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Realistic or Modern The Magicians of Oxford Street


Shucks, I'd love to have you with us too, but 4 people is really the maximum I'm willing to go with this particular role play. Best to you!


Now that we've got official approval from all members of the group, welcome! I'm loving your enthusiasm and all your questions. This is definitely a collaborative effort, and I love to see my partners get involved in the planning process. Sorry for the delay on information about the world/magic. My comprehensive reply won't be up until perhaps Wednesday. Until then, I just won't have enough time to clearly articulate my thoughts. But I've decided the setting will be an alternate Edwardian universe. Let's say 1910.

@King Misanthrope

Here's a snippet about magic that hopefully sheds a little light on what our magicians will be dealing with:

A big element of this system of magic is speech. I'm calling it lexical magic for now, but basically a spell's success, potency, immediacy, etc. deal not only with saying the "right" words (more on this later), but also with how those words are said, and of course the spellcaster's degree of concentration and experience.

Example: let's say I want to make a pot of tea. I have the kettle filled and over the stove. I could say "Tea, please" but such a vague spell is a recipe for disaster. Only the most talented magicians can successfully pull off a spell like this. Instead, for better chances of success, I should say something like this: "Water, boil" while focusing on picturing the water in my kettle bubbling at a steady boil. This last step is crucial. Without adequately seeing the outcome in your mind, the spell is likely to go off course. Let's say the spell was clearly spoken and I had enough focus to pull it off. I now have a kettle of boiling water, ready for my tea of choice. And it only took me 30 seconds.

Here's the catch: because our own language is used to cast spells, and because the same spell can be cast in so many ways, magical mishaps have become relatively common. So having a professional sphere in which these mistakes can be properly corrected (the way a surgeon can properly remove a ruptured spleen), is necessary. The likelihood of error is also why magic is not as domestic an art as I've just made it seem. If you're not gifted or trained in the skill, would you risk setting your whole house on fire when you only meant to light a single log in the grate? No! At least I hope your answer is no. Think of it as if a magician was any other skilled professional who needs legal approval to begin working in their field of choice. You cannot (and probably shouldn't) give legal advice without having gone to law school. You also probably shouldn't try to wire the electrical in your house if you've never been taught the basics of electrical safety. It doesn't prevent people from trying, but it generally makes magic a common but less accessible facet of this world.

Does that make sense? I ended up saying more than I intended to, so hopefully no one is super confused!

On a side note, now that we have three applicants, I'd like to see if any of you is interested in being Bannon's current assistant. Under this role, your character will tend upkeep of the offices and living quarters. Basically, it's a glorified housekeeper. So far, for however brief or long a time this character has been with Bannon, the job has been non-magical, and doesn't require Letters (this doesn't necessarily mean no magic is used). But maybe this character has been learning in secret, taking midnight courses at a local college and practicing out of the building. Or maybe this character is already qualified to practice magic, and has been slumming it in this position in the hope that when Bannon finally takes on an apprentice, he'd/she'd be the obvious choice. And imagine his/her fury when Bannon takes two complete strangers instead! Or maybe this particular character cannot, for whatever reason (money, station, family, reputation, etc) get into a school of magic, though he/she may be a prodigy. Maybe working with Bannon is the only way he/she can practice magic, albeit illegally. What I'm trying to say is I'd love for one of your characters to have a prexisting relationship with Bannon as his assistant . But there's absolutely no pressure! If you'd all rather be brand new apprentices, that's cool. Or even if one of you would like to be Bannon's sole associate (his business ain't doing so hot right now - all his staff have abandoned him - reasons for this in my CS), that'd be great too. We'd need to work out some background and character dynamics, but that should be fun!! Any takers? :)
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That magic system is absolutely brilliant; exactly the right kind of whimsical! Thanks for the clarification; that'll allow me to do some more specific research when I have the time. I'll have to think on it a bit more, but I think my character might be able to be his current assistant; that kind of relationship would be good for her I think seeing as I was envisioning her not being particularly brilliant at magic. Hence she's probably picked it up and started trying it out secretly under Bannon's influence, and sees this apprentice thingy as a chance to step up in the world, since I was also thinking she'd really, really not like a housekeeping style job. Perhaps fascination with magic is what lead her to taking it up, and hence she studied secretly in the hope of getting an opportunity like this; but then perhaps she doesn't even get the job! That would be an interesting conflict given her intended personality, and one that would be a lot of fun to play out :)

I will likely have a form up on Wednesday, then, and will take this role as his current assistant/glorified housekeeper, unless of course either of you other chaps fancy a look at it :) Loving all the thought that is going into this!
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Splendid! I look forward to seeing what you come up with! :)

Let's all try to get characters up by Friday, 3 July. Does that give everyone enough time? While this is a casual roleplay, and one with a fairly relaxed pace, I'd hate for our wonderful momentum to slow too much between bouts of discussion.

