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Fantasy The Magna Vis Tournament [CLOSED]


Four Thousand Club



Species: (go into detail if original)

Appearance: Picture (Drawn or Photo) or written





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Name: Eraqus Nirvana

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Species: Human/Slvian(The Slvian race are the race of magic-wielding aliens which life source relies on Mana, or 'SP' as they call it. They appear to be Human, but has a glowing Aura around them when they are using their SP immensely.)

Height: 6.5 ft.



A Natural Leader, appointed as the Sergeant Major of the LSR before becoming King. He's always open for opinions about the Kingdom. Aside from that, he is a little bit playful with his subjects, and would cared about the security of the Kingdom.


Immense Mana- Being the King of the Slvian Race, he has been granted to have a large amount of Mana at his disposal.

Natural Soldier-Before becoming the King, Eraqus Nirvana was a soldier of the LSR Unit. He was trained to use transformable light-sabers, Guns, and Laser Cannons(Such as the LSR-025)

Unravel-It is when Eraqus Breaks the seal of his Powers, granting more strength and speed to his Attacks and Spells.

High Swordsplay-I think this is self Explanatory


Magic Casting-The Ability to cast any elemental spell.

Flight-Bearing the Crown, Eraqus gained the ability to fly. He would only use it when pursuing Airborne opponents or Scouting the Area.

Primal Spell Casting-The Ability to cast High Tier Spells with Ease. It usually has the 'Almighty' Affinity which is only open to those of high ranking champions and the King's Advisor. It's only natural for the King to gain this Ability, no?(Usually involves Light Spheres and Laser Beams)

Makarakarn-Protective Spell of the Highest Degree. It can block spells and Explosions with Ease.


King Eraqus Nirvana Has pocketed the Letter
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Thepotatogod said:

Name: Eraqus Nirvana

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Species: Human/Slvian(The Slvian race are the race of magic-wielding aliens which life source relies on Mana, or 'SP' as they call it. They appear to be Human, but has a glowing Aura around them when they are using their SP immensely.)

Height: 6.5 ft.



A Natural Leader, appointed as the Sergeant Major of the LSR before becoming King. He's always open for opinions about the Kingdom. Aside from that, he is a little bit playful with his subjects, and would cared about the security of the Kingdom.


Immense Mana- Being the King of the Slvian Race, he has been granted to have a large amount of Mana at his disposal.

Natural Soldier-Before becoming the King, Eraqus Nirvana was a soldier of the LSR Unit. He was trained to use transformable light-sabers, Guns, and Laser Cannons(Such as the LSR-025)

Unravel-It is when Eraqus Breaks the seal of his Powers, granting more strength and speed to his Attacks and Spells.

High Swordsplay-I think this is self Explanatory


Magic Casting-The Ability to cast any elemental spell.

Flight-Bearing the Crown, Eraqus gained the ability to fly. He would only use it when pursuing Airborne opponents or Scouting the Area.

Primal Spell Casting-The Ability to cast High Tier Spells with Ease. It usually has the 'Almighty' Affinity which is only open to those of high ranking champions and the King's Advisor. It's only natural for the King to gain this Ability, no?(Usually involves Light Spheres and Laser Beams)


King Eraqus Nirvana Has pocketed the Letter


Jor Jared Addams A.K.A

Peng Win

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Species: Altered Human (Altered Humans, or AH for short, are a rare 'high-breed' of humans with altered genetic make-up, hence the name. No one knows how and why these humans are different from the others.)



Height: 6"1' (186.50 cm)

Weight: 153 lbs

Personality: You know that straight A's, workaholic Asian kid in 5th Grade that's a little too excited for the next lesson? That's Jor, except imagine the kid growing up to be a medium-wage office worker that's actually 'Peng Win', a caped crusader that fends off lowlife thugs, supervillains and the occasional eldritch abominations away from his city, all in a night's work. (Starting to sound familiar? NOPE.)

His Determinator attitude and Hot-Bloodedness knows no bounds, such that it clouds up his better judgements, so he often ends up as a comic relief to onlookers whenever he becomes too enthusiastic over something.

He comes off as stupid and illogical hero at first, but make no mistake, he truly has a heroic heart, always having a Big Damn Heroes moment ready to save the day.


Will of Iron - Pretty much this, he never gives up, and won't give a slugger even if all the odds are against him. He's still human, though, so imagine what would happen if one day he snapped?

Decent Fighter - Unlike other cape-crusading superheroes, Jor had absolutely no formal combat training at all, relying on his newly-awakened powers to keep him alive. Due to experience, Peng Win is now massively better at hand-to-hand combat than when he first started, though his technique and style is very much lacking compared to others (he doesn't really have a style, he just wings it).


Ergokinetic Combat

  • Jor channels this into raw power that flows from the core of his body to his different limbs, causing him to have a few superhuman capabilities, including super strength and endurance. The superhero is able to let this energy move outside his physical form, then solidify the energy into something akin to the hardlight in the Halo series.

The Peng Win has pocketed the letter.

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XiaoWeiXiao said:

Name: Jor Jared Addams

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Species: Altered Human


Height: 6"1' (186.50 cm)

Weight: 153 lbs

Personality: You know that straight A's, workaholic Asian kid in 5th Grade that's a little too excited for the next lesson? That's Jor, except imagine the kid growing up to be a medium-wage office worker that's actually 'Peng Win', a caped crusader that fends off lowlife thugs, supervillains and the occasional eldritch abominations from his city, all in a night's work. (Starting to sound familiar? Well this is where the familliarity ends.)

