The Misfits


Boink Bean


Full Name:






Appearance: (Picture, description, or both)







My Characters;

Full Name:

Alicia Eve Taylor


Ali or Alicia


17 years old






Alicia can be rude and snap at people, She has a loving and caring side, yet very little people see that side. She has a short temper and will snap on someone, she throws a hard and nasty punch, And will tell someone if they are annoying or stupid. She loves her friends and family.








Alicia was fighting with her mother, The two cussing and spitting hateful words. Alicia's father stepped and and broke them up, Alicia has hissed the words "i hate you." To the two before they departed on their trip, Alicia went to school, in fourth period she was pulled out and informed her parents had gotten into a car accident with a drunk driver, They both died, but the driver survived. At first she rolled her eyes, figuring it was a lie, it took almost thirty minutes to sink in, And she couldn't handle it. He ran, she ran off of Campos, no one attempted to stop her, Not even her own brother. She got home and cut all her hair off in pure rage and sadness, Just like her mother had a few days before they left. She stared at herself in the mirror, as if she was staring at her mother. Later Her and her brother, visited the drunk driver, he was terrified of Alicia as she released her rage, before she collapsed into her brother's arms in a fit of tears and sobs. She has lived with her brother ever since.




She loves to draw, and graffiti, She tends to enjoy gaming and writing.


Full Name:

Nathan Taylor




18 years old






He tends to over think situations, or take himself out of his own body and puts himself in someone else's life, He enjoys gaming and reading.








Look at Alicia's




He enjoys reading, and playing video games. He tends to enjoy a smoke once or twice, but its due to his stomach problems.


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Full Name: Hikari Ny Yin

Nickname: Neko

Age: 16

Gender: male

Grade: Sophomore (10th)

Personality: Quiet and nervous, he sticks to his sister like he's her tail. He's easy to push around, and won't do anything about it, but his sister will. He loves cats, and the idea of nekos. Although people say nekos don't exist, he believes they do.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bef3b3334_images(30).jpg.4c127942f16df2d80ba36f979754e573.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15204" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bef3b3334_images(30).jpg.4c127942f16df2d80ba36f979754e573.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(I'm so sorry if you wanted a realistic picture, so sorry)

Crush: No one

Relationship: Single

History: Hikari sat on the ground, watching his sister fight with the boy, who had been bothering him. He liked the fact that Kurai was so intent on looking out for him, but just wished she could find a less violent way to do it. He swallowed hard, and messed with his cat ear headband. He followed Kurai to the nurses office, when the fight ended, and waited right outside the door. Although, even that small of a distance, made him nervous. He heard that they would change schools to "start a new", but he didn't know how well that would work out. Wherever there were bullies, his sister would get into fights. When they saw which school, he wondered why but didn't question it. He just thought they were supposed to be trying to keep the twins out of trouble, not get them into more.

(That means they're joining as transfer students)

Siblings: Kurai (twin)

Hobbies: He enjoys wearing a cat ear head band, and drawing (mostly cats and nekos)
(simalar to these, but not sparkley, and they don't have the letter M on one of the ears...)

Other: His greatest fear is that he'll have to be alone

Full Name: Kurai Lilly Yin

Nickname: Lilly

Age: 16

Gender: female

Grade: Sophomore (10th)

Personality: She's bold, and seems fearless. She listens to, and protects her brother. She often gets carried away, and ends up getting into fights and trouble. But, she doesn't care. She won't change. She's proud of who she is, and what she does. No bully will hold her back.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bef3b7a05_blondesflowersgreeneyesanimegirlsbutterflies1151x1147wallpaper_wallpaperswa.com_28.jpg.9165670a77729946d7c256a750174ac2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15205" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bef3b7a05_blondesflowersgreeneyesanimegirlsbutterflies1151x1147wallpaper_wallpaperswa.com_28.jpg.9165670a77729946d7c256a750174ac2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Sorry again!)

