• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy The Lurch- Sign-Up


Word Nerd
Character Positions


The alchemist almost acts as an overseer, being the only person on the project who exclusively studies the transformative properties of magic—Transformative Magical Sciences being the proper term for what they do. They collect observations from other researchers on what changes have taken place in order to decipher possible patterns. They attempt to sequence the magical signatures of changed materials, and in so doing find a way to revert them to their original states.

  • Faerwald Rhine (hyakinthos)
  • Allison Michealson (Mitchs98)


The archivist attacks not the laboratory, but the adjoining library, which has fallen into disrepair ever since the hub of scientific progress in the capitol gave up and migrated to Starlamp. The collection is outdated and incomplete, not to mention a horrendous dusty mess. People with dust allergies need not apply. Their duties include making sense of the collection, finding pertinent research materials, and overseeing the recording of the progress and methods of the research team over the course of the project.

  • Flora Barker (Nerdork)
  • Serena Michealson (Mitchs98)


The botanist’s lot is the overwhelming flood of plant samples brought in from various parts of the country. They must compare them, catalogue them, experiment on them, and figure out just what the devil they actually were, so that the people of Crolibia might have a safe, stable source of food.

  • Antonio Remmory (Nerdork)
  • Amore Bao Phi (Strawberry Preserves)


The geologist examines a cavalcade of rock, soil, and crystal samples from all over Crolibia. Their primary goal is deducing what exactly they are now composed of, and working with the botanist to figure out what soil, if any, is arable enough to support large crops. They have also been assigned to figure out what is to be done with the crystals appearing in the soil, mainly because they are proving to be somewhat magical, but also because they are quite pretty and the question of whether they can be exported and sold is an important one to the Queen.

  • June Smite (scaryyangell)
  • Dev Atinri (Seraph Darkfire)


The zoologist is in charge of the care and keeping of a menagerie of new and confusing animals—a task for which they have been given the greater part of the dungeons and a small army of squires. They must interact with and observe each new animal, perform the occasional vivisection, and figure out whether it has a use as a livestock or food animal.

  • Maryam Pierce (writingprotagonist)
  • Holly Langston (chvrlie)

Character Form




AGE (around twenty):

GENDER (can include transgender and non-binary characters):


APPEARANCE (must include a written description):

PERSONALITY (no ‘will develop’ or ‘meet them’):


THEME SONG (optional):





My Form

NAME: Faerwald Rhine

GOES BY: Rhine, Mr. Rhine

POSITION: Alchemist

AGE: 21


SEXUALITY: Pansexual

APPEARANCE: Rhine has a strange build-- he has a barrel chest right smack in the middle of an otherwise very slender frame. He doesn’t look like he’s been eating well, either, and when his baggy shirt hangs right you can see the outline of his ribcage. If one had to put his build into two words, they would be ‘bony’ and ‘wiry.’ He has choppy, stringy honey-blond hair that falls to his jawbone. Rhine’s eyes are dark green, and are almost always squinted. His hooked nose is definitely his most prominent feature, runners-up would be the bags under his eyes or his bumper crop of freckles. He has very poor posture, and a funny habit of crossing his arms whenever possible. He always wears a large blue scarf, a beige linen shirt, and brown leggings; when he is working he wears gloves and a leaden apron.

PERSONALITY: Rhine is a consummate cynic-- if you asked him whether the glass was half-empty or half-full, he’d point out the chip in the glass’ rim. He has issues with trust, and does not like to allow himself to get close to people. (Although he is quite lonely…) Nobody would call him ‘friendly,’ although he is not unkind. He usually ends up sitting alone in the corners of rooms, looking standoffish but not unhappy per se. Rhine, however, displays a great passion for his work, and his ongoing personal research is pretty much the light of his life. Rhine usually doesn’t let on, but he has an enormous soft spot for people who need his help. In the same vein, he is a loyal friend and he has quite the wit, if you can get him to open up to you.

