The Menagerie on Chestnut Street


The elusive 3/4 lesbian.
So there are 8 apartments, my character lives in apartment 8 next to apartment 7, on the very top. Each apartment has two bedrooms, a living room, dining room, kitchen, and bathroom with porch access and, if you're sneaky, roof access. SOMEONE IS ALLOWED TO SIGN UP AS MY ROOMMATE IF THEY LIKE, JUST ASK PERMISSION FIRST!

There are no rules on age, as long as you're old enough to be by yourself I don't care if you're 18 or 79. As long as your characters are dynamic, we can make it work.

Provide a lot of information and a picture, but generally just follow my lead.

I will be posting my character shortly, and of course anyone can double.
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Florence Greene, everyone calls her Flo, has been living at Chestnut street for three years now, remaining long after she finished college. At 23, she isn't quite sure what to do with her life. She went to college and obtained a degree in theater, despite the careful warnings of everyone around her. Needless to say, she has a difficult time finding work, considering this isn't a big city or a theater hub. She spends most of her days working at the local coffee shop, "Bean There, Done That". It is a coffee shop with the theme of world travel, so she depresses herself by staring at the murals of places she has never been and will probably never go to.

Flo is a beauty, everyone says so. So when she acts, she is often type cast as a damsel in distress or a femme fatale. Of course, is it acting if you are just really playing yourself? She doesn't know, she thinks the best she can hope for is a steady job doing commercials. At least she has her contraband cats to keep her company. While cats aren't allowed, everyone has them, and Flo over achieves by having two.

She is a sarcastic girl, funny as hell, and sweet when called for. Everything she has she worked for herself, and she looks down on anyone who seems to have had their life handed to them. She is a proud, out of the closet bisexual, and has had countless boyfriends and girlfriends alike. Pity none of them seemed to stick.


Seth Banks is 36 years old and lives alone in apartment 4. He tried that whole marriage thing once, didn't really work out in his favor. He has lived in this building for years and probably wasted tons of money renting instead of just buying, but he's happy here. He is an incredibly handsome bachelor, and one of the leading prosecutors down at the local court house. God knows this city has a lot of crime and a bit of a drug problem, so Seth does all right money wise for himself.

Seth is a bit of a mystery to those around him, various women come and go but other than his former wife, none ever stuck around for long. He enjoys his solitude, but doesn't mind picking up a cute young thing every now and again.

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Emily Brooks, 27, is a geneticist by training, and is the midst of writing her Ph.D. thesis. She grew up on a Kentucky Thoroughbred farm, where her father works as a trainer. She took an interest in the breeding operations on the farm, and after much deliberation decided to major in Genetics. She completed her BSc. in Genetics and MSc. in Animal breeding at the University of Kentucky. She was persuaded to move to the city to complete her Ph.D. under the advisory of a world renowned quantitative geneticist. Her advisor is brilliant, but as Emily soon found out, he is also certifiably insane. Her ridiculously tight deadlines and the off task projects he assigns her at whim keep her just below her stress tolerance level almost all of the time. At the moment, she is a sessional lecturer for a first year genetics course, conducting a study on the genetic causes of infertility in genetically modified goats, for her professor and meanwhile, trying to finish her thesis on inbreeding depression in Thoroughbreds, so that she can get out of this city and get on with her life!

Emily has discovered that she is not a city person, she hates the traffic and the hipster culture. She especially hates the ban on pets in her apartment building, but stays because the rent is cheap for her broke grad student lifestyle, and her neighbours are, for the most part, likable. Emily is particularly aware that she is failing miserably at the 10 year plan established after her undergrad, her research is taking longer than it was supposed to, and at this rate, she is going to be nowhere near marriage and a steady research job by age 30.

Emily is a pleasant person, for the most part, though leaning on the introverted side of the personality spectrum. She tends to keep to herself, and the majority of her friends are her colleagues in the lab, but she is friendly with her neighbours. She is quite intelligent and is easily irritated by immaturity, and each September since she got this apartment in 2012 she has prayed that a group of rowdy college freshman won't move in. She also has very strong, moral beliefs, that sometimes clash with others, particularly the 'free-to-be-you-and-me' hippies who proclaim the benefits of organic, non-genetically modified foods while wearing their trendy clothing made by underpaid garment workers in Bangladesh and practicing unchecked consumerism, leading to a host of environmental problems.

