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The Magic Ring

It was bliss to be this close to his love, but it had to end soon. "I want to know all I can about you." ace murmurs against Matthews lips "But I have to go back to work for now."
Matthew opened his eyes when Ace spoke. He was just about to say he would tell him everything when he mentioned work. Matthew felt sad. He didn't want to say goodbye. "I don't want you to go." He mumbled. He wanted to spend every moment with Ace. He didn't want him to have to go to work, even if his mind told him it was necessary.
"mmm..." he trails off "You tempt me little minx, I'm sorry to do this. I'll get off in three hours, how would you feel about meeting me at my place tonight after work?" his heart races as he hopes he hasn't pushed the youth too far, hoping not to frighten the little bird. His nerves get to him and her moves away, stuttering "I-I... I'm sorry, i shouldn't..." he puts his face in his hands.
Matthew wasn't sure why he suddenly seemed nervous. "I want to." He said simply. He'd do anything if it meant he could spend more time with Ace. He moved closer, closing the space between them again. "Where do you live?" He had never learned that part, he knew he'd need to know if he was going to meet him there.
So he wanted to! his heart jumped and then sunk into his stomach at the idea of his beloved seeing where he lived. "I, uh... lower side of Salem, by the river." he mutters an address. "Maybe we should go someplace else." he sighs "It's not, well, it's not what you are used to."
Matthew felt kind of bad. "I don't care." He told him. "But if you don't want me to go there, you can come to my place." He had a pretty good apartment, his parents were paying for it until he graduated and took a high position in their company.
He thought that over for a moment "I am honored that you invite me to your home, love, but... no, no, I trust you to see mine." he kissed the boy, deeply but briefly, before saying "I really do have to go. Meet me later?"
Matthew blushed at being called 'love'. However, he definitely liked it. He kissed him back before Ace pulled away. He nodded at the question. "Definitely." He said, smiling a little bit. He was already feeling lonely and Ace wasn't even gone yet. He didn't want to wait three whole hours to see him again.
Ace stood, to look at his little love once more, placing a short kiss on his lips, before murmuring "Tonight." And departing for work. He knew Matthew would be there when he got home, so he planned to buy flowers on his way home.
The next three hours of his life were the longest Matthew had ever felt. Although he was glad when they were nearing an end. He drove over to the address he'd been given and waited. While it definitely wasn't the best of places, he didn't care. He stood outside the door and just waited for Ace to come home.
Ace was walking home from work with a cheap bouquet in his fist, nervous as he sees the sleek, sexy car looking terribly out of place in the parking lot of his run down apartment building. What he feels is that terrible mix of fear, joy, excitement and anxiety as he hesitates for just a moment, before sprinting to the door and up all the stairs, coming face to face with the beautiful youth when he reaches his floor.
When Matthew saw Ace, he smiled wide. He knew it was only a little over three hours, but he had started to think he might not show up. Or he'd come to the wrong place. He nearly ran up to him and hugged him. He hadn't even paid attention to the flowers, right now all he cared about was that Ace was back. "Hi." He said quietly.
"Matthew!" he laughs out happily, catching the boy with his free arm, and letting out a quiet "Mm..." into the tight hug. "hello again, my beauty." He glancs nervously down at the flowers "I brought, uh.... I got you..." he trails off.
Matthew looked down at the flower when Ace started to mention the flowers. He smiled even wider. If that was possible. "I love them~" He said, reaching out to take them. "They're so beautiful~" He didn't care that they weren't expensive flowers, he loved them because they were from Ace.
Ace grins like an idiot at Matthews reaction, stating "I'm glad to hear it." before turning to fight and coax the door to unlock. A few jigglesand kicks later his door opens to his appartment, He cleaned it well this morning, made it look as nice as it can with hopes of tonight happening. It was ratty with run down furnature and cracked brick walls and concrete floors. the chrismas lights the lined the walland cheap diy projects made it feel a bit more like a home than a prison to him. He steps aside, opening the door for Matthew.
Matthew bit his lip as it seemed difficult to open Ace's door. He stepped inside and looked around the place. It was definitely a lot different than his own place. He didn't know what to say. Although he really didn't care where they were as long as he was with Ace.
"I'm sorry about, uh..." Ace trails off, tossing his jacket onto a rack "Would you like to sit?" he gestures to the living room couch-type thing. "Can I get you... uh, you don't drink yet, do you?"
Matthew smiled a bit when he apologized. "It's okay." He shook his head when Ace asked if he drank. If he did, his parents would kill him. "Anything's fine though." He added.
"Soda work?" He asks plainly, grabbing one for himself too and deciding against drinking while Matthew can't. Ace waits for an answer admiring his beautiful little love.
Matthew nodded a little but, smiling too. "That's fine." He didn't care what he had. He was just happy to have Ace so close again.
Bringing the drinks and setting them on the table, ace sits comfortably close to Matthew. "I've missed you." He murmurs, slowly loosing his concentration
Matthew smiled more. He leaned his head on Ace's shoulder. "I missed you too." He said with a small smile. "I thought time was going to drag on forever." He added quietly.
Ace is about to burst when his little love rested on him. "I almost skipped. I desperately wanted to see you. But, I couldn't, not tonight."
"Why not?" Mattie asked quietly. Even though he knew why not. Skipping work could result in being fired. Mattie definitely didn't want him to get fired.
"Can't afford to miss, let alone to risk being fired." Ace murmured, not wanting to dwell. He quickly became distracted again, asking quietly "may I kiss you, Matthew?"

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