HISTORY: Rhine does not speak often about his life, in fact he avoids the topic on principle. If you made him tell you, he’d say he is the errant son of a disgraced blacksmith who operated in a small village in the west of Crolibia, but people are never quite convinced of this. If you were the type to know about these types of things, you’d be able to tell that he bears a suspicious resemblance to the family of a prominent viscount in a neighboring country…

THEME SONG: Matthew and the Atlas // Veins of Your History




SHORT INTRODUCTION: Hello! I’m Hyacinth, and I hope you all enjoy playing around with this strange brainchild of mine! I’m very interested in writing, and I’m always up for talking about books, movies, or anime. I’d love to get to know you! :^ D
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NAME: June Smite

GOES BY: June, (will add nicknames if given one in the story)

POSITION: Geologist

AGE (around twenty): 21

GENDER (can include transgender and non-binary characters): Non-binary (they/them pronouns)

SEXUALITY: Pansexual (heavily leans towards girls and other non-binary peoples, though)

APPEARANCE (must include a written description): June is quite the odd-ball. Their tall and lanky build gives them quite the androgynous appearance. Due to working with so many different samples of magical crystals, the skin on their hands has been permanently dyed an array of colors. Their hair, while kept very short, is usually done well and brushed back to keep it out of their eyes. Their eyes are one of the most underwhelming things about their personality, dark brown - just like the soil they often examine. Their facial features seem almost too big for their small face, but it doesn't make them too odd looking in their opinion. Their nose is crooked from a bad break in it they got from falling face-first on to a concrete ground when they were very young. Their teeth a very spaced out, but almost perfectly white despite the lack of care they receive. It isn't uncommon to see June in their work clothes, in fact, they almost always have a pair of goggles around their neck and dust covering their face. They fidget with their hands and other small objects a lot, especially when drunk.

PERSONALITY (no ‘will develop’ or ‘meet them’): June is considered a loner. Despite how talkative they can be when they get started on a topic they're interested in, it's hard for them to find a person that they're comfortable talking to. They love their job because it includes very little talking. They often come off as rude or distant, and though they try not to act like this, their resting expression makes them seem angry even when completely fine. They are very awkward in social situations and avoid them as much as possible. June is also a very frequent drinker and can be found drunk at almost any time of the day.

HISTORY: June came from a very poor family. Their only sister went missing when she was 12, and both of their parents died a few weeks after her 18th birthday. They took to drinking after they lost the people that meant the most to them. Their alcohol dependency often keeps people away from them, but with their introverted personality, this doesn't bother them much.

THEME SONG (optional): Misanthropic Drunken Loser // Days N Daze




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NAME: Deavra Atinri


POSITION: Geologist

AGE: 22


SEXUALITY: Heterosexual

APPEARANCE: Dev has a decent build, built up from his constant exploring. He has short brown hair that is easy enough to take care of. His dark green eyes are always filled with some mirth. Despite his line of work, he prefers to wear nice looking clothing. Normally this means he is wearing a black vest over a white button down shirt along with a simple pair of black pants. He even wears a tie to complete the ensemble.

When working he has a pair of handmade goggles he uses to examine magical crystals.


PERSONALITY: Despite calming down as he grew up and studied Geology, Dev always maintains a mischievous streak that shows up when he is bored. Luckily he spends most of his time either studying new samples or tinkering with his magical weapons.

Unfortunately, when he does get bored, he'll intrude on other's work curious of what they are doing. If he can't get other people to entertain him, he'll leave to explore the area around the castle. There are always new things to find. Depending on if he finds something interesting, his own work can get backlogged.

HISTORY: Dev was never a good kid growing up. He spent most of his time outside, exploring and getting into trouble with a hand made slingshot. It was during his exploration that he found a small magical stone, barely larger than a pebble. It was the first thing he'd been really interested in.

He studied this small magical pebble by himself in his room for the longest time and while his parents weren't interested, they were glad he wasn't out causing trouble. While he studied it, he wrote down his findings, even comparing them to other stones he had found, though none were as magical as the one he found.

As he grew older, he would occasionally find more strange stones, not all magical but equally interesting. Shortly before the Lurch, he had been accepted into a prestigious school for Geology based on his work.

