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Albion growled softly and flopped down onto the couch, completely unsure where to go from here. "I'm a demon, Daegan. People skills aren't exactly high on my skill list." He drooped dramatically over the pillows like a slice of melted cheese and groaned. "Besides, you're one to speak. Your usual greeting is to attempt to slice the intruder's head off."

Meanwhile, Ariah raised one eyebrow and looked back and forth between Albion and Lizzie before sighing and stepping back. "Alright, alright, you need to just chill. I've known you long enough to guess that you're hearing what your brain is processing, which isn't exactly what he was saying. But why don't we just shut that down right now and worry about it later? You should come see the crazy addition Daegan slapped into our wall."
Daegan sighed, "That's only if they slice first!" he said lamely, trying to validate his existence to a degree.

Lizzie sniffed and said, "You're right... I need to calm down and think... how to seduce a demon is a challenge for another day, and the room can't be THAT grea-ohmygod!!!!" She marveled at the massive TV, then promptly went over to their pitiful excuse for a box on wheels and unplugged the console, marching into the room and plugging it into the HUGE. 72 inch. plasma screen. TV.

Daegan sighed, "Is it really that impressive?" he asked them as he watched Lizzie move all their gaming stuff... without asking.

Raphael smirked, "Wait till they get a load of our full immersion spells we can cast on the TV!"

"SAY WHAT??!!??!!" Lizzie shouted.
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"Yes, it's that impressive," Ariah replied, again in her dry tone. "I mean, you saw the pathetic excuse for a television that we have in our place. And immersion spells, you say? Well, last week I would have been more impressed. But this week, I don't need VR. I can grab some of that demon butt with no screen needed." She said it so...matter of factly. Albion stared at her with a look of mystification and backed away a couple of steps. Lizzy was a little overzealous, but mostly harmless. Ariah, though...that chick was creepy. At least, as far as he was concerned.

With Lizzie seemingly somewhat settled, Albion decided it was a good time to attempt his 'people skills' again. He sat down on the newly enchanted couch, stretched, and gestured to the cushion next to him. "There's plenty of space here, you know. We might as well see how this compares to your little TV in there, eh?" He smiled at Lizzie, hoping that his gesture would earn points, not dig him deeper into a hole. There...really was no telling, he figured.

Ariah sat down on the far end of the couch and picked up the remote. "Agreed, television time. Our favorite show is on tonight, and it will be nice to see it in modern graphics rather than squinting at the old tube."
Lizzie happily hopped into the seat next to Albion. Raphael however laughed, "Who said anything about VR? We don't just watch this stuff! We alter it when we go inside!"

Daegan sighed, opting to ignore the butt comment, "Well we initially used it to trap heroes inside illusions until they went insane. At least that's how it works normally... removing certain parameters like death just means we'd be able to live through movies like we were the main character, to be honest." he said.

Lizzie looked like she had just been shocked. "D-did you just say we could be like... superheroes or something? Like we could fight crime or literally be part of Assassin's Creed or become transformers or Voltron pilots?"

"Whatnow creed? What's a transformer? Voltwhat?" Raphael asked.

"Nevermind. I want to be part of a superhero universe." Lizzie was giddy, "Let's put in an anime or something with a lot of fighting scenes! If we could have powers-"

"Easy, Easy! Being in a movie is fun and all, but the spell needs something from the people that use it in order to work!"

"What like clothes?"

"DNA." Daegan sighed.

Lizzie took a hand to her head, "Here then." she plucked a hair from her head.

"How bad DO you want to be fighting supervillains?" Daegan asked.

"Bad enough that I won't let you get out of this." Lizzie said "Make with the Iron Man suits! Chop chop hot stuff! I wanna see Albion shirtless!" she pulled out a MARVEL movie. "Does it matter what movie in the series?" she asked as an afterthought.

"Nope. the universe in which it happens is like a pocket dimension. We'll just show up with similar powers to something that is possible in that universe. And the safe phrase is 'powers that be' just in case you want to eject yourself before you forcibly are ejected in case of death." Deagan explained.

