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Fantasy The M-Files


New Member




Organization member or Resistance member:

Human or Mutant:



About you:

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Name: Annalyssa and Jasper

Nickname: Aly, Jasp

Age: 17

Personality: Annalyssa is sweet and quiet. She is super protective of her family and certain members of The Resistance. she values all lives and wants nothing more that for there to be peace at last.

Jasper on the other hand is the complete opposite. He is cold and has often times been compared to Seth. He will do anything to bring The Organization to an end.

Organization member or Resistance member: Both are well known members of the Resistace

Mutants or Humans: Mutants

Powers (up to 2): Annalyssa has the power to heal others and can teleport short distances. Jasper has the power for read minds and project thoughts into peoples minds.

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/856b6ae75929d0_full.jpg.04d791f49450c5c14f1eef0c30a5ccbf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72749" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/856b6ae75929d0_full.jpg.04d791f49450c5c14f1eef0c30a5ccbf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

About you: When they were little, seth sent orders to have their parents and younger brother killed. After a little while, they both ended up living with a couple...friends. One night, Annalyssa was kidnapped by seth and was tortured to the point where she ended up with severe memory loss. all she can remember now is her brother and the night that their family was killed. Jasper wants nothing but revenge for what happened to them.




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Name: Caden Revan Weston

Nickname: Ghost

Age: 22

Personality: cheerful, well-liked, a great leader.

Organization member or Resistance member: Leader of the Resistance

Human or Mutant: Mutant

Powers: Ability to freeze things, including time. Is also telekinetic.


About you: Is the long time leader of the Resistance. Has known Annie and Jasper since they joined.


Name: Jamerson Fredrickson

Nickname: Jackson

Age: 24

Personality: Dark, Quiet. Very personal. But if you know him, he will protect you with his life.

Organization member or Resistance member: Resistance Member.

Human or Mutant: Mutant

Powers: Can read into your thoughts.

Can copy and learn other peoples powers.


About you: Is a longtime friend of Ghost. Ghost and Jackson are a well known pair in the Resistance, for their brutal motives.


Name: Unknown

Nickname: Auntie

Age: Unknown.

Personality: Very protective of the resistance.

Organization member or Resistance member: Resistance Collaberator

Human or Mutant: Mutant

Powers: Unknown


About you: Auntie has always used her property as a hiding spot, and as the Headquarters of the Resistance. Not even Seth is willing to set foot on her property, because of the defenses that it has. It is a safe haven for all mutants.

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Name: Marionette (Mari Fae)

Nickname: Marionette


Personality: usually really kind and kind of the shy type. loves animals and has a white and grey blue eyes husky named fwaffle because why not. can be kind of child like at moments and looks up to her older brother who has practically raised her from a young age

Organization member or Resistance member: resistance

Human or Mutant: Mutant

Powers: if she sings or plays an instrument she can make people go to sleep or knock them out basically.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/20120726_diva07.jpg.636ef33ef8311a0e8cec22fe0c7cbbbb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72809" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/20120726_diva07.jpg.636ef33ef8311a0e8cec22fe0c7cbbbb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

About you:


Name: Colten Fae



Personality: older brother for Marionette so hes more of the mature serious type but still acts his age for the most part, and always protecting his younger sister. hes human but his sister isnt so he joined the resistance partially because of her

Organization member or Resistance member: resistance

Human or Mutant: Human

Powers: none but hes good at sneaking hiding running and somewhat good at combat from practice of him getting into fights but is better at making weapons like smoke bombs and etc for distractions to get away when in a tight situation


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/IMG_4583.JPG.2702dfee39a33ee89f69e96b9b3b6d63.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72821" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/IMG_4583.JPG.2702dfee39a33ee89f69e96b9b3b6d63.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

About you:




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Name: Raikou Izuchi

Nickname: Kou

Age: 17(Almost 18)

Personality: Raikou reflects his power which is lightning. He thinks fast and is known to perform things that would come as a shock to those who believe they know him well. He is often energetic or in high spirits. He can kind and empowering or raging and destructive.