Any questions? You know where to find me!

Just added one category to the CS: "Social Reputation". Based on what we've discussed thus far about potential routes for all of your characters, I thought I should add this information for easy reference. So, is your character well-liked and respected in the eyes of society? (Magic is a good trade, but if he's/she's of the upper class or the peerage, it would be somewhat beneath his/her status). Or do people whisper about your character? Do they mock or deride him for his lack of magical prowess? Do they avoid and exclude her because of her family ties?

You don't have to go into detail with your answer. You don't even have to explain it - chances are, your character won't really understand why people see him the way they do anyway. In fact, you could probably answer this category with one word! Don't give everything away just yet. It'll be more fun for us all to discover pieces of information throughout the story.
I very much like this system of magic you've come up with here! I can picture some very amusing situations cropping up, and in addition, the particular utility of these could be rather versatile. I believe you were very clear with your ideas.

I'm just laughing at this really questionable staff that Bannon is going to end up having to take care of. Weaboo's character, unless they've changed their idea for their character, who may be a reject from another magician. Sky's character, who will be practicing magic where she shouldn't be. Then my character that forged/stole a certificate.

I'm going to wait for more information to be released on the education/magic/whatever system to be released before finalizing any of my ideas for my character. At the moment, I'm contemplating several things. Maybe an old friend of his was pursuing the life of a magician and he could have leeched some information from there. Possibly he
was foolish enough to practice complicated spells without much prior knowledge and ended up getting his house burned down or causing some serious property damage of some sort. Maybe he was on the straight path to becoming a magician, but something in college... distracted him from completing his degree properly and maybe this needed to be kept secret from his family because of certain living circumstances...

PERHAPS A MIX OF ALL THREE. Whatever I go with, expect some very skewed systems of morality in the near future.

I'll definitely see about trying to start on my character sheet soon. Hopefully work doesn't get in the way or anything, hhhh.

Also, the "social reputation" category should be an interesting addition. I must say, I really love the format for this character sheet. It really forces you to think about certain things the typical character sheet maybe not challenge, which is something I can appreciate and may have to think about incorporating into future role plays.
Ooh, tiddly little bonus question time: I'm presuming from some of the categories that you're wanting the CS filled out in first person? :)

You are correct. First person for the CS, third person for the roleplay.

@King Misanthrope

You're totally right! We're starting to pop out some questionable characters. Bannon & Associates is beginning to sound like a very shady business. Hahaha! But it's actually rather fitting; Bannon himself is more infamous than famous. Should be a fun crew!
Good good. You wouldn't believe how hard it was to find a good picture for her, but I've managed it, and will be hopefully posting an incomplete form tomorrow, a form which I can then develop as the magic information is added, and as I find questions to ask about certain aspects :')
Oh, interesting. I haven't done a character sheet in first person in such a long time, this will be fun, especially with this character. If he were to, say, lie about some things in his application, would I have to include that in the cs anyway? Like, in brackets, a different font, something? Or could I save it to reveal in the role play?

I thought this business sounded shady from the get-go in all honesty. I mean, cursing your husband? That
can't be a right protected under law. (Or can it?)

I'll believe it, Sky. Accurate face claims are near to impossible to find.
@King Misanthrope

I'll leave that decision to you. If you'd like to make very clear what is and is not true about your character, feel free to do so. But I'm not opposed to being intentionally misled, just as long as it's clear your character is an unreliable narrator.

Also, you're a little right and a little wrong: the business of correcting magical mishaps is not in itself shady, even if the mistakes were borne of illegal means. And the law absolutely does not protect those who break it, especially through magic. However, most reputable establishments would stay away from the cases and clients that Bannon typically takes on. But someone needs to clean up those messes, too (as they usually happen to be the dirtiest).

