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Realistic or Modern The Marksman: 1x1 IC

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The Marksman: 1x1

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Misty Gray Misty Gray
Chapter Index

Chapter 1:
The New Assignment - Monday 15th June 1970​

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Chapter 1: The New Assignment
Chapter 1: The New Assignment
Monday 15th June 1970
Afternoon, Sunny & Dry
Cross Hacienda
Menorca, Spain

Nigel & Isabella Cross
“Señor Cross, Alonso should be arriving with Mr. Möhren within the hour. Would you prefer to receive him at the guest entrance or the employee one?” Nigel glanced up from his desk, a rich mahogany antique he had acquired from his father’s estate. “Guest entrance, please. We don’t want our new friend to get a poor first impression.” He replied to the house staff member, returning to his paperwork. Without eyes on the staff member, he could feel his brow dip in a nod before shutting the office doors behind him. The expense reports for the latest order to Viet Cong members hit his desk this morning. The news was thankfully good—in business terms, at least. He placed his chips early on the rebels, and his bet was paying off. With increased weaponization, the Southern Vietnamese were struggling to match guerilla tactics. Although it wasn’t his war to fight in, it certainly increased profit margins over the past few years. However, the Vietnam front needed to wait. Faaid’s request needed his attention once he got back to work.

He needed to get ready for the rest of his day. After tucking a few classified documents away in his desk and locking the drawer they were housed in, he made his way out of the office. Thankfully, this portion of the house was secluded from the rest. The hacienda itself was situated at the center of a cove. When he and Isabella bought the property nearly thirty years ago, only the house remained. A fine piece of Spanish architecture, the house itself was traditional two-story home. On the left end of the cliffs sat his office: purposefully built separate from the house. A L-shaped breezeway connected the office to the covered patio of the house. The back lawn was mostly consumed by the pool and surrounding limestone, which faced the ocean as well. At the center of the cliff’s edge was a gated set of stairs down to the cove’s beach. That’s where he’d be receiving his guest today. Had he opted for the employee entrance, there was a proper boat dock on the right end of the cliffs near the employee housing.

Nigel stepped into the house from the patio entrance, the fresh blast of cool air sharpening his senses. It was nearing noon and not a soul stirred in the living space. His children were God know’s where, but he had an inkling of where he could find his wife. Rounding the kitchen’s corner, he entered the master suite. The vaulted white ceilings flooded the room with natural lighting, mixed with the open door to the private porch. The curtain waved gently, caressed by the summer breeze. He carefully peeked his head outside to find Isabella painting. Her easel was situated perfectly, giving her a beautiful view of the forested section of their property. “It’s coming along wonderfully, darling.” Nigel purred, placing a kiss on her neck. Isabella sighed, leaning her head against her husband’s. “I agree. I only have a hour left of good light. After that, i’ll greet our new friend. What’s his name again?” Nigel returned into the bedroom, seeing a summer’s suit already laid out for him by his wife. “His name is Alexander Möhren, but I don’t know what he prefers.” He began to explain, getting himself dressed in the process. “I wanted to find someone completely unaware of our situation. When I asked one of my contacts for recommendations, his file came up. All I know is what I read.” His back was turned to his wife as he buttoned his linen shirt, unaware of her nonverbal reaction. “I wish you hadn’t taken that deal, mi amor…” She sighed. “It had to be done and now we adapt. That’s what we always do.” He quickly correctly. He wasn’t going to argue about this, not with company coming. “You and I both know there’s worse alternatives. This way, everything stays close to home.” Clearly, his wife wasn’t in an argumentative mood either. She simply tsked, a clear signal she was tired of the conversation.

“You picked a good suit,” Nigel said, shifting the conversation. He wore a white linen dress shirt, khaki linen pants, and an Artesian leather belt to go with it. Shoes around these parts were a foreign concept, and he didn’t bother dressing his feet. With the walk to the beach, it was better to not track sand up to the house. “It’s a milagro you dressed yourself for twenty-some years before me.” She teased, turning back from her painting to admire her work. “There wasn’t much time to think about clothes then…” A brief glance at his watch reminded him that his time was running out. Isabella knew her husband well enough to know he was pushing the clock. A wry smile escaped her lips before turning her back to Nigel. “Make sure the kids are home for dinner tonight. No exceptions!” He shouted, breaking into a light jog out of the bedroom.