After the Lurch, he found himself as part of a Research Committee. With the new types of rocks and magical crystals, he found that he had a lot to do. As information about the world began to flood in for study, he found that he now had a reason to test out his new magical weapon.

THEME SONG (optional):

OTHER: Dev carries around a single magical weapon, one he has been working on for a long time. It is a type of projectile firing device he has calls a Westwood. The projectiles themselves are magical stones similar to the one he found as a child. When properly handled, they can be turned into a powerful weapon.




SHORT INTRODUCTION (optional): Hi, I am Seraph, I've been roleplaying for a long time now. I'm not much of a conversationalist but I will talk if talked to. I hope you like my character, I had an idea for a Gunslinger and I like the idea of a Scholar with a gun.
NAME: Florence Rose Barker

GOES BY: Most people call her Flora. Others call her Barker. Just don't call her Florence.

POSITION: She is an Archivist

AGE: Only nineteen years old, one of the younger ones

GENDER: She is female

SEXUALITY: Still discovering that out for herself, most likely bisexual

APPEARANCE: Flora has long dark hair, often tied back in a braid that reaches her lower back. However, there are usually errant pieces of hair that manage to get loose, and when nervous she spends a lot of time fixing them. Her brown skin compliments her dark hair, but her eyes are surprisingly light. They are a pale green color, and do a poor job of masking her emotions.

She doesn't really care what she wears, so long as it is clean. She favors comfortable clothes, a simple shirt and leggings, often. It can get cold in the library, so she usually brings along a sweater as well. She usually manages to hide a book, a notepad, a pencil, and a snack in these, though the others aren't sure where, they suspect magic.

PERSONALITY: She is a bubbly girl, always hopeful and optimistic. She is certain that they will find a way to restore the country to the way it used to be. However, deep inside, she worries. She worries that they will fail, that there is no cure for this. But whenever these worries start to make an appearance in her head, she pushes them away, because she doesn't have time for that, the others are counting on her.

She is a hard worker, often working late into the night and falling asleep on top of her papers. But she plays almost as hard as she works. She often stops by to see her fellow Starlampites at their study benches, bringing hot tea or a joke to cheer them up when they are frustrated, or trying to coerce them to help her with a prank.

Her pranks are often harmless, little things, like switching the sock drawer with the shirt drawer. This is unsurprising given her innocent character. Her parents tried to protect her from anything that might harm her, and she hasn't seen a drunken brawl much less war. The others often make fun of her for this.

She does not rise to these provocations, as she is generally a calm person, but a few things can make her angry: making fun of her friends and threatening her books. She is very overprotective of both, but forgives easily so long as no real harm is done. She just wants the others to be happy, and often steps in to settle a fight if it starts.

HISTORY: Her parents were poor farmers. Or, hopefully, still are. But they haven't been seen since the Lurch.

Flora is their only child, and having her nearly killed her mother. They wanted the best for their daughter, and sent her to school even during harvest season when most children helped their families harvest the crops. Every night she would tell them what she had learned that day in school, and they loved it. Neither had gone to school, and only knew basic math and could not read well. So when they found out that Starlamp was accepting applicants, they did not hesitate to send her. This was mostly because they knew she would learn much there, and also because the battlefront was drawing closer to their home.

And then the front stuck there for the next few years. Flora wrote them every month, and they responded as much as possible. Their last letter talked about how quiet the other side had become ever since this new contraption had shown up. A couple days later, the Lurch happened.

Only a few survivors of the town had been found, but not her parents. Flora believes, hopes, wishes, that they were just transported to some faraway location ("Mother always did say that she wanted to travel!"), but as each day passes she fears that they are dead.

THEME SONG: I dunno yet. I'll add one later


PLAYER’S PREFERRED NAME: Nerdork works. If you want to give me a nickname, you can though


SHORT INTRODUCTION:Hello! As you can probably see, my name is Nerdork (not really but it is on here). I like advanced roleplays and cute cat gifs. I will be on here at least a couple times a day, and will let you know if anything comes up.