I updated the Lore section - check it out! It's still a work in progress, but there is more information that hopefully sheds more light on how this system of magic functions in the world.

Also, if you all have ideas for other specialties, laws and limitations/exceptions, I'd love to hear them!

Oh, for the love of all that is good! I HATE the rich text editor! So, don't look at the Lore section yet. I stupidly decided to edit a piece and saved without going into the BBCode editor. So now the coding is all screwed up because the program decided I needed WAY MORE commands than necessary. Hold please while I try to correct this utter, utter mess.

That was awful. The section is now fixed.
@Pluvious, I have an extremely important question due to my terrible English and poor vocabulary - by "Carriage", do You mean the way that character walks, stands, their posture and so on or is it something related to the vehicle? Also, I'd really appreciate it if You could give me a time as well when it comes to the deadline (with a timezone as well, though). Thank you in advance!

Also, I apologise for not taking any part in the discussions and brainstorms in the OOC chat. I'd just like to mention that I always keep track of all your posts in here and I find all of you guys' ideas, inspirations and discussions wonderful and enjoyable to read! I hope you don't find my lack of presence here being a problem.

The first option - by "carriage" I mean posture, the way the character holds himself, the way he walks, etc. as for the deadline, I'm in PST (-8). If you guys could get your character sheets up by 10pm my time, that'd be great. If not, no worries! I'm really not strict about very specific deadlines. :)

Also, don't you are very present here. It's never seemed that you were not part of the discussion. I feel you participate just as much as everyone else, and I sincerely appreciate your enthusiasm!

Okay then, thank you very much for defying what you mean by carriage! I'm thankful that you're giving us enough time to flesh out our characters and get a better idea of what kind of people we want them to be!

And just to avoid confusion for myself, PST (-8) equals exactly GMT, right? Or did I mess up the convertion?

I'd like to say/write that I am also thankful to everyone in this RP for being so understanding and overall nice! *insert more cheesy text cause I can't think of anything appropriate to write* *insert even more deep meanings and stuff in here as well* *insert a nice "Thank you" speech from me* *insert another speech including the world's problems and solutions to fix them*

(Now is the time to lie how touched you all are from my invisible imaginary speech and vote for me to become the new ruler of the world~)

@Pluvious, I also have another question regarding the character sheet - by "General Disposition", you mean administration, right? (Excuse my silly questions, I'm simply a disoriented weeaboo (trash). )
@WeabooTrash : You needn't be so overly modest! I speak for everyone I think when I say I have no doubts as to your commitment and ideas. I too was a little perplexed as to the 'Carriage' section, so I just kinda brought that indecision into my character's voice :) PST isn't GMT though: GMT is (0), PST is (-8).

If you don't mind me asking, where are you from? And don't worry, as a Brit I can validate your character's name is fine :')

@Pluvious : I've just posted my character - do inform me if there's anything else I need to add. There is more to her character than that, but it is hidden below the surface of what she would present to Bannon and the public; we'll have to discover what it is in RP!

Also, I was thinking; my character doesn't necessarily have to be accepted as an apprentice. I rather like the idea that she turns up, unexpected, to the interview, to the bewilderment of Bannon, and then ends up staying as assistant whilst the other two become apprentices. This, of course, would make her livid; so livid that she'd decide to come along and attempt to help out magically anyway, perhaps surprising and flustering one of the apprentices as to not alert Bannon's suspicion. This could then either go really well, or really not well - ooh, the possibilities!

I'm not being modest at all - just a bit unnecessarily honest! I appreciate everyone's thoughts about me and the fact they do consider me as a reliable, committed enough to this roleplay person.

English isn't my first language and I guess it's quite common for a person like me to not have a very rich vocabulary, therefore not using many words from that particular language. "Carriage" is a confusing word even when being English/American/Australian/etc.

