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Fantasy The Mansion of Neko

He let a few tears slip from his eyes. "Kiy... Do me a favor and go away, alright? Let me handle this..." He knocked on the door again. "Aurora... Please don't cry... It's killing me." He realized he still had the key ring. He shook his head. He wasn't going in unless she let him in. "Aurora, please tell me what's wrong. I care about you and want to help."
He shoved Kiy. "Fuck you!" He shoved him into the wall and balled up the hem of his shirt in his hand. "Dipshit! He pulled back and pushed him into wall again. Why was he acting this way? He NEVER acted this way... He was always a chill person. "Don't you DARE say anything like that again, got it?!"
Aurora silently got up and moved the couch back to its spot. She quietly unlocked the door and grabbed her guitar. She went back to her bed and sat down, wiping her eyes. She started quietly strumming nothing in particular, but still staying staying as her ears laid flat against her head and her tail laid across her lap.
Kiy squirmed in Tanami's grasp. He was petrified, he had never been in a phsycal confrontation so he didn't know what to do. All he did was stare at his feet.
He let go of the boy as soon as he heard the door unlock. He opened it and saw Aurora on her bed, strumming her guitar and crying. He couldn't help but run over and hug her. What else was he to do? "Why are you crying...? Please tell me, Aurora..." He was still hugging her.
Aurora continued letting tears fall as she laid her head on his shoulder. She didn't say anything mainly because she wasn't sure how to explain what she was feeling. She didn't know exactly what she was feeling.
Kiy rushed down the stairs and bursted through the doors and started sobbing quietly on the porch stairs.
He kissed the top of her head, then gently rubbed her head. "I-it's ok Aurora. I'm here... You don't need to cry anymore." He still didn't know why she was crying, but he didn't really care. He just wanted to comfort her. "Stop crying now, Aurora..." He rubbed her back now.
Abu ran up the stairs as soon as things got physical and went into the room. "Hey,if you like her then don't mess with other people he was just trying to help and now look he's crying" Abu ran down the stairs and went to talk to Kiy."Don't worry man i'm here don't cry,you gotta be strong.Besides Victoria is coming and you dont want to make this your first impression do you?"
Aurora took a deep, shaky breath as she slowly calmed down. She pulled away and looked down as she wiped her eyes. She wrapped her tail tighter around her waist and sighed softly.
He looked into her eyes, ignoring Abu. "Are you ok now...? Can you tell me now...?" He looks hat her lips. They looked oddly kissable right now... He shook the thought from his head and looked back at her. "It would mean the world if you told me..."
Kiy wiped up his tears and produced a wry smile towards Abu. He went back inside and once again sat on the velvet chair and continued to wait for Victoria. He began twiddling his thumbs and sat in silence and sadness.
Aurora refused looking up. She had no idea how or where to start. She steadied her breathing and shook her head ever so slightly. She couldn't use words, but instead she looked up and gently pressed her lips against hiss in a kiss.
He saw him go in and decided to check up on Victoria. He went up the stairs and knocked."Victoria,you ready yet?"
His eyes opened wide, surprised. He understood now... He kissed back, then pulled away. "Aurora..." A few tears fell from his eyes. "That's not how it was at all! We were just messing around, because were best friends!" He held her face in his hands and kissed her again.
Aurora felt a light blush cross her face as she kissed him back. Ozone she pulled away, she looked down and spoke softly, "I...I'm sorry." She felt bad now and couldn't bring herself to look him in the eyes.
He shook his head and hugged her again. "No... Don't be sorry. It's not your fault... I shouldn't have been so ignorant and realized beforehand..."

(And now, for a lighthearted twist away from heavy romance seriousness...)

Mochi & Tessa

Tessa wandered through the halls and found an awkward-looking Mochi lying on the ground in a living room-esque area. Her eyes seemed to be shut, which gave Tessa the perfect opportunity to test a prank... Tessa smirked evilly, her plan in mind already. Tessa rushed into the kitchen, filled a bowl with warm water and ran back to the room she found Mochi in - She returned to find Mochi lying where she was, her eyes shut. She's asleep, I think, Tessa thought, and padded carefully over to Mochi. She knelt beside Mochi and put the bowl down beside her, then put Mochi's hand into the bowl. Tessa waited anxiously for what she knew would happen - And, luckily, it worked! Tessa took the bowl of water away from Mochi, leaving her hand damp and lying against the carpet. Tessa moved Mochi's damp hand to her waist and ran around a corner and hid.

And now I get to see her reaction!

(hand in a bowl of warm water prank yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay)

"Guess Victoria is sleeping,"predicted Kiy,"Want to go grab some lunch, Abu"?

Kiy was feeling quite hungry and thought it would be nice for the two of them to bond a bit better.
"Sure man" he said as ran down the stairs and saw a neko pulling the warm water prank. "Wait i wanna see this first." Abu walked around her and went to sit with Kiy
Skittering sounded through the lower levels of the mansion, the basement a perfect home for many small creatures. One larger creature stalked through the halls, hunting the smaller animals called mice. Around corners, the flick of a white lion tail could be see, chasing after the sounds of mouse feet running over the concrete flooring. Soon, the white silhouette of a girl could be seen pouncing, and the mouse disappeared under this girl's form. This girl, an albino lion named Fenris Bloodfang, would soon stand, holding the mouse by the tail and grinning. "Gotcha~" She then skipped away down the halls, heading towards her room to put her newly acquired mouse into a mouse tank she had in her room, one full of similar mice.
Soroshi had left his hiding spot to hunt for some mice, when he saw a girl. He made an weeping sound and hid in the shadows, hoping she hadn't seen him.
Abu noticing that it wasn't happening any time soon decided pipe up. "I guess it not happening lets go." He said while standing up. "Where are we going?"
"Anywhere is fine with me,"he replied while he grabbed his car keys. He gestured for Abu to follow him to his car. He slowly stepped down the marble porch steps. He then walked with pride to his brand new light blue car that he was proud to show off to his friends. He unlocked the car and heard the familiar click sound and proceeded to get in the driver's side.

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