Organization member or Resistance member: Resistance member, known as the Lightning Emperor

Human or Mutant: Mutant

Powers: Esoteric Lightning Manipulation



About you: Kou was apart of a project to make a super mutant which was to expand the dimension of lightning to forces unknown. It succeeded for the most part granting his lightning much more powerful properties but also took away his second ability. Those responsible was the Organization who did this against his will after killing his family and even his best friend. Now he uses that power to take revenge on the Organization that took all from him.

Name • Atlas Dike

Age • 20

Personality • Atlas is terrible at improve, normally relying on the plans that he wrote before the mission normally consisting of 2 solutions in case if something goes wrong. Atlas tends not to to talk...at all, and normally uses sign language to communicate.

Organization member or Resistance member • Resistance Member

Human or Mutant • Mutant

Powers • Cryokinesis (ice manipulation)

Looks • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Icemen_ENHANCED.jpg.02e9c595f1d94e32fb44153dcac98590.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72846" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Icemen_ENHANCED.jpg.02e9c595f1d94e32fb44153dcac98590.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

About you: At the age of 11 Atlas was enrolled in a paid experiment. The experiment was to test if enclosing a human in dry ice would increase his/her life span after about a month his body tempature dropped to around 20°F at his heart nearly stopped completly, so they called off the experiment and sent him off, and that's when he found the resistance...



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Name: Seth

Nickname: Doesnt have one

Age: unknown

Personality: He is evil, ruthless, and a killer. Basically, Hitler.

Organization member or Resistance member: The leader of the Organization

Human or Mutant: Human

Powers: none

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4648d2df_download(2).jpg.455259655cc53c2ab6982d2c8a4defa1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72999" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4648d2df_download(2).jpg.455259655cc53c2ab6982d2c8a4defa1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

About you: He is one of the creators of the M-Files. His only goal in life is to rid the world of all mutants. he created the Organization a while ago to aid him with his goal. after the Resistance was created, he became dead set on taking them out, only for them to prove more of annoyance than he expected. not much is known about seth besides the face that he is nothing but evil.




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Name • Draza nobhi (nu-bye)

Age • 34

Personality • Draza normally has a sarcastic tone in voice and is very determined to do what he has to.

Organization member or Resistance member • Organization Member

Human or Mutant • Human

Weapons • Black Dragon Sniper

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/legacy_arms_black_dragon_sniper_rifle_by_sgxfreekill-d54ohlm.png.c200b8eab333e4ad840c0793fdc4c7ec.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73016" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/legacy_arms_black_dragon_sniper_rifle_by_sgxfreekill-d54ohlm.png.c200b8eab333e4ad840c0793fdc4c7ec.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Black kunai

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/naruto-throwing-knives-thumb.jpg.eafe45c7d0d45abef5fd10647a289c0e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73028" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/naruto-throwing-knives-thumb.jpg.eafe45c7d0d45abef5fd10647a289c0e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Looks • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/LieutenantDraza-Uncharted3-Multiplayer.jpg.dfee36338a14b8c24468d9007b97c1e2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73015" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/LieutenantDraza-Uncharted3-Multiplayer.jpg.dfee36338a14b8c24468d9007b97c1e2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

About you • About a year ago the nobhi family was slaughtered by mutants for reasons unknown, leaving Draza alone on the streets, he had nothing better to do but think of ways to get revenge until he came upon the organization their he learned how to shoot a gun and weild a knife and has been working there ever since, perfecting his already superior precision.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Silver_Sword_Master_100036_1024x768theAnimeGallerycom-1_zps0e47ebbb.jpg.5020a74ec9390f8a6da4d367087fac2e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73021" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Silver_Sword_Master_100036_1024x768theAnimeGallerycom-1_zps0e47ebbb.jpg.5020a74ec9390f8a6da4d367087fac2e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"The world isn't ready for such a display of vulgarity seen within some Humans."


"My name is Shiku...my last name is none of your business."


"I am known as Judgments Blade in the Organization, but not that you truly care..."