Concerning the time zones, I believe I asked about PST (-8) being the same time as GMT, by which I meant that GMT is 8 hours ahead of PST. I guess it is my mistake by not adding a '0' around GMT somewhere. (So much Greenwich, though :D )

I'm from Bulgaria, that one politically bankrupted country South of Romania. Our current time zone is (+3) GMT, but after a couple of months it should change to (+2) GMT. Also, British gentleman, I'm glad "Maxwell Jenkins" sounds British enough for this roleplay,

as I was concerned about that for a while now, haha. But of I were required to change his name, I'd totally keep "Jenkins", as it sounds quite fancy~
Bulgaria, nice; don't worry, I've watched enough Eurovision and Bodil40 to know where Bulgaria is :D *ticks off another country from his RPN cultural diversity chart* And yeah, don't worry; carriage was confusing to me too :)
Oh, my, my, usually people know of Bulgaria from Azis, that one pop-folk singer that had lied for years about his sexuality. *laugh*

I haven't been for long here in RPN, thus haven't met that many people and sadly even lost touch with a lot for the little amount of time I've been here, just like on most forums, haha. (Even though I write ''sadly'', I still add a laugh at the end. Any applauds, anyone?)

What's even more confusing to me currently is the "General Disposition" thing. In dictionaries there are examples of qualities, like in your sheet as well (By the way, that sheet was incredibly enjoyable to read and very well-written! Amazing job, brotha'!). (PERSONAL CONFUSION ALERT!) What type of character qualities are they - the way other people view them or something different?

P.S.: Bodilcho is still a thing? :o I though he was one of those "Short fame" type of teenagers here. Well, my fault for not keeping track of Bulgarian music for... as long as I could remember :D
Well, you may or may not know, but Bulgaria has a rather horrific track record at Eurovision; they've only qualified to the finals once. That said, I like pretty much all of the songs you've sent (not that they're likely to be that representative of your country's musical interests XP) :')

Thanks for the compliments on her form! I've still not quite got into her voice right I fear, but it's something I'll ease into in the RP. I also feel she's the kind of character who'd benefit from third person anyhow :')

Ah, not Bodilcho,
Bodil40. He's a minecraft youtuberwho I used to watch, known for creating parkour maps and trolling. For 'general disposition', I just reiterated certain personality traits; but it could very well mean something else so I'll leave it up to our wonderful GM to clarify.
Yeah, I've actually checked Bulgaria's Eurovision qualifications (even though on Wikipedia) and I pretty much know what's happenin' there. I don't know if you've watched the latest children's Eurovision - Bulgaria won 2nd place there with "Children's Planet" , sung by a 9 year-old girl with an actual singing career. I was amazed~

I still think you did an incredible job on her form and really felt what type of character she is by the way you wrote her answers to the form! It was pretty remarkable and as I said, it was a pleasure reading it. That is my actual opinion on her form - not some minor compliments just to sound nice~ (winky face)

Oh... OOOH, he was a YouTuber all along?! Wow. I am not Bulgarian anymore xD I thought he was a singer or something. I mean, seriously. "Have you seen his latest video?" "Bodil40's great at what he does, isn't he?" "Have you heard his voice?" To me he sounds like a singer.

Another P.S.: It's actually read as Bodilcho. In Bulgaria there's this weird thing in chats and stuff to use '4' instead of 'ч' (ch) and '6' instead of 'ш' (sh) because those numbers are pronounced as "четири"(chetiri) and "шест"(shest) respectively. I remember that I also did that chat thing when I was 11 or so. The shame never left me ever since...
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xD Yes, I did hear that song (the other two probably haven't the slightest idea what we're on about at this stage, aha xD ), and actually I really like it; it was probably my favourite out of that entire selection! And thanks :') He still calls himself 'Bodil40' as in the English pronunciation of '40', though obviously it makes sense for you guys to pronounce it the Bulgarian way. And yeah xD He's kind of renowned for having an absolutely crazy laugh - hence the 'have you heard his voice' comments, I imagine. He quite frequently invited some of his othe Bulgarian friends to record too, so there's like a whole Bulgarian subsector of the Minecraft fandom, aha xD

Sorry for the time zone confusion! You're right, I'm PST (actually PDT right now as we're in daylight savings, so I'm in GMT -7). Also, by "General Disposition" I'm referring to your character's typical mood. Is he normally grumpy and disgruntled? Excitable and energetic? Dazed and calm?



Bravo! Your CS was such a pleasure to read. Professor McGonagall approves! I'm so excited to welcome Harriet to our cast of characters. She sounds like a scrappy spitfire! I think she'll complement Bannon rather well. Good job!