I am pretty obviously new to this site, but not to role playing.
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Character Form

NAME: Roshan

GOES BY: Roshan

POSITION: Archivist

AGE: 204

GENDER: Construct

SEXUALITY: Sapiosexual

APPEARANCE: Shaggy red hair sits like a mop, coming down just past the ears over smooth alabaster skin. Eyes with pristine white sclera and golden irises keep track of time, the irises divided into three rings each. Whichever one you stare into tracks the time, each ring responsible for seconds, minutes, and hours respectively from the center outward. Roshan stands a respectable five feet and five inches tall, its features beautiful yet so finely sculpted and symmetrical that they fall into the uncanny eeriness of being inhuman. Inside, Roshan is a bronze colored clockwork construction with a glowing core of raw magical power.

PERSONALITY: Roshan is regularly upbeat, happy, and eager to help out. Roshan is dedicatedly loyal, though it immediately respects a command from anyone so allowed to issue one to it. However, its helpful nature predisposes him to assisting everyone he can to his limitations.

HISTORY: Roshan was built purely to manage the archives, and has done so faithfully for years. However, its helpful personality and desire to be entirely inoffensive leave it with nearly zero administrative ability. Its memory is long however, and its retention of the many books it has read over the centuries is considerable.

THEME SONG (optional): Ar Tonelico 2 Soundtrack - Start Up




SHORT INTRODUCTION (optional): Pleasure to meet everyone! I look forward to being approved and joining you all shortly!
Hi, there!! Thanks for your interest, really.

However, I'm sorry to say that we already have two archivists (the second position is reserved through tonight). Additionally, one of my goals in creating The Lurch was to have it be centered around character interaction and challenges faced by a group of flawed young people in a high-pressure situation, and introducing a robotic character would kind of defeat that purpose.

You would of course be welcome to reimagine those aspects of your character. And, rest well assured, Roshan is very cool-- just not what we're looking for in particular.

Thank you!
NAME: Maryam Pierce

GOES BY: Mary (With permission), (teasingly) Mom, Open to other nicknames

POSITION: Zoologist

AGE: 28, the team elder

GENDER: Female (she/her pronouns)

SEXUALITY: Doesn't really put any labels on it, open to all


Maryam is a tall woman with dark eyes and hair that she can never seem to tame. She has dark skin speckled with vitiligo. The young woman is muscular and broad in build. Maryam is 161lbs and 6 ft tall. Her usual outfit consists of a white shirt and grey vest and slacks, along with a grey hat. She has claw marks across her back from fighting creatures she wouldn't mind talking about. Maryam also has deep scars on her neck, but do not press her about those.

PERSONALITY: If there was one word that would describe Maryam, it's protective. She builds bonds slowly, but when a person gets close enough to her, she's willing to put aside everything for them. Maryam has a tendency to meddle and explore even when it puts her and others in danger, but will take reasonability for these ventures. She helps those that she believes needs it and takes well to those who are younger, being a mother once herself. The young woman also has an affinity for animals. At her best, she is helpful and motherly; a natural leader. At her worst, she's reclusive, self destructive and spiteful; she will often ignore or fight decisions made by her peers if she doesn't believe they benefit the team. Maryam is also prone to episodes of anger and depression, especially if someone talks about her children or her ex-husband.

HISTORY: Maryam was born in a tight knit village of subsistence farmers. As a child, she was always exploring the forest behind the house and messing around with the cows, who especially took an interest in her. She studied animals and magic constantly. Her parents took soon took notice and, over a few good harvests, raised enough money to send her to Starlamp for higher education when she was 17. The young woman had an exciting adolescence capturing, studying and ultimately taking care of creatures. Three years later, Maryam met an alchemist named Tero who whispered honey coated promises of a good, happy life in her ears. She fell in love and had two children, twins she named Alex and Darcey. Unfortunately, the children were too frail and sick. Though she tried to save her babies, they died a month after they were born from the liquid in their tiny lungs. In anger and grief, Tero lashed out at Maryam nighty, yelling it was her fault and throwing so many things at her head. One night, he forced her out of her own home and nearly tore her throat out with the kitchen blade. She sought shelter at the home of a healer and stayed there until the cuts across her neck closed. Afterwards, she found a small house on the other side of town and continued to work there until the day she was suddenly transported to the capital. She got a letter from the medic in her village that stated that her parents were killed in the Lurch and that she missed the funeral.