"I'm 19..."


Shiku in his own way is a good guy, but he is more of a relentless, merciless human with a heart of stone. His life goal has always been to be the dominate one, the Alpha of everything he does and it has turned him into a arrogant, badass.

Organization member or Resistance member:

"I am a member of the Organization."

Human or Mutant:

"All Human."


"Well no powers just pure skill. I am a swordsman, and a master of Muay Thai."


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/NewCharacter_zps522c0bea.jpg.8399e016c67125c451f2e0c2a68be405.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73018" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/NewCharacter_zps522c0bea.jpg.8399e016c67125c451f2e0c2a68be405.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

About you:

The establishment of the Organization was one of the best groups ever established within Shiku's time. Since the streets have been roaming and flowing with mutants it has began to get nerve racking. He joined the Organization and began to aid the leader Seth in pursuit of his goal.



Araziel Alekseeva


"Some call me Aleks..."




"It's not you...it's me."

Araziel unlike most mutants doesn't enjoy his power because he finds it unstable to himself and others, so as a result he tries to stay away from anything or one that could potentially set him off and trigger his ability. He is calm, calculated and tries to stay at peace with other.

Organization member or Resistance member:

Resistance member

Human or Mutant:



Psionic Explosion-

The ability to create and discharge a collected concentration of destructive psychic energy across a wide range.


If the user is mentally unstable or volatile, they could easily lose control of their power and harm their allies along with their opponents

Users with insufficient levels of self-control may accidentally fatally damage themselves.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/AnimeGuy.jpg.70da31ef14ac910853f9deabbb1b3b9d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73017" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/AnimeGuy.jpg.70da31ef14ac910853f9deabbb1b3b9d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

About you:

Three years ago Araziel was taken in as an experimental subject for a new medicine made to enhance the human mind, it's senses and increase homeostasis within the body, but it didn't go just right. One of the scientist injected him with the wrong syringe and it gave him-yes-the enhancement of the human mind, but it was far worst that anticipated. He lost control of himself and. In a fit of rage he released a small wave of psionic energy injuring two of the scientist and killing the last one. As doing so his left eye began to bleed excessively and later lost vision within the same eye.

After regaining consciousness he realized his mistake and the scientist's mistake. Promising himself to not seek revenge or take out his anger on any undeserving soul. Two years after the incident he was recruited by The Resistance to take down the opposing authority named The Organization.




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Name: Anthony David Freeman

Nickname: Davey

Age: 19

Personality: Cold, concise, has the perso ality as though he was stabbed in the back. Uses a mask to cover half of his face.

Organization member or Resistance member: Resistance Member

Human or Mutant: Human

Powers: None.


About you: Had worked with Ghost, Jackson and Seth to create the M-files. Seth used his deception to steal the m-files, and kill his brother, who was a mutant. Ghost immiediatley locked the M-files, restricting most of Seth's access. It is the one thing they need to finish their war against the traitor.

Other:has many scars on his face, and uses a mask to cover them.
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The roleplay has begun in the in character RPing section.


Calvin Ivanov






cold, ruthless, chaotic neutral, will be willing to betray his allies if the time calls for it, seems easy to trust, is loyal to himself, hardly makes friends but when he does, he keeps them close to him (Note: He distinguishes his friends as people he can truly trust while allies are people he works with).

Organization member or Resistance member:

Unstable Resistance Member: meaning he can switch sides at any time

Human or Mutant:



He has the ability to control anything metallic with a single contact with his hands. A piece of junk metal could be crafted into a weapon such as a sword or any firearms although, Calvin prefers firearms over swords. He brings around steel shivs which have blades that can extend their reach, when he uses his throwing knives, they float around him then eventually launch themselves with the speed of sound if Calvin wants to.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/4f0fc84ce6e09.jpg.81425e927f7a5b7063b3857944a05a76.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76324" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/4f0fc84ce6e09.jpg.81425e927f7a5b7063b3857944a05a76.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

About you:

Calvin doesn't remember much about his past as a child but he does remember the countless times he had to go head to head against some of the Organization Members. In all honesty, he was amused at how determined they were to annihilate the mutants. His amusement reached the point where he could easily be persuaded to switch sides and pretend to be a human to be able to infiltrate the Resistance movement and help them out. After everything is done, he will eventually enslave them if he can. Calvin's pretty messed up but you can't blame him, he's just eternally curious is all.