Raphael smirked, "I have seen some of this on the student smartphones! I wonder what sort of powers we'll get? I hope mine are cat-based!"
"Marvel it is," Ariah agreed, slipping the well-worn copy of the first Iron Man film from the case and popping it into the game system. The familiar opening screen and soundtrack filled the room with light and sound and she leaned back in her seat, waiting for the spell to take effect. She wasn't quite sure what to expect; was she going to blink and be there? Was it some gradual thing? There was really only one way to find out, she figured, and so with bated breath she stared at the television and waited for something to happen.

Albion, on the other hand, didn't seem nearly as excited about the upcoming experience. He had already been stuffed into a new reality as it was...did he really need to visit a third one? The fact that Daegan was the one to cast the spell didn't excite him either. The end boss wasn't exactly known for his kind and polite treatment of the miniboss. While he wasn't worried for the girls, he was definitely concerned that he would end up something stupid just to amuse Daegan. It certainly wouldn't be the first time...he couldn't help remembering the potato dimension with a shudder.

They didn't have to wait long. With a snap, the five of them were standing outside Stark Tower with new outfits and a task: find out their powers. Ariah checked her wallet first, hoping to find it inexplicably filled with cash as if her superpower was extreme riches like Tony's. However, she found it still only contained two dollars and sighed. "Well, it was worth a check," she muttered and stuffed it back into her pocket.

But how did one figure out their powers, anyway? "So, like...do we get to pick our powers? Do we have to earn them? How does this work?"

Albion shrugged and tugged on a large rock, hoping that he'd have super strength. He didn't. "You'll have to ask Daegan about that one. It's his spell, after all."
Daegan smiled, "I actually left this one up to you all. there should be a customization window if you touch that little cog in your vision to the bottom right." He explained as he gestured to a small icon in front of him where when touched, brought up a powerset customizing/costume window.

"Ooooooo! What sort of powers should I get? I wanna compliment what you choose!" Lizzie spoke to Albion almost in a trance. "I'll follow your sexy ass anywhere!"

Raphael touched his icon and simply asked "What's adamantium?"

Daegan took a book out of god knows where and looked through it. the cover said "Rules of Marvel"

"It appears to be a metal stronger than pretty much anything except Vibranium, which both seem to measure about the same in differing quantities. Why do you ask?"

"I can apparently alter my skeleton to be made of it..." Raphael said clicking a few buttons and his body flashed, a sudden change of clothes appearing as he looked similar to a weird mix between Wolverine and Black Panther.

Daegan sighed, "I included a color wheel for skin colors in case you girls are into alien powers and such." he added as he suddenly had a thought, "Hey Albion, you can go red again if you want!" he smiled. Well while it was true that he hadn't been kind in the past to his miniboss friend, maybe humanity showed him that it would be best to be a bit nicer to him...

"Oh yeah, before I forget, if you want to add money to the credit cards you have here, just hit the plus on your cogs. It's like a cheat system," he said as he saw Ariah check her wallet.

"Now then... I feel like I'd enjoy something high-tech, but also alien..." in the end, he looked like a cross between a slightly purple-colored Venom and Doctor Octopus' arms on his back.
"Rad!" Ariah exclaimed, immediately spinning the color wheel until it settled on something in a nice blue and purple color scheme. She wasn't quite sure on the design yet, so she started out with solid colors. "That's a good start. Okay powers, powers... Gotta be able to fly, that's a given. Then strength because I don't need no man, and invisibility because if anybody is going to be creeping around, it's going to be me. And nobody is going to get away with sneaking around behind my back when I can tail them invisibly." She smirked and winked at Daegan.

Meanwhile, Albion carefully scrolled through all his options and considered each decision for an age. When he could have any power he wanted, he should choose wisely! "But I'll be red again when we go home. I'd rather be human colored for a while longer." He glanced over at Lizzie to see what she was doing, only to discover that she still seemed to be doing the same thing. "I guess... I'll take that adamantium skeleton too and archery. Like some Hawkeye Wolverine hybrid!"