Thankfully, he managed to make it to the beach on-time. Nigel stood poised, his hands placed comfortably behind his back. Two staff members stood on either side of him, one ready to help the skiff and the other to assist Mr. Möhren with his bags. As he squinted through his sunglasses, he noticed the shiny wooden hull of his Riva. Along with the sun rays reflecting on the waves, it made it difficult to see the boat incoming. “Do you have any idea where the children are?” He asked his staff, trying to make conversation. "No, Señor, I suspect Señora María intends to stay home today. She hasn’t taken the other Riva out or the Cruiser to town.” Nigel nodded, satisfied enough that his eldest daughter would be around She was the reason all of this occurred in the first place. “Good. Make sure the guards understand she isn’t to go anywhere off-property without Mr. Möhren. After his reception tonight, he is expected to be on-duty unless relieved by myself or Señora Isabella. Is that understood?” Both men nodded obediently.

The Riva floated to a stop, allowing the tide and momentum to slowly carry the boat into the beach. Once the boat was close, Alonso gently turned on the engine to lodge the vessel in-place in the sand. “Mr. Möhren!” Nigel called with a casual wave. The staff member to his left proceeded to assist Alonso by holding the bow, while the other rushed to the boat to help unload bags. “I hope travel wasn’t to difficult? Honestly, I’m quite impressed that there weren’t any delays.” Once Alexander was off the boat, he met the man halfway on the beach to shake his hand. This British brute certainly came as-advertised. “Nigel Cross, now that we’re properly acquainted,. Please call me Nigel.” Once introductions were out of the way, he let the staff go first with the bags. “Your bags will be taken to your quarters in the employee housing. I’ve arranged for you to have a private room on the second floor, which should be a suitable vantage point from the back of the house.” He explained, although he realized the man hadn’t a clue what he was mentioning. “My apologies! I’m getting ahead of myself, aren’t I? Would you like a tour? I’ve spared some time in my afternoon to show you around.”
Alexander Möhren

Screenshot 2024-08-05 001416.pngFour days ago, Alexander had visited his parents and brother in Reading. Often, he did before starting a risky assignment; his way of making sure of seeing them in case it would be for the last time. He'd made them aware that he was taking on some overseas work and had been vague enough about it being in Spain to let them draw their own conclusions about where exactly. It wasn't the first time he'd taken on a job overseas, so they were by now used to him travelling for work.

He'd arrived in Barcelona two days ago and taken some time to himself, making the most of the hotel bar, the swimming pool, and adapting once again to a warmer climate than the weather he'd left behind at home. He wasn't yet aware of what exactly his latest assignment entailed, but work was work, so having a couple of days to relax first was perfectly reasonable as far as he was concerned.

Alex was up bright and early that morning so he could ensure he arrived on time to meet Alonso who would be taking him to meet with his new employer, Nigel Cross, at the man's coastal property. He remained silent for much of the journey, taking in his surroundings and enjoying the ride for the most part.

They eventually reached their location, with the boat being lodged in place in the sand so the men on board could safety disembark. As he stood, he saw Nigel wave at him as he called out his name. He waved back but for the moment held back on his verbal greeting. Alex had been about to lift his bags when two men rushed to do the honour for him. "Thank you," he told them before stepping off of the boat and onto the sand. As he approached Nigel, he removed his sunglasses and for the time-being and slotted them into his shirt's front pocket. "The journey went well. It's always refreshing when Plan A runs smoothly," he commented, returning the man's handshake. "Good to meet you, Nigel," he said, acknowledging the British man's request to call him by his first name. "Alex," he added, to confirm his own name preference.

When told his bags would be taken care of, he looked to the staff in question before nodding. He could be quite protective over his belongings. But given he was both in the presence of his employer and carrying with him nothing of great importance at that time, he wasn't concerned. "That's much appreciated," he said by way of gratitude. "Thank you for the hospitality."

What did grab his interest was being told of where his private room would be. Although the vantage point in question wasn't presently visible, it did prompt him to take another concentrated look at their surroundings, having already done so on the boat as they approached.

