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Realistic or Modern The Magicians of Oxford Street


But first, tea

Discussion & Other Nonsense


Anything story-related will be discussed here.

Also, anything generally awesome will be discussed here, too.


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*pets coding* So pretty.

@Pluvious aside from the office, what were you thinking in regards to setting? Era, country, etc. etc.

Also, I have no idea when I'll be able to have a cs up. *-*

I hope that isn't too much of a problem eep! I like to think things through too much.
@King Misanthrope @WeabooTrash

The only thing for certain I had planned out was the location, which is the real world (London, England, to be specific) but in an alternate reality in which magic is commonplace and as acceptable a trade as law or medicine. For the idea, I drew inspiration from many sources - Howl's Moving Castle (Ghibli Studios), which shows a surreal Edwardian setting; Sherlock Holmes for its Victorian roots and mystery genre; Harry Potter, because... Harry Potter. And I've entertained various facets of fantasy (urban fantasy, low fantasy, supernatural) to steampunk in various eras.

So, long story short, I don't have a specific time or feel for the RP yet. Yikes! My knee jerk response is low fantasy set in the Edwardian era (late 1800s - early 1900s, just after Sherlock's time). The images I've been using are a bit darker and enigmatic than what I'm going for. Here are some other images that better describe what I'm seeing for this RP:



I like the whimsical nature of these images, which I think is apropos for this particular shade of fantasy. :)

I'd love your guys' input as well, though. Would you prefer a modern setting? Or even a different historical one than what I've already mentioned (medieval, Regency - a la Jane Austen, Jazz Age?).

As for your character sheets, take your time. I'd love to begin the roleplay within the next week or so, depending on how long we'd like to spend on planning, but there's no immediate rush to get your CS up. I appreciate that you want to take some time to think about your character!

Lastly, the actual characters will be Wizard Bannon (played by moi) and his two associates. I love the brainstorming you two have done thus far, but if I might make this tiny amendment:

The idea of a failed apprentice is great, but Bannon wouldn't personally keep one on just because. He needs an efficient staff, and preferably a competent one. That doesn't mean this character type is totally out of the question! What if instead the failed apprentice had worked with another magician previously (perhaps one of Bannon's competitors?) and has since not been able to find work? Because the apprentice failed someone else and not Bannon, he would not necessarily overlook this person as a candidate for the position in his office.

I love the idea that maybe Bannon accepts two apprentices, and they become rivals. Not necessarily bitter rivals, but competitive nonetheless. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing this in the story!

Another way to go for the "failed" apprentice is perhaps an aspiring magician who either never received his/her letters (i.e. never graduated) or who was never accepted into a school of magic in the first place. This is one of Bannon's strictest rules (not to mention one of England's strictest laws), so keeping this sort of secret bottled up could make for a great subplot.

We might even have both types of apprentice: the disappointment who went to school but made a mess of things in a previous position, and the failure who, while passionately pursuing this career, cannot legally practice any magic. Interesting things to play with!

Anyway, I've rambled far too long. What do you both think?
It's so funny that you should reference Howl's Moving Castle, because I was at one point reminded of that movie when I was mulling over the idea for this role play, since it overall did seem like that kind of light-hearted/whimsical sort of setting.

I would have to think harder about the time period that this would be set in, considering I'm about as educated as a [insert clever simile here that makes both of you laugh which implies that I am uneducated here] when it comes to London and the various settings between eras. I do, however, think that what I was envisioning was definitely along the lines of the era of carriages... but I'm not married to any particular idea just yet. Needless to say, it's something I will be thinking about.

I shall try to have my cs up some time before then, m'lady. *salutes*

That's perfectly fine! I was a little concerned that the idea wouldn't work out well with what you had in mind, but at the same time, what you've come up with is far better. Ultimately, it's up to Weaboo, since it's going to be their character. I think Bannon having a competitor really has some nice world-building potential and could make for some silly situations. While the two associates have a casual rivalry going on, all differences are set aside when it comes to...
them haha.

