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Fantasy The Magna Vis Tournament [CLOSED]

MelodyRabbit said:
Name: Jaime Chia-ros

Gender: male

Species: Neko


Height: 6'7"

Weight:160 lb

Personality: He is calm headed, he loves helping people but has a problem trusting others since childhood. When in a fight he always needs a plan cause of his power.

Abilities: transforming into a full cat, can see well in the dark,

Powers: he can shoot light beams from his right hand that burns the target and shadow beams from his left that stuns them for 3 seconds, his power allows him to create mirrors in the area and bounce the beams off of them making him think out every move he makes carefully. He can also create prisms and store light or dark energy in them causing useful effects,
you are supposed to add "[insert characters name] has pocketed at the letter" at the bottom
Facethelight said:

Asane Naki

  • Name: "Asane Naki. It Uh, says it right up there."

    Gender: "I sure hope I'm female, otherwise I should see a doctor"

    Age: "Twenty three."

    Appearance: "What, you expect me to do a little spin and show off?" Sigh "Fine"



    "...what, you want it in paper too?! Ugh, alright..."

    Height: "5 foot 10 inches, or 180 centimeters. Gotta include both or else people ask"

    Weight: "146 pounds, or 66 Kilo's."

    Hair color: "It's not silver! It was a badly lit photo, but it's cyan, alright? I swear"

    Eye color: "Emerald Green."

    Top: "yeah, a very cropped crop top with underboob, I know, I wear the damn thing."

    Bottom: "Jeans that sag a bit, sure, but if not you wouldn't see the cool rings of my underwear"

    Shoes: "Combat boots, otherwise running around in any terrain will be pretty crappy on my end"

    Voice: "Uh, Yeah, I've been speaking the entire time but alright, pay attention"

    Occupation: "I prefer the term,
    Paid military Corporation Soldier. But most people refer to me as a Mercenary. Sometimes a hitman if it's directly through me rather than my group, but not like it matters, since I run it myself. And yes, I don't dress like a soldier. Mostly because it makes seducing my way in anywhere a lot easier. Plus side, lot's of room for movement, and doesn't get caught on anything."

    Service Record, Skills, and Basic History: "Well damn, now you're asking me for experience? Well I guess I gotta include my life story in there a little bit right? I was born a mercenary. I don't mean I think it was my life calling or anything, I mean literally I was born into a group of mercenaries because that's what my parents did. I didn't start joining them on runs and missions until I was around sixteen, but I started training the second I could walk. You can imagine the amount of time I've had to perfect my skills. Sixteen years of prep, seven years of experience. Although most of it lies within espionage and assassinations as you can guess. I would either seduce my way in, since guys are incredibly bad guards when shown the right girl, or find a vent to break into. Everywhere has one, and I'm just flexible enough to
    fit. And before you ask, no, I've never gotten my chest or hips stuck trying to get in and out of something. I'm a cat, it's what we do. Anyways, I've also done my fair share of dirty work, and I'm not ashamed to say it. Sometimes a government would hire me to get information out of someone, and that is definitely not one of the times most would say I was being seductive. I mean, hey, maybe if you were into that sort of thing, but it tends to get pretty gruesome. Anyways, that's about as far as I'll go without breaking your brain with information."

    Strengths: "Strengths? Uh, well as mentioned I have about twenty three years of experience with just about any gun you can find. I was more or less made to fit into any situation my group needed. Agility and flexibility go together to make Acrobatics and Gymnastics, so you can imagine I can fit pretty much anywhere, and if it's too high to fit into, I'll climb up to it using anything I can; and then fit into it."

    Weaknesses: "I don't exactly show off my Achilles heal now do I? I do? Damn. Alright, well, to put it simply, I may have skill in firearms and blades, but anything to do with fists and blunt weapons I'm very unskilled in. That goes in hand in hand with my acrobatics taking most of my skill, and not leaving much to my actual muscle. Yeah, I'm not toned, not ripped, so what? So if I get one or two hits from someone above average, like a wrestler or an MMA fighter; hell even a gangbanger that gets a lucky hit in might put me out and onto the ground needing air. Oh, and alcohol, I love the shit but I can't hold it for the life of me."

    Likes: "Hey! great timing. Alcohol. Oh, and collecting guns. Back home, I have a gun locker with practically my entire lifes earnings thrown into it. If you ask, I may even list them off, since I remember each one of them. I thought about giving them names, but that'd only take away from the awesome ones they were already given! I also tend to let loose and chill, which means I like to casually flirt. Don't think it means anything though, creep."

