The Melora - A Tale of Emethia


Procrastinating Perfectionist
(Note: Please do not add sections to the Character Sheet; if something is not on there, please put it in the 'Other' section. Thank you!)

Character Skeleton




Age: (15 or below)

Race: (Human, Elf, or Dwarf)





<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/7_poialpoiss_02.jpg.bcc63942bf7964bdcd580ff42e7239c3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53883" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/7_poialpoiss_02.jpg.bcc63942bf7964bdcd580ff42e7239c3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Akam Bato

Gender: Male

Age: 12

Race: Human(?)

Personality: Extremely optimistic and fun-loving, and is never seen without a smile. Loves making people happy and can be a bit random. While it is uncertain whether or not he is particularly secretive, as he seems very open and friendly, he often avoids questions about himself or changes the subject, usually by way of a joke. Most people label him as the village weirdo, though it doesn't seem to faze him. He often draws funny cartoons, though given time to himself he is actually a very talented artist. He is also a musician by way of a wooden lute.

History/Backstory: Mostly unknown. No one has ever seen his home or knows enough about him to even make a guess. If asked, he will most likely change the subject or dismiss it.

Other: He has a pet frog named Za, that he dresses up(...?)



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/uploadfromtaptalk1432668056791.jpg.f737a424b3aee90f5b6e41e495ae8ef5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54090" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/uploadfromtaptalk1432668056791.jpg.f737a424b3aee90f5b6e41e495ae8ef5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Sienna Azadi

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Race: Elf

Personality: A naive, and kind young woman, whom accepts all, and will help anyone in need. Sienna is extremely empathetic, and caring of others. She dislikes seeing people hurt, or animals for that matter, being mostly a pacifist. She's an enthusiastic and stubborn young woman, who doesn't like to feel weak, or helpless. Being quite mature for her age, seems to add to the illusion of being older than that of fifteen.

History/Backstory: A long life lived within the forests, and living at peace with nature. Her parents unknown, yet she was brought up with a kind healer, whom taught her all she knows. The only clue to her biological parents is a crystal pendant.

Other: Has a bluebird called, Iz.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/uploadfromtaptalk1432668042052.jpg.ba3b73a8f95a5c7a60de702d0edc209b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54089" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/uploadfromtaptalk1432668042052.jpg.ba3b73a8f95a5c7a60de702d0edc209b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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XxLuluxX said:
View attachment 124020
Name: Sienna Azadi

Gender: Female

Age: 17 ((Agh, sorry, I actually put the wrong age limit... I copied the CS from another of my roleplays and it said below 18... I really hope that's okay (' :) )))

Race: Elf

Personality: A naive, and kind young woman, whom accepts all, and will help anyone in need. Sienna is extremely empathetic, and caring of others. She dislikes seeing people hurt, or animals for that matter, being mostly a pacifist. She's an enthusiastic and stubborn young woman, who doesn't like to feel weak, or helpless ((I'm confused at this... I mean, isn't she a pacifist?)). Being quite mature for her age, seems to add to the illusion of being older than that of seventeen.

History/Backstory: A long life lived within the forests, and living at peace with nature. Her parents unknown, yet she was brought up with a kind healer, whom taught her all she knows. The only clue to her biological parents is a crystal pendant ((Were you planning on maybe having a character arc with this? Could you PM me maybe with the details on all that? It sounds intriguing/interesting!)).

Other: Has a bluebird called, Iz. ((I'm not sure if you just assumed the pet was necessary or not, but just to let you know, it isn't. Otherwise, very cute! =) Nothing else wrong with it))

View attachment 124019
Soooo I highlighted some things~ =)
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Ok, quick question. How old would you suggest? Or am I in the right? Also, she may be pacifist, but that doesn't stop her being independent and feeling she can't stop a death etc... and birds are cool .-. @ThatOneCrazyPerson I wasn't completely sure about the pendant either, i was thinking something along the lines of a good luck charm, whom it turns out to be a trapped fae.
@XxLuluxX I changed the age to what it was supposed to be (15 or below) in the character sheet =) I hope that still works

And ah, okay.. I thought as much, but I just wanted to make sure that was what you meant ( ;) )

Ooooh, interesting! If you want, I could work it into a small subplot =D We'd have to work it out in a PM though (^.^)

Name: "The name is Metallica. Metallica Valentine. Valentine was the last name of my ancestors"

Gender: "Are you visually impaired? I'm a female. A very beautiful one on top of that."

Age: "15"

Race: "I'm a witch. A human witch."

Personality: "I am...not a very nice person. I'm blunt, rude and cruel. As long as you don't interfere with my magic research and training. We don't have a problem. If we do, by chance, have a problem, I will not hesitate to remove your life force from your body, got it? Good! Now, I'm also but that's because I'm wise I have the right to do what I want!"

History/Backstory: "You are so damn nosy you know that? As a result, I'm not telling you anything. You'll learn about it later if I feel up to it? What, you disappointed now? Can't say I blame you, everyone wants to know me. Tell you what, become my test subject and I'll tell you everything! No? Fine, your loss.

Other: "I'm really good at magic? Oh! I've got a pet Lightning Wolf. Yeah! Sounds weird right? He's still young but he's finally controlled his lightning abilities. I just can't wait 'till he's bigger!
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NetherLightGod said:
Name: "The name is Metallica. Metallica Valentine. Valentine was the last name of my ancestors"

Gender: "Are you visually impaired? I'm a female. A very beautiful one on top of that."