His Determinator attitude and Hot-Bloodedness knows no bounds, such that it clouds up his better judgements, so he often ends up as a comic relief to onlookers whenever he becomes too enthusiastic over something.

Make no mistake, he comes off as stupid and illogical hero at first, but he truly has a heroic heart, always having a Big Damn Heroes moment ready to save the day.


Will of Iron - Pretty much this, he never gives up, and won't give a slugger even if all the odds are against him.

Decent Fighter - Unlike other cape-crusading superheroes, Jor had absolutely no CQC training at all, relying on his newly-awakened powers to keep him alive. Due to experience, Peng Win is now massively better at hand-to-hand combat than when he first started, though his technique and style is very much lacking compared to others (he doesn't really have a style, he just wings it).


Ergokinetic Combat

  • Jor channels this into raw power that flows from the core of his body to his different limbs, causing him to have a few superhuman capabilities. The superhero is able to let this energy move outside his physical form, then solidify the energy into something akin to the hardlight in the Halo series.

The Peng Win has Pocketed the letter.

Ping Win is now Accepted

??? (Iris Galewing)






Ragnarök (Are humanoid people who are born with the mark of "Ragnarök", they are said to be the bringer of doom and destruction to everything around them and wouldn't show mercy to anyone. Most of them also have some kind of power; manipulation of fire, teleportation, levitation and more. If one faces a Ragnarök in battle, the chances of them surviving are slim..)






92 lbs


Nobody has ever come close to becoming friends with Iris. Her mind has been filled with all sorts of combat-related things even as a child, all she knows is that everyone else is bad and the only existing person that is good is herself. Unlike others who give up once they see the limit of their strengths, Iris has something called Perseverance that allows her to continue whatever she is doing and pushes her to complete it. Just like her species' legend, she shows no mercy during battle and seeks to eliminate any person that tries to get in her way.


Weapon Efficiency - Because of her species as a war machine, she was forced to master and become adapt in using any and all kinds of weapon.

Acrobatics - Alongside her training with weapons, she was also trained in dodging through acrobatics.

Detection/Blood Seeker - Iris has a special ability in which she can detect the strength of everyone around her, this can be useful if they could turn invisible and such, but it may be a bother when she's fighting a strong opponent as this may pressure her.


  • This power allows the user to create, conjure and manipulate crystals. It has many uses, and there is no drawback to using this power. The crystal's color is generally white and they are generally easy to break, however, the fact that Iris can easily recreate these crystals in a matter of seconds comes up and saves that weakness.

    These crystals can also "levitate" into the air, which Iris can use for air transport and such that require the sky.

??? thinks about dumping the letter. The thought of having a wish of her own doesn't really matter to her. But then she remembers something very important, it pushes her to pocket the letter.
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Asane Naki

  • Name: "Asane Naki. It Uh, says it right up there."

    Gender: "I sure hope I'm female, otherwise I should see a doctor"

    Age: "Twenty three."

    Appearance: "What, you expect me to do a little spin and show off?" Sigh "Fine"



    "...what, you want it in paper too?! Ugh, alright..."

    Height: "5 foot 10 inches, or 180 centimeters. Gotta include both or else people ask"

    Weight: "146 pounds, or 66 Kilo's."

    Hair color: "It's not silver! It was a badly lit photo, but it's cyan, alright? I swear"

    Eye color: "Emerald Green."

    Top: "yeah, a very cropped crop top with underboob, I know, I wear the damn thing."

    Bottom: "Jeans that sag a bit, sure, but if not you wouldn't see the cool rings of my underwear"

    Shoes: "Combat boots, otherwise running around in any terrain will be pretty crappy on my end"

    Voice: "Uh, Yeah, I've been speaking the entire time but alright, pay attention"

    Occupation: "I prefer the term,
    Paid military Corporation Soldier. But most people refer to me as a Mercenary. Sometimes a hitman if it's directly through me rather than my group, but not like it matters, since I run it myself. And yes, I don't dress like a soldier. Mostly because it makes seducing my way in anywhere a lot easier. Plus side, lot's of room for movement, and doesn't get caught on anything."

    Service Record, Skills, and Basic History: "Well damn, now you're asking me for experience? Well I guess I gotta include my life story in there a little bit right? I was born a mercenary. I don't mean I think it was my life calling or anything, I mean literally I was born into a group of mercenaries because that's what my parents did. I didn't start joining them on runs and missions until I was around sixteen, but I started training the second I could walk. You can imagine the amount of time I've had to perfect my skills. Sixteen years of prep, seven years of experience. Although most of it lies within espionage and assassinations as you can guess. I would either seduce my way in, since guys are incredibly bad guards when shown the right girl, or find a vent to break into. Everywhere has one, and I'm just flexible enough to
    fit. And before you ask, no, I've never gotten my chest or hips stuck trying to get in and out of something. I'm a cat, it's what we do. Anyways, I've also done my fair share of dirty work, and I'm not ashamed to say it. Sometimes a government would hire me to get information out of someone, and that is definitely not one of the times most would say I was being seductive. I mean, hey, maybe if you were into that sort of thing, but it tends to get pretty gruesome. Anyways, that's about as far as I'll go without breaking your brain with information."