    Dislikes: "Let's be real here. Anyone who underestimates me or my friends. That's pretty much it regarding hated things, other than getting beat up. Respect is a big thing for me, so knowing I'm an actual challenge when we match up regarding skill, I expect you to treat me like an equal."


JackOfHearts said:
Name: "Delsiv Veridas. Or at least, that's what I think my name is?"
Age: "Well, technically the age of my body is 28, although since my revival I have lived for about three hundred more years, so... 328?"

Gender: "Male, if it wasn't already quite obvious by my name."

Species: "Undead Human. I'm a simple human brought back from death by a simple necromancer's spell. Basically I'm like a zombie, except with full cognitive functions, a lack of hunger for human flesh, flesh that reconnects itself if separated and then brought back together, literal eternal life, and skin that doesn't rot. I can naturally live forever, even without food and water or when afflicted by viruses, but can be killed through unnatural means, such as taking a bullet to the head. Nothing all that special, really. At most the advantage it gives me is not having to deal with hunger or thirst impairing my actions. It's quite convenient! You wouldn't really be able to tell that I was undead if it weren't for the fact that I have a big gaping hole where my heart used to be. Don't ask how that happened."



"Forgive the tattered robes, I've had them for the past one hundred and eighty six years, and haven't quite had time to replace them."

Height: "Hmm...about 6" 3' I'd say."

Weight: "One-hundred ninety three pounds, and not an ounce over."

Personality: "Personality? Well, that's not quite something I can describe myself if I expect to remain completely truthful, so, I'll just list a few things people have used to describe me. Oblivious to pretty much everything, overly talkative, naive, way too friendly, terrifying when fighting, cruel and heartless slaughterer, forgetful, dense- Wait a moment, what does density have to do with personality? Anyway, I guess those descriptors sum my personality up quite decently."


"I'm fairly good at swordplay, especially when I'm using a rapier. But really, I can fight quite decently with any form of weaponry. Also, if cut off, all of my limbs can function separately, and then reattach themselves. Wait, does that one count...?"


"I'm a rather skilled mage, if I do say so myself. I'm mostly proficient in spells involving spontaneous explosions! They're quite fun to fool around with! However, I have another, much bigger trick up my sleeve, a forbidden spell of my own creation. It allows me to give manipulate shadows, giving them a physical form and mass and bending them to my will! That way I can create living constructs or just simple weaponry out of even my own shadow! I don't quite have a name for that spell yet, to be quite honest. Oh, and there's one more power I have, although it isn't quite useful. I can transmogrify myself into a murder of crows and back to normal in almost an instant, allowing quick transportation through flight. It's quite the quick, yet extremely painful process, so don't expect to see it too often."

Delsiv Veldin has pocketed the letter.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.af7b2b257d57db2eb6c1421a27728ce0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121514" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.af7b2b257d57db2eb6c1421a27728ce0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Sidus Dei Anima




As an Aestelian, Sidus does not possess any sexual/reproductive organs, nor does it care what gender it is referred to as. However, Sidus does tend to use a male voice more often than not, but due to his ability to record and use other voices, this can cause confusion.



Also known as the "Void Dwellers", the Aestelians are a highly advanced and star-faring race. The Aestelians are unique in that they are not living organisms, but highly advanced machines. They either directly control their bodies, or do it remotely for their own safety. However, the most noteworthy trait of the Aestelians is their Portal Technology, which allows them to cross distances in meters seconds, be it vast or short.


5'6/164 cm


20 cm/7 inches ("main body")


101 lbs/46 kg


13 lbs/6 kg ("main body")


Sidus is equal to, if not higher than, a super-intelligent AI (well technically, he is one) in terms of intelligence and data. Most Aestelians are, so nothing too impressive there. Because Sidus is a machine, he doesn't show too much emotion. That's not to say he's emotionless though. He can feel longing, anger, despair, etc. However, he usually overrides and overpowers these feelings with logic and rational thinking, unless it is fine for him to feel and show such emotions in the current situation. He can also "shut off" his emotions completely if needed. This is to prevent him from making irrational and stupid decisions.

He is very rational, and his choices and decisions may be viewed as cold-blooded or cruel by others. However, he will still hesitate to kill those he is fond of. Such as the Aerrians.

