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Fantasy (。◕‿◕。)The Lunar Lotus Inn(。◕︵◕。) [All Are Welcome~! ]

xD Okay okay!~ ill tell you guys. but first, I have a question.

How would you guys feel if a villain killed poor lil Yuuki? Q~Q

(For I can only imagine the amount of rage that people will be blowing off on the villain. *No, I don't mean exactly Alexander. Just putting this randomly out there.*)
Falin would be upset, yes, but it takes a lot for a death to really upset her anymore. She's just been around too long and has seen too many conflicts. So while she wouldn't go into some blood rage, she would promise Yukito she'd hunt down the one responsible.
x.x sorry that took so long to post. Rpnation has been lagging me while posting lately..and I don't understand why Q~Q
Mhms x.x

As for the shipping, I was thinking of a few ships xD

Uhh Yuuki with everyone XDDD *o*

That or I really dunno fully yet. I think maybe Adrasteia and Falin xD Cause of the friendship they have together @o@ xD
I keep forgetting my character's nname and then i have to go back to the character sign up. I remember it then but right when i'm about to post i forget it. xD @WhyNot

Sorry I'm not responding to your posts x.x my character is currently in the kitchen with another(the innkeeper is at least.) While my fox is preoccupied and my villain is currently in a completely different room x.x After I get at least the innkeeper free at some point. ill have him greet yours owo'' sorrys..x.x

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