That other idea is also rather interesting, but I would assume that Bannon would have checked for the certificate before taking someone under his wing, correct? o: But if it's still a possibility, I would definitely be up for the role of the one illegally practicing magic. cx

Sorry that my post didn't really add that much to what you said. I should be asleep right now.
@King Misanthrope

Set during the time of carriages... I like it! That's a wonderful way to describe an era. :)

For the "pretender," as I shall henceforth call said character, you're absolutely right. Bannon would have checked for proof of education. Here's the loop hole: maybe the pretender is a natural talent or has powerful, if not dodgy, connections. Whatever the case, perhaps this character somehow forged the papers? There would be ways of treating these documents to verify authenticity (like how our passports and paper money are treated), but forgers manage to copy the techniques anyway. I wonder if the pretender is not a secret con artist...

Just a thought! No pressure to use this idea, but I hope it helps you figure out how you want to approach your character. Also, if either of you decide to go in a completely different direction with your characters, that's cool too!

I like the way you think. The gifted genius with questionable moralities is right up my alley as far as favorite character archtypes goes.
He definitely beat up a kid for their documents. This deeeeefinitely opens up a world of possibilities. I'm going to probably be thinking about this a lot when I'm being forced to go shopping with my mom, ayeee.

I also just belatedly realized there isn't an age mentioned in the character sheet. Did you have a certain age range in mind as far as the associates go? Forgive me if this was mentioned elsewhere, I seem to have forgotten. ;w;
Woow, you guys have such amazing ideas! Now I also have to think about what sort of a person my character would be, what his role in this roleplay could be and now I even have to do extra research on the Edwardian era, which means that I'll have to put a lot of thought and effort into my character as well!

I'd just like to mention a couple of things~

First of all, I love the setting of the roleplay as I am pretty into the 1800s and 1900s more than when it comes to modern times. The images Pluvious added give a really nice feel to the athmosphere of the roleplay - kind of vintage-y and soothing.

The range of possible types of apprentice characters you can create widens even more and that makes me fill up with thoughts and inspiration to create something magnificent and different; but end up disappointing everyone with my terrible writing skills, poor vocabulary and so on (my characters always end up being trash - just like me xD MY CHILDREEEEEEEN) .

And third, I will do my best! Even if it doesn't seem like it at all, keep in mind that I will be try-harding so hard that my fingers will explode of tension at some point! Bear with me, 'kay?

(By my short posts you will realise how bad I am, just like now. Well, we shall wait for development some day...)
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Oh, don't sell yourself so short! The discussion process is all about getting those creative juices flowing, so if nothing's striking you now, don't worry - something will! And none of us are perfect writers, but with every story we write, we gain a little more wisdom. :)

Just keep at it! I'll certainly bear with you if you bear with me.
I am just preparing you guys beforehand, just so that you don't get unexpectedly disappointed! I am, of course, developing as a wirter - just like everyone else here~ *insert more cheesy text here**insert flattering here**insert a cool phrase to end this paragraph with*

I am sure I will enjoy everyone's writing here!

And a thing to end this post with is a question, by that quite important to me - when it comes to images, can they be drawn (non-realistic) or with bad anatomy and lazy colouring? This concerns me as to whether I have to base my character's appearance off one I find on the internet or whether I can be creative about their outlook and freely draw it afterwards~


Quantity ? quality and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise. Role players can fluff up their posts with irrelevant nonsense to make themselves seem big and intimidating, but sometimes that's all it is - irrelevant nonsense. Don't feel like you need to derail from your character's perspective just because other people are doing that to add content. All I really care about is posts responding to everything that's going on and logical characters that are well thought out. Either way, this
will be a casual role play.

It would be a lie if I said I don't use google's infinite utility as a thesaurus. If I ever catch myself repeating words in one paragraph, I look up synonyms like it's no one's business.

Personally, I usually come up with a character's appearance, and if a visual reference is required, I just search for the best "close enough" that I can find, but accurate pictures are good too... that's just me, though.

Also, my head canon for my apprentice has been that he's ~twelve years old. Is that too young? Is there some other age range that you had in mind
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Like King Misanthrope, I'm also not looking for overly beefed up posts. If it makes sense - is legible, shows understanding of what's been going on, and is in line with your character's MO - then you're well on your way! Also, make sure your post adds to the story so we have something to respond to, but that's kind of it!

@King Misanthrope

Sorry, didn't mean to ignore you. I remember you asked this earlier. I'm thinking magicians need to be at least 18 (for adequate and proper training). But there's no cap on maximum age.

Gotta run now, but I'll answer questions about pictures later!