Alex smiled at Nigel when the man asked if he would like a tour. "Yes, I would appreciate that. It's prudent for me to be acquainted with my surroundings as early as possible," he told him. "I can already tell this is quite some place you have here. The location isn't bad either!" he remarked.
Nigel & María Cross

“Of course, then let’s get to it!” Nigel chirped, clasping Alex on the shoulder. “And yes, I’m quite fortunate to call this home. When we purchased the property, I was told this cove was home to Grecian pirates prior to Rome’s invasion of the island.” He explained as he led the way up the large limestone steps. “This is the main access point to the beach you entered on. The staff maintains the beach primarily for recreational use, but as you saw, it can be practical.” As they reached the halfway mark of the stairs, the employee house came into view. It was a simple two-story square structure, the style matching the preexisting house. He paused for a moment, pointing to the house. “That is the employee housing. We have five full-time employees on the island at all times. They range from property security to our head of household. They live on-site to keep things simple. The rest of the employees you see are island locals who drive in from town every day. Landscaping, cleaning, and the usual.” He continued up the steps again, continuing his lecture. “The head of household keeps a well-stocked kitchen for all employees there. Even though you’ll be living there with the full-time staff, any staff member is welcome to help themselves. But at night, you’ll find it fairly quiet.” By now, they had reached the top step, where the small gate between the backyard and stairs met. With the pool and backyard space fully in-view, he noticed María lounging by the pool…

María spent most of her morning in her room, working on staff scheduling for Mr. al-Hoda’s visit in a few weeks. Seeing as she was her father’s director of operations, working with the head of household wasn’t uncommon when guests were due to arrive. While it was a few weeks out, she wanted to get ahead of it. With this mysterious new hire, her father and mother seemed to be a bit at-odds. All she knew was that he was a guard of some sort, and for whatever reason, he seemed to upset her mother. While it wasn’t uncommon to have frosty periods between them, something seemed off this time. As a young girl, she noticed it more and tried to adapt to please them. But as a grown woman, she simply stayed out of their way.

In an attempt to do so, plus being cooped up inside all morning, she thought it was best to spend her afternoon by the pool. She dug up one of her bikinis and a good book and set out for the pool. Through her trip in the house, it seemed quiet inside. Her mother was likely painting somewhere, a common pastime of hers. However, her brother was nowhere to be found. Perhaps he was still asleep, or better yet, drunk on a beach somewhere. With him, there was no telling. Regardless of anyone’s whereabouts, she made herself comfortable in the centermost chair. It was a gorgeous day, and she was certainly glad she had the chance to enjoy it…

Nigel noticed immediately the amulet he had given his daughter a few weeks ago was still around her neck. It was a beautiful golden necklace, a glittering piece of lapis clasped at the center. A silent bit of relief ran through him. Even though he instructed her to never remove it, he knew she was prone to ignoring his advice… “María! Glad you’re here; this is perfect timing!” Nigel called as he unclasped the small hinge of the gate. He let himself in, then allowed Alex to enter before swinging it shut. “This is Alexander, your new bodyguard!” He gestured a hand to show off the man, a bit like a trophy.

María’s eyes narrowed behind her sunglasses, studying the man in question. He was certainly easy on the eyes, but what had her father meant by her bodyguard? “What do you mean by your?” She asked, lowering her frames to her nose to send a glare to her father. Nigel froze a bit, clearly aware he had left the details out of the picture. He stiffened his back a bit, slowly approaching the pool. “There is cause for concern with work, María. Your mother suggested we tighten security around here, so we needed to reorganize the current security. With your involvement in the company, we agreed it was best to ensure you were safe.” Nigel explained. María’s eyes were still locked on her snake of a father; she had a sense he was lying. In front of the new hire, Alexander, she decided against questioning it. This was an argument for closed doors.

She slid her glasses back into place, looking past her father to the man behind him. "You better invest in some sunscreen if you plan to stick it out here.” María teased. Without paying mind to either of the men, she returned to her book. Neither of them were worth her time.

Nigel expected a frosty reception from his daughter; he was just thankful to get it out of the way before dinner. “Let’s keep the tour moving, shall we?” He directed Alex’s attention away from his daughter. Once the pair were on the move again, he took him through the main house. Excluding visiting any rooms, the layout was simple. The ground floor was home to an open living room and kitchen. A formal dining room was towards the front of the house, as was the guest room. The top floor was his children’s living space, with María’s room facing the back end of the house and his son’s facing the front end. Once they concluded the house tour, he snaked them back to the breezeway that connected his office.

