• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern ๐•‹๐•™๐•– ๐•ƒ๐• ๐•ง๐•–๐•ฃ'๐•ค โ„๐•’๐•Ÿ๐••๐•“๐• ๐• ๐•œ


"And that's all for today, thank you for listening to the Lover's Handbook, and let's meet again on the next emission." The radio host said before ending the program and by the end of it Jun couldn't be more annoyed it had already been a week since he sent his letter for advice for his one-sided crush on Soo-Jin and nothing was mentioned. Not even a hint that his letter was soon to be read by the mysterious host.

Sure it wasn't like he couldn't talk to girls at all, in fact, he had two girlfriends back in high school, but those two times he was sure the girls were interested in him and they always approach him to talk to him, so what was the difference between getting a girlfriend in high school and college? He thought it was the same thing but apparently dating in college was a completely different thing.

First of all, they were in completely different majors so the chances of sharing a class were really low, sure maybe Jun wasn't one of the brightest minds in the department of Chemistry, but he wasn't failing either, instead, he was known for being on the baseball team and not like he wanted to boost his own ego, but he was pretty good at it she should know him for that, right? But apparently, his athlete status didn't cause any commotion in Soo-Jin's life. Which was leaving Jun out of options how he was supposed to impress her?

If someone had told him a week ago that he would end up asking for help to talk to a girl, to a complete stranger he would have just made a joke about it, Well, everything started as a tease coming from Kang-Min that was just messing around with Jun, but what he didn't know is that the guy really took his words for granted and thought that his best friend had an amazing idea, asking for help wouldn't hurt him and besides he had heard some of the rumors about the famous radio show and the incredible results thanks to the advice of the host, even if was skeptical at first he still sent his letter asking for help and listened to the show religiously, without telling anyone he had already enough teasing coming from Kang-Min because of his crush on Soo-Jin that he didn't want to add to jokes that he asked for help to a radio show.

And still, after a week there was no reply, there was no way that many people were struggling in love, but since the radio show was quite popular maybe there were more people with love struggles that they wanted to admit out loud. As time passed Jun was getting impatient and it was obvious that he wouldn't be waiting anymore for a reply, he just needed to man up and talk to Soo-Jin, it shouldn't be that hard, well that's what he thought his first attempt was a complete failure, so instead, he decided to go on a different route, not again him taking the idea of someone else, as he heard a girl from his class mentioned how much she loved when her boyfriend wrote her letters, so without a second thought Jun wrote his feelings about Soo-Jin, he felt this was extremely cheesy, but apparently girls liked this kind of stuff and knowing how she was almost like an angel it was sure she was into all those romantic stuff, what could go wrong?

Well, indeed things went wrong just they day he decided to give his letter to her, he wasn't expecting that someone else would confess his feelings "I really appreciate your feelings towards me, but unfortunately, I can't reciprocate your feelings back" she said to the guy, even she was caring and nice while still breaking someone's heart, but now Jun was in an awkward situation, he just saw a rejection when he was about to do the same thing as that guy, was he ready for rejection just like that guy? Not really. His confession of love could wait a little bit more, he just needed to leave without being noticed, there was not a lot of trouble on that if it wasn't because yelled his name "Jun! What are you doing here?" the voice who happened to be on of his teammates was heard out loud and with that Soo-Jin and the rejected guy turned to face him, without thinking too much he tried his best to hide and run away once he was able too.

It was incredible how the popular guy back in high school who was able to have the attention of the girls was running away so he wouldn't get caught eavesdropping, he was for sure far from what people would think as cool, he was even embarrassed by himself, could things get worse?

Apparently, as he thought of things becoming worse they really did as he was running away he didn't notice that someone was coming in the opposite direction from him, it was too late when he wanted to stop that he ended crashing against the girl, almost as a scene of a comedy the papers she was carrying and along with his letter flew away "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention where I was going. Did you get hurt" he asked worriedly, sure things were not going how Jun had planned.
Location: university | Mood: I'm such a loser
Outift: Here | Interactions: Uxie Uxie
Hong Jun

Code by Stardust Galaxy
Last edited:

  • how she's feeling...

    maybe a little flustered, more than a little flabbergasted.


the playwright

the moment the "live" button clicked off, jiyoung breathed out a sigh of relief. she'd been doing this for a little over a year, but she still felt on edge while live. there weren't drafts when you were being broadcast in real-time to 70% of the school population and despite her anonymity, the thought of making a mistake still made her waver.

"good work today. you okay?" she glanced up from her stack of notes, meeting chanyoung's eye. he was propped against the doorframe with an elbow, his eyebrow raised in mild concern. jiyoung peeked at her phone. maybe she'd been sitting here longer than she thought.

"i'm fine. just tired."
she reached for her binder, ready to arrange her notes neatly and slot it back where they belonged, out of sight and out of mind. the radio desk was far too small for proper organisation, and a loose piece of paper tumbled out of her file as she opened it, a folded, creased letter that had clearly been read several times over.

chanyoung left his spot at the door, deftly picking up the letter before her fingers reached its corner. "the baseball guy? you haven't done his yet, right?"