Crush: No one. She says she doesn't need love, but secretly wants it

Relationship: Single

History: Kurai heard the boy pushing her brother around, calling him names. She stood up, and popped her knuckles. People had been eager to chat with her when she first arrived at the school, but then they saw how she fought. She approached her brother and the boy at a fast walking pace. She walked right up to the boy, who was bugging Hikari, and slapped him. He turned, and the two got into an all out fight. She threw punches, and so did he, until the fight was ended. She and the boy both went to the nurses office, the boy more injured than Kurai. It was decided that since that was her tenth fight that week, the twins should change schools. "But why this school!?" She questioned. And, she was sure her brother was thinking the same. "Man, I'm going to get into a lot of fights..." She smirked, "I'm ready."

(So, they're joining the school as transfer students.)

Siblings: Hikari (twin)

Hobbies: She enjoys to collect pebbles, play video games, draw, do martial arts, and walk in the rain

Other: Her greatest fear is loosing her brother

Full Name: Cinder Xno Drake

Nickname: N/A

Age: 14

Gender: female

Grade: Freshman (9th)

Personality: Cheerfull, but clumsy. She often makes a mess of things, but just wants to be helpful. She's oblivious, and can be tricked easily. She'll try to stand up for her friends, but can't do much.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bef3e4502_images(5).jpg.1404b84b2d901bffc96d0f01a378fc81.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15213" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bef3e4502_images(5).jpg.1404b84b2d901bffc96d0f01a378fc81.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(except she wears small, purple glasses)

Crush: none, but she loves love

Relationship: Single

History: "So, a new school..." Cinder mumbled to herself. She was excited, but tried to hide it, and just show her questions. She took a deep breathe, and then walked forward. She was just beginning her freshman year here, and she wanted it to start off on a good note. Time to make some new friends!~

Siblings: N/A

Hobbies: She likes to wear a panda hoodie, just because it's cute. She likes to read, espeacially fantasy novels, and romance.

Other: Her greatest fear is having nothing

Full Name: Silvanas Kir Miles

Nickname: N/A

Age: 16

Gender: male

Grade: Sophmore (10th)

Personality: He's hard to understand, and some people think he's crazy. He's not. He's just...okay maybe crazy is the only way to put it. But, it's a good kind of crazy! I promise! >-<

Appearance: (I couldn't find even an acceptable picture, so time to describe!)

He has messy black hair. He's tall and thin, and has cuts on his cheek. He carries around a card deck, and is often seen messing around with them.

Crush: No and doesn't care

Relationship: Single

History: (For him I'll need to come up with it later... -_- " Thought I would get all of my characters histories in, but nooooo...)

Siblings: N/A

Hobbies: He likes to do several things with cards

Other: His greatest fear is...loosing his cards? He might get a worse one over time, but for now... >->)



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Full Name:grey Brian



Gender: male

Grade: freshmen

Personality:cheerful,quiet,strong will

Appearance: longish dark brown hair that touches the tips of his eyelashes that parts to the right. Hazelnut eyes,resting behind his rather hipsterish black framed glasses. Pale skin. A rather feminine body type that suggest slight curves near the hips. An average height for his age. Tends to dress in a pop punk style,but changes whenever he feels it gets boring.



History:raised in a busy city of japan by his adoptive parents. Grey spent most of his time being bullied do to his femanlite and turned to skateboarding and music as an escape. Early in his life grey had been molested by an upperclassmen in grade school, leaving him rather wary of people. This event has also caused him to be rather quit and sometimes distracted to the world. Greys adoptive parents passed away and him and his sister (non-blood related) were forced to movie in with a relative.

Siblings: little sister emery

Hobbies: loves to sing, shop, compose music,

Other: find out

Full Name:

Gemma Lloyd-Hawley


Gem(by friends)








Gemma is super sweet, and iconic. She's the definition of 'hipster.' While everybody else is wearing brand names, she's wearing leather jackets, ripped jeans and a pop-art top. She loves to do her own thing, and is humorous. She's sarcastic, and often angers people because of her attitude she can aquire.