THEME SONG: Personal Space Invader - Andrew Jackson Jihad/A Song Dedicated To The Memory Of Stormy The Rabbit - Andrew Jackson Jihad (Just can't choose one)

OTHER: Nothing much else to say here.



SHORT INTRODUCTION: Hello! I'm Sophie, other wise known as Sylph and I'm delighted to be role playing with you! I would like it if you tagged me when my character is needed or mentioned as I am often busy and prone to confusion.
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Hello, Sophie!! I really like Maryam, she seems like she'll be a wonderful addition.

I'm fond of her backstory-- it's traumatic without being unrealistic, cliched, or romanticized. Overall she seems a very balanced character.
Thank you so much! I'm glad you like her and I'm excited to be a part of this roleplay! I spent so long creating Maryam's story and I'm happy to hear your feedback is positive.
Of course! I'm very happy to have you.

I'm going to wait until tonight to see if anybody signs up, and roleplay will probably start tomorrow morning. I'll tag you in the first post like you requested. Until then, you're more than welcome to hang out in the OOC chat, and if you have even the most half-baked little plot idea, I'd love to hear it!
Name: Allison and Serena Michaelson

Goes by: Allison prefers to be called Ally, Serena is just Serena.

Posisition: Alchemist and Archivist respectively.

Age: 17

Gender: Female(Obviously)

Sexuality: Bi-Sexual, no preference.



Allison on the left, Serena on the right. Allisons hair is supposed to only be one shade darker than Serenas. Allison is 5'0 Serena is 4'11.

Allison is generally a very exciteable and happy go-lucky girl, generally the first to start and last to end a conversation. She won't hesitate to talk to anyone that decides to talk to her. She's generally protective of her sister and she may or may not maim you if you hurt her.

Serena is typically extremely shy around anyone other than her sister until she gets to know them, pretty much the exact opposite of her sister. Despite her shyness she's generally a kind and intelligent person.

History: Allison and Serena grew up with their father who happened to be the best alchemist in their village who ran a shop selling various magical items and enchantments. The twins were pretty much inseperable all their life, Allison studied under her father who taught her the ways of Alchemy since she was 9 years old. Serena however was the more silent type, often times she'd be seen with a book on magic and its studies from her fathers extensive collection. Both of the twins excelled in both the practice of and the study of magic respectively, often times helping their father with his work as they got older and more skilled.

When the two weren't studying or helping their father they were often times outside in the forest practicing what they'd learned or in the village playing with their friends. When the Lurch happened they happened to be in the forest practicing and documenting various chemical effects quite a ways from the village in-case anything went boom.

Dazed and dis-orientated the two didn't really know exactly why they woke up on top of a tree in the middle of the capitol, all they knew for sure was they were no longer anywhere near their village or their father. When they were offered a job in the castles lab they happily accepted, so long as the nobles made an effort to find their father.

Other: They like pie.

Allison's Chemi-Belt

(Ignore the random batman stuff, everything but the medkit the rest are the dispensers, the other compartment houses small beakers and test tubes)

A belt of her own design, a magically enchanted utility belt that dispenses all basic chemicals in a nigh limitless supply that will recharge itself over time. Has a basic medkit to treat superficial wounds and chemical based wounds as well as a small storage compartment for beakers.

Serena's Glasses


These are a special pair of glasses made by Allison for her sister as a birthday present. Magically enchanted these glasses allow Serena to read and process information a lot quicker than the average person, plus they look bad-ass. They have a comfortable padded leather strap to keep them on her head.

Players Preferred Name: Mitch or Mitchs, Please.

Players Preferred Pronouns: He/Him

Short Intro: Hai. Been roleplaying for 8 or 9 years, forum based. Started on Neopets way back when before moving from site to site. My grammar and such might not be as good as everyone else, but eh. I'm from Alabama, what about you?
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They look pretty good!

