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Fantasy The Magician and His Apprentice {Platonic, Semi Adv.}

In the modern world, most think magic is dead or doesn’t exist but there are those who know better. In most major city, there are guilds of magicians who remain in hiding. Demons lurk around every corner, wanting to suck the magic from magicians and destroy the natural world. The many magician guilds that in many of the major cities around the world. They are not places but rather networks. All magicians aim to become Elders but there are certain conditions, such as obviously mastering your magic and successfully training up an apprentice.

Y/C is one of the most talented magicians to have ever existed despite not even being thirty yet (he can be between 25-29) and aspires to be an Elder. Elders are given access to ancient scrolls and texts that could further his magical abilities. He is considered foolhardy, eccentric, and brash by his elders but they know of his great power. Still, they refuse to promote him to Elder until he has trained an apprentice, something he has refused to do.

One day, his old master visits his home and tells him that he has a chance to become an Elder. There is a girl (my character) who was found in a tomb at an old druid burial site. She was scared when the Elders found her and she attacked them with magic, displaying power that they had never seen before. Y/C has been selected to train her since he has the closest amount of power to the girl. They even promise to make him an Elder in six months if he sticks with the girl. So, Y/C quickly agrees without asking questions.

When the girl arrives, he is surprised to find out that she is ten years old and not sixteen like most apprentices and that she has no memories and seems to be a shell of a girl who doesn’t seem to know anything about anything. Still, he is nothing if not stubborn so he agrees to train her.

(This is semi advance. The plot is pretty bare bones so that we can plot and world build together! Please PM me to join!))

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