    Strengths: "Strengths? Uh, well as mentioned I have about twenty three years of experience with just about any gun you can find. I was more or less made to fit into any situation my group needed. Agility and flexibility go together to make Acrobatics and Gymnastics, so you can imagine I can fit pretty much anywhere, and if it's too high to fit into, I'll climb up to it using anything I can; and then fit into it."

    Weaknesses: "I don't exactly show off my Achilles heal now do I? I do? Damn. Alright, well, to put it simply, I may have skill in firearms and blades, but anything to do with fists and blunt weapons I'm very unskilled in. That goes in hand in hand with my acrobatics taking most of my skill, and not leaving much to my actual muscle. Yeah, I'm not toned, not ripped, so what? So if I get one or two hits from someone above average, like a wrestler or an MMA fighter; hell even a gangbanger that gets a lucky hit in might put me out and onto the ground needing air. Oh, and alcohol, I love the shit but I can't hold it for the life of me."

    Likes: "Hey! great timing. Alcohol. Oh, and collecting guns. Back home, I have a gun locker with practically my entire lifes earnings thrown into it. If you ask, I may even list them off, since I remember each one of them. I thought about giving them names, but that'd only take away from the awesome ones they were already given! I also tend to let loose and chill, which means I like to casually flirt. Don't think it means anything though, creep."

    Dislikes: "Let's be real here. Anyone who underestimates me or my friends. That's pretty much it regarding hated things, other than getting beat up. Respect is a big thing for me, so knowing I'm an actual challenge when we match up regarding skill, I expect you to treat me like an equal."
Facethelight said:

Asane Naki

  • Name: "Asane Naki. It Uh, says it right up there."

    Gender: "I sure hope I'm female, otherwise I should see a doctor"

    Age: "Twenty three."

    Appearance: "What, you expect me to do a little spin and show off?" Sigh "Fine"



    "...what, you want it in paper too?! Ugh, alright..."

    Height: "5 foot 10 inches, or 180 centimeters. Gotta include both or else people ask"

    Weight: "146 pounds, or 66 Kilo's."

    Hair color: "It's not silver! It was a badly lit photo, but it's cyan, alright? I swear"

    Eye color: "Emerald Green."

    Top: "yeah, a very cropped crop top with underboob, I know, I wear the damn thing."

    Bottom: "Jeans that sag a bit, sure, but if not you wouldn't see the cool rings of my underwear"

    Shoes: "Combat boots, otherwise running around in any terrain will be pretty crappy on my end"

    Voice: "Uh, Yeah, I've been speaking the entire time but alright, pay attention"

    Occupation: "I prefer the term,
    Paid military Corporation Soldier. But most people refer to me as a Mercenary. Sometimes a hitman if it's directly through me rather than my group, but not like it matters, since I run it myself. And yes, I don't dress like a soldier. Mostly because it makes seducing my way in anywhere a lot easier. Plus side, lot's of room for movement, and doesn't get caught on anything."

    Service Record, Skills, and Basic History: "Well damn, now you're asking me for experience? Well I guess I gotta include my life story in there a little bit right? I was born a mercenary. I don't mean I think it was my life calling or anything, I mean literally I was born into a group of mercenaries because that's what my parents did. I didn't start joining them on runs and missions until I was around sixteen, but I started training the second I could walk. You can imagine the amount of time I've had to perfect my skills. Sixteen years of prep, seven years of experience. Although most of it lies within espionage and assassinations as you can guess. I would either seduce my way in, since guys are incredibly bad guards when shown the right girl, or find a vent to break into. Everywhere has one, and I'm just flexible enough to
    fit. And before you ask, no, I've never gotten my chest or hips stuck trying to get in and out of something. I'm a cat, it's what we do. Anyways, I've also done my fair share of dirty work, and I'm not ashamed to say it. Sometimes a government would hire me to get information out of someone, and that is definitely not one of the times most would say I was being seductive. I mean, hey, maybe if you were into that sort of thing, but it tends to get pretty gruesome. Anyways, that's about as far as I'll go without breaking your brain with information."

    Strengths: "Strengths? Uh, well as mentioned I have about twenty three years of experience with just about any gun you can find. I was more or less made to fit into any situation my group needed. Agility and flexibility go together to make Acrobatics and Gymnastics, so you can imagine I can fit pretty much anywhere, and if it's too high to fit into, I'll climb up to it using anything I can; and then fit into it."

    Weaknesses: "I don't exactly show off my Achilles heal now do I? I do? Damn. Alright, well, to put it simply, I may have skill in firearms and blades, but anything to do with fists and blunt weapons I'm very unskilled in. That goes in hand in hand with my acrobatics taking most of my skill, and not leaving much to my actual muscle. Yeah, I'm not toned, not ripped, so what? So if I get one or two hits from someone above average, like a wrestler or an MMA fighter; hell even a gangbanger that gets a lucky hit in might put me out and onto the ground needing air. Oh, and alcohol, I love the shit but I can't hold it for the life of me."