Evie Nicholas






calm and collective, doesn't speak too much, much prefers to observe people than to interact with them, when angered she can be brutal and cold, Evie has an alter ego and when the other side comes out, her eyes turn red

Organization member or Resistance member:

Organization Member

Human or Mutant:



Evie's a human however she had developed an alter ego which makes her stronger each time this ego comes out. As her second ego comes out, her eyes turn wine red as she gains a more bold and cocky personality. Her strength is doubled, speed is tripled and her senses heighten. However, a side effect of the drugs she takes to induce this state is that she gets severely worked up after and may need someone to carry her after she uses it. Because of this, she usually relies on her natural strength and intellect to get things done.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/anime-girl_011.jpg.5b9dda6a210eefd20fa12939d7e1ca70.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76325" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/anime-girl_011.jpg.5b9dda6a210eefd20fa12939d7e1ca70.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

About you:

Evie is the survivor of one of the infamous laboratory experiments that happened underground. Even if the Organization hated the existence of mutants so much, some of their scientists tried to develop an artificial mutant which they could use against the real mutants. Evie was the result of this experiment. With the drug they were able to create, she is able to induce an "artificial mutant" state which allows her to fight on par with the other mutants. Even if Evie was considered a well trained and skillful assassin, with her other ego out, she becomes an even greater force to be reckoned with. Her second ego is more bossy and cocky, more talkative and short tempered compared to Evie, not to mention how her eyes turn from amethyst to wine red; she can also be called Cry.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/tumblr_mnbs5jd1nz1s4q4eyo1_500.gif.161bcc9ebb15580dd43af7d994420a7b.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76327" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/tumblr_mnbs5jd1nz1s4q4eyo1_500.gif.161bcc9ebb15580dd43af7d994420a7b.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Evie hangs around the boys because she finds them entertaining to watch​



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FadeAway said:


Calvin Ivanov






cold, ruthless, chaotic neutral, will be willing to betray his allies if the time calls for it, seems easy to trust, is loyal to himself, hardly makes friends but when he does, he keeps them close to him (Note: He distinguishes his friends as people he can truly trust while allies are people he works with).

Organization member or Resistance member:

Unstable Resistance Member: meaning he can switch sides at any time

Human or Mutant:



He has the ability to control anything metallic with a single contact with his hands. A piece of junk metal could be crafted into a weapon such as a sword or any firearms although, Calvin prefers firearms over swords. He brings around steel shivs which have blades that can extend their reach, when he uses his throwing knives, they float around him then eventually launch themselves with the speed of sound if Calvin wants to.


View attachment 170775

About you:

Calvin doesn't remember much about his past as a child but he does remember the countless times he had to go head to head against some of the Organization Members. In all honesty, he was amused at how determined they were to annihilate the mutants. His amusement reached the point where he could easily be persuaded to switch sides and pretend to be a human to be able to infiltrate the Resistance movement and help them out. After everything is done, he will eventually enslave them if he can. Calvin's pretty messed up but you can't blame him, he's just eternally curious is all.





Evie Nicholas






calm and collective, doesn't speak too much, much prefers to observe people than to interact with them, when angered she can be brutal and cold, Evie has an alter ego and when the other side comes out, her eyes turn red

Organization member or Resistance member:

Organization Member

Human or Mutant:



Evie's a human however she had developed an alter ego which makes her stronger each time this ego comes out. As her second ego comes out, her eyes turn wine red as she gains a more bold and cocky personality. Her strength is doubled, speed is tripled and her senses heighten. However, a side effect of the drugs she takes to induce this state is that she gets severely worked up after and may need someone to carry her after she uses it. Because of this, she usually relies on her natural strength and intellect to get things done.