I'm excited to see how Allison and Rhine get on... I'm afraid the answer is going to be 'not very well.'

I'm from the frozen wastes of Minnesota. : ^ ) And hey, I started out on Neopets, too! I had one of those awful wolf-pack things where everybody was twelve and all the wolves had magical powers.
hyakinthos said:
They look pretty good!
I'm excited to see how Allison and Rhine get on... I'm afraid the answer is going to be 'not very well.'

I'm from the frozen wastes of Minnesota. : ^ ) And hey, I started out on Neopets, too! I had one of those awful wolf-pack things where everybody was twelve and all the wolves had magical powers.
Do you mean those wolf *vampire fang* threads? :o . I think I was in that.
NAME: Antonio Remmory

GOES BY: Ant, Anty, Remmory

POSITION: Botanist

AGE: 23 years old


SEXUALITY: Heterosexual

APPEARANCE: Antonio is a skinny fellow, which is surprising given the amount of food that he eats. His face is angular, like the rest of him, and a dark shock of hair sits upon his head, which nicely compliments his dark blue eyes. His hair falls to a little below his ears, and it is usually unkempt. He tends to keep as much of it as possible back in a bun so he won't contaminate his plant samples or cooking.

His skin is pale, but recently his fingers have been colored all the colors of the rainbow by the plants that he handles and cooks with.

He likes to wear long sleevesd shirts with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, and dark colored pants. When cooking or handling a particularly messy plant, he wears an apron. Recently, Flora has switched his regular white one out for a plaid one with frills. He doesn't mind.

PERSONALITY: Anty is a bit scatterbrained. While driven and insanely intelligent, he will often abandon a project if it bores him or he finds something more interesting to do (usually cooking), typically in the paperwork phase.

This usually leaves it to the Archivists to finish, which they occasionally grumble about.

However, he is a polite young man. Having been raised in the Capitol for most of his young life, he has perfect manners. He always holds the doors open for ladies and addresses his elders as 'Sir' and 'Miss' or 'Madam'. As such, he often runs interference if one of the more conduct-oblivious members of the research team do something to piss off a diplomat. Do not mistake this for him being unable to be impolite. He often uses his sharp tongue to banter with the other researchers or anyone in general who says unkind words to him. He will always apologize, though, if he goes too far.

He is also very brave. Most of this courage comes from his curiousity, of him wondering 'I wonder what this tastes like'. Sometimes this results in delicious meals, which he always shares with the rest of the team, and sometimes this results in him being laid up in bed for days.

But he always bounces back. As stated before, he is very driven, and nothing can really keep him down.

HISTORY: He was the youngest of seven of a moderately well-to-do family who lived in the Capitol. But after his father died, money got tight, and, at age 12, he was sent to live with his cousins out in the farmlands. His polite manners were often made fun of among these practical people, so he spent a lot of time by himself, examining the plants that grew in the fields.

When he was 17, he created a new species of wheat that took up half the space of regular wheat and produced 125% of the product. A couple years later, he discovered that plants used magic like humans, and figured out a way to direct this magic to repel insects. Upon hearing of this, he was offered a scholarship at Starlamp, where he resided up until the recent events.

THEME SONG: None yet, unless you have heard a song about cooking.




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He's fantastic! I can't WAIT to see him in action, and I guess I don't have to-- the first post is going up straightaway!

I'll keep on the lookout for a song about cooking. :^ )
NAME: Amore Bao Phi

GOES BY: Only allows people to call him by his last name, Phi.

POSITION: Botanist

AGE (around twenty): 23

GENDER (can include transgender and non-binary characters): Male

SEXUALITY: Demisexual

APPEARANCE (must include a written description): Phi is decently tall, at 6'1, with a lean build. He isn't super skinny, but he isn't one of those muscular men either. He has long black hair that he keeps tied in a ponytail, occasionally tucked into a bretton baker boy cap. Phi has black eyes, and wears rectangular glasses. His skin-tone is only slightly on the paler side, and he always wears gloves. Phi usually wears a thick turtle-neck shirt with a large zipper at the end, and pants with earthy tones. Sometimes Phi also wears a gardening vest over his clothes, with mysterious pockets. Has been called very attractive.

