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Realistic or Modern The loving bond of family goes unbroken. [A Classic Family rp]


~*~ Lost In A world Ill never understand ~*~
Oi friends, welcome to liitle box on the interwebs~

So, I was reading through the forum list and decided to throw in a classic family rp here, this follows the Legers and those who make up the small town of Meadowdale falls, a town in northern Michigan. This family will be fairly decent sized.

Must-Have Roles:

Mrs. Leger:
Mr Leger: taken by CherryTart CherryTart
The Eldest child:taken by Limerick.Grimoire Limerick.Grimoire
twin 1: taken by Texangamer Texangamer
Twin 2: Taken by Raven14 Raven14
The middle child: Raven14 Raven14
The younger child: taken by Limerick.Grimoire Limerick.Grimoire
the youngest child: Texangamer Texangamer
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We really just need the younger child because i'm planning to make the eldest Legal so the parents really aren't a big issue

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