Personality condensed?: +Sweet, Unique, Humorous; -Sarcastic, Sassy




Small crush on Kaylen but doesn't realize it.


Just got out of a long-term (3 years) relationship with her now ex, Evan.

Best friend is Kaylen. @Baller


Gemma became a misfit after 8th grade. The bullying started in high school when people found out she was dating Evan. He was popular, and she was well, not. She was bullied, making her depressed. Not shortly after, coincidentally, her father walked out on her and her mom, later dying in a car crash believed to be suicidal. With that and the bullying she was diagnosed with depression, and now takes pills for PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and Anxiety. She recently mutually decided it was time for it to end as Evan had gotten feelings for another girl, so they broke up. The bullying has picked up once more, but they have to deal with her sarcastic, and sassy attitude now because she's not going to let them hurt her, she won't be a victim.




~Playing Piano



She's in love with the thought of love, and tends to be friends with guys more than girls.

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Full Name: Kaylen Jacob

Nickname: None!

Age: 18 Years Old

Gender: Male

Grade: Senior

Personality: Kaylen is adventurous and will try almost anything. He likes the idea of being unpredictable and being an interesting person to talk to and someone who will try anything. He's bold, although this may be a weird trait for a misfit he sticks up for many things including himself, sometimes. He tends to be busy because he's here and there doesn't pay much attention to the things and people around him unless they are directed towards himself. He's clumsy and since he doesn't pay much attention he knocks things over often. He's awkward sometimes, although he does talk often. He hasn't had good social skills growing up and high school has pushed him to work on them.


Crush: PM ME!

Relationship: Best friend, Gemma @BubbleDiamondz

History: Kaylen grew up in a quiet family. His dad was hard working business man but didn't pay much attention to his kids and it taught Kaylen and his sister and brother to be independent. They didn't need help with much, growing up and he liked it that way. Organization was always in the household and things were tidy and cleaned up like Kaylen's mother wanted it. He didn't play sports although he did do lots of working out and academic activities. Kaylen has always been the awkward misfit type

Siblings: A sister, Kayla (5 years younger), A brother, Kayin (7 years younger)

Hobbies: Drawing, swimming, working out, reading, math, problem solving, working on social skills

Other: He has tattoos!

On his right arm
On his chest
Full Name: Sergeant Conner Daniels.

Nickname: Serg', Sergio, Conner, Danny.

Age: Seventeen.

Gender: Male.

Grade: Junior.

Personality: Sergeant isn't what you'd call calm. He's hot headed, rash, aggressive and gets what he wants. He speaks his mind, brutally honest, and knows how to communicate. He doesn't sweat the small stuff, but if he feels that he needs to, he will. Don't be turned off by his cruel nature, though, the guy is extremely affectionate, caring and protective of his friends or lovers. It's just what he does. He's humble to them and never takes them for granted.




Crush: Nope.

Relationship: Single.

History: A rebellious guy, his Mother and Father swear that he jump kicked out the womb and began to choke the doctor with his umbilical cord. The guy has gotten into so many fights and won a lot of them.

Siblings: Nope!

Hobbies: Boxing, Swimming, some poetry, dancing.

Other: Nuthin.

Full Name: Bunelia Honey Fathom.

Nickname: Bunni, Honey.

Age: Fifteen.

Gender: Female.

Grade: Freshman.

Personality: Sweetest girl you'll ever meet really, but that's only because she's being polite. Really simple but complex at the same time, the girl is one side, strong, a leader and levelheaded, but shy, calm and soft spoken on the other. It all matters if she likes you or not, if she does, she'll warm up to you and show you her real side.




Crush: No one.

Relationship: Single.

History: Normal life, four older brothers and she's the baby. She hasn't seen the eldest in a very long time though.

Siblings: Damion Beck Fathom - Eldest

Raymond Harley Fathom - Second Eldest

Harvold Walter Fathom - Third

Lucas Arleigh Fathom - Fourth.

