The Manor -Recruitment-

Piano Keys <3

New Member
Glad to see you here.

I'd imagine you've come from the idea thread of this particular RP.

If not, no worries just copy and paste the link in your URL, have a read and come on back. We'll wait ;)

- index.php?threads/the-manor-idea.12171/

So by now you should know what you're jumping into, so the only thing to cover now are the rules and regulations if you will.


  1. We have 3 slaves (see Characters)and we need 5 of them, plus we need 5 people to become the masters. So consider what you want to become and choose wisely.
  2. Genders is not important. Just go with instinct and you should be fine.
  3. You must be able to type clear and fluent english for the sake of the role play and the role players; e.g. readable understandable and without shortened typos like ('u' and 'r').
  4. You must be able to produce at least a paragraph worth of text.
  5. You must like cats or you're clearly wrong and cannot be accepted.
  6. No OOC text, it's sloppy and distract role players, all of that can be done in conversations or the shoutbox.
  7. You're not idiots so I don't have to tell you not to spam or be abusive to other players... unless its consensual.
  8. No bunnying, that even applies to the masters, you can tell the slaves what to do but under no circumstances may you RP as them.
  9. Just like the rules of the site, there is no sexual scenes, (fade to black) that sort of stuff...
    Yes we are skimming the borders like a goat on skates but if we play carefully it'll go fine.
  10. Have fun ;)


The characters are simple and as follows;

  • Masters, you are in control of the house and everyone in it other than the other masters.
  • Slaves, you are to do EXACTLY as you are told, other than that, do slave stuffs


You can be one of 4, and yes you can be any species and still be a Master/Slave;

  • Humans, plain and simple, cut and dry, human.
  • Angels, humans with wings.
  • Demons, humans with evil looking wings.
  • Nekos, humans with cat ears and a f**k lot cuter (No anthro cats, its not the same)

Collars & Charms

You can have your own clothing of course but there are one or two extra things to brush up on;

  • Collars:
    1) Blue - timid
    2) Green - confident
    3) Red - Violent
  • Collar charms:
    1) Bell - Cooks and cleans
    2) Music note - Plays music and/or sings.
    3) Foot - Dances
    4) Paw Print - House pet (follows assigned master for that day)

Now it's down to you, if you think this is for you, start work on a character and apply by posting it below. It will be down to me and 2 others whether you are accepted...

(chances are you'll get in but we'll check anyway)

Thanks for reading and I hope you join in!

Misa~ xo

Main three in charge; (in alphabetical order)



Piano Keys <3
(due to my work I might not be able to post in weekends just to let you know if its an issue its ok I understand )

Master Marius Markov a.k.a. Lord Redlore

age unknown

Marius is very secretive no one really knows many things about him he usually insults or escapes any personal questions about himself by creating uncomfortable situations.

Slaves rarely see him out of his room at the far end of the manor a dark wing which no other master would accept to stay. Marius has an obsession with the female on canvas forcing many servants to pose as his models .He is usually polite especially when he wants your image on canvas rumors say that he could do anything just to get your image on his canvas...
My wish is to serve you, master, nyan~


Name: Ayra Jones

Age: 15

Species: Neko

Position in Manor: Slave

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Collar: Blue with a bell


Ayra has a happy go lucky demeanor and a cheerful attitude. He enjoys his job as a slave unlike his other companions. He finds solace in baking and finding joy when he sees the delighted face of others when the eat his food. He is never seen without a soft smile on his face and always talks in a soft voice with a southern twang.


Ayra grew up on the farms of Texas with his mother and father. He was your typical southern boy and helped out on the farm. He was working on the fields one day when he was taken by slave traders. He was placed in the market and soon bought by the Blackwood family. He was placed to work in the kitchens and cook for the family.