The darker interior of the office was a contrast from the white’s of the limestone and bright exterior. Even with the large windows open, letting in the expansive ocean view behind the desk, it felt much different than the house. Bookshelves encompassed the circular walls, as did various relics and artifacts he collected over the years. “Please have a seat.” Nigel gestured to the set of chairs across his desk. He took a seat at his desk, rolling the chair to face Alex. “Before I let you off, there is a matter we must discuss.” Gone was the chipper tone from earlier; this was purely business. “I suspect you won’t have an issue with this, but I must remind you of the importance of your job. Your compensation will, of course, be reflective of your value. But it would be remiss if I didn’t expect only the best service from you. You’re to keep my daughter safe and follow any instructions I give you. Nothing more, nothing less.” Nigel said firmly. He needed a solider, not a man looking to stick his nose in places it ought not be.
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Alexander Möhren

Alex walked up the steps with Nigel as the man started his tour of the property. He stopped for a brief moment to give the beach another looking over before his attention was drawn to the employee house as they continued walking again. He nodded in understanding when told about the employees living on the island as well as the locals who attended the property for their shifts. Alex would make sure to become familiar with the names and faces of the employees so he could stay on the ball with who should be where. He was glad to hear the property where he was to be living would be quiet at night. He appreciated the opportunities to have some peace and quiet - time to himself.

Once they reached the top step, Alex's attention was immediately drawn to the attractive woman relaxing by the swimming pool. As soon as Nigel addressed her as Maria, Alex kept a neutral expression on his face. He followed his employer through the gate and waited until he was introduced before putting his focus directly onto her. He had to consciously force his expression to remain firm when Maria was clearly surprised to learn Alex was her bodyguard. He hadn't been entirely sure of his assignment himself, but he'd grown adept at withholding surprise and adapting to the situations thrown his way.

The questioning from Maria to her father prevented Alex from addressing her, so he instead stood by patiently as Nigel proceeded to explain the situation to his daughter. She seemed willing to hold her tongue, even if her expression suggested she had a bone to pick with her father later. For now, Maria drew her attention to the new bodyguard and made a teasing comment about sunscreen. "I'll be sure to heed your advice... Nice to meet you, Maria," he told her, though she seemed more interested in her book by that point.

Alex withheld any judgement. She was clearly not overjoyed by the situation, so her reaction was natural. But when it came down to it, he had a job to do and he'd do it regardless of whether she chose to be stubborn or stand-offish around him.

Nigel continued the tour, with Alex keen to see the rest of the property. They eventually reached the man's office, where Alex took a look around the room and noticed the way it contrasted most of what he'd already been shown. He sat down when invited to, facing his new employer across the desk. The tone eventually shifted to a serious one, with Nigel wasting no time in stressing the importance of keeping Maria safe. This was accompanied by a comment that he would follow the instructions given, but nothing else. It was clear he wasn't looking for anything other than a bodyguard out of him. No questions asked. "Of course. I have years of experience working on security and as a bodyguard with similar requirements. Your daughter's safety will be of paramount importance to me," he assured him.
Nigel & María Cross

Nigel nodded, satisfied enough with Alex’s answer. “Excellent.” He said stiffly. His eyes scanned his desk for a moment, until they locked on a hefty envelope. He slid the envelope across the desk, careful to avoid any loose papers. “For you, consider this a starting bonus.” His naturally jovial nature returned a bit to his tone. “That should be enough pesetas for you if María drags you somewhere in the coming days. If not, stuff it in whatever sock drawer you’d like.” Leaning back in his chair, he watched Alex inspect the money. “Your recommender spoke very highly of you, so the least I can do is compensate you appropriately. I don’t need you running off and taking another job.” He didn’t think to mention his associate, primarily because it seemed that he was acquainted with him. He likely knew who it was, so it didn’t cross his mind to divulge a name.

Before another conversation could be sparked, the shrill ring of a landline interrupted them. Nigel glanced at the phone for a moment, then back to Alexander. “Forgive me; I must take this. Get yourself acclimated however you’d like. My only request is to return to the main house for dinner around 17:00. I’d like to host you for a proper Spanish dinner with my family.” Nigel said earnestly, a smile wrapping across his face. With a nod, he dismissed the guard to go about his own business.