This resulted in an absolutely horrific bright yellow and brown costume with a blue bow and arrows. Albion looked at them carefully, smiled, and nodded. "Yup, Blue Arrow! That's a bad-ass superhero name for sure!"

Ariah gave Albion an eye roll and began customizing her own costume. "I'm not giving myself an idiotic name. Nobody here knows us anyway."

"Suit yourself." Albion loaded up his wallet with a few million dollars just to see what it felt like to be filthy rich. "At least one of us needs to be Tony, right?"

Again Ariah rolled her eyes and stepped closer to Daegan, slipping past Raphael with a half-approving nod. "The arms are an interesting choice, Daegan." She slapped his butt and glanced around.

"So do we have to start the plot or are things already going?" she asked, ignoring the consequences of her actions with a smirk on her face.
"Well if it's okay with you, Maybe I'll go with Violet Void!" Lizzie smirked as her clothing morphed into a purple hue and an eye grew on her forehead.

"So this is what being a demon feels like..." Lizzie's voice echoed as her third eye adjusted to the light and looked around independently of her other two. "I mean, I figured I would be able to use magic easier this way but why do I feel so much more—"

"Demons have more hormones than a human." Raphael cut her off. "Also, why is Daegan's face so red?"

"Hormones." Daegan coughed as he felt Ariah's touching of his butt to be somewhat invasive and yet enticing for some reason. He didn't want to feel like the prey, in any case, so he reached over and squeezed Ariah's own ass with a coy smirk on his face which looked almost primal due to his Venom-looking teeth.

Lizzie playfully made a 'bleargh' sound and stuck her tongue out. "Get a room you two! Actually, do you think Tony would let us stay in Stark Tower or... I mean we don't have a house here so...???"

"Well, I can handle that later. As for the plot if we do nothing the movie will play out, but if we intervene then the multiverse will branch out. We'll be able to come back at any point and continue where we left off unless we die here, at which point our character will be dead in that multiversal timeline unless revived. Think of it like messing with a videogame that has a mode where when you die, then you have to start over with a new character." Daegan said, "That said, look!"

He pointed upwards and a space wormhole appeared above them all. "We popped in at the point where Loki is invading New York, so smashing up a few Chitauri should be fun while we wait for Iron Man to send that missile in there! All in favor?"

Raphael just ran into battle as soon as the looming alien threat got close. He let out a guttural roar as he started beating the shit out of the alien swarms.

Suddenly, a shield bounded off of a building nearby, completely ignoring the laws of physics, and "America's Ass" was seen brawling with the threats to the populace.

Iron man was soon seen flying around a building, "You ever seen Jonah?" Daegan asked in a quipping mood as Iron man dismantled one of the robotic whale-like monsters from within.

That's when they heard it.


"So who do we say hi to first?" Lizzie asked Albion. "I'll stay with you. Daegan can go with Ariah, and we can always just find the cat later."
Albion shrugged and took a look around. "I suppose we can just jump in and see what happens? I honestly don't know any of these creatures? People? Things?" The demon pulled his bow from his back, notched an arrow, and let it fly. It almost seemed like a homing missile as it flew straight and true into the eye of one of the invaders. "Well, certainly haven't lost my aim," he exclaimed as he pulled another from the quiver and jumped onto a nearby railing. "I don't suppose you can fly in that getup, eh?" he asked Lizzie, turning his eyes on her with a grin. "If not, I suppose I could add it to my ensemble. Doesn't make sense to fight flying monsters from the ground."

In the meantime, Ariah laughed as Daegan squeezed her butt. "I see, I see. Give as good as you get, eh? Well then, this is going to be interesting. I hope you're ready." She smirked and leapt into the air, pulling a sword from absolutely nowhere. "Come on, hotass! Can you climb buildings with those extra arms of yours? We should get a better vantage point if we're going to kick some alien trash. And running into Thor wouldn't be too bad, either."