    Likes: "Hey! great timing. Alcohol. Oh, and collecting guns. Back home, I have a gun locker with practically my entire lifes earnings thrown into it. If you ask, I may even list them off, since I remember each one of them. I thought about giving them names, but that'd only take away from the awesome ones they were already given! I also tend to let loose and chill, which means I like to casually flirt. Don't think it means anything though, creep."

    Dislikes: "Let's be real here. Anyone who underestimates me or my friends. That's pretty much it regarding hated things, other than getting beat up. Respect is a big thing for me, so knowing I'm an actual challenge when we match up regarding skill, I expect you to treat me like an equal."

Name: "Delsiv Veridas. Or at least, that's what I think my name is?"

Age: "Well, technically the age of my body is 28, although since my revival I have lived for about three hundred more years, so... 328?"

Gender: "Male, if it wasn't already quite obvious by my name."

Species: "Undead Human. I'm a simple human brought back from death by a simple necromancer's spell. Basically I'm like a zombie, except with full cognitive functions, a lack of hunger for human flesh, flesh that reconnects itself if separated and then brought back together, literal eternal life, and skin that doesn't rot. I can naturally live forever, even without food and water or when afflicted by viruses, but can be killed through unnatural means, such as taking a bullet to the head. Nothing all that special, really. At most the advantage it gives me is not having to deal with hunger or thirst impairing my actions. It's quite convenient! You wouldn't really be able to tell that I was undead if it weren't for the fact that I have a big gaping hole where my heart used to be. Don't ask how that happened."



"Forgive the tattered robes, I've had them for the past one hundred and eighty six years, and haven't quite had time to replace them."

Height: "Hmm...about 6" 3' I'd say."

Weight: "One-hundred ninety three pounds, and not an ounce over."

Personality: "Personality? Well, that's not quite something I can describe myself if I expect to remain completely truthful, so, I'll just list a few things people have used to describe me. Oblivious to pretty much everything, overly talkative, naive, way too friendly, terrifying when fighting, cruel and heartless slaughterer, forgetful, dense- Wait a moment, what does density have to do with personality? Anyway, I guess those descriptors sum my personality up quite decently."


"I'm fairly good at swordplay, especially when I'm using a rapier. But really, I can fight quite decently with any form of weaponry. Also, if cut off, all of my limbs can function separately, and then reattach themselves. Wait, does that one count...?"


"I'm a rather skilled mage, if I do say so myself. I'm mostly proficient in spells involving spontaneous explosions! They're quite fun to fool around with! However, I have another, much bigger trick up my sleeve, a forbidden spell of my own creation. It allows me to give manipulate shadows, giving them a physical form and mass and bending them to my will! That way I can create living constructs or just simple weaponry out of even my own shadow! I don't quite have a name for that spell yet, to be quite honest. Oh, and there's one more power I have, although it isn't quite useful. I can transmogrify myself into a murder of crows and back to normal in almost an instant, allowing quick transportation through flight. It's quite the quick, yet extremely painful process, so don't expect to see it too often."

Delsiv Veldin has pocketed the letter.
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Name: "Who designed this CS? This is the most unimaginative, uncreative...Oh! My name? Its...um...hold on. Oh ok, it says right here, Akari Hirano."

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Appearance: "ah, you want to see my appearance? Well I've taken taken the liberty of putting these things called spoilers down below, one for casual, and one for combat".



Height: "6'1"

Weight:184 lbs

Personality: "I don't know if you've realized so far, but I'm a very funny guy. Don't listen to others. Most others don't think I'm funny, they tell me they find my jokes too morbid. Now, I have no idea why they'd say that, because I've never done anything "morbid" at all. Other people also think that I'm not right in the head, which isn't true at all. Ok, there was that one time in my childhood where I traded my sanity to Abaddon, the archdemon of the 12th layer of hell, but other than that, their statements are completely unsupported. And before you say anything, I got these two really cool swords out of the deal, so shut up".

"I don't like to take things too seriously, 'cause it takes all the fun out of everything. To me, there is nothing worse than some overly-serious, wet-towel killjoy. Anyways, I like to take it easy with everything that I do, including, ESPECIALLY, in life-or-death situations. If I'm going to go out, I want to go out having fun, not all grumpy and such."

Equipment:"Well I got my two loyal swords right here. This one, I call Ignus...


...it might look like a normal sword, but it has to power to turn into fire! And not just any ordinary fire, its hellfire! As far as I know, the only additional thing it does to people that get hit by it besides burning them is that it weakens them, or saps their energy, or something. Don't ask me, I don't study this kind of stuff.

My other sword, I like to call Arcana...


...and the trick with this sword is that I can imbue it with arcane energy. When its like this, not only does it glow a really cool shade of purple, but it also can hit just about anything, because that's how arcane stuff works. (Don't ask me, Abaddon didn't really go into details). So no more of that silly, you-can't-stab-a-ghost thing that used to be such a huge problem for other people. The magic also comes in handy for a bunch of other stuff. For instance, I can deflect projectiles with it, and if I need to, I can shoot purple bolts of arcane energy out of it by swinging it, but I've yet to figure out how to do this accurately.