View attachment 170783

About you:

Evie is the survivor of one of the infamous laboratory experiments that happened underground. Even if the Organization hated the existence of mutants so much, some of their scientists tried to develop an artificial mutant which they could use against the real mutants. Evie was the result of this experiment. With the drug they were able to create, she is able to induce an "artificial mutant" state which allows her to fight on par with the other mutants. Even if Evie was considered a well trained and skillful assassin, with her other ego out, she becomes an even greater force to be reckoned with. Her second ego is more bossy and cocky, more talkative and short tempered compared to Evie, not to mention how her eyes turn from amethyst to wine red; she can also be called Cry.

View attachment 170786


Evie hangs around the boys because she finds them entertaining to watch​
I love it! You can jump in whenever you wish :)
Name: Makise Kurisu

Nickname: Kuri

Age: 16

Personality: Kuri is kind and friendly. She wants to do what's right and protect the people around her. Although Kuri tends to be innocent she can really surprise people with an occasional comment. Kuri is very bubbly and social, she can talk your ear off if given the chance. Kuri can be manipulative, but only when deemed necessary. Kuri's feelings can be easy to hurt, because she takes every thing to heart.

Organization member or Resistance member: Resistance

Human or Mutant: mutant

Powers: Kuri has the ability to read people's thoughts, and persuade people to getting what she wants.


About you: Kuri was abounded when her powers started to show when she was five. Another mutant took her under her wing and they became close. They were like siblings... Then a member of the m-files killed him. She was heart broken and vowed to do the right ting and help protect others. Even though she didn't know what or how to use her powers she tried to train her self.

Other: Kuri still doesn't know how to use her powers....
"Umm... Hello there. Won't you help me? Please?"

Name: Matthew Hyde

Nickname: Matt

Age: 17

Personality: A shy child who scares easily and heavily depends on others (although he tries his best to be independent). He is also quick to trust those that he deems are a friend to him, making Matt easy to manipulate. He also doesn't hide his feeling well, but Matt can read another person's emotions like an open book. He is willing to help others, whether they are suffering from physical or mental pain. All Matt really desires, even though he may or may not realize it, is to feel needed by other people.

Organization member or Resistance member: Organization

Human or Mutant: Mutant

Powers: Has strong healing and support magic, capable of summoning barriers and bolstering attributes of others. All of his spells are light/holy based and he only has very limited attacking spells. He can also "sense" the position of other living beings or freshly killed ones. None of his powers can be used if the boy is too tired.

Looks: (instead, hair wouldn't cover eyes at all, had dark green eyes)


If Image Doesn't Appear + Extra for Appearance:
Matt stands at about 5 ft 5 in (165.1 cm), which is somewhat short for a boy his age. Matt has neck-length green hair, dark green eyes, and pale skin. He prefers to wear jackets and shorts most of the time (not the outfit in the image lol). His shoes velcro instead of tie up to make it easier on him.

About you: Matt was born and raised by the Organization along with his sister, Alice. Both siblings knew that the motives of the Organization were faulty, but they reluctantly trained and grew stronger with the group having no where else to go. One day, Alice spoke out against the Organization after they witnessed the execution of a fellow mutant (this mutant in particular tried to run away from the Organization). Alice was killed on the spot, leaving Matt to fend for himself. The boy sadly carries out the orders issued to him with a heavy heart... It's been lonely and difficult for him, especially since the boy is blind.

Other: He is bisexual (if that matters lol), and he also carries around a weapon. He's not allowed to handle fire arms, so he wields a tiny dagger in case enemies come too close. Most of the time, Matt is placed directly behind the front line to provide immediate support.

(Oh, and, do I have to be accepted in order to join? I saw a bunch of RPers here join in in the IC chat, but they weren't accepted here.)