Age: "15"

Race: "I'm a witch. A human witch."

Personality: "I am...not a very nice person. I'm blunt, rude and cruel. As long as you don't interfere with my magic research and training. We don't have a problem. If we do, by chance, have a problem, I will not hesitate to remove your life force from your body, got it? Good! Now, I'm also but that's because I'm wise I have the right to do what I want!"

History/Backstory: "You are so damn nosy you know that? As a result, I'm not telling you anything. You'll learn about it later if I feel up to it? What, you disappointed now? Can't say I blame you, everyone wants to know me. Tell you what, become my test subject and I'll tell you everything! No? Fine, your loss. ((If you could PM me her backstory I would appreciate it! =) (Unless it's still a WIP) In that case, just send it to me when it's done =) ))

Other: "I'm really good at magic? Oh! I've got a pet Lightning Wolf. ((I am laughing so hard I didn't anticipate everyone wanting a pet X'D Also just make sure he's not too OP =P)) Yeah! Sounds weird right? He's still young but he's finally controlled his lightning abilities. I just can't wait 'till he's bigger!
Otherwise, accepted! =)
Thank you. I'm trying to make another Valentine family member for the "Upon The Sea - A Tale Of Emethia" roleplay since there is no space available in "The Mystic Child - A Tale Of Emethia" roleplay.

If in the end I don't make one for Upon the Sea, Metallica will be the last member of the magic Valentine family.
Name:"The Name Be Farrighn Merrymor! O' The Dwarven Mountains"

Gender:"Male as the knights that be defendin' yer Kingdoms"

Age:"14 years in those mountains and now the rest O' my years in the world"

Race:(No one chose dwarf yet?)"100% Dwarf from muh head to my wee toes"

Personality: Farrighn is best described as a rock. Short, Stout, Hard headed and looks like a chunk of a mountain. He thinks dwarfs "Be De Best!" (And they are) For the ability of being able to make the beautiful Dwarven Mountain insides and be able to beat an elf in a drinkin contest anyday O' the week. You can bet if there is an easy way out he took it in a taxi cab and is sleeping in the beck seat and a half eaten meat leg in hand. Another thing to point out is if you have food you have a friend of Farrighn He is under your command if theres a few meatlegs in it for him.

History/Backstory:Raised in the Dwarven MT until the age of 14 he was not a very loved dwarf. Often bothering the adult dwarves asking them "What is be out there?" To which he was mostly answered "The Mountains are where ye belong and the forests are where the others are" Eventually his curiosity was ready to burst out of that cave and see what was out there! The day was his 14 birthday, After the party he went to his rock room and thought about all of the things he was missing out there, while he was thinking about Humans, Elves, And animals that arent moles There was rumble. And another. And another. The caves were going down! He ran downstairs but his parents were still in the mines. He remembers thinking to himself "MY PARENTS BE GETTING RIDEN ON BY ROCKS!" He tried to go to the mines but the rocks already covered it. So he ran to entrance! Up... And Up... And up... When he got there he was scared. And remembers crying. That is before he met Pup

Other:(Will post a Picture of him and picture of dog soon)
GiantDeronDanford said:
Name:"The Name Be Farrighn Merrymor! O' The Dwarven Mountains"
Gender:"Male as the knights that be defendin' yer Kingdoms"

Age:"14 years in those mountains and now the rest O' my years in the world"

Race:(No one chose dwarf yet?)"100% Dwarf from muh head to my wee toes"

Personality: Farrighn is best described as a rock. Short, Stout, Hard headed and looks like a chunk of a mountain. He thinks dwarfs "Be De Best!" (And they are) For the ability of being able to make the beautiful Dwarven Mountain insides and be able to beat an elf in a drinkin contest anyday O' the week. You can bet if there is an easy way out he took it in a taxi cab and is sleeping in the beck seat and a half eaten meat leg in hand. Another thing to point out is if you have food you have a friend of Farrighn He is under your command if theres a few meatlegs in it for him.

History/Backstory:Raised in the Dwarven MT until the age of 14 he was not a very loved dwarf. Often bothering the adult dwarves asking them "What is be out there?" To which he was mostly answered "The Mountains are where ye belong and the forests are where the others are" Eventually his curiosity was ready to burst out of that cave and see what was out there! The day was his 14 birthday, After the party he went to his rock room and thought about all of the things he was missing out there, while he was thinking about Humans, Elves, And animals that arent moles There was rumble. And another. And another. The caves were going down! He ran downstairs but his parents were still in the mines. He remembers thinking to himself "MY PARENTS BE GETTING RIDEN ON BY ROCKS!" He tried to go to the mines but the rocks already covered it. So he ran to entrance! Up... And Up... And up... When he got there he was scared. And remembers crying. That is before he met Pup

Other:(Will post a Picture of him and picture of dog soon)
I can't do highlights from my tablet, but here I'll list them anyway ^^;

(1 - Race) Lol yeah, not a lot of people pick races other than human... kind of sad, but hey

(2 - Personality) There... aren't any taxi cabs...?

(3, 4, 5 - Backstory) The Dwarven Mt...? Also, the caves just randomly decided to collapse? And the pet isn't a necessary thing (just btw)

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