@AngieG Whoops, I don't really have a preference. I'll arbitrarily say 7, but if someone wants to be roommates or whatever, and wants to change apartments, I'm cool with that! Also- Blue, 'cause I forgot :P
Joseph Bernstein, 25, nicknamed "Heisenberns" by his friends that know him, is a loveable pothead with a weakness for the green and a passion for cooking (in part inspired by his ambition, in part fueled by the fact he constantly has the munchies). He just moved into Chestnut street after a string of couch surfings and coming into a small inheritance from his uncle, which has helped him to get the apartment and to fund his culinary career. He's currently a dishwasher at The Hudson, an up and coming bistro in the city, hoping that he can rise in the ranks by showing off his skills to the head chef. He also likes working out, and occasionally models for his painter friends. He loves the bohemian lifestyle.

Joe got his nickname from the popular HBO show "Breaking Bad", an allusion to Heisenburg, a meth cook who builds a criminal empire. His friends starting calling him that when Joe combined his love of weed and cooking to create some of the best damn edibles in town. His first and foremost ambition is to move to Colorado and open his own weed bakery. Obviously his parents do not approve, as they have virtually stopped talking to them, but he was never that close to them anyway. His older brother can be the golden child for all he cares.

Joseph's into girls, for sure, but he's not that good at trusting them. A bad experience- very bad-with an ex-girlfriend has left him mistrustful of girls. Since then he's been exploring his preferences, discovering his bisexuality and attempting to see what he enjoys more. Most of the time he just doesn't really care about relationships and prefers the company of his ferret, Winston (whom he disguised as a cat to sneak into the apartment).

Joe is funny, dry, and easy-going. Not much seems to bother him, but the few things that do really, really push his buttons. He enjoys making guy friends, but is more cautious with women. He's not much of a partier, preferring netflix and pizza on friday night. And saturday night. Mostly every day of the week, really.

Ooc: Great! Just tell me which apartment and you're in! 8, 7, and 4 are taken, unless you want a roommate. Then you still can't have 4.
Ooc: I was actually thinking of starting soon. I invited @Fallen from Heaven too, so we'll see if she joins. In the meantime, we can start whenever really. I'm fine with making more characters if I have to. Multitasking!

Artist for hire and restless creative being, Charlie Joy, 19, has only recently moved into Chestnut Street, taking a part-time course at the local collage and selling her paintings, sculptures and works for decent cash.

The tanned-skinned young woman reaches at 5’7, her lengths of dark, thick hair often mussed up or tied back. Though she maintains a good level of hygiene her clothing is almost always messy with paint, plaster and dust, not really looking to impress anyone she is rarely seen with make-up or anything other than denim, dresses and shirts on.

From a young age, Charlie has always focused on making herself suitable for others, to fit in and be seen as acceptable. However, as she’s grown up she’s come to accept her generous plus-size body and has grown to love herself before anyone else. She loves her food and enjoys dancing, walks and the occasional cigarette and drink.

Originally from England she’s taken a year out to try and stretch her artistic touch elsewhere, out of her comfort zone. From abstract to sculptures to fine art paintings she’s a Jane-of-all trades, specialising in none but injecting as much passion and enthusiasm equally.

Due to her line of work she’s bounced from apartment to apartment, taking a chance on Chestnut Street, ground floor to avoid any disruptions. She’s up at unusual hours, sometimes going without sleep for days once inspiration sinks its fangs in. A bit of an odd ball, Charlie isn’t very successful at making connections with people, most finding her behaviour annoying or at times too exhausting to keep up with, leading her to being a bit of a lone wolf of some sort. With family in England she sells her pieces of extraordinary prices and sends most of the money back so that her family and herself and live in long-deserved comfort.
Ooc: Great! Just read the overview and choose which apartment you want. Ground floor would be either 1 or 2. After you do that you can start posting.

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