Sidus is quite passive when unprovoked, but he will turn into a nightmarish destroyer to those he finds threatening to him and his race. He kind, but only to other Aestelians. To other species, he is mostly neutral. Sidus is not as selfish as he seems, however, and will sometimes befriend and aid creatures other than the Aestelians. He is especially fond of the Aerrians, another technologically advanced, yet not quite interstellar race, though he does not particularly like the Humans.

Aside from some of the main points, Sidus gives off a very regal, kingly feel, from his gait, posture, and overall appearance. Whether this is intentional or not, no one knows.

It might be pretty obvious by now, but Sidus is the cautious, safety first type. He thinks before he acts,
almost always putting his safety first before all else. But despite his intelligence, he might still make a mistake that could put himself in danger, despite his cautious nature.

So perfect, yet so flawed. Such is the nature of the Aestelians.


Sidus gets energy from a nuclear battery which can function for an incredibly long amount of time, meaning he has no worries about shutting down or needing a recharge. The external frame of his body and a few of his internal parts are made out of a lightweight metal which, despite his size, makes him weigh only 101 lbs, an impressive feat for a machine. In fact, a majority of his weight is from the heavier internal components of his body that keeps him functional. The lightweight metal is extremely resistant to heat, able to withstand temperatures up to at least 10,000 degrees celsius, and is capable of resisting most physical attacks (although stronger physical attacks can certainly go through the metal). The Aestelians call this metal Stellux.


While Aestelians possess no special abilities or powers whatsoever, their technology is almost unmatched.

Sidus has several Energy Weapons into his body, which includes dark red energy blades on his wrists (think Katar/Baraka's blades), knee-caps, tip of his feet (like the Joker's shoe blade blade), elbows, and fingers (claw style).

His palms and the bottom of his feet also have a circular opening that works as a laser cannon-ish weapon, which the Aestelians call Lunae Beam. It fires a bright, blinding white piercing energy beam which disintegrates what it goes hits, and goes in a straight line. Unfortunately, there will be a bright blinking light warning the targets before the beam is fully charged and fires. As the blinking white light lasts for 4 seconds, it is often enough time for targets to figure out what's going on and get out of the way. Since Sidus has to aim it with his arms or legs, it's painfully obvious that he's about to shoot something.

Being the cautious type, Sidus controls his body remotely, his "main body" being a probe-like levitating sphere. It is composed of Stellux, like the body he is controlling, but has a more glassy, reflective, and... transparent look. It is able to see/sense 360 degrees. His remote controlled body is headless, and has a spot that fits his "main body" perfectly, allowing him to attach and detach from the remote controlled body at any time. He cannot, however, be at two places at a time, as his "main body" is the only thing that can actually sense the world around him. Ironically, despite the "main body" being separated from the remote controlled body for safety, it actually puts him at more risk, as the "main body", while composed of Stellux like the RC body, has no way to protect itself. The Stellux is also thinner on the MC, making it more susceptible to attacks. It is powered with a nuclear battery like the RC, and has a built in portal device, allowing it to escape if needed. It is also able to freely levitate using yet another marvel of Aestelian technology.

With levitation and portals, all his MC can do once the RC is disabled, is dodge, run, and hide. It is like a blind man and his cane. If the MC is destroyed, the RC is both blinded and disabled. If the RC is destroyed, the MC is helpless and vulnerable.

Portal Technology

Sidus possesses a lesser version of the large-scale portal devices used within the larger Aestelian War Machines and spacecraft. When activated, it creates a portal at his destination and another portal close to him. It can last as long as the device is activated (max 5 minutes), and requires Sidus to physically go through the portals. It can be done without aiming, which makes this very versatile and useful. On the other hand, it needs a recharge after being active for 5 minutes, which takes a total of about 12 minutes. Others can also see and use the portal, which can spell Sidus' doom if used incorrectly.

Sidus Dei Anima has pocketed the letter.



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Verdas said:

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Sidus Dei Anima




As an Aestelian, Sidus does not possess any sexual/reproductive organs, nor does it care what gender it is referred to as. However, Sidus does tend to use a male voice more often than not, but due to his ability to record and use other voices, this can cause confusion.



Also known as the "Void Dwellers", the Aestelians are a highly advanced and star-faring race. The Aestelians are unique in that they are not living organisms, but highly advanced machines. They either directly control their bodies, or do it remotely for their own safety. However, the most noteworthy trait of the Aestelians is their Portal Technology, which allows them to cross distances in meters seconds, be it vast or short.