Giving Matt a theme song :P

Mr. FijiWiji - Growing Up (ft. Openwater)

(I take no credit of any of the song or lyrics, those all go to their rightful owners)


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Name: Dr. David Greis

Nickname: N/A

Age: 44

Personality: Intelligent, short-tempered, and malicious. He's been known to carry grudges for decades, and wait for his opportunity to bury enemies. He carries an interest for eugenics, and feels some of its better qualities have been disparaged unfairly. When the opportunity to apply his skills towards the mission of "cleaning our genetic swimming pool", he found the calling he'd been waiting for.

Organization member or Resistance member: Organization

Human or Mutant: Human

Powers: Dr. Greis is a talented, accomplished scientist with the will and passion of a political activist. He



About you: Dr. Greis is one of the lead scientists of the Organization, and takes a special passion in seeing his work eliminate mutants from the population. He often plays an active role in the disposal of subjects.

Name: Ashton Sky

Nickname: Ash

Age: 16

Personality: shy, is easily angered, hot headed, loves to fight, likes to get to know people.

Organization member or Resistance member: newly acquired Resistance member

Human or Mutant: mutant

Powers: The ability to create fire and manipulate it and the smoke that it brings



About you: Ashton joined the resistance because the organization killed his little brother and his mom because they were suspected mutants. So he used his powers to save them, but all that accomplished was the organization beating him til he was about to die and a arms length away form his mother and brother. And they killed them right in front of him. They then left him to die, but he survived and trained with his powers for the sole purpose to kill everyone in the organization



Cherry Venora






A young an timid girl, she will often run away in the face of danger. She is very innocent, like a deer in the headlights, when faced with danger. She does know when to speak her mind, but tries to avoid people and conflict when faced with it. She is very cautious and uncertain with things, and it takes a little while to earn her trust. She does have a weak spot for animals, however.

Organization member or Resistance member:

None yet, she has yet to be recruited.

Human or Mutant:



Luck granting, Force blasting, and Invisibility



About you:

She had a normal life, up until she was about 11. A catastrophic incident had occurred at her household while she was at school. School had ended early because of it, and everyone was told to go into hiding. When she was supposed to go into hiding with everyone else, she left the school to check on her family, tears in her eyes. She came to a bullet loaded mess of a house, with red wine (Blood) stained on the walls. She ran into the forest until her legs could not longer carry her, and she collapsed. A deer had somehow come across her, and she believed this deer to be the reincarnation of her mother. The deer nurtured her back to health, and they lived together in the forest. She developed her powers at the age of 12, inherited from her parents.


She has a fear of people, though not on a too severe level. She has had encounters with other people, but had narrowly gotten away in them. Most people know her, because of her infamous escapes when people try to kidnap her and bring her to their side.​
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For all of my minor characters (more like major characters now lol) so you guys know what they look like :P

- I will periodically update this when some characters die.

- The clothing they wear won't be what it looks like in the appearance picture. They would have something that looks more military looking lol.

- Matt's codename is White Wing, although I'm not listing him here. He's my actual character :P

- All of them are human by the way.

Name: Anna Reid

Codename: Fox

Age: 18

Current status: Controlled by Nuirari

Extra: A biologist expert, also skilled in CQC (close quarter combat)

Appearance: (stands at about 5 feet and 6 inches (167.64 centimeters))


Name: Vincent Varus

Codename: Goldeneye

Age: 23

Current status: Controlled by Nuitari

Extra: A weapons engineer, also a skilled marksman

Appearance: (stands at about 5 feet 10 inches (177.8 cm))


Name: Scarlet Hawthorn

Codename: Nightingale

Age: 31

Current status: Alive

Extra: The squad's leader, excellent in making quick decisions

Appearance: (stands at about 5 feet 10 inches (177.8 cm))


Name: Austin Zell

Codename: Bluethroat

Age: 21

Current status: Alive

Extra: Alchemist expert, manages the team's explosives and makes them on the spot

Appearance: (stands at about 5 feet 8 inches (172.72 cm))

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You can consider Fox revived. Btw. I kinda want all of them alive. More info, and more recruits.
Here is Scarlet and Austin's full blown character sheets!

"If you're doing something, might as take it all the way through. It'll be a waste if you half-ass it, right?"