Oh and this mask? Well you know what I said before, about trading my sanity for two swords? Well, this mask was kind given to me to help contain the few scraps of sanity that I have left. Normally, I don't have to wear it in day-to-day life, just keeping it on my body is enough, but the two swords I have have the problem of shredding my remaining sanity each time I use them. (Something to do with me not comprehending their powers or something). So I have to actually wear the mask when I'm fighting, or else I lose my mind fairly quickly. If its broken, then the mask doesn't work anymore. But that's not such a problem considering the mask fixes itself, but only after several days, so its self-repair won't be too handy if its broken in a battle or fight, which I doubt will happen".

Powers: "Basically, I'm just really good with these swords. Like, REALLY good. I'm also pretty fast, evasive, and quick-thinking, but nothing else that qualifies as superhuman."

(Akari Hirano has pocketed the letter.)
Name: Marter Medusa

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Species: Statue- I was brought to life by a strange liquid that stuck to my body. It entered my open mouth and I was brought to life. The liquid is now my blood and the thing that keeps me alive. I don't eat, or need rest, the best you can get is me resting so my blood can regroup and heal my wounds. I am a stone statue but I can take damage. I may not feel it, but I take it.

Appearance. I have e: Picture (Drawn or Photo) or written


Height: 5'8

Weight: 120 lbs

Personality: Charming to his enemies, and always wanting to talk during the fights. He tries and find there weaknesses through talking. He laughs at pain and believes the reason people fight are to be better than everyone. He always tries to be wise(He isn't), powerful (As a statue), and sympathetic (TRIES!). When he isn't in battle he is always trying to be friendly and tries to get people to laugh. He is in a denial state, not believing anything good about the opponent making it easier for him not to stop or feel remorse.

Abilities: He is good with powerful fast attacks, Marter is also good with hand to hand combat, or any type of melee weapon. He is fast and moves lightly, being that his body is hollow and his goo like blood sticks around his outer shell. His blood is used as replacements if he loses limbs. The blood can crack walls, floors, and ceilings.

Powers: He has the power to paralyze opponents if he comes eye to eye with them (Mask can prevent this) for short amounts of time, leaving them vulnerable. Marter blood is a black goo that covers any wounds on his body. If he must he will crack his limbs off revealing a new goo that form weapons and protective armor. He can create a shadow out of his blood called "Lucy" used to distract, or if it must fight while Marter heals his wounds, it also seems to talk to Marter. He can shoot forms of dark magic from his hands. The magic stiffens a opponents movement almost like a statue.


When low or going to be defeated I become "Rapture," the blood of my body rips off the skin and absorbs it. This leaves a powerful, fast, and destructive beast in its absents. My original vessel becomes a hard shell covering the inside. The creature wants blood and doesn't care for human life making it unpredictable.

(Marter has pocketed the letter)
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Name: "Who designed this CS? This is the most unimaginative, uncreative...Oh! My name? Its...um...hold on. Oh ok, it says right here, Akari Hirano."

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Appearance: "ah, you want to see my appearance? Well I've taken taken the liberty of putting these things called spoilers down below, one for casual, and one for combat".



Height: "6'1"

Weight:184 lbs

Personality: "I don't know if you've realized so far, but I'm a very funny guy. Don't listen to others. Most others don't think I'm funny, they tell me they find my jokes too morbid. Now, I have no idea why they'd say that, because I've never done anything "morbid" at all. Other people also think that I'm not right in the head, which isn't true at all. Ok, there was that one time in my childhood where I traded my sanity to Abaddon, the archdemon of the 12th layer of hell, but other than that, their statements are completely unsupported. And before you say anything, I got these two really cool swords out of the deal, so shut up".

"I don't like to take things too seriously, 'cause it takes all the fun out of everything. To me, there is nothing worse than some overly-serious, wet-towel killjoy. Anyways, I like to take it easy with everything that I do, including, ESPECIALLY, in life-or-death situations. If I'm going to go out, I want to go out having fun, not all grumpy and such."

Equipment:"Well I got my two loyal swords right here. This one, I call Ignus...


...it might look like a normal sword, but it has to power to turn into fire! And not just any ordinary fire, its hellfire! As far as I know, the only additional thing it does to people that get hit by it besides burning them is that it weakens them, or saps their energy, or something. Don't ask me, I don't study this kind of stuff.

My other sword, I like to call Arcana...


...and the trick with this sword is that I can imbue it with arcane energy. When its like this, not only does it glow a really cool shade of purple, but it also can hit just about anything, because that's how arcane stuff works. (Don't ask me, Abaddon didn't really go into details). So no more of that silly, you-can't-stab-a-ghost thing that used to be such a huge problem for other people. The magic also comes in handy for a bunch of other stuff. For instance, I can deflect projectiles with it, and if I need to, I can shoot purple bolts of arcane energy out of it by swinging it, but I've yet to figure out how to do this accurately.

Oh and this mask? Well you know what I said before, about trading my sanity for two swords? Well, this mask was kind given to me to help contain the few scraps of sanity that I have left. Normally, I don't have to wear it in day-to-day life, just keeping it on my body is enough, but the two swords I have have the problem of shredding my remaining sanity each time I use them. (Something to do with me not comprehending their powers or something). So I have to actually wear the mask when I'm fighting, or else I lose my mind fairly quickly. If its broken, then the mask doesn't work anymore. But that's not such a problem considering the mask fixes itself, but only after several days, so its self-repair won't be too handy if its broken in a battle or fight, which I doubt will happen".