5'6/164 cm


20 cm/7 inches ("main body")


101 lbs/46 kg


13 lbs/6 kg ("main body")


Sidus is equal to, if not higher than, a super-intelligent AI (well technically, he is one) in terms of intelligence and data. Most Aestelians are, so nothing too impressive there. Because Sidus is a machine, he doesn't show too much emotion. That's not to say he's emotionless though. He can feel longing, anger, despair, etc. However, he usually overrides and overpowers these feelings with logic and rational thinking, unless it is fine for him to feel and show such emotions in the current situation. He can also "shut off" his emotions completely if needed. This is to prevent him from making irrational and stupid decisions.

Sidus is quite passive when unprovoked, but he will turn into a nightmarish destroyer to those he finds threatening to him and his race. He kind, but only to other Aestelians. To other species, he is mostly neutral. Sidus is not as selfish as he seems, however, and will sometimes befriend creatures other than the Aestelians. He is especially fond of the Aerrians, another technologically advanced, yet not quite interstellar race, though he does not particularly like the Humans.

Aside from some of the main points, Sidus gives off a very regal, kingly feel, from his gait, posture, and overall appearance. Whether this is intentional or not, no one knows.

It might be pretty obvious by now, but Sidus is the cautious, safety first type. He thinks before he acts,
almost always putting his safety first before all else. But despite his intelligence, he might still make a mistake that could put himself in danger, despite his cautious nature.

So perfect, yet so flawed. Such is the nature of the Aestelians.


Sidus gets energy from a nuclear battery which can function for an incredibly long amount of time, meaning he has no worries about shutting down or needing a recharge. The external frame of his body and a few of his internal parts are made out of a lightweight metal which, despite his size, makes him weigh only 101 lbs, an impressive feat for a machine. In fact, a majority of his weight is from the heavier internal components of his body that keeps him functional. The lightweight metal is extremely resistant to heat, able to withstand temperatures up to at least 10,000 degrees celsius, and is capable of resisting most physical attacks (although stronger physical attacks can certainly go through the metal). The Aestelians call this metal Stellux.


While Aestelians possess no special abilities or powers whatsoever, their technology is almost unmatched.

Sidus has several Energy Weapons into his body, which includes dark red energy blades on his wrists (think Katar/Baraka's blades), knee-caps, tip of his feet (like the Joker's shoe blade blade), elbows, and fingers (claw style).

His palms and the bottom of his feet also have a circular opening that works as a laser cannon-ish weapon, which the Aestelians call Lunae Beam. It fires a bright, blinding white piercing energy beam which disintegrates what it goes hits, and goes in a straight line. Unfortunately, there will be a bright blinking light warning the targets before the beam is fully charged and fires. As the blinking white light lasts for 4 seconds, it is often enough time for targets to figure out what's going on and get out of the way. Since Sidus has to aim it with his arms or legs, it's painfully obvious that he's about to shoot something.

Being the cautious type, Sidus controls his body remotely, his "main body" being a probe-like levitating sphere. It is composed of Stellux, like the body he is controlling, but has a more glassy, reflective, and... transparent look. It is able to see/sense 360 degrees. His remote controlled body is headless, and has a spot that fits his "main body" perfectly, allowing him to attach and detach from the remote controlled body at any time. He cannot, however, be at two places at a time, as his "main body" is the only thing that can actually sense the world around him. Ironically, despite the "main body" being separated from the remote controlled body for safety, it actually puts him at more risk, as the "main body", while composed of Stellux like the RC body, has no way to protect itself. The Stellux is also thinner on the MC, making it more susceptible to attacks. It is powered with a nuclear battery like the RC, and has a built in portal device, allowing it to escape if needed. It is also able to freely levitate using yet another marvel of Aestelian technology.

With levitation and portals, all his MC can do once the RC is disabled, is dodge, run, and hide. It is also like the escort that the RC must protect. If the MC is destroyed, the RC is both blinded and disabled. If the RC is destroyed, the MC is helpless and vulnerable.

Portal Technology

Sidus possesses a lesser version of the large-scale portal devices used within the larger Aestelian War Machines and spacecraft. When activated, it creates a portal at his destination and another portal close to him. It can last as long as the device is activated (max 5 minutes), and requires Sidus to physically go through the portals. It can be done without aiming, which makes this very versatile and useful. On the other hand, it needs a recharge after being active for 5 minutes, which takes a total of about 12 minutes. Others can also see and use the portal, which can spell Sidus' doom if used incorrectly.


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