María couldn’t deny that her father piqued her curiosity as he and the bodyguard made way to his office. She had a gut feeling that there was more to him than he let on. He didn’t seem like another run-of-the-mill security guard for the house. If this hire caused so much strife between the family, then there had to be something more to it. And she intended to sniff it out.

Thankfully, her father’s office shielded them from her prying ears and eyes. The windows only faced the cliffs and ocean, making it virtually impossible to peek inside. No matter, she’d wait it out. Sure enough, the broodish man emerged after their short meeting. Despite his stoic appearance, he looked equally lost in the grand scale of everything. A part of her wanted to watch him squirm, but that was her father talking. She was a better woman than that.

“Alexander!” She called, pointing to the lawn chair beside her. Once he was settled, she rested her book on the limestone under the chair. “Take a seat. I promise, there’s no one lurking in a bush to nab me.” María joked. Despite her family’s concerns, she knew the property was well-protected. Hence, the hire seemed so out of the blue. Once he was seated, she examined him once again, now that he was closer. His jaw was as strong as his ice-like eyes. He certainly seemed to have European features—no Middle Eastern or African like some of her father’s associates. Not that she was one to talk about mixed heritage, having an English father and a Spanish mother. Her accent was all sorts of confused—English with a Spanish flair. As was her bloodline.

“Please tell me you have an ounce of personality.” María sighed, satisfied with her assessment. She leaned back in her chair, a playful smile escaping her lips.
Alexander Möhren

Alex was glad when Nigel seemed to accept his response. The proof of his capability would be observed as he worked, so for now his employer didn't seem to doubt his word and Alex appreciated that. When Nigel slid an envelope towards him, Alex reached out to place his hand on top of it in acceptance. He kept the envelope flat on the table, but used one hand to open it and took a moment to peer into it. He was surprised to see so much cash, given he hadn't done any work yet. A starting bonus, it seemed.

He couldn't help but flash a brief smirk at the idea of having to spend the money being dragged around by Maria. That, or getting to keep it for himself. Money had never been an issue for him, nor did he go splashing it around drawing attention to himself. Still, he liked having money and putting it to good use, especially if that use was travelling and spending it whilst indulging in different cultures. "Thank you," he gratefully told Nigel as he folded the envelope shut.

Hearing about his "recommender" certainly captured his curiosity. Given the clients and employers he'd worked with in the past, it came as no surprise his reputation had reached those in private and protected circles. Still, he wanted to know who had gone on to recommend him to Nigel. Before he could ask, the telephone sounded and killed off any chance he had of making his enquiry.

As he was being dismissed, Alex stood and picked up the envelope of cash. With the request for him to attend the family dinner, he respectfully nodded. "Of course. I'll make sure I'm there on time. Thank you for the hospitality."

Alex had barely stepped outside when he heard Maria call his name. She hadn't seemed overly keen on meeting him upon their initial introduction, so it was interesting to have her now pointing for him to sit with her. Considering he was being hired to protect her, he had no choice but to oblige. Not that he could jeopardise his work, but he still couldn't help but once again take in how attractive the woman he was getting paid to protect was. With her joke about being nabbed, he let out a brief laugh. "Hmm, unless that's my first test," he remarked. After taking a moment to observe their surroundings, he draped his suit jacket over the back of the chair and then sat down next to Maria. He looked ahead, finally appreciating being in a warm country and on an attractive piece of land.

When she told him to say he had an ounce of personality, he turned to face her head on. "I believe we all have a personality. Some are just more interesting than most." He caught her playful smile, but somehow managed to keep a straight face. "And what of your personality. Do you believe you belong with the interesting personalities?" His employers and clients weren't often very talkative, so this was already different, with Maria striking up the light conversation. "You can ask me anything you want and I'll answer any questions that I want to," through choice or confidentiality of his work, he knew there was a lot he couldn't talk about, even if he wanted to.
María Cross

María crossed her feet casually, basking in the summer rays. She was starting to get warm from how long she’d been out already; the pool looked more enticing with every minute. “That’s true; I fear you’ve already got the odds stacked against you. Most men like you in these parts lack spunk. The military seems to leach it out of you.” She retorted. While she had no idea of his background, she could only assume he had some military training to end up in a security position. When the remark was volleyed back at her, she nodded with amusement. “I think I qualify,” she said simply. Her lack of experience outside her controlled bubble certainly hindered her a bit, but that wasn’t a polite conversation.