Name: Robin Blackwood

Age: 19

Race: Demon

Gender: Female

Position: Queen B*tch of the Universe(unfortunately may not be a b*tch)/Master

Sexuality: Sexually confused(just for the hell of it xD )


Robin grew up learning that she needed to fend for herself and only learn from the slaves and not exploit them, she wanted to do things on her own. She was always particular about details and preferred that everything be done to how she wants it, which meant any slight miscalculation from a slave could send whatever it is she'd doing crashing down around her ears, at least in her perspective. Her pride would only allow her to turn to the slaves when she's either stumped or the task simply becomes too difficult. If she ever did commit a screw up, she'd make sure the slaves got the flak for it from her older siblings instead of her, all the while doing what she can to cover up her tracks. As much as it was encouraged to utilize the slaves all the time, Robin had enough foresight that this wouldn't be the case all the time and that she needed to learn as much as she can while the "training wheels" were still in reach. She harbors a deep respect for the slaves that they could put up with this sh*t. That being said, she doesn't like it when they try to invade her personal space(i.e. her room). Any of the slaves assigned to her for the day, she usually delegates to the other members of the family. They didn't need to follow her around and she didn't need them to eavesdrop on whatever she is planning on doing or ever get the idea that some of the screw ups around the house were caused by her but the flak was given to them.



"Did I do it right?"
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Age- 17

Gender- Female

Race- Human

Position in the Manor- Slave

Job- Works in the kitchens as a cook and server. She makes whatever foods her master's desire.

Sexuality- Straight

Collar and charm- Blue collar with a bell charm. It also has her name engraved on it.

Personality- Isabelle is a shy and quiet girl,she can also be bit timid. She enjoys cooking up creations in the kitchen. Cooking is the only thing that brings her happiness. She rarely speaks unless spoken to. Despite all this she cares and serves her masters with unflinching loyalty.

History- Isabelle grew up in a big family and was used to being over looked. Her father had a gambling problem and couldn't pay his debt. He got into some trouble with the Blackwood family. He owed them a lot of money,and couldn't pay up. So as payment they took the only daughter,Isabelle. Now she lives and serves the Blackwood master.

[QUOTE="Count Damian]Um should I remake my char put more detail and stuff on it ?

Count, it's fine just change his name to 'Blackwood' and put how he became a master.
Count Damian

Also can you add how you became a master of the Manor,

there are 3 main Masters known as the Blackwood Family,

so you should put how you were introduced to the family and brought into the house.

Thanks ^^ 
Okay we're all talking over each other now hahaha

either change your second name to Blackwood,

or keep your name and tell us how you joined the Manor with the Blackwood family.

  • Name - Daniel Blackwood
  • Age - 20
  • Gender - Male
  • Race - Human
  • Position - Master
  • Job - Author
  • Sexuality - Straight
  • Personality - Daniel is usually a very social guy with wit and intelligence to match. Cares for his friends and is very affectionate.
  • History - Born into the Blackwood family, Daniel stands strong as one of the youngest. After he finished his degree in english literature, Daniel went on to write stories of all genres, putting his passion of storytelling to more productive uses.
(due to my work I might not be able to post in weekends just to let you know if its an issue its ok I understand )

Marius Blackwood a.k.a. Lord Redlore (rumors say that he uses human blood to mix his colors )

Gender: Male

Race Demon

Age: unknown he never tells

Position: Master

Sexuality:Mostly straight nobody really knows


Marius is very secretive no one really knows many things about him he usually insults or escapes any personal questions about himself by creating uncomfortable situations.

Slaves rarely see him out of his room at the far end of the manor a dark wing which no other master would accept to stay. Marius has an obsession with the female on canvas forcing many servants to pose as his models .He is usually polite especially when he wants your image on canvas rumors say that he could do anything just to get your image on his canvas...

Unlike other masters the only proof that Marius is a Blackwood is an old picture in one of books of the house and an old painting thats used to hang in the main hall for years that he removed it himself from there.

The only time he has showed any sights of emotion was the day that beat badly a servant for ruining his painting some say that if the other masters didnt stopped him he might have killed the servant.

Hope this is better and again sorry for all the trouble

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