"don't remind me,"
jiyoung started, pressing two fingers to her temple as she extended a hand for him to return the dreaded SOS. he ignored her, eyes still on the letter, and jiyoung sighed, closing her palm.
"how do you help someone who's never spoken to the other party, has absolutely no reason to and seems to lack the courage to do so?"

her senior barked out a laugh, to which jiyoung shot him an annoyed look. "well, his handwriting's atrocious. and no one ever said you had to do everyone's. you're busy." she opened her mouth to argue, but stopped herself. he had a point, though she'd been quite determined to do all the ones who had come in before. "by the way, don't you have to meet professor kim?"

her eyes flicked to the wall clock.
"uh huh."
it was 4.40pm, which meant she had about twenty minutes to make it to the engineering building on the other side of campus. it was just enough time to walk, briskly, but just ten minutes too short for her to get a coffee she desperately needed from the conveniently along-the-way school cafe. either way, she needed to get going now.

stuffing her papers into her binder loosely, jiyoung got to her feet. it was lazy, but she'd just hold her binder really tightly and then slot everything in properly when she was home. she shrugged the straps of her tote bag over her shoulder, then fixed her gaze on the other dj.
"the letter."
he tossed the letter on the table, shooting her his signature smirk, a playful smile that was equal parts irritating as it was attractive. ew. she'd been doing this love thing far too long.

"might as well trash it if you're not gonna respond. and close the door on your way out." he turned, bidding her farewell with a careless wave as he headed back to his workstation. she sighed (she was sighing a lot today, wasn't she?), picked up the letter and went on her way.

jiyoung had counted seven trashbins since she'd left the broadcasting studio, but the letter was still firmly clutched in her hands. she'd thought about throwing it away, but something about that felt particularly cruel. she read it over again, her eyebrows furrowing as she went through the sincere plea that she, admittedly, knew nothing of what to do with. it was a situation that would only see success in romance novels or dramas. jiyoung had told several romeos that they didn't stand a chance, but considering mr. batter-up had left a footnote stating "please don't tell me to give up!", she was in a bit of a pickle.

her eyes still on the paper, she failed to notice the figure in front of her and in a matter of seconds, jiyoung found herself sprawled on the ground, her papers flying about. her letters and notesโ€” yeon-ae's letters and notesโ€” were now scattered quite beautifully around her, a mess of coloured papers. sheer dread filled her, and she scrambled for them, scooping up as many as she could and shoving them haphazardly back into her binder. only a dumbass like her would be lazy enough to not just take the five seconds to file themโ€“

"i'm sorry, i wasn't paying attention where i was going. did you get hurt?" it was only then that she acknowledged the person she'd bumped into, a somewhat familiar face that was scrunched in concern. seonhee had probably showed her his instagram at one point. he looked like the popular type.

"oh, no. i'm not hurt."
her words came out haltingly, her attention clearly elsewhere.
"just surprised."
she did not have time for this.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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A sense of relief came as soon as Jun heard that the girl he bumped to was okay, not because he didn't want to deal with an injured person, but because that would only mean things were going worse than it was supposed to be. He already had enough embarrassment from running away after seeing the girl he was crushing on rejecting another guy, Jun felt a little bit confused why she said she was surprised. Maybe she was shocked by his good-looking visuals and that's how she didn't know how to react? Who he was kidding, she for sure wasn't shocked because of him being handsome he just wanted to believe that to boost his ego a little bit after everything that happened in the last hour. She was for sure shocked because of bumping into a stranger, and then have all her papers splattered around the floor.

Just as he thought of that he realized that in fact, all her papers were on the floor "Let me help you with it" he said as he kneeled down to pick all the papers and envelopes from different sizes and colors, Jun got a little bit curious why she had so many envelopes, did you still had to write letters as assignments in college? Maybe for degrees related to writing they had to do that? He didn't have a clue or maybe she was a popular girl and all those letters were confessions of love, but that was his first time seeing her and he didn't hear about her before, sure she was pretty, but not as pretty as Soo-Jin was, or could it be...? No, she couldn't be the girl in charge of the Lover's Handbook, there was no way it was her, he was just starting to get paranoid over not receiving a reply that every girl that he saw with an envelope was suspicious.

It wasn't until he noticed two envelopes looking precisely the same that he realized that also his letter fell too, he stared at the two as his life depended on it, which was his letter? Why did he have to go with the most basic envelope that he could buy? There wasn't a lot of time to choose, besides he didn't want to seem like a freak staring at two inanimate objects, so he chose the one his gut was telling him and hoped for the best. It didn't take long until all the belongings of the unknown girl were in order and she gave them back to her "Here you go" he said, in other circumstances, Jun would have offered to accompany her to where she was heading and start a conversation since he didn't mind talking to new people, but something on the girl's presence seemed that she didn't want to deal with him more than she was already doing, so he was going to grant her wish and leave her so she could head to her destination "I guess I'll see you around" he said before leaving her.

