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Fantasy (。◕‿◕。)The Lunar Lotus Inn(。◕︵◕。) [All Are Welcome~! ]

Sorry, I didn't mean for there to be confusion. Hopefully her character page helps explain things better
@Lazy Rocktime

Profile accepted :3


Yup yup. As he said, every spot is open and there can always be more than one person of any job. For ex: Yukito(owner) technically can do every job in the place but he prefers to cook xD ''
Im debating whether I should barge in or not since there seems to be a scene happening
I am so sorry for not responding, holy bejeezzuz there was a lot going on. Also i hope its alright that Adras is mildly obsessed with yukki because she's never seen anything like him before.
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@Genieva Von Bubbles

No worries :3 If you're gone and need time, just lemme know if you can that is. :3

If at any point that the roleplay gets too far and you still want to stay in the roleplay, just lemme know and ill figure out how we can incorpate you back into the whole mess of things xD

And not a problem~ Little Yuuki loves the attention and loves to be pet *o*
@XZ Crazy

"Yukito probably just needs to be left alone," he said with a light tone, "Everyone except him, Yukki, the wolf, and Annabelle should go in, I think."

Um, may want to revise that. It makes it sound like everyone but the ones that are helping Yukito should go inside
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I didn't read your post until after I finished mine, so that was there when I read yours. I think I already changed it a little, though . . .

Yep. It probably doesn't help being on my phone where it doesn't notify me if someone else posts something . . . Either way, there shouldn't be a contradiction, now.

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