Okay, as for the images, they're totally optional. If you want to include one, it's more for your reference than mine, but I just ask that no anime pictures are used. If the story is not meant to have that feel, then they just seem distracting to me. Illustrations are fine though! What's most important is who your character is, not what he looks like. I still expect to see a written description of your character in the RP. Hope that answers your question!
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@Pluvious and @King Misanthrope, I appreciate your relieving, yet logical and reasonable thinking, so I'm glad to be a part of a Roleplay with such understanding people! Of course, as mentioned before, I will put plenty of effort in my writing - enough for you to work with, not read with tears and more~ *include a couple of self-advertising sentences right here*

And I, of course, will write a description of my character's outlook while the badly-drawn version of them will be an extra! And that does answer my question!

Also, you said that as long as it's not anime, you're oka with it. As I'm not good with realism, would it be a problem to be semi-realistic?

It's all good. I figured you had forgotten, sorry if it seemed like I was being an ass about it anyway, ahh.

Alright, I can work with that. I may have to confront you about some things when I start to work on his history, but that's it for questions from me for now. :')
@King Misanthrope

Not at all! Apparently I can only keep two thoughts in my head at once. Once again, pardon my forgetfulness.

You may need to confront me? Sounds serious. Hope the age restriction isn't cramping your style!

Also, as we have a totally male group of characters, I may inject a female side character or two. I have a couple ladies already in the making: one is a waif of a girl, in her late teens, who acts as a business associate of sorts. The other is one of Bannon's competitors, who has successfully stolen two of his previous apprentices. As for Bannon himself, he's been a work in progress for a while, but I haven't forgotten about our roleplay! I'll have his CS up on Friday! (Sorry if that's a long wait - I know it is - but I'm a bit pressed for time at the moment). Thanks in advance for your patience!


No problemo. Doesn't bother me. ( ´•௰•`)

No, not at all! It's just that the timeline will be longer, so there would be a more mature involvement with the world, if that makes sense, rather than just a kid that likes to play pretend. He would have to consider different things, namely future goals (or, you know, could ignore that and just be a casual 18th/19th century delinquent). Since this is a mostly realistic setting with magic as an everyday norm mixed in, I'm curious about how much it would impact the culture overall.

For instance... a certification in magic. Is there a standard education system to be pitted against the magic education system? Is it a matter of social caste or personal choice for which they go with? What's the difference between going through an academy and becoming an associate/apprentice? Is it that the education system teaches the theory of things and they don't actually get to try them out in practice until they have a mentor? or is this just a more advanced level of application of magic? What kind of magic are we even talking here in the first place? Yes, I'm over-thinking this, haha.

What's better than this?

No, I don't mind the wait at all! I most certainly won't have a cs up, after all, and all those ideas for females sounds superb.

Just wanted to pop by to say what wonderful ideas you all have, and what an excellent job you've done with all the coding here. Sadly for me it seems you've already reached the maximum amount of RPers you want, so I'll wish you good luck and happy writing in the RP!
If that's not too much of a problem to you all, then I'd love that. I'm rather a picky RPer, and it's rare an RP and group of RPs catch my attention like this has. I've tended towards ridiculously detailed RPs these last few months, but you guys are completely right when you say that quality > quantity, and I'm very up for rediscovering how to RP properly!

Anyhow, it's late for me right now, so I'll discuss/ask questions/catch up with you guy's decisions tomorrow
@King Misanthrope

I don't have time now to properly answer your questions, but I've created a new Lore tab that should help keep the magical mechanics organized and easily accessible. I'll update that page when I can, and once I do hopefully some of your questions will have been answered. :)

Sweet, thanks! Just take your time. I'm in absolutely no rush with any of this. In fact, I'll probably be the one that will keep you all waiting, in the end. *guilty laughter*
Watching this because potential. I'm curious about the different schools of magic. Can you specify what they do, their pros and cons, etc.?

EDIT: Looks like you've reached the maximum amount of players. My mistake.
Alright, my questions are pretty much all of the same ones that Misanthrope asked, so I guess I'm waiting on that too, aha. I already have in mind a female character with some interesting backstory/ideals. Just one little question; did you decide definitively what decade or so this RP will be set in?

I'm sure I'll come up with some more things to trouble you with a little later, but for now, I'll be eagerly awaiting those details! And in the mean time, slowly chugging away as the non-magical parts of the form and at some contextual research (though being a Brit I've watched enough BBC costume dramas of the general period to comprehend a generalised context :') )

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