems as if the only emotions Bryn ever shows are aggression and annoyance. Technically that can be considered true: She can seem to be quick to anger and does not have much patience towards others. This hard exterior however, is just used to protect a more introverted nature. When you are finally able to create some sort of close relationship with her, you see a more shy and even vulnerable side of her, showing she is not always the strong and stone cold commander everyone makes her out to be. Stress especially can take quite the toll on her, though she is very prideful and never shows it. She is also very selfless, especially to those she is close to, and will not hesitate to throw herself into danger in order to protect others.



- A set of custom dual blaster revolvers


Planet Origin: Terra


Ironrot said:


Gender: Female

Age: 24

Sexuality: Bisexual

Role: Doctor, Pirate Crew

Misc: Noma, this Noma, is a member of a young Hive mind. Noma is made up for 4 entities, spread across a few planets.\

Noma has only told its captain (@Coal), and Jackson (@Void Elemental) he stumbled in on Noma assimilating of a raid.

Homeworld: Mercury

Abilities: Noma can create a mental link with other organisms. The link is permanent until death a allows the free flow of information between each member of Noma. Over time, the organism with reach a mean mental state, having pulled Noma toward the state of the new and absorbing the new individual into the whole.

Personality: Noma is patent and slow and rarely stressed. Knowing that you have 3 potential backups will do that.

It dislikes violence, but understands the need for it. Better someone else than Noma suffer the pain.

Noma is curious, a trait picked from the doctor. this mixes somewhat badly with a lack of empathy. Every now and then its worth reminding Noma that you would prefer it stop investigating your innards and get on with the surgery.


When a hive mind becomes suitably large the question stops being one of resources and starts becoming one of efficiency. Weak minds with poor traits spread like infections, dragging the healthy toward their own fetted state of mind. The prevent this, bad nodes are pruned. Cut away.

Noma marks its existance birth by the moment that it was first pruned. It has memory of before this period. A drug addict was added to the network nearby the node that was Noma. Noma doesn't recall what information was needed. that knowledge was stored elsewhere. But Noma passed it along and with it contracted the weak mind's addiction and so Noma was cut away. The loneliness was crushing. Then the responcibility. Making constant decisions all by yourself was exhausting.

Noma struck out at those around it. Taking minds blatantly and obviously. The colony where Noma was left tried to exterminate it. They burnt the bodies. Pain moved through the network in waves, giving away anywhere that Noma was hiding in plain sight. So Noma attacked, took the warriors, the fighters. The colony tore itself to shreds. All that was left in the end was Noma. This Noma.

Noma was tired of fighting. It's single mind was scarred by the pain. So Noma adopted a new strategy. It took a doctor to keep itself well. Just one. It had learnt to be subtle. Noma's face was wanted for its role in the murder of a colony. Noone knew what Noma was but they knew its face. So Noma took a job off the grid, on a pirate ship. Doctor's were in high demand.


Noma is not fan of guns. They are noisy and invite attention and with attension comes bullets and fire. It prefers to engineer chemical weapons; Flash bombs, toxic gases and poisonous fluids. An incredably sharp scalpel blade if it can get close enough and it keeps an alarming number of similar blades on this form.

Of course, sometimes you need a gun so Noma keeps a compact, snub nosed pistol on her person.


Accepted of course


"...!!! Oh! Uh, sorry.. I must have dozed off again..."

Name: Stig Yul'Kash

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Misc: Linked to his working goggles and wristwatch, Stig programmed an AI assistant by the name of ISAAC (Intelligent System Assisting in Analyzing and Computing). It is an extremely intelligent made to manage and analyze several things (people, computers, building layouts).

Abilities: Extremely proficient in mechanics and engineering, also skilled in navigating and piloting

Bio: Born as a fourth generation Saurian immigrant in Terra, young Stig learned the value of hard work from a very early age. His family owned a small robotics shop in the big city, exposing the young saurian boy to the wonders of technology and engineering. Saurians were always very talented when it came to technology, and Stig was no exception. In fact, he excelled at it and it was found that he had a natural gift. He was so gifted that it was said he repaired his first robot before taking his first steps.

Stig lived a fairly normal life with his family and shop but as he grew older he found that it was was
too normal for him. That was when he decided to enlist himself as a mechanic and engineer for the military so that he could travel the galaxy while helping people on the way. He is relatively young, but he is very ambitious and self-driven to succeed.