And just as a reminder: I won't be expecting character sheets up until this Friday, 3 July at 22:00-ish PDT. So, no rush to get them in! I likely won't have mine up until Friday either.

I also loved that song and, fortunately, still hear it on the radio (so it's not an old hit yet)! (And I really do apologise to the other two for us having an idle conversation about Bulgarian stuff randomly in an RP thread, where the RP takes place in Britain xD Maybe we shall change the topic at one point, eh?)

As for Bodil40, I have literally watched just one of his videos (after you introduced me to his YouTube channel), so it was a guess of mine (which for some reason I was confident of, despite not knowing about his Minecraft career, haha) for him to call himself Bodilcho (as there is another weird grammatical thing in Bulgaria where you can add "chka", "cho", "che" and other similar syllables to the end of a word or name to make it sound "cute" and "small"/"tiny". Bulgarian grammar is too complex for me, Gosh :D ) for his name to be pronounced with a "cho" at the end. And I do believe there should be a whole army of Bulgarian teenage boys playing Minecraft, as at least half of my classmates still play that game. What a popular video game Minecraft is, wow!


Thank you for defining the timezone you are in for my own convenience~ I appreciate it (o'v'o) And I'm also thankful for the explanation of what you mean by "General Disposition", so now I know what to fill in there!

Pluvious said:
And just as a reminder: I won't be expecting character sheets up until this Friday, 3 July at 22:00-ish PDT. So, no rush to get them in! I likely won't have mine up until Friday either.
That means that now I can work on other stuff instead of the character sheet for this roleplay? How convenient~ I should stop slacking off on that Character Challenge and add in an introduction of my character before I miss the deadline! (*^*)
@WeabooTrash ?!?!?!?!!

I would have never guessed English wasn't your first language. I'm always so impressed by people that even
attempt to communicate in English because I've been studying a foreign language for a solid four years and still can't speak it for shit. Not to mention how stupid and contradictory the rules of the language gets. Props to you.


I've heard of Eurovision, but all I know about it is that it's spectacular and far beyond my mortal comprehension.

@Pluvious well! I'm going to try to start and finish my character sheet today. I've been rather busy with irl things and today I'm off from work, but there's a few role play posts I owe (one of which is especially overdue and I want it to be perfect to make up for lost time). At some stage of the day, I'm visiting with the next-door neighbors, and who knows if I'll be able to find some convenient way to sneak out in case I get too bored watching the children. So... I'm going to try, but I'm not promising anything.
@King Misanthrope

Thanks for the heads up! I totally understand. When life gets hectic, roleplay posts start to pile up. There are just never enough hours on free days to get through them all!

I'll have Wizard Bannon's CS up today. And I may add another tab to the Lore section as well - something about culture and social mores, etc. Otherwise, not much else to report.

Happy Friday everyone!

Wizard Bannon's character sheet is finally up! Thanks for your patience, everyone. :)
@King Misanthrope: I shan't continue further this Eurovision deviation; if only for my reputation and probably your sanity too. XP

@WeabooTrash : Dagnabbit, I fell for your troll spoiler, you fiend! How was I to know that lurking behind an innocent looking spoiler was a snarky message like that! xD

@Pluvious : Very nice stuff! He really is like a magical Sherlock, isn't he! I can immediately see his relationship with Harriet being quite brilliant, and reckon they'll both simultaneously foil and frustrate each-other whilst similtaniously agreeing and complimenting each other's personalities quite often too! Woo, hype-hype!

I'm glad someone was fooled by my dear spoiler~ It is a tricky little thing, isn't it? And exactly the was the point behind it - to hide that message so that one shall be fooled because of their own curiosity~ (And didn't I mention the promised character sheet will still be absent by that time? xD )


I really like the way "sir Bannon" turned out! His answers make me imagine him as the "straight-to-the-point professional, yet with a sense of humor" type of man~ (I find it quite the luck for myself that his rival is actually female, since I blindly wrote that the wizard Max used to work for is a woman~)

@King Misanthrope

I am so looking forward to your illegal(ly magical) character~ And with SkyGinge we seriously are stopping the Europe Visionary thing (See what I did there? Am I not funny? Oh, okay... *sniffle*).


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