When Alex offered himself for questioning, she looked at him curiously. “Let’s start simple: where are you from?” She posed. “Your accent is strange, like mine. I can’t quite pin you down.” She removed her sunglasses, setting them gingerly on the small table that separated her chair from his. As he answered, she took a brief moment to stretch upward. She listened intently to his explanation before making her way to the pool. In a quick motion, María dove seamlessly into the water, only a small ripple left in her wake.

The sudden relief of the temperate water sharpened her senses. She emerged quickly, her head bobbing as she treaded in place. To continue her conversation, she swam her way to the edge of the pool. Placing her head on the limestone lip, she returned her full attention to her bodyguard.
Alexander Möhren

Alex listened when María suggested most men like him had had the spirit sucked out of them from military experience. He was in no hurry to correct her or become at all defensive about his personality. He wasn't there to impress her. He was there to keep her safe and get paid for the pleasure of doing so. Despite allowing his professionalism to silence himself on the matter, he couldn't help but grin when she said she qualified as having an interesting personality. She certainly had self-confidence and he wasn't about to knock that.

María asked him where he was from, along with questioning his accent. "I grew up in Reading and for the most part reside in London now," he answered her. The details of being born in Casablanca to a Nazi father and an Austrian mother were not details he was going to divulge to anyone he'd just met. Nor that he spent the first years of his life in an orphanage.

Alex stayed silent when she stretched and went on to dive into the water. He wasn't going to answer someone who didn't appear to be listening. Besides, it gave him a moment to sneak a look at her attractive physique as she performed the dive. Were she in no way related to his latest employer, perhaps he would make an effort to impress her.

When María swam to the edge of the pool and made it clear she was paying attention, he opted to continue. "As for my accent. All I can say is I've travelled a fair bit, and I spent years in Germany during my military service. I also took the opportunities to learn other languages; French and German," he explained.

"Other than reading, sunbathing, and swimming, what else do you do to keep yourself occupied, María?" Alex asked. "I'd like some warning about where you're going to have me heading off to," he lightly teased.
María Cross

“English, hmm.” María pondered, thinking of her father. Despite her heritage, she never stepped foot in her paternal country. Having only been to mainland Spain and France on occasion, she had no idea what the land was like. From her father’s stories, it seemed like a drab place to live. Wet, cold, and unhospitable were common adjectives he liked to use. But she’d be lying if her curiosity wasn’t piqued. Desperately, she wanted to see the world for herself. But with each and every day, it seemed that that dream became more and more unlikely. She knew her father’s work was dangerous, but there was a degree he took to distance his work from María the best he could. Even if, at times, it mad1723389872048.pnge her job extremely difficult.

The rest of his story affirmed her presumption about his military service. The German and French made sense, mixed with his English. But it was still curious. Her father seemed to be as English as the day he hopped off the boat. The only telltales he had of his time in Spain were when he actually spoke Spanish. Perhaps it was how her father had been raised—posh and upper-class like herself.

Once again, Alex flipped the question onto her. Now that the stone was a bit warm on her chin, she placed her hands delicately under it to help hold her afloat. “You’d be surprised, but not much.” She sighed. “The most excitement I get these days is a trip into town. There’s a local resort that I pay to use their tennis courts at. Other than that, I mostly shuffle papers and organize trips for my father and his clients.” Her legs floated up behind her, lazily kicking them back and forth. “It’s my brother you need to watch out for. He manages to find himself in all the trouble I stay out of.” She added. “Which is why the fact you’re being paid to watch me is suspect. I don’t do anything worth needing a babysitter.” The last bit she mumbled, annoyed with the situation and not at the man directly.

“I will say, you’ve caused quite a stir, and you haven’t been here more than an hour. María added. Alex seemed nice enough, so she considered her next words a favor in advance. “My mother seems quite upset that you were hired.” She said it bluntly. “Mind you, she’s very hard to anger. So word of advice: tread lightly around her. Spanish women are forces of nature when pissed off.” The last bit was truthful as well as playful, adding herself to the mix.
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Alexander Möhren

Alex was surprised to hear that María didn't have much excitement going on in her life. That, or nothing she was willing to share with her father's newest employee. She certainly seemed to act like someone who would have some interesting secrets or ventures going on for herself. Still, he supposed if her father needed so much security, she'd perhaps not been given chance to live much. "Well, I suppose that makes my life easier, if you're only going to drag me into town and to the tennis courts," he commented.

"When you put it like that, it sounds like it's your brother who needs the babysitter," he observed. He wasn't going to take it personally that she didn't seem to appreciate his presence as her bodyguard, but as long as she didn't get in the way of him doing his job they'd get along fine.

Alex was curious to learn his presence was causing a stir. He sat forward and looked directly at her as she explained her mother was unhappy with his employment. He had to wonder why Nigel's wife was against it, as he'd assumed she's be on board with it all. Then came a warning to tread lightly and that Spanish women were to be take seriously. "I appreciate the heads up. I'm just here to do my job and get paid for it. I'm afraid everything that comes between, including yours and your mother's resentment, is not something I can do anything about. If your father feels my presence is needed, then I will take my position seriously. Things will just work best if you allow me to do my job."
María Cross & Ramón Bolivar

María shrugged, equally confused about why she was the one receiving a bodyguard and not Nicolás. Alex seemed nice enough, if not a bit stoic. But that was traditional for his sort. At this point, he seemed to be a waste of money, if anything. There wasn’t a solid reason that currently made sense as to why she needed protection. Sure, her father had always been protective of her. But his level of extreme certainly surpassed it’s original level.

Even if Alexander was indifferent towards his impact on the family, she still felt it was prudent information. The island was a small place, and the Cross property was even more suffocating. With time, he’d learn, but for now, his blasé attitude was the best way to handle it. His boring lecture about service and doing his job prompted her to backstroke away from him. Even if she was still focused on him, the act of swimming distracted her mind from lashing out. “Whatever you say, sir." With her free hand while the other tread water, she mustered a half-hazard salute.
If nothing else, at least her father paid for a new person to talk to. Nicolás was mind-numbing company, despite his antics. And the staff saw her as an object rather than a person. “All I know is that tonight there’s some sort of welcome dinner for you. Proper family dinner.” María chuffed at the last part, knowing these dinners only occurred when guests were present. “Should be interesting.” She added.

Ramón’s morning started earlier than most. Having lived on property for as long as the Cross’s, he was accustomed to early mornings and late nights. The staff needed assistance around the clock, with various needs and concerns of their own. He was the chief operator of it all, to save Señor and Señora Cross the headache of maintaining such a property. After his daily meeting with the groundskeeper and house staff, he spent the morning meeting with María about the next guest. Following that, he saw to Señor Cross’s personal request: set up the new hire’s room. There wasn’t much to be done other than tidy up the existing bed and drawer space. The previous occupant, one of the security guards, moved out of the property and into town a few weeks prior to allow proper preparation time. As he was sweeping the floor, the last touch, Ramón peered out of the window to see Señora María in the pool talking to the new hire. Curiously, he observed for a moment. Decades of butlering taught him the value of a private moment, so he watched with interest. Once he finished, he figured he’d pop down to greet him.

The walk from the employee housing to the main house was fairly short but grew more difficult with age. Years ago, he advised Señor Cross to pave a stone path, and he was grateful to have it now. The path was lined with various naive plants, adding a degree of separation between the main house. But as he emerged, the shrubbery ended and merged effortlessly into a path around the back patio. Whatever conversation he seemed to interrupt, it appeared to be dwindling.
María caught sight of the old butler immediately, giving him a polite wave from her position in the pool. “Is the water alright, Mija?” Ramón inquired, an inviting smile on his face. “Just fine, Ramón. Don’t fuss over me.” She replied, swimming up to the ledge of the pool in front of the new hire. As he approached, he glanced at the young man before tucking his hands behind his back. He wore the simple uniform of the house, a boxy white linen shirt, and khaki slacks.

“This is Ramón, the Head of House,” María explained to Alex. “He’s been here as long as I can remember. I like to think he’s made of the same sand and water that make up the beach.” She teased. Ramón simpered, amused by the jest. “Besides being an unofficial abuelo, we often work together since I handle my father’s logistics.” Ramón dipped his head, both as a humble submission and as acknowledgement of the new hire.
Alexander Möhren

It was clear María wasn't overly keen on his response. Alex watched her as she swam away from him and made a dry comment as she saluted. His instructions from Nigel had been clear, that the job came first, so Alex wasn't going to overstep his mark. His objective was to keep María safe and so he didn't think making friends with her was the top of his employer's remit.

Despite this, he was still keen to listen to her when she did speak up again. "Your father mentioned the welcome dinner," he said, confirming he was aware of the plans. He managed a grin when she mentioned it should be interesting. "Well, you're really selling it to me now. I can't wait," he said, matching her tone.

Alex sighted the old butler approaching and when María waved at the man, it was clear he was a welcomed presence. He observed as the brief conversation about the pool water went on but then sat up straighter when María swam towards him again.

"She's full of compliments, isn't she?" Alex lightly asked Ramón as she made her comments about how long the butler had been there. Getting up from his seat, he nodded and smiled at Ramón as the man acknowledged him. "I'm Alex. Newly appointed bodyguard," he introduced himself, sending María a glance. "It's sounds like you're kept busy around here," he lightly commented.
María Cross & Ramón Bolivar

Ramón smiled politely at Alex, still sizing him up. “Señora María is nothing short of honest,” he replied. If it was one thing he knew over the years, it was that the Cross family had difficulty playing their cards close to their chest. If María was complementing the new hire, she likely had nefarious intentions. He sent another wry look to the young woman, who
now pushed herself out of the pool. “Do you happen to know where Nico is?” María inquired as she reached for the towel on her chair. “The staff said his room was empty this morning. I doubt he made his home from whatever whore house he holed up in.” The last bit was twinged with displeasure. Nicolás’s behavior disturbed him more than his own father, which at times frustrated him more. But he was a simple servant. It wasn’t his place to comment on such matters.
María huffed, equally displeased. “I suppose you’ll meet him at dinner then.” She remarked to Alex. Turning her attention back to the older man, who stood at the ready, she titled her head to gesture to their new company. “Probably best to show him the house.” She referred to the employee housing, not wanting to bother with the task herself. Ramón nodded, silently knowing he’d do the task regardless if she asked or not. “Of course. Alex, will you follow me, please?” He gestured a hand behind him, indicating the path he took. Once the man said his goodbyes, he set off.

“Your type tends to not last long here.” Ramón remarked dryly once the two were set off on the path. “You don’t fit in with general staff, and you don’t fit in with the Cross’s. My word of advice: enjoy the place while you can.” Disgruntled, he continued onward to the house.
Alexander Möhren

Ramón didn't seem overly enthusiastic by Alex's presence, but the bodyguard was getting the impression that was a sentiment shared by a number of people. So far, it was the man paying him who had come across as the only one who really wanted him there. That was good enough for Alex, as things presently stood.

Alex remained standing whilst María and Ramón spoke of the unknown location of her brother, Nicolás. It sounded like Nigel's son might needed supervision more than his sister did. But Alex was aware there was a lot he didn't know about the Cross family, and if Nigel wanted him to watch over his daughter, then that was where his focus would remain. Still, he was curious to meet Nicolás and see the man for himself - put a face to the reputation he was already being made aware of.

Alex nodded in response to María saying he'd meet her brother at dinner. She then proceeded to suggest the butler showed Alex to the employee housing. "Thank you for the warm welcome," Alex wryly told María as he made a move to head along the path indicated by the older man.

As the two men walked towards the employee housing, Alex's suspicions about the butler not wanting him around seemed to be confirmed. Alex flashed a smirk at the man's observation. He was told he wouldn't fit in with the staff nor the Cross family. The picture being painted was that he wasn't going to make any friends during his employment, which it had seemed Nigel wasn't going to encourage from him anyway. With his line of work and actions of his past, Alex tended to keep to himself. Many of the friendships he'd formed over time were tactical, so he could function in his missions at hand. At least this was one of the jobs that had the perks of warm weather and a beautiful location.

"I will make sure to make the most of this place until Nigel sees fit terminate my employment here," Alex remarked back to Ramón. He had no intention of quitting, so it would be Nigel's decision if he were to cease his employment prematurely. "It sounds like my type has left quite a sour impression on you. What kind of actions have led to such poor reception around these parts?" he curiously enquired.

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