PERSONALITY (no ‘will develop’ or ‘meet them’): The simplest description would be that he likes plants more than he likes humans. Not that it's hard to do so, seeing how he's one of the biggest misanthropes around. Most people have some sort of nice or warm characteristic deep inside of them, but in Phi's case, this probably doesn't apply. He is moody and easily annoyed if you aren't a plant, and he treats others with little regard of them. His rudeness knows no bounds, and Phi isn't afraid to be blunt in unnecessarily cruel ways. He's constantly finding new witty ways to insult others. He isn't easily insulted either. Phi is cold, stoic, and uncaring. Any trace of warmth, kindness, or happiness seems completely absent from his personality. Occasionally it seems like he's someone who has given up completely on life and trying to be happy.

HISTORY: He grew up in a loving family with a kind mother and a cheerful father. His mother worked as an alchemist, while his father was a professor. Even from a young age, Phi had always loved plants. When his mother died in an alchemy-related accident, his father succumbed to grief. As a result, he lost his job and began drinking heavily every day. Phi spent most of his time outside of the house, working to provide for the household. However, most of his earnings were spent on alcohol by his father, causing him to resort to borrowing money. He grew more and more bitter, and eventually found out that his mother's death had been orchestrated by one of her colleagues, who caused her death in a fit of jealousy and unrequited love. However, the alchemist was related to the creditor who lent him money, and Phi could do nothing without bringing harm upon his father and himself. So he continued to work and tolerate his father's heavy drinking and the physical harm that occasionally ensued from them, until his father committed suicide. He was 12 years old then.

The alchemist who killed his mother mockingly came to him and offered him shelter and protection as one of his servants. Until he worked enough to pay off his debt, he would not be allowed to leave in exchange for housing and Having nowhere else to go and no relatives, Phi grudgingly accepted. He continued to study botany almost obsessively while serving the alchemist, all the while enduring abuse of all kinds. But he tolerated it all. He was determined to get through this trial, and managed to pay off his debt. He was later invited to Starlamp through his exploits in botany and plant biology.

THEME SONG (optional):

OTHER: He's mean. He's going to say offensive things. Please don't be offended.



SHORT INTRODUCTION (optional): i are.... caned Gods,...,,.
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Holly Langston


Holly, "Baby"










Holly has fair skin with hardly any blemishes, and a clear complexion that seems to glow. Her hair is a natural fiery red that cascades down past the middle of her back, but it is thick and most of the time she has her hair pulled back when working. She has a toned body, but she is oddly lightweight, or that is what she hears when someone picks her up; that is some part of where she got the nickname "Baby." Holly is also short, reaching roughly around 5'7 and although she is constantly teased about it, she is content with her height. She never dresses up for her job, knowing that there will always be dirt or holes in her clothes at the end of the day.


Holly is a very bright and cheerful person. She tries to keep everyone happy and call her optimistic or ignorant, she will never give up when it comes to making someone happy. She also loves people, and she enjoys learning about them; Holly is able to figure out a person just by watching them (a talent she obtained from when she was younger). She is not quick to trust, but once she does she becomes protective an attached. But do not be fooled. She is very smart, manipulative, quick-witted, and violent when it comes to people she doesn't trust or the creatures she deals with. Holly never lashes out on a person unless they have really pushed their limit, and most of the time it involves another person.


Holly always took a liking towards animals more than people, but she never really understood why. Maybe it was because they never yelled like her parents did, or maybe it was because they never purposely hit her like her mother did when she would need to let off some steam from a fight with her father. In school, she always did very well, making her home motivation to keep working hard and it finally paid off once she was moved to Starlamp.


Youth - Daughter


She is obsessed with anything sour.






I absolutely love roleplaying, and I also like to meet people. Please tag me if you are interacting with my character, thank you~

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