Powers: "Basically, I'm just really good with these swords. Like, REALLY good. I'm also pretty fast, evasive, and quick-thinking, but nothing else that qualifies as superhuman."

(Akari Hirano has pocketed the letter.)

I just don't have the time to make a whole new charcter, so I hope it's okay that I reuse one of my old ones.

Name: Scecia Bellerosé

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Class: Duelist, Rogue, Acrobat

Personality: Solemn, quiet and a very intelligent girl. She does not ever boast or speak down to anyone even when she has the upper hand. A good word to describe her is independent. She has since childhood been very obeying and focused, and above all quiet. When she speaks it's only a few words even though she is an excellent articulator, and she chooses those few words very carefully. She believes in intelligence and tactics over strength and is strictly religious. Death is sacred, and magic such as necromancy is something punishable by death in her opinion, she has a general hate for magic overall.

Physical description: Slim caucasian, she has defined muscles and is very strong for her size. She's average height and a bit below average weight, and she has rather long legs. Her hair is black, wavy and reaches down to her shoulders and her eyes are of a clear green.

Here is kind of what I was thinking for the armor and face (Not my art.)


Gear: She wears very light armor made out of leather as a base adorned with green ordnance and steel shoulder pads and detailing. There's a green skirt attached to the chest pice to allow for more agility, she also has a pair of leather boots that reaches up to her knees. She has one scythe like blade with a handle in each hand both connected to chains wrapped around her arms, she can extend the chains to throw or spin them. Her secondary weapons are two scythe like blades connected (stationary) to her boots making them a pair of deadly ice skates.

Fighting style: When fighting Scecia relies on speed, agility and wearing her opponent down. Her cuts may not be deep but when they start stacking up it becomes hard to fight back. She blends a type of ballet with her four razor sharp blades, making her into a human scythe. Scecia dashes back and forth to confuse her enemy, seem unpredictable and to engage/disengage. Her style of fighting can be summed up as a "blade waltz".


Acrobatics- She has amazing acrobatic skills.

Dashing- Scecia makes use of quickly dashing towards and away from enemies.

Grand battemant- Scecia preforms a 180 degree kick upwards slicing anything in front of her or to her sides. She uses this as a blocking method, a way of destroying projectiles and of course as an offensive attack.

The butterfly- Scecia takes of into the air with an intense jump preforming a 360 degree spin with her legs/blades pointing outwards, upon landing she very quickly preforms another spin with one leg outwards. This is used for damaging the legs of an opponent and is used best when completely crippling the target.

Barrière lame- Scecia starts spinning both of her chained blades to her sides creating a sort of protective barrier.

Divisé- An ability preferably preformed shortly after gaining some momentum with her spinning blades, she starts surging preforming a series of acrobatic skills on her way towards a target at the same times as spinning her blades to make her as hard as possible to hit so that she can engage safely.


Backstory: (This is the basic version of it, since it's a WIP.) She was orphaned at a very young age by an exiled military officer who was desperate to find a successor who he could teach his art of war. They had an extreme training regimen but it wasn't a problem for Scecia, she was a strong willed obeying child and she rarely complained. Years passed and she eventually surpassed her teacher and started devoting more time to reading and schooling herself... I'll continue this as fast as I have it all figured out.

Other: She speaks multiple languages and can play the piano very well. She prays regularly, and always right before a fight.

Sorry, I know this text is an absolute mess, I've just been wording everything badly today. Scecia Bellerosé has pocketed the letter.
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Vrasky Zeal


752 Drahn

(or 0.7 Earth years. Therefore roughly 107 Earth years old)





(A humanoid-insect species. If anything, they got more disadvantages than benefits when physically compared to humans; most have functional translucent wings. Lifespan is also up to 1700 Drahn. Unfortunately, they succumb easily to illnesses, rarely any Zebranky reaching the most of their lifespan. Husks are easily removed too. Other than physically, they've earned great technological prowess)


7'2" or 219 cm


258 lb​


A man of who is simply stern in everything he does. Isn't exactly the friendliest character you'll meet but doesn't make enemies either. He bides his time for anything. Approach to others he doesn't trust isn't gonna happen sooner or later, let alone talk. Did I mention he was serious all the time? Fortunately, people that make good spar partners are viable friends.


His back contains his hidden translucent wings for hovering (not flying), which is hidden under his fragile husk and the husk under a shield-shaped metal. Other abilities include above-average strength and also above-average wits.


Other than the benefits of being a Zebranky, Vrasky has no powers but his technology compensates for that. Most of the body is covered in metal able to withstand many hits from a blunt axe or sharp knife. His most outstanding gadget is the cross-shaped button on top of his left wrist. Currently has two functions; first is able to generate a glowing red barrier which surrounds him that can zap enemies and absorb energy projectiles. Physical attacks pass through easily though. Lasts a few minutes. Second is an instant recovery to his injuries. He can use both only once before needing to refill them with *certain* materials.