Once he was gone his phone chirped as he received a new message, when he checked the notification, he was received a message from Kang-Min telling him that he was starving and if he wanted to join him, it didn't take him long to decide, maybe that's what he needed after all.

It didn't take him long to arrive at their usual place, where Kang-Min was already waiting for him, he dropped his stuff and took a seat in front of his best friend "Why the long face? What happened? Oh, you got a letter, do girls still do that? I think that was just a high school thing" he said as he took the letter and started reading it, at that moment didn't care anymore that Knag-Min found out that he was the one that actually wrote it, but as he was lost on his own thoughts, Kang-Min snorted "Did you really take my advice and wanted to send a letter to the lover's handbook? I was joking, but you really listen to me I can't believe this, the "don't tell me to give up" is my favorite part" his friend said while laughing.

As Jun heard the words of his friend, he got even more confused, how did he know that he sent the letter to the radio program, he was supposed to read the letter that he wrote for Soo-Jin, he took back the letter and started reading the content as he was perplexed on what happened and in fact, it was the letter that he sent to the radio, but how? He sent that letter a week ago, he wasn't supposed to have it, but now it was with him, that almost sounded impossible it wasn't like the letter grow a pair of legs and walked towards him, and that's when he realized, the girl with the envelopes, she was the one that had his letter and it got exchanged during their accident, but that only meant that she had the letter for Soo-Jin, and now thinking what he wrote he just wanted to hide in the center of the earth, if she read it, it would be the end for him.

He needed to get his letter back, but how was he going to do that when he didn't have a clue who the girl was? what degree she was in or even his name, he could only remember that she had black hair, but it wasn't like Jun was a genius to point out who she was when a pretty girl with black hair could fit with 90% of the girls in the campus, things were going even worse than Jun anticipated and all for the sake of love.
Location: cafeteria | Mood: why this is happening?
Outift: Here | Interactions: Uxie Uxie
Hong Jun

Code by Stardust Galaxy
Last edited:

  • how she's feeling...

    maybe a little flustered, more than a little flabbergasted.


the playwright

"let me help you with that." he helpfully bent down to begin picking up the letters that had been out of reach, and jiyoung's eyes widened in alarm as she hurriedly followed suit. scrambling for the letters, she watched him out of the corner of her eye in concern, worrying whether he'd just flip over a letter and let slip her secret life to the vicinity of students around them.

he seemed to deliberate over something before he stood back up, handing her the rest of the letters. "here you go," she took them back hastily, slipping them into the binder to join the rest of the lot. she should burn these. "i guess i'll see you around." with that, he twiddled off, just as jiyoung called out a quiet
"thank you"

as soon as she turned towards her original destination, her eyebrows furrowed, processing his goodbye. why would he see her around? they were strangers.

"the popular ones are always the weird ones."
she mumbled softly to herself, shaking her head as she walked briskly towards the engineering building. whoever he was, she doubted grumpy professor kim would pardon any lateness on account of their encounter.

it'd been a few hours since the engineering major had stumbled into the cafe, eyes still dazed with sleep. she'd had a polite exchange with the barista that consisted of few words before she buckled down to despair over the new assignment professor kim had given her. that man had no concept of letting his students breathe, it seemed, but jiyoung had expected as much when she'd signed up for his course.

the cafe was rarely busy except in the afternoons, but even then it proved to be a quiet place to get work done. the students who ran it made sure of that, at least. the spot she always made a beeline for was a table tucked in the corner, tranquil in an already peaceful environment. it offered an amount of privacy from the rest of the patrons, and though there was a good view of her from the window, when others filled up the surrounding tables jiyoung found it rare for eyes to ever fall on her first.

she'd made good mileage of the morning hours to deserve a break, and jiyoung reached for a sip of her cafe au lait, surprised to find it was the last in the cup. just as well, since her cheesecake plate had been cleaned twenty minutes ago. leaning back in her chair, she glanced around the cafe, noting the hushed sounds of the coffee machines were beginning to be drowned out by the bustle of its patrons.

jiyoung's eyes idled on the unrefined model on her screen as she weighed her options. lunch was an option, but realistically, it was far too early for her to wait out the afternoon crowd at the cafeteria now. maybe if she went off-campus, but jiyoung knew herself well enough that she was far too lazy for that. she'd need to hold out another half hour at least, but she didn't think she had it in her to fix those supports.

of course, there was a way to kill the time...

she took a wary peek into her bag, the soft pastel of the folded letter taunting her in all of its ridiculousness. maybe she should just follow chanyoung's advice and toss it. jiyoung was quite certain she wouldn't know how to respond to it anyways, which meant she would likely fumble over it until next week's batch came in, at which she would blissfully erase it from her mind.
"sorry, mr. batter,"
she muttered under her breath. sure, she felt sympathetic, but the main reason jiyoung felt off about just leaving it be was her cursed sense of responsibility. to absolute strangers at that.