Name: Austin Zell

Nickname: Doesn't have one, but his codename is "Bluethroat"

Age: 21

Personality: An arrogant guy who tries his best to show off when he gets the chance. Compared to the others, he has a rather foul mouth. He gets along with his squad members well and works great with them. He considers them all friends, even Matt, and has great respect towards Scarlet. He doesn't care if the other person is a mutant or human, he'll treat them the same. His cocky behavior may make others dislike him, but he knows when it's the right time to be serious. Austin also harbors a strange fear of house cats...

Organization member or Resistance member: Organization

Human or Mutant: Human

Powers: None, but he is skilled with using explosives, making them, and setting traps.

Looks: (stands at about 5 feet 8 inches (172.72 cm))


About you: Ever since Austin was a young child, he wanted to become a professional singer. The guy himself has a decent voice; he was in his high school's music club when he was a teenager. However, the need for more military personnel put the young man into a training camp to fight for the Organization after he graduated from high school. He was against the idea at first, but Austin eventually accepted his forced role and did the best he could with it. His skills landed him a position with Scarlet's squad, which is where he is today. When other people aren't around, Austin tends to practice his singing...

Other: He's bisexual. Although he does well in the military, he'd rather peruse a career in music.

Austin's theme song too :P

Tristam - Till It's Over

(Same thing here, the song, lyrics, all of that goes to their rightful owners. I don't own any of that xD )



"You can accomplish anything when you put your mind to it. Look at where that saying brought me..."

Name: Scarlet Hawthorn

Nickname: Doesn't have one, but her codename is "Nightingale"

Age: 31

Personality: A calm, collected, and strong woman who shows kindness to her comrades. She has a sort of motherly behavior towards her squad when they aren't on the battlefield, including Matt. In general, she believes in the Organization's motives, but wants to find a more humane way about it. The only thing she wishes she could do with her life is have a family of her own. Her position in the military prevents her from doing so...

Organization member or Resistance member: Organization

Human or Mutant: Human

Powers: None, but has excellent leadership and quick decisions skills. She works well under pressure, and is one of the best at stealth.

Looks: (stands at about 5 feet 10 inches (177.8 cm))


About you: Scarlet was raised in a home that heavily supported the Organization's motives. Both of her parents were active military members, so they were often away from home. One day, her parents never returned... Scarlet received a letter that told her of the way her parents passed; both were killed by mutants who fought for the Resistance. She vowed to put an end to the mutants, and with these feelings she entered the military and became an experienced commander. She isn't as hostile about the mutants as she used to be, but she does want them to cease to exist. That's why Scarlet didn't mind signing her squad up to take on Dr. Greis' request to bring back a mutant.

Other: She's heterosexual... That's it lol.

Songs for everyone! Here's Scarlet's theme...

Feint - Snake Eyes (ft. CoMa)

(Still don't own anything guys lol)


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Name: Unknown

Codename: Slayer

Age: 26 Years


Member: Organization

Human/Mutant: Human

Powers: Infrared vision,

-Suit gives extreme resistance to many outside factors

-Can fire very powerful lasers that cause massive damage

Looks: The suit makes him look very tall and imposing.


About you: Constantly wears a full body suit that dramatically decreases his speed, but also dramatically increases his strength.

Other: Fires the lasers from his hands, but the lasers take a long time to charge. The lasers are powerful enough to fire through walls.
Name: unknown

Nickname: Viper

Age: 17





-keeps to herself

-works well alone

-bad/okay at following orders

- protective



Organization member or Resistance member: resistance member

Human or Mutant: mutant


-can turn into a snake (any breed of snake)

-in human form: has fanged, venomous teeth//heat pits on the sides of her neck//insanely flexible//fast//


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.2d76fd854c35eb0b5083f908dbff78f0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82290" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.2d76fd854c35eb0b5083f908dbff78f0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

About you:

Classified info


Tends to take random reptiles in as pets (bad habit)

Her background is a mystery to everyone but she has a barcode tattooed onto the back of her neck and the numbers 005 as well in black ink



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