Without waiting long for a reply, she disappeared around the corner and perched herself on top of the tallest building nearby. She cast her eyes out over the incoming horde and considered her plan. She spotted Raphael a street over still roaring and ripping through the aliens and smirked, figuring he would be able to take care of himself. "Ah, there's ol' Feathercap himself. I'm going to try to get ahold of the hammer!"

Ariah launched herself toward Thor, simply figuring that Daegan would follow. Well...hoping he would, truth be told. The god of thunder seemed not to be surprised by her arrival at all; he simply turned his head, nodded, and smashed another of the Chitauri with Mjolnir.
"Fly? What kind of demon can't fly?" Lizzie smirked, shot off the ground, and soared through the air, her fist barreling into an incoming Chitauri. She then proceeded to cast demonic spells that ripped apart a whole city block's worth of enemies, "This is so much better than video games!!!" she shouted, awestruck.

As that section of the city cleared, Iron Man flew over and he used his suit to amplify his voice, "You there, I don't know what you're doing here, but if you're not on Loki's side we could use the help."

Lizzie smiled, "Sure. it's what we're here for. Where's-"

"PUNY GOD!" Hulk's shout was heard above them.

"That answers that." Lizzie said, "Arrow, hop on!" she created a platform with dark magic and floated him up to the top of Stark Tower. "I wonder if we can actually fight on par with the literal god of mischief..." she muttered.


Daegan had another matter to settle though, "Wait... Who's Thor?" he asked as his extra arms allowed him to climb after Ariah with ease.

Seeing Thor soured Daegan's mood considerably... Was this what jealousy felt like? Daegan suddenly shouted, "Look out!" as a Chitauri shot at Araih while she was distracted by the god of thunder. one of his metal arms intercepted the blast before it could harm her. "If you are so fixated on that hammer of his what does it do?" he said as Thor threw the hammer and flew off to another part of the city. "It can't be all that special can it?"

Yeah, he was definitely jealous of the attention she was giving to Thor. Maybe it was the fact that he knew he was jealous that made it worse.


Raphael meanwhile, had somehow mingled with Black Widow and Captain America and was currently attacking any Chitauri that got too close to civilians so they could evacuate.

"Where did the new guys come from?" Black Widow asked, to which Cap replied, "Not important right now. what is important is we get the civilians to safety, and the cat kid is helping so I wouldn't worry too much about where they came from as long as they're not with Loki."
Daegan's jealousy was not lost on Ariah, even with the chaos going on around them. She began to laugh and pointed at the hammer as it came flying back to Thor. "He's the god of thunder! And that's what it does!" she exclaimed, and blasted another alien with her own powers.

She felt completely invincible and more powerful than she'd ever felt in her life. As the chitauri exploded around her and the other superheroes flexed their powerful muscles, she couldn't help but feel like this was a life she would love to have all the time. An exhilarated shout ripped from her throat and she turned back to give the demon a broad grin. "Man. We have got to keep you around, hot ass."

And with that, she zipped through the sky to continue raining havoc down on some alien scum. "Hey Thor, how about a friendly competition? I bet I can take down more of these crappers than you can!"

Thor grinned and swung his hammer by the leather strap. "Oh really? Bring it on, mortal. There's no way you can beat a God when death is on the line!"
Albion leapt away from the angry green monster and did his best to keep up with Lizzie. He jumped onto the platform that Lizzie had created for him and notched another arrow. He let it fly and it wedged itself directly in another chitauri's abdomen. He clung to the top of the tower and took aim after aim, his arrows all striking their targets but not causing as much damage as he would like.

"Alright, this isn't as impressive as I hoped. Let's see..." He flipped open the control interface, messed with a few settings, and notched another arrow. This time the tip glowed an ominous red and, when it struck true, exploded as if it were made of TNT. The alien burst open and the demon began to laugh. "Yes, THERE WE GO."

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