(Vrasky has pocketed the letter)

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[QUOTE="Computing Magus]



Vrasky Zeal


752 Drahn

(or 0.7 Earth years. Therefore roughly 107 Earth years old)





(A humanoid-insect species. If anything, they got more disadvantages than benefits when physically compared to humans; most have functional translucent wings. Lifespan is also up to 1700 Drahn. Unfortunately, they succumb easily to illnesses, rarely any Zebranky reaching the most of their lifespan. Husks are easily removed too. Other than physically, they've earned great technological prowess)


7'2" or 219 cm


258 lb​


A man of who is simply stern in everything he does. Isn't exactly the friendliest character you'll meet but doesn't make enemies either. He bides his time for anything. Approach to others he doesn't trust isn't gonna happen sooner or later, let alone talk. Did I mention he was serious all the time? Fortunately, people that make good spar partners are viable friends.


His back contains his hidden translucent wings for hovering (not flying), which is hidden under his fragile husk and the husk under a shield-shaped metal. Other abilities include above-average strength and also above-average wits.


Other than the benefits of being a Zebranky, Vrasky has no powers but his technology compensates for that. Most of the body is covered in metal able to withstand many hits from a blunt axe or sharp knife. His most outstanding gadget is the cross-shaped button on top of his left wrist. Currently has two functions; first is able to generate a glowing red barrier which surrounds him that can zap enemies and absorb energy projectiles. Physical attacks pass through easily though. Lasts a few minutes. Second is an instant recovery to his injuries. He can use both only once before needing to refill them with *certain* materials.

(Vrasky has pocketed the letter)

Name: Johnny Mechanico, The Average Sized robot

Age: 9 (but he's a robot, so that doesn't really matter)

Gender: Male (though, this is a moot point since he's a robot)

Species: Mecáni (An attempt by the evil organization/gang/cult Los Sinvergüenzas to make the next evolution of man. The end result were a bunch of cyborgs, androids, and disgusting chimeras used to take over the world. One renegade scientist trained two of them to be his sons, and one of them became Johnny Mechanico. The other one was lost to time...allegedly.)


Height: 6"2'

Weight: 163 kg.

Personality: Johnny is a likable guy for a machine designed to destroy a criminal organization of evil luchadores. He upholds his loose, robotic morals to the end. Protect the innocent, wrestle the guilty. That being said, he's incredibly gullible. He'd do anything short of killing a human to bring justice to the world. He can't kill humans (at least, on purpose) due to his programming, but he can kill his mecáni brethren and most other life.

Abilities: As a mecáni, Johnny was programmed to know the art of lucha libre and a basic understanding of strategy. He's also decent at beatboxing and took up free-style dancing as a hobby.

Powers: When you're a robot, can you really call these powers? Whatever, here you go.

  • Rocket Jump: Being propelled by his robo-feet, Mr. Mechanico can boost short distances.
  • Robotic strength: Capable of lifting at least a jeep.
  • Modular arm Arm System: Los Sinvergüenzas' convenient modular weapon system may be their biggest downfall!
    Rocket Fists: Fists + Rockets = Rocket fists! Shot at a reasonably fast speed, if it shoots you, it's gonna hurt.
  • Drill Arm: Commonly used for finishing maneuvers, Johnny also uses this giant drill for, you know, digging.
  • Grapple Arm: Self explanatory. It's a grappling hook to get places where Rocket Jump cannot.

(Johnny attempted to pocket the letter, but he has no pockets. He left his jacket at home. He instead puts it in his shin guard.)



Mordecai Astolf








<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.6b064589fe8492512b010ec4a8bac0a9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120849" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.6b064589fe8492512b010ec4a8bac0a9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


6.1 ft.


144 lbs


As a hermit, Mordecai isn't exactly a people person. He spent his time deep in study, seeking answers to every problem life presented to him, including how to cheat death and acquire eternal life, and how to create the fabled Philosopher's Stone. He is quite awkward in social interactions, and easily angered, but still, he has a mind to be reckoned with. Sometimes, he may try to befriend someone, but usually it is only for his own needs. He sees the other people as a hindrance to his research, something that will slow him down and must be disposed of.


Mordecai only wears brown robes, as he prefers comfortable clothing that protects him from cold, and allows him to move freely.

He also always carries a huge bag in which he keeps the various potions, explosives and mutagens he has created.


Mordecai has the ability of creating various items thanks to his alchemical knowledge (provided he has the necessary ingredients), such as (but not limited to):

Explosives (not necessairly used to hurt other beings)

Many types of different potions

Mutagens (special substances which he can assume to mutate his body temporarily)


Mordecai has a rudimentary knowledge of magic. He can cast simple spells, as he was the apprentice of a sorcerer before becoming an alchemist.

The alchemist can use the mutagens he creates to change his body, usually becoming a hulking giant of incredible strenght. This, however, detracts from his mental ability, making him unable to think of tactics that are excessively complex.

He can also drink potions to heal eventual wounds he recieved, or to enhance his physical and mental abilities

Mordecai has pocketed the letter



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Crenando said:
Name: Johnny Mechanico, The Average Sized robot
Age: 9 (but he's a robot, so that doesn't really matter)

Gender: Male (though, this is a moot point since he's a robot)

Species: Mecáni (An attempt by the evil organization/gang/cult Los Sinvergüenzas to make the next evolution of man. The end result were a bunch of cyborgs, androids, and disgusting chimeras used to take over the world. One renegade scientist trained two of them to be his sons, and one of them became Johnny Mechanico. The other one was lost to time...allegedly.)


Height: 6"2'

Weight: 163 kg.