Hobbies: Sculpting, Volleyball, Singing, Self defense

Other: ---
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Full Name: Riley Samantha Jameson

Nickname: Riles, Ry, Sammy

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Grade: Junior

Personality: Riley a sarcastic nerd. She loves reading, listening to music and geeking out on the weekends with Star Wars and some Nutella. Although she isn't into partying every weekend, she doesn't mind the occasional dance party. Her best friends are her books and her iPod. Still, she loves skateboarding and her brothers taught her enough self defense to protect herself.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/jenlaw.jpeg.863c1845f8a44002bbbb461cde790dce.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15251" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/jenlaw.jpeg.863c1845f8a44002bbbb461cde790dce.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Crush: No one

Relationship: Single

History: Riley lives with her 3 older brothers and mother, her dad left when she was 12. Their house was robbed a few months after he left and after that, her three brothers became super protective of her. They taught her 3 different types of martial arts.

Siblings: Ryan (23), Cameron (21), Arthur (19)

Hobbies: Reading, dancing, skateboarding, mixed martial arts

Other: She doesn't like preppy, snobby girls and tends to stay by herself.

(Anyone wanna be her friend? She be sad D:)



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Full Name: Kay Emerald Griffith

Nickname: Kay

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Grade: 11

Personality: She's shy at first but once you get to know her she's funny, energetic, flirty, and a party animal. When she's angry she's usually calm about it, but always has the sarcastic come-backs that she isn't afraid to tell the person. She's a very good liar when she's in trouble.



Crush: None

Relationship: Single

History: Kay had been a foster child until her 16th birthday where she got herself emancipated and moved in with her best friends (including her sister. She's the only one of them who actually goes to school. But she does act like them. She smoked weed and drinks a lot. At school she never really had many friends, it was basically just her and her two roomies and her sister. This year she wants to make more friends. She often takes after her sister.

Siblings: Mia Griffith

Hobbies: Singing, painting, swimming.

Other: She has her belly button pierced.

Full Name: Mia Patricia Griffith

Nickname: Mia

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Grade: 12

Personality: She's a total badass. She's a lot like her sister but more outgoing and wild. She talks to people way more than her sister does and she's more free.



Crush: none

Relationship: single pringle

History: Her life is basically a year older version of her sisters. But she actually lived with their mom. When she found out she had a sister she ran away and got her own place with her two best friends (her sisters too), and waited until her sister could get emancipated. Now they all live together. Everyone at school calls her a slut or wh*re, she doesn't care because it's not true. She may do bad things but not those bad things.

Siblings: Kay Griffith

Hobbies: Partying, singing, and um....partying!



Full Name: Isabella Marie Tremont

Nickname: Isabel, Ella, Bella, El, Bell, Izzy, Iz, she goes by many things.

Age: 17

Gender: Girl

Grade: Junior

Personality: Bella is an independent strong survivalist, lethal, but good at thinking outside the box. Ella's past hardships have made her a survivor, and she will endure hardship and hard work to preserve her own life and the life of her loved ones. She states herself that nice people are the most dangerous because they get inside of her and that they could hurt her badly when she least expected it. She has shown she will protect those she loves, no matter the cost to herself. Because the majority of her time before the move to the orphanage was spent keeping herself and her loved ones alive, she does not understand many social cues and is often ignorant of other people's emotions. She has no experience with romance or love other than that of her friends, and doesn't believe she wants it. She also has large trust issues, and does not trust anyone.

She quickly adapts to the "kill or be killed" philosophy of life and coldly considers how she will get revenge on her enemies at one point. Despite her cold-bloodedness, she is nonetheless extremely relieved at not having to hurt anyone she knows inside and out.

Isabella struggles to understand political issues as she has had very little education or experience of politics.


Crush: She believes that she does not want love, that she can't risk it.

Relationship: She's single.

History: Does not like to share. (will put something if I have to xD )

Siblings: An older brother (deceased) and sister (ran away from home and yet to be found), and a younger brother.

Hobbies: Making/playing music, some types of fighting and weaponry practice, reading, writing, basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, goofing off, and figuring people out.

Other: Nope

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