Personality: Stig’s physical demeanor can fool any stranger about his personality. Standing at a height of 6'3 and having such a well built body from lifting heavy machinery over the years while also being covered with scales, he may seem like a more aggressive person than he really is. In fact, Stig has a very gentle and trusting personality. Even though he is extremely intelligent, he is also pretty scatterbrained and goes on long tangents while muttering to himself. He gets very excited over seeing new kinds of machinery and technology. He also is very attentive and kind to others and has a big heart. Stig is also known for being a workaholic and so much so that he actually dozes off due to his irregular sleeping habits. But what's most important to him is helping others and being of service to his friends, family, and planet.

Weapon: A single plasma blaster shotgun and a specially engineered wrench made by Stig himself



Planet Origin: Terra (Heritage from the planet Sauria)

Kwillz said:


"...!!! Oh! Uh, sorry.. I must have dozed off again..."

Name: Stig Yul'Kash

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Misc: Linked to his working goggles and wristwatch, Stig programmed an AI assistant by the name of ISAAC (Intelligent System Assisting in Analyzing and Computing). It is an extremely intelligent made to manage and analyze several things (people, computers, building layouts).

Abilities: Extremely proficient in mechanics and engineering, also skilled in navigating and piloting

Bio: Born as a fourth generation Saurian immigrant in Terra, young Stig learned the value of hard work from a very early age. His family owned a small robotics shop in the big city, exposing the young saurian boy to the wonders of technology and engineering. Saurians were always very talented when it came to technology, and Stig was no exception. In fact, he excelled at it and it was found that he had a natural gift. He was so gifted that it was said he repaired his first robot before taking his first steps.

Stig lived a fairly normal life with his family and shop but as he grew older he found that it was was
too normal for him. That was when he decided to enlist himself as a mechanic and engineer for the military so that he could travel the galaxy while helping people on the way. He is relatively young, but he is very ambitious and self-driven to succeed.

Personality: Stig’s physical demeanor can fool any stranger about his personality. Standing at a height of 6'3 and having such a well built body from lifting heavy machinery over the years while also being covered with scales, he may seem like a more aggressive person than he really is. In fact, Stig has a very gentle and trusting personality. Even though he is extremely intelligent, he is also pretty scatterbrained and goes on long tangents while muttering to himself. He gets very excited over seeing new kinds of machinery and technology. He also is very attentive and kind to others and has a big heart. Stig is also known for being a workaholic and so much so that he actually dozes off due to his irregular sleeping habits. But what's most important to him is helping others and being of service to his friends, family, and planet.

Weapon: A single plasma blaster shotgun and a specially engineered wrench made by Stig himself



Planet Origin: Terra (Heritage from the planet Sauria)
Accepted. Jump right in, there is a lot of action going on
Coal said:
Accepted. Jump right in, there is a lot of action going on
lol things have definitely started to go down from what I saw. I'll start posting right away! thanks :3
Appearance(realistic please): He looks like a cute penguin.

Name: Pingu

Age(20-30): 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Misc(cybernetic enhancements,medical issues): He has none

Abilities: Can rocket jump, immune to cold and freezing weathers

Bio: He was a normal penguin before the government started to apply tests on animals to make them better. They took an animal from each kind and this penguen was the chosen. They named him Pingu. After the tests and experiments, Pingu became smarter, stronger and faster. He could outsmart humans and beat them in fights. Then he started to have a personality. The government took him to the military and that's how Pingu got a rocket launcher. But Pingu didn't like being a soldier slave, he ran away from a battle and then he escaped from the military and joined to the pirates.

Personality: Loves to kill living things, cares about his teammates, likes to slide on his belly, intelligent, hates seals, loyal to his teammates, wants to protect them with his best because he has no other friends, he is also curious, he wants to learn new things.

Weapon(s): Rocket Launcher

Planet Origin: Terra
PinguTheOtterfucker said:
Appearance(realistic please): He looks like a cute penguin.


Age(20-30): 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Misc(cybernetic enhancements,medical issues): He has none

Abilities: Can rocket jump, immune to cold and freezing weathers

Bio: He was a normal penguin before the government started to apply tests on animals to make them better. They took an animal from each kind and this penguen was the chosen. They named him Pingu. After the tests and experiments, Pingu became smarter, stronger and faster. He could outsmart humans and beat them in fights. Then he started to have a personality. The government took him to the military and that's how Pingu got a rocket launcher. But Pingu didn't like being a soldier slave, he ran away from a battle and then he escaped from the military and joined to the pirates.

Personality: Loves to kill living things, cares about his teammates, likes to slide on his belly, intelligent, hates seals, loyal to his teammates, wants to protect them with his best because he has no other friends, he is also curious, he wants to learn new things.

Weapon(s): Rocket Launcher

Planet Origin: Terra
There are no spots for pirates or fleet members, only characters that may tag along from other planets, etc

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