Personality: Johnny is a likable guy for a machine designed to destroy a criminal organization of evil luchadores. He upholds his loose, robotic morals to the end. Protect the innocent, wrestle the guilty. That being said, he's incredibly gullible. He'd do anything short of killing a human to bring justice to the world. He can't kill humans (at least, on purpose) due to his programming, but he can kill his mecáni brethren and most other life.

Abilities: As a mecáni, Johnny was programmed to know the art of lucha libre and a basic understanding of strategy. He's also decent at beatboxing and took up free-style dancing as a hobby.

Powers: When you're a robot, can you really call these powers? Whatever, here you go.

  • Rocket Jump: Being propelled by his robo-feet, Mr. Mechanico can boost short distances.
  • Robotic strength: Capable of lifting at least a jeep.
  • Modular arm Arm System: Los Sinvergüenzas' convenient modular weapon system may be their biggest downfall!
    Rocket Fists: Fists + Rockets = Rocket fists! Shot at a reasonably fast speed, if it shoots you, it's gonna hurt.
  • Drill Arm: Commonly used for finishing maneuvers, Johnny also uses this giant drill for, you know, digging.
  • Grapple Arm: Self explanatory. It's a grappling hook to get places where Rocket Jump cannot.

(Johnny attempted to pocket the letter, but he has no pockets. He left his jacket at home. He instead puts it in his shin guard.)
ThaDruid said:



Mordecai Astolf








View attachment 269175


6.1 ft.


144 lbs


As a hermit, Mordecai isn't exactly a people person. He spent his time deep in study, seeking answers to every problem life presented to him, including how to cheat death and acquire eternal life, and how to create the fabled Philosopher's Stone. He is quite awkward in social interactions, and easily angered, but still, he has a mind to be reckoned with. Sometimes, he may try to befriend someone, but usually it is only for his own needs. He sees the other people as a hindrance to his research, something that will slow him down and must be disposed of.


Mordecai only wears brown robes, as he prefers comfortable clothing that protects him from cold, and allows him to move freely.

He also always carries a huge bag in which he keeps the various potions, explosives and mutagens he has created.


Mordecai has the ability of creating various items thanks to his alchemical knowledge (provided he has the necessary ingredients), such as (but not limited to):

Explosives (not necessairly used to hurt other beings)

Many types of different potions

Mutagens (special substances which he can assume to mutate his body temporarily)


Mordecai has a rudimentary knowledge of magic. He can cast simple spells, as he was the apprentice of a sorcerer before becoming an alchemist.

The alchemist can use the mutagens he creates to change his body, usually becoming a hulking giant of incredible strenght. This, however, detracts from his mental ability, making him unable to think of tactics that are excessively complex.

He can also drink potions to enhance his

Mordecai has pocketed the letter
Name: Kiran Ursara

Age: 125

Gender: Female

Species: Half-celestial



Height: 5'4"

Weight: 120 lbs

Personality: Naive, trusting, bubbly. Kiran is socialized, but she isn't worldly. Believing most people to be good at their core, she doesn't jump to aggression, nor is she easily broken. If she is proven wrong by the actions of an acquaintance, friend, or enemy she doesn't seem to understand the larger consequence. She likes making friends and will jump at a chance to do so. Kiran has never killed a person, nor drawn first blood.

Abilities: Due to formal training, she is adept with the rapier and has a good amount of acrobatic ability. Though some half-celestials are able to fly, Kiran is not, so she developed her agility, speed, and dexterity. Able to perform slight of hand maneuvers to take objects from others quite easily, she'd make a good thief if not for her lack of understanding of what her skills are usually used for.

Powers: A hold over from the celestial bloodline, Kiran can manipulate light to cause hallucinations. She can also emit a light bright enough to blind an enemy for a few seconds. Her wounds do not linger long, though certain metals and unholy blades leave lasting injury. With a large amount of energy (that usually leaves her exhausted) she can teleport up to 60 feet from her position. She has only used this once to escape certain death.

Kiran has pocketed the letter.

folclor said:
Name: Kiran Ursara
Age: 125

Gender: Female

Species: Half-celestial



Height: 5'4"

Weight: 120 lbs

Personality: Naive, trusting, bubbly. Kiran is socialized, but she isn't worldly. Believing most people to be good at their core, she doesn't jump to aggression, nor is she easily broken. If she is proven wrong by the actions of an acquaintance, friend, or enemy she doesn't seem to understand the larger consequence. She likes making friends and will jump at a chance to do so. Kiran has never killed a person, nor drawn first blood.

Abilities: Due to formal training, she is adept with the rapier and has a good amount of acrobatic ability. Though some half-celestials are able to fly, Kiran is not, so she developed her agility, speed, and dexterity. Able to perform slight of hand maneuvers to take objects from others quite easily, she'd make a good thief if not for her lack of understanding of what her skills are usually used for.

Powers: A hold over from the celestial bloodline, Kiran can manipulate light to cause hallucinations. She can also emit a light bright enough to blind an enemy for a few seconds. Her wounds do not linger long, though certain metals and unholy blades leave lasting injury. With a large amount of energy (that usually leaves her exhausted) she can teleport up to 60 feet from her position. She has only used this once to escape certain death.

Kiran has pocketed the letter.

Can she still knockout with regular metals?

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