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Fantasy The Mansion of Neko

i have been alone since the day i was born and believe me , it sucks being alone. as sasha goes next to her and grab her hand." I'm here. talking to me about it. maybe i can help she say "
"Just don't. When I say I wanna be alone then just let me be alone," Aurora said pulling her hand away. She turned around and went upstairs to her room, closing and locking the door behind her.
Abu got out of the car and put his hand on Kiy's shoulder. "No worries ill keep this between us and the only thing that i can say similar was that my father died of lung cancer but that's all i have"

He then went into the store and ordered a burrito bowl and a large drink."Hey Kiy!,ill pay for your stuff too" he yell as he put down a 20 for him and got to a seat near the window and waited.
sasha wipes her tear,washes her face and goes down to the kitchen. opening the fringe finding a piece chocolate cake .she grabs the piece of cake while licking her lip. put the plate on the table. getting some milk. as she sit down the eats the cake and swallow it with cup of milk.* mmmm so good she thinks to herself*
"Thanks,"acknowledged Kiy while nodding at Abu,"your a true friend."

Kiy slowly trudged with his tail hanging low behind Abu and into the restaurant. They had to wait in a line that seemed like it took an hour. After the wait, Kiy ordered a similar meal but he had different toppings on his meal. He didn't want to make his meal cost too much because Abu was paying so, he ordered a small drink. After he got all his food, he walked over to where Abu was sitting and joined Abu by the window. Kiy smiled gently towards Abu and started eating his meal.

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Taking a mouthful of the bowl Abu decided to ask some questions."So did you ever had a girlfriend,do you have ANY experience with dating a girl or are you just always liking a girl only and never asking her out?" Then Abu walked up and filled his drink with cherry coke and got some napkins and handed some to Kiy while sitting down."Oh,and should we get something for Victoria as an apology for leaving?"
Victoria woke up quickly forgetting she was going to the mall she sighed running down stairs hoping that they didn't leave her. Looking around she know that they where gone she laughed to her self a bit " At least they know not wake me up " she thought to her self and went back upstairs and closed the door as she looked through her closet

She was now wearing high waist jeans with a pink flower crop top that she matched with her leather jacket and white high tops. She gives her hair a couple shakes and smiled " Finished " she said smiling. She skips down stairs humming " Man I really need to go I'm out of lollipops" she told her self with a sigh as she sat on the porch waiting for them.
Tanami slowly opened his eyes. Had he fallen asleep? Judging by the drool dripping from his mouth, and the fact that he had crust in his eyes, he must have been out for a while. He walked out into the hallway and sat on the stairs. "I wonder how the new girls doing? She completely ignored me earlier..." He scowled at the ground.
Aurora looked around her room. She had to find something to keep her busy. Sure she felt bad about what she had said to Sasha, but she just spoke the truth: she wanted to be alone. She went to her closet and started pulling out all of her clothes. Once she organized them by shirts and pants, she started trying them on and getting rid of what didn't fit.
Tanami walked into the kitchen and saw Sasha. He sighed softly to himself and went to the cabinet to get a snack. He happily found some cheese and crackers and sat down on the opposite side of the table from Sasha, not saying a word.
He nodded and ate some more crackers. Tanani finished his crackers and got up to throw away the wrapper. He sighed and started to walk out of the room.
Fenris hummed quickly as she walked into the kitchen, carrying her tank of mice. She set the tank on the counter, grabbing some cheese from the fridge and tearing it into pieces, dropping each piece to a different mouse in her mouse tank. "One day, I'll be mean enough to eat you all. For now, though, you're just my little pet pets~"
He turned to her. "Nobody is avoiding you. It's just that you need to learn social skills. Ignoring people tends to piss them off." He walked from the room and sat back on the stairs.
Victoria figured that they won't be back for a while and went back inside flipping her blonde hair out her eyes she went to the kitchen and looked for something to snack on.
Tanami called back into the kitchen. "Aw, shut it, Fenris." She said stuff like that all the time, and he had learned to completely ignore it. He sighed again. "No, I was not asleep. I talked to you, and you ignored me. Now,if you'd be so kind to just leave me alone?" He detected how much of a jerk he sounded. He was taking the anger from that day out on her.
"Thanks." He mumbled under his breath. Tanami pulled some candy from his pocket and popped it into his mouth. They were hard candy, and they were delicious!

Oliver Den

Getting up from the floor, Oliver yawned again. He hasn't spoken to any of the people yet. He'd like to get to know some of them if for no other reason but to nap with them. Pushing open the door to the bathroom, he pulled out the plastic cased toothbrush from his pocket and ripped it open. After doing what a person would normally do in the bathroom after waking up, he walked back to his room more perked than before. Brushing your teeth really wakes you up. Entering his room, he sought out his normal attire and began to change.

Lisanna Barnes

After finished the bag of food she had saved, Lisanna still sat up on the fridge. It was sincerely her favorite place to sit. Since then, a lot of stuff happened right in front of her without any one noticing she was there in the kitchen too. Everyone just needs some fries. She concluded in her head, slowly sipping on her drink. Then the boy in front of her made the remark about being ignored. I'm ignored all the time and it makes things like a movie. She nodded in agreement with her thoughts to herself. The one time she didn't like being ignored is the time the larger corporations decided to take over the city she resided in.


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