with a careful hand, she fished it out and considered opening it. jiyoung could remember the gist of it without even glancing over it, but some part of her felt like reading it once more would reassure her that his situation was truly beyond help. her help, at least.

but maybe after a toilet break.

with that, jiyoung got to her feet, half-shutting her laptop and tucking her letter underneath. she wouldn't want it getting into the wrong hands.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

Could that day go worse? Apparently yes, after chicken out on asking the girl he had a crush on and trying to express his love through a letter, a letter that wasn't in his hands and that Kang-Min was making sure to remind him as he continued mocking him for it. Did he do something so bad and now karma was visiting him? He wanted to believe he was a good guy, and smart if he had to be honest, well not that smart since he was in that situation, but at least people back in high school thought he was cool, and also some of his teammates, well the ones that were younger than him, did that boost his ego, for sure, but once again he was not being a cool guy, because who would be now sitting next to his best friend as he continued laughing as he still reread the letter just to laugh once again.

"Give me that, okay, I get it, it was dumb I wasn't thinking straight, listen I was running out of options and desperate situations call for desperate measures and the lover's handbook was my last resource" he said as he took the letter from the hands of his so-called best friend and put it inside his binder, he was for sure going to throw that letter away or just burn it and pretend it didn't exist although Kang-Min wouldn't let that die so quickly he was sure he was going to remember that until they were forty or even older.

"And I don't know, maybe talking to her would have been like the easiest solution, listen I know you are not the heartbreaker kind of guy, but why it's been so hard to talk to Soo-Jin, you had never struggled so hard with talking to a girl?" Kang-Min asked him, which made Jun started questioning himself why it was so hard to approach her, well reason was that he was pretty dumb when it came to approaching a girl, because most of the times it was the girl who approached him first, now that the tables were turned he didn't have a clue on what was he supposed to do.

After what felt an eternity or at least for Jun following the biggest embarrassment in his life, the pair of friends finally decided to part their ways from the cafeteria, great he couldn't enjoy his lunch peacefully that would put him in a cranky mood and all thanks to Kang-Min, the one was just walking peacefully as he scrolled his phone "I'm going to grab a coffee, I won't survive my next class unless I have caffeine on my body, I heard good reviews from this cafe, but never been there before want to come?" his friend asked him, it didn't take long until Jun accepted, after all, maybe something sugary would help him to at least make his day better, and what better way than just stuffing himself with chocolate muffins when everything was going wrong "Sure, let's go. I don't have a lot to do after this"

Once the pair of friends arrived at the cafe that was most likely crowded with college students, at first Jun didn't pay attention too much to the crowd until he started to find a place to sit, that's when he saw someone familiar, it took him a few seconds until his brain connected the dots and realize who that girl was, it was no one else than the girl with the letters, the one that had his confession of love, was this a gift from the gods? A light at the end of the tunnel? he didn't know but it was his opportunity to get his letter back, this was his only chance, he was not going to let anyone see the contents of his love confession "Be right back" he said to Kang-Min as he approached the table where the girl this was his only chance and he wouldn't miss it, because taking the letter and changing it to the one he had in a place full of people, was an excellent idea, at least in Jun's mind at that moment was the most brilliant idea, one that if it was for him would receive a noble prize, but in reality, he was just doing one of the dumbest things he had done, but he already embarrassed himself so much that day that adding to the list of things that Jun did because he couldn't put his brain cells to work together sounded like a better idea.

After all desperate situations call for desperate measures.
Location: cafe | Mood: no thoughts head empty
Outift: Here | Interactions: Uxie Uxie
Hong Jun

Code by Stardust Galaxy
Last edited:

  • how she's feeling...

    a little upset, a lot confused.


the playwright

as jiyoung made her way to the bathroom, there were but two things on her mind: "wow, fresh coffee smells good," and "what should i eat later?" she was none-the-wiser to the boy creeping up to her table with a demeanour not unlike a thief, though his true motive would likely never cross his mind unless she caught him red-handed.

it occurred to her, amidst thoughts of the tteokbokki place down the street as she washed her hands, that perhaps someone might take her laptop. jiyoung had been here enough times that she had an amount of faith in both the campus and the employees to ensure her belongings weren't stolen but with how busy the cafe was getting, there was always a chance. even if it was a little paranoid, it sure never hurt to be cautious. her pace was brisker on her return from the toilet, though at the sight of a figure hovering over her table, concern and irritation quickened it even further.

jiyoung called out as she approached him, her fingers snatching his wrist and deftly pulling it up while swivelling him towards her. her voice attracted the attention of a few curious stares, much to her discomfort, and she lowered his arm so it wasn't stuck high in the air. despite his size, it was surprisingly easy to manoeuvreโ€” he mustn't be a very good thief if he was shocked enough not to struggle. in a low voice, she asked,
"what are you doing?"

it was then she studied him, and while jiyoung noted the familiarity of his features, her gaze zeroed in on the slip of coloured paper between his fingers. her eyes flicked to her laptop, the absence of mr. batter's letter confirming her suspicions. a letter thief? returning her attention to his face, something in her mind clicked suddenly.
"the guy from yesterday."
her words, though quiet, were evidently tinged with incredulity.

her mind raced. why was he here? why was he at her table? did she have a stalker? but if he was a stalker, why would he take the letter?
she stopped herself, staring at him as her fingers clenching into a nervous fist.

despite her half-hearted efforts at keeping it quiet, their "scuffle" already had more spectators than she was comfortable with. maybe she should just snatch the letter and run, but maybe that would attract even more attention. her head bowed, she muttered in a loudness she hoped only he could hear,
"sit down."

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

Jun could almost feel the victory, he just a couple of seconds more and he would have back in his hands his letter and he could just move on, the girl would never know that he was there and most likely would never know the letters were exchanged in the first place. The perfect plan if he cared to say, just a couple of seconds were what kept him apart for his goal, but once again luck wasn't on his side as the voice of a female called him out on his act, she held his wrist up in the air, there was no way he could escape from this.

When the girl asked him what he was doing, that's when reality started to kick in Jun's head what was he doing? Why did he think that stealing a letter in a place full of people was a good idea? He wanted to blame his reckless emotions based on love instead of him not thinking about his actions and just acting in a dumb way. He was really a brilliant mind, and yes this was sarcasm.

"I- I was just..." he started saying, but how could he explain without saying that he was the famous Mr. Batter, but knowing how the actual events were happening there was not much he could do and lying wouldn't solve anything, there was a lie that could be believable enough to explain why he was stealing the letter from the belongings of a strange, excusing himself would only make him seem like a creep and Jun could say out loud he wasn't a creep, he was just clueless in certain situations, he was definitely a nice guy, a nice guy that didn't put a lot of thought into his actions.

Jun got a little bit shocked when the girl reminded him, well who couldn't forget someone like Jun? He was kind of the whole package and was also a likable guy, okay maybe this wasn't the reason why she remembered him, after all, he was the guy that helped her when all her papers fell to the ground "Oh, yes that's me" He said as he scratched nervously the back of his head in embarrassment "I'm Jun, by the way, so you can stop me calling me guy. I guess due to our current situation you can at least know my name" he added trying to not sound creepy or weird, he was just extremely confused by the whole situation.

When the girl told him to sit down, she followed like an obedient puppy, the last thing he wanted was to continue being on her bad side so listening to her was the last thing she could do. Jun let out a sigh thinking about how to tackle this, but maybe saying the truth was the best option "Listen, I know that I just tried to steal a letter from you, but that letter that is between your stuff belongs to me I just wanted it back because I need to give it someone, or at least rewrite and try to give it to that person, and you can have this one instead I don't need the help anymore" he said realizing what he just said out loud "Not like I'm Mr batter, you know" He added embarrassed.
Location: cafe | Mood: no thoughts head empty
Outift: Here | Interactions: Uxie Uxie
Hong Jun

Code by Stardust Galaxy

  • how she's feeling...

    oh no................... oh no...... ......... ..


the playwright

the feeling she had when he sat down immediately at her word reminded her of the summer she'd spent trying to train her dog, dal to understand commandsโ€” oddly satisfying. it was a sentiment jiyoung thought might be best kept to herself as she released the grip on his arm, though the expression he was making wasn't helping in the least. at the very least, he didn't seem quite clever enough to be a stalker, considering his first instinct at being caught stealing was to introduce himself.

"listen, i know that i just tried to steal a letter from you, but that letter that's between your stuff belongs to me." what was he talking about? jiyoung frowned. "i just wanted it back because i need to give it someone, or at least rewrite and try to give it to that person, and you can have this one instead. i don't need the help anymore."

he was clearly rambling now, and jiyoung's face scrunched up as she struggled to keep up with his words. how much did he know? "not like i'm mr batter, you know?"


"hold on. you- how did you...?"
she said, holding a hand out as her mind raced. when did he find out. when he'd dropped the letters? what second letter was he even talking about?

stupid mr batter. she really should've just tossed his letter.

she pressed two fingers to her temple, suddenly regretting every decision she'd ever made relating to the radio station. jiyoung regarded him for a second, taking in the obvious embarrassment on his face, and decided on the best course of action.

her voice dropped low as she leaned in slightly closer to prevent others from listening in, fixing him with what she hoped was a serious gaze.
"listen here, jun. i don't know how you found out that i'm ae-yeon, but i-"
she wavered, her eyes shutting as she cringed slightly at her next words.
"but it'd be good for both of us if we just pretended this never happened! i don't know you, and you won't know me."

jiyoung forced a smile while her mind berated herself for her half-assed attempt. god, she sounded like an idiot. what had been her plan again? intimidation, then bribery. obviously.
"i- i'll give you 5,000 won to not talk about it."
she studied him, noting the well-groomed hair and expensive-looking sweatshirt. was it too cheap?

"10... 10,000 won?"
it pained her to be giving this much away just to keep her identity secret, but she was desperate for it not to blow up. she didn't even know enough about this guy other than that his name was jun, much less any weaknesses she might be able to use to talk her way out of it. not even the name of the girl he liked.

useless mr batter. maybe there was still time to steal the letter and just make a run for it. possibly punch him, just once, as compensation for the mental damage he'd dealt to her.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

Couldn't Jun just shut up for once? Not did he was rambling about having to rewrite his letter to Soo-Jin, which to make clear it wasn't bad, there was nothing wrong with his writing skills he just needed to write it again just so it would be presentable, he just admitted that he was Mr. Batter, well he didn't do it but he thought it was pretty obvious after all Jun was just an open book.

"hold on. you- how did you...?" the girl said, and she seemed surprised by her words, wait did she didn't know about the exchange of the letters? So all this time Jun thought that she knew about his confession of love when in reality she hasn't read the content of his letter, that was good, she wasn't supposed to read it. After all, it was meant for Soo-Jin and he already had enough embarrassment with Kang-Min who knew he was Mr. Batter and now this girl that caught him trying to steal the letter, but was it even stealing when the letter belonged to him in the first place?

As a reflex Jun leaned closer as the girl did so, for some reason she seemed stressed and was talking in a low voice, which could have been so secretive that she didn't want the people in the cafe to know after all they already caught the attention with the whole stealing fiasco. "listen here, jun. i don't know how you found out that i'm ae-yeon, but i-" she wavered, her eyes shutting as she cringed slightly at her next words. "but it'd be good for both of us if we just pretended this never happened! i don't know you, and you won't know me."

Wait, what this girl was talking about? And why was she referring to herself as ae-yeon the girl in charge of the lover's handbook, Jun was more than confused, did she lose her mind? Then Jun looked at the letter he was holding the Mr. Batter one, and then look at the girl and repeat the same motion for at least two times, if you paid enough attention you could almost hear his brain overworking as he was processing the whole information, Yes, Jun wasn't that smart when things didn't involve chemistry or baseball "Wait are you really...!?" He started saying but stopped mid-sentence and cough to reorganize his thoughts "I mean, it didn't take me long to know who you were, to was pretty obvious, after all, I have Mr. Batter's letter"

Something that Jun wasn't expecting was the the girl would try to bribe him, he was in complete shock did he seem like the type of guy that wanted money to keep his silence? That hurt Jun's pride "I don't want your money" he said honestly, he then realized that he was still holding Mr Batter's letter, when in that moment an idea came to his mind "But you will have to tell me why you haven't replied to this letter, dor your interest I know Mr. Batter personally and he was really annoyed that you didn't reply to his letter, so let's do this you help Mr. Batter personally and I tell him your plan that way your identity is safe. Do we have a deal?"
Location: cafe | Mood: no thoughts head empty
Outift: Here | Interactions: Uxie Uxie
Hong Jun

Code by Stardust Galaxy

  • how she's feeling...

    girl bye


the playwright

his reaction was... unexpected. it was as if he did a double take at her words, and ji-young felt a her stomach flip at the possibility that she might've played herself. but there was no way. no possible way, even if he visibly exclaimed his surprise.

there was an attempt, at least, on jun's part to try and correct his reaction. "i mean, it didn't take me long to know who you were, to was pretty obvious." was it, einstein? she stared at him, deadpan. "after all, i have mr. batter's letter."

and even as her soul was navigating its way out of her body, she couldn't hide the subtle cheer her mind made when he turned down the money. whatever short-lived glee was quickly squashed when she realised that was bad. her wallet was safe, but at what cost?

"but you will have to tell me why you haven't replied to this letter."

no, this was way worse. she'd rather lose the 10,000 won.

as he continued to speak, ji-young thought to herself that the boy seated in front of her lacked the utter talent for theatre. "for your interest, i know mr. batter personally and he was really annoyed that you didn't reply to his letter. so let's do this." this entire situation was comical, but she would at least admire his commitment to his story, no matter how unconvincing it was.

"uh huh."

"you help mr. batter and i'll tell him your plan, so that way your identity is safe. do we have a deal?" jun looked decidedly smug with the outcome and advantage he'd managed to spin up. ji-young didn't even bother to hide her glare.

"you. know mr. batter. personally."
the disbelief in her voice was evident, her words coming out stoppingly. if this would get him off her chest, so be it. he'd asked for honest help, hadn't he?

"well, ae-yeonโ€“ i was really busy with school,"
she started, nodding for emphasis as she clasped her hands together,
"and you see, mr. batter's situation wasโ€“ is..."

how do you say hopeless but like, with more optimism?

yeah, sure.

her hands gestured as she spoke in what she hoped was a convincing, professional manner, because her words sure needed the supplement.
"the fact that he's never spoken to her, nor knows any of her interests, or anything about her, certainly makes it unique. it's unfortunate he doesn't have the courage to approach her normally, too, but i'm sure if he really triesโ€“"
she forced her smile wider.
"he'll get there."

that was sufficient advice, wasn't it? ji-young thought so, even if half of it was entirely made up, studying his face as she cringed inwardly.
"that's good enough, right? i'll wish him good luck."
as she spoke, she reached for her laptop, slowly beginning to pack up her things as if he might fail to notice her if she moved at a snail's pace.

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Jun was a terrible actor, there was no denial in that if his life depended on it he wouldn't make it past the first day and he was sure the girl in front of him was just following him his story, she couldn't be that clueless to believe his terrible theatrics, right? If he had to describe her reaction, he would say she was annoyed, irritated, tense, anything except content.

One thing for sure is that Jun's intention was not to blackmail the girl, he just wanted an honest answer on why his letter hasn't had an answer or in this case "Mr. Batter" because he couldn't say out loud his identity and that he was the clueless soul that didn't have any idea how to approach the girl that he liked, that would ruin his reputation, but after all the events that happened in the past two days he wasn't sure if he had any reputation, to begin with, he just made a fool of himself. Maybe he wasn't such a cool guy as high school make him believe and reality was finally showing him how he really was.

Jun was getting anxious as the girl started saying why she hadn't replied to his letter "And you see, Mr. batter's situation wasโ€“ is...difficult." Difficult? Well, he knew it was difficult otherwise he shouldn't have sent that letter asking for advice if he knew it would be a piece of cake to confess his love towards Soo-Jin. Was this girl even reliable? She was just pointing out what he already knew. What kind of advice was that one?

And then she just continued speaking as she pointed out all the reasons why it was a difficult situation and... And she was right. Jun didn't know much about Soo-Jin besides what he heard from third parties and he never found the courage to speak to her because he was used to everyone coming at him instead of him reaching to someone, that was kind of pathetic, isn't it?

But he could change things, right? If he really tried he would definitely get to know her and eventually he could confess his love towards her, he just needed the guidance, of what to say and how to act, he wasn't pathetic he was just a little bit clueless and needed to be put on the right direction to make things work "Listen, I know by now you know that I'm Mr. Batter. But can't you help me a little bit? I really want this girl to like me but I don't know how to do it and as you can see I have already embarrassed myself too much... I'll do anything for you, I could even pay you if you want I have a part-time job so I'll be fine can you at least help me at least once and I promise I won't bother you again"
Location: cafe | Mood: no thoughts head empty
Outift: Here | Interactions: Uxie Uxie
Hong Jun

Code by Stardust Galaxy

  • how she's feeling...

    let's get this over with.


the playwright

jiyoung could pinpoint the exact moment jun's metaphorical puppy ears began to droop. she wondered if all he'd needed was a little push to realise that it was probably time to give up on whoever it was he was so enamoured with. that would be the end of it, right?

she let out a quiet sigh, her gaze leaving his face to focus on neatening up her belongings even as he continued to speak tentatively. even with her lack of first-hand experience with matters of the heart, there was no way she didn't know love was hard. she almost felt sorry forโ€“

"but can't you help me a little bit?" jiyoung made a mistake of looking up then, so caught off-guard by his persistence that she would instead fall prey to the puppy-dog eyes he was giving her. a helpless-hopeful expression that was far too similar to dal's face when he was trying to get out of tracking mud all over the floor. "i really want this girl to like me but i don't know how to do it and as you can see I have already embarrassed myself too much..." was he doing it intentionally?

jiyoung shut her eyes to avoid his gaze.
"hey, youโ€“"

"i'll do anything for you, i could even pay you if you want i have a part-time job so i'll be fine can you at least help me at least once and i promise i won't bother you again." he was rambling again, the franticness in his voice painfully evident to her as his sympathetic expression flashed through her mind's eye. jiyoung hated that she was considering it, but she was, because the guilt of having left his letter aside for that long was had returned to execute karmic justice at her weakest moment.

"youโ€“ you're..."
she began, her eyes finally opening to fix him with what should've been a stern gaze only to immediately falter in the face so reminiscent of her beloved dog. guilt tugged at her heart, reminding her that even if she didn't owe him anything, she had intentionally ignored his letter for weeks.

there was no denying the absolute reluctance in her voice, if the sigh that followed her words wasn't telling enough.
"just once. i don't even..."
jiyoung's voice trailed off, realising the hopeless deal she'd just signed herself up for.

well, he'd never said he had to be successful, right?

her things all in order, she contemplated simply getting up and leaving now. perhaps he'd just... realise he had no way to contact her and forget about it. jiyoung stood, gripping the strap of her bag as her moral compass argued fervently with her sense of self-preservation, guilt eventually knocking the latter down a peg. should've never agreed to that stupid... radio show... stupid... she let out another sigh as her hand reluctantly stretched out, palm open expectantly while she fixed him with a tired gaze.

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This was going worse than Jun anticipated he was just doing a fool of himself and he knew that and also this girl was this his wake up call on giving up his feelings towards Soo-Jin and just move to accept that he was just foolish in love that would never have an opportunity with the girl that he liked? Maybe he just needed the person in charge of giving love advice to the rest of the university to make him realize that his case wasn't feasible and the best he could do was to stop embarrassing herself in front of a stranger.

That's what most people would have done, but in reality, Jun wasn't the type to give up so easily which was mainly the reason why he continued asking for the help of this girl, a person that he didn't know but that blindly trust because everyone agreed with her love advice in her radio program. Jun was really the persistent type of person and it seemed that this girl wasn't like that, he only hoped that she wasn't getting annoyed by it and it was more like I should help this poor soul to be able to get together with the girl that he likes kind of thing.

Well, maybe his plan wasn't working as he thought since the girl seemed that he was about to lose her patience with him and probably throw a book at him at my moment, he was getting ready to listen to a no for an answer but instead, he was quite shocked when she said "Fine. Just once. I don't even..." Was she really serious? This changed a lot of things, and Jun was sure he could work with just once make the best out of it and finally be able to approach Soo-Jin, this was great, this was better than great, this was how he expected things to go.

He smiled brightly at the girl
"Really? I wasn't expecting that, but thank you! I'll make it up to you I promise!"
He said happily at least something went right after all the messes that he got himself into, but finally, there could be some resolution to his love problems. Jun saw how the girl stood up ready to leave, she looked tired, maybe he was a little bit too much for her, but he needed her number that would be the last thing he would ask her for the day, that's when he noticed her palm open.

"I was about to ask for your phone number, seemed we thought the same thing"
He said as he put his phone on her palm and hope that she would give her phone to him
"Since you are helping me, I think it's time for you to at least tell me your name. Unless you want me to call you by your alias from the radio show"
Location: cafe | Mood: thank you for the help!
Outift: Here | Interactions: Uxie Uxie
Hong Jun

Code by Stardust Galaxy
Last edited:

  • how she's feeling...

    bye forever plssss


the playwright

the joy in his voice at least soothed the dread in her heart, even if it was marginally. jiyoung paused as he pressed his phone into her hand, somewhat surprised he'd caught her drift enough to have remembered to ask for her number too. she almost forgot what she was doing, and she hesitated for the briefest of moments before she received it properly, her fingers navigating deftly to the contacts app.

"since you are helping me, I think it's time for you to at least tell me your name," her fingers stopped in their tracks as he spoke, then keyed in the final two numbers. now to fill in the contact name. "unless you want me to call you by your alias from the radio show." it wasn't a bad option, if she was being honest, to remain completely anonymous to whoever she doubted she'd ever meet again after this. her finger hovered over 'a' as she considered her options.

dal-lookalikeโ€” jun, standing alone, waiting. he catches sight of her, and shouts, in the loudest voice possible, ae-yeon! all eyes are on her. she wishes she could crawl into a hole.

"you can just call me jiyoung."
her hands followed suit and she held the phone out, a new contact added to his list.
"we're the same age, right?"
there was no way he was older, surely, and his small nod confirmed it.
"no formalities then."

her bag strap shrugged onto her shoulder once more for good measure, and jiyoung stepped past him, shooting a polite smile that probably looked more like a grimace. what was a good, natural way to say goodbye?
her eyebrows furrowed.
"see you around...?"
her voice trailed off apprehensively and she shut her eyes, gripping her bag strap like a vice as she scurried away.

would it be asking for too much if he simply forgot to ever text her?

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

If there was something that Jun could brag about was his social skills; there wasnโ€™t a time he struggled to go to someone and start a conversation and was pretty sure most people described him as easygoing and friendly. So, while he was the type of person who would befriend almost everyone; his meeting with Jiyoung was nothing more than a catastrophe. Then, just thinking back to that day; he wished he could go back in time and redo all their conversation or at least tell Jun of the past that stealing a letter in the middle of a cafe full of people wasnโ€™t smart enough and definitely not cool of him.

He even wondered if the main reason she accepted on helping was more to get rid of him rather than she actually wanting to be any part of his complicated love life. But to protect his pride; he had believed that Jiyoung actually was a nice person and was eager to help him for the sake of young love rather than because he cornered her with his pleads; and maybe because he also knew her identity as ae-yeon. Did she really think he would tell everyone that she was the person behind the loverโ€™s handbook?

If he was being honest, that thought never crossed his mind. What would he gain by exposing her? The guy had principles after all, but he wasnโ€™t sure if he could continue saying that after the letter accident. But this was another day and Jun decided he would make things right this time he was going to make Jiyoung like him or at least be on her good side instead of her being annoyed by him or at least thatโ€™s what he thought since they agreed to meet so she could help him get closer to Soo-Jin.

So after a failure in their first meeting, he was now being late. That day in particular, someone in his class asked him if he could help her with something she didnโ€™t understand during the lecture; which took more time than he expected, making him being late to his baseball practice, which ended up in the coach making him run laps after the practice. But