The Mark Of The Dragon - Sign up thread!


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Character's Name: (What's your Characters Name?)

Gender: (Female, Male?)

Age: (How old are you? 15-21)

Personality: (How does your Character Act? Is he bold and strong, or is an extremely sarcastic fellow?)

Biography: (What's your Characters past?)

Magic Type: (What's your Characters Magic Type? Fire, Water? Be creative! Just don't make whatever you pick extremely overpowered.)

Weapons: (Does your Character use a weapon like a sword or a spear? Limit of 2 weapons.)

Anything Special: (Anything Special about your Character?)

Role: (Good or Bad? Maybe even Neutral?)

Appearance: (Give us a picture of your character! Anime only please. Thank youu)

Abilties: (Name Abilities your character has, limit of two being you're only a level one Dragonborn.

Your abilities must relate that your Magic Type or a weapon for example:

Firepunch: Billybob surrounds his fist in flames and punches his opponent.)

Put all of this below, and I'll approve or disprove. If I disprove that doesn't mean you can't play the roleplay, it just means you have to edit your character sheet a bit.

Alright, we're now accepting!

Story/Rules Thread.

The roleplay thread!

Accepted Characters:

- Kain Tyukuni

- Xin'dreth

- Shira Belnades

Flower moon

-Ryo Inozuka

Name: Ryo Inozuka

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Personality: He loves danger and women. However, he only dates one girl at a time. He likes to take his time and has a bad habit of smoking. Unfortunately he doesn't care how bad smoking is. He will smoke until his lungs give out. He would never admit it, but his ultimate goal is to find a partner who can handle his dangerous lifestyle. However, he often keeps people at a distance, he's very introverted.

Biography: He graduated from high school, but decided that he liked the rush of living on the streets. Ryo killed his first target at sixteen with his bare hands and has kept it to himself since then. When he was seventeen, Ryo joined a group of vigilantes. This particular group of vigilantes was different from all the rest. They had special abilities and could use magic. They offered him some of their power in exchange for apart of his soul. Ryo agreed to this and has thus gained insane skills. His current problem is how he should use these abilities. Ryo is wanted by many and guards often look for him. The day finally came when the guards discovered Ryo's whereabouts and confronted him. Eager to test out his new abilities, Ryo taunted the guards. They charged, but the guards' efforts were futile. With a few smooth swings from Sakura, (a sword that had appeared from no where) the guards were soon nothing more then dead bodies on the street. With his sword in hand, Ryo pulled out cigarette and walked calmly away like nothing had happened.

Magic Type: Fire (the fire color is black)

Weapons: Sakura (his sword) and Shi (his fists)

Something Special: Is inhumanly fast

Role: Neutral (whatever serves his purpose)

appearance:View attachment 3552

Flamethrower: can breathe fire when smoking a cigarette

Flurry of Blows: Can make several strikes when using his sword or when he is unarmed
Everything is fantastic, although this is set in a fantasy world, old-timey.

So there isn't really "police", you have a more modernized Biography. Change that to more old-timey and you will be accepted, thank you!
Character's Name: Flower moon

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Personality: She hard headed, and can get angry fast. She is brave and can be kind. She also is a bit of a flirt but is mostly serious and level headed...if you don't tick her off.

Biography: She was born into a farmer family but her parents and older sister were murdered for an unknown reason. (Her father was a bounty hunter) She ran into hiding at the age of 12 and lived alone in the forest with a german shepherd named hunter. She grew up in the forest and taught herself how to fight. As she got older she moved into a new town. She lived their and became a well known sword fighter.

Magic Type: Light.

Weapons: Sword and knives

Anything Special: Other then being a well known fighter, not many know the great sword fighter of the town Grant is a female

Role: Good


Abilties: Light ball and light healing. (It can heal burns and smaller cuts. I only did the healing thing because her light tends to burn others and herself)
Character's Name: Shira Belnades

Gender: female

Age: 17

Personality: Shira is a bit of a loner but not in the "ignore everyone" way. Instead she is mischievous, playful, sarcastic, flirty and condescending. This is a form of mask that acts to tick people off and keep them away. She rarely confides in anyone and it's difficult to figure out what her true intentions are.

Biography: Shira is the only child with a missing father and a mother who cares more about her boyfriends than her own daughter. Because her mom is always wasting money on clothes, jewelery and men, Shira has always had to make her own living. At a young age, she's had to pickpocket and do street performances.

Magic Type: Sound (pale blue)

Weapons: spear and whip

Anything Special: She's good at guitar and acrobatics.

Role: Would it be okay to be a bad guy that becomes good? If not, then good.

View attachment 3553


Mirror Lullaby- It's actually a lullaby-like song that produces illusions.

Sonic Scream- self explanatory
Character's Name:Xin'dreth (Only goes by her first name)

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Personality: Pure unbridled hatred seethes in her veins Like the tides; She's alone, She's always been alone.. Fighting just to survive in this festering sepulcher of a planet. killing, destroying all in her wake.

She has no choice.. The others, they see her as a aberration, a monster who's very presence defiles the land. Yes, only a monster to be put to death, and for crimes she didn't commit. She had no choice, they where going to kill her-burn her-she needed to survive, she had to kill them. All of them; She doesn't want to be alone. But she hurts everyone that tries to gets close to her; they fear her, hate her, Cut her flesh. Don't you see? they needed to DIE! They all needed to die...

Biography:Mostly unknown even to herself; all will become clear in time ( I did try on this but I ended up not liking it)

Magic Type: Darkness,Shadow (dark purple)

Weapons: A obsidian-Black Nodachi (The bladed edge is jagged from constant use and lack of care)

Anything Special:She has a Incredible Tolerance to pain

Role: Bad

Appearance: View attachment 3564I detest non-written character descriptions.. but I suppose I have some anime pictures floating around..


Eldritch tendrils: Is able to summon Dark tentacles from the shadow around her to grab, pierce, or bludgeon the opponent. (Is incredibly draining to use in sunlight; not completely incorporeal, thus destructible, or at least dismiss-able .)

Black rage: She can absorb the shadow around her to fuel her blood lust, Healing her and renewing her vigor. ( once per fight in Bright areas.)
So many women!


Need some guys!

All four of you're accepted!

And yes, amdreams, you can be good then become bad and vise versa.
Character's Name: Kain Tyukuni

Gender: Male.

Age: 17.

Personality: Kain is a really smiley type of person, always in a good mood no matter what's going on. He doesn't know what to say and not to say.

Biography: Kain grew up rather poor with a rather poor family, Kain never went too school he was always homeschooled and never really had any friends so he's not the best so socializing. Kain decided to leave his house and become an adventurer.

Magic Type: Plant Magic.

Weapons: Sword.

Anything Special: Kain is scared of animals, and he's not the greatest at his powers. He's also attached to his sword, and only uses that one sword.

Role: Good.

Appearance: View attachment 3562

Abilties: Vine Wraping - Vines wrap around his opponent allowing him too attack his enemy easily, either the enemy is slowed down or they can't move whatsoever.
Character Name: Wes Daidum

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Personality: Wes is very sarcastic, he doesn't really care about anything but

staying alive. Being Dragonborn, not a lot of people like him, and he doesn't

like them either. He's very cynical, but once you crack his shell, he's an

amazing ally. He's a fighter, not a lover; who doesn't care for those

'sentimental' moments. He's tough, and while it's possible, it takes a lot to

gain his trust-as he's been hurt in the past.

Biography: Wes lives alone, in a shack of an apartment. He's been on his own

since he was 12 and his parents abandoned him in the hospital after he got into

a fight at school. Kids were teasing him about his powers and he burned one

across the face, one of them pulled out a knife and ran at him, slashing across

his cheek. It left a scar from his edge of his eye to his lip, it also left his

parents with a large doctor bill, and a child they couldn't contain. So they

left, no one knows where they are now. The hospital was looking to get him

adopted, but no one wanted him. He was there for a year, and one night he just

ran away. Since the hospital was already out $2,000 and he gave them to much

trouble anyway, no one cared enough to find him. He's been on his own ever

since. With only a rat named Riki for a friend.

Magic Type: fire

Weapons: a switchblade he carries with him everywhere, and Riki--he bites.

Anything Special?: His pet rat, Riki

Role: He's good, hard to tell, but good.

Appearance: hair, pale skin, scar from his right eye to his cheek, 5'10".

View attachment 3566

Abilities: Flamethrowing hands, and firepunch, that he knows of...

Character's Name: Miyuki Netsu

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Personality: Miyuki is the definition of loud. She stood out in a crowd. For being rather slender her voice and personality would lead you to believe that she really could take on the world by herself. Constantly talking and looking to make new friends she was liked by a few, though she had a mean streak in her a mile wide that would rear it's head more often than she would like to admit. Miyuki is loud, confident, though she is not all words. She claims to be fearless and as strong as anyone else if not stronger. Though underlying her face-value personality was a look in her eye that was fierce, intelligent, and a nice contrast from her outward appearance. Many think Miyuki to be unintelligent sine she always chose fighting and socializing over books, but to there surprise they would that she read as much as she could and study topics that ranged from medicine to physics.

Biography: Miyuki emits a sort of social dependency that would fool many people into thinking she couldn't stand being on her own. Though her history contrasts her present attitude more so than many would like to realize. Her mother died giving birth to her, and her father always seemed to have an unsolved/unexplained hate towards her. Once she got older she realized that the seed of this hate came from the fact that her mother had died giving birth to her, she discovered this one night when her father had, had a bit to much to drink and started on an unprovoked rampage. The night burned her memory like the way one might look at the scar and feel the pain though it was only through sheer memory. However she recovered as best she could and moved on with her life, she continued to live with her father and they simply avoid each other. Her family was wealthy, but not over the top rich, and even if they were you would hardly notice. Though brought up in a rather dark up-bringing she was one to make conversation with anyone around, and she was strong. Good at what she did, well trained, and always pushed to do better. This wonderful trait is compromised by her lack of ability to keep her temper at times and to think clearly of the effects of what she might do.

Magic Type: Water

Weapon: Bow and arrow if she were to be in real battle, though she carries on her a dagger that presents her family crest.

Anything Special: She's persistent, some might even say to an annoying point but she is notorious for motivating crowds and bringing a certain light to rather dark situations.

Role: Good.


Abilties: She can summon waves of water on her opponents (though it seems out of thin air, she pulls on the molecules of water in the air and creates it) though she can only do it once or twice due to the amount of power it takes for her to simply create something like that.

(ooc: sorry i didnt see i had to be aprroved, so im doing that now)

Character's Name: Vulcan Xanthis

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Personality: Strong arrogant and sarcastic

Biography: Vulcan is son of the god of fire and forge once born he was cast out by his father forced to live with his human mother. Most of the mans life was happy his childhood seemed great until one very unfortunate day. He was visited by a few who didn't see eye with his father. A man shrouded in black killed his mother by sending a creature known as the hydra at her. It tore vulcan's mother limb from limb right before his eyes. Vulcan stood up and grabbed a sword and tried to attack the beast. The sword instantly broke against the hydra's scales and the beast was rather pissed. It turned its attention at vulcan and tried to rip him apart as well but just as the hydra moved forwards, vulcan's family fire place ignited. Flames ripped upwards into the hyrda's eyes. The beast screamed in agony as vulcan moved away from the hydra. Somehow vulcan's father began to speak to him through his mind."Son take this sword and youll be able to kill the hyrda". Right before vulcans eyes and burst of flames ripped through the fire place although the flames forged a sword in an instant. Vulcan took the sword, raised it over his head and cut straight through the throat of the fire. Just as he cut the throat a surge of energy moved through the sword into vulcan. The young demigod opened his mouth to ask what the surge of energy was to soon find out flames ignited from his breath burning the raw flesh of the hydra keeping it from growning any more heads. Flames rose once more from the fire place moving into the hydra then around vulcan."Here my boy im giving you one last gift. Im giving the scales of this dragon, scales to summon as an armor. Treat this wisely for this is the last time i speak with you". So Vulcan left his destroyed home in the search to become stronger.

Magic Type: Fire

Weapons: A katana

Anything Special: He is a demigod, but he is far from invincible

Role: Neutral

Appearance: Long black hair, blue eyes, six foot tall. Has black garbs on, blue silk scarf around neck and a red cape.

Abilties: To create black scales around the users body that can be used as a shield instead of actually using one since Vulcan uses his sword with two hands.

Character's Name: Hiro Haru

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Personality: Friendly Independent and intellegent


Magic Type: Wing

Weapons: Wind fan, A claymore an iron club

Anything Special: Can summon a special sword of the Haru Clan

Role: Good


Blue eyes, green hair with highlights. Slim athletic and tan, about 5 foot 8

Abilties: Can use the wind to fly

((My turn!!))

Character's Name: Surreal SaDiablo

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Personality:Surreal is a very hard-edged girl. She doesn't trust easy and is incredibly cynical and sarcastic. She's very hostile and volatile, but once you get under her skin and past the angry wall she's put up, you'll find a very loyal, fierce, and loving friend. Someone who will fight till their dying breath for you. Someone who will dole out kindness without asking for any in return. All you have to do is get her to trust you.

Biography: Surreal grew up an orphan. The orphanage she grew up in was a terrible place, dangerous and unforgiving. She grew up having to fight for her food and anything else she wanted or needed. She learned that loyalty is not to be given freely, nor her trust. She'd been betrayed too many times to count. Finally, when she turned sixteen, sick of the constant battling just for her next meal, she ran away from the orphanage. Little did she know, the orphanage was nothing compared to what she would be up against in the real world.

Magic Type: Death and Ice

Weapons: A very light shortsword that she's always had ever since she could remember. It's her prized possession and no one at the orphanage knew about it, save a few of the higher-ups. The pic:

Anything Special: She has an unbelievable amount of stamina. Her eyes are strange. They are an icy -almost white- blue around the pupil and slowly fade to black aorund the edges of the iris. Her pupils are slightly oval-shaped, though still fairly round.

Role: Neutral turned good


Abilties: Ice daggers: Self explanatory. She can make daggers of ice and can throw them at people.

Life Siphon: She can literally pull a person's essence, or soul out of their body and use it to fuel her own. Generally this power only shows itself when she's severely injured or weak, etc.


Character's Name: Reiko Shingan

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Personality: He is a hot headed character who tends to talk to much

Biography: Reiko Shingan is a assassin, from the age of five Reiko was kidnapped and brought into a family of slaves. These slaves were brought up either being prostitues, Assassins or Merchants. Only a day after being taken, Reiko was taught to be an Assassin. Eventually the man escaped and made his own destiny.

Magic Type: He can manipulate electricity

Weapons: Two kodachi swords

Anything Special: He can run extremely fast with complete quiet

Role: Nuetral

Appearance: (Give us a picture of your character! Anime only please. Thank youu)

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Abilties: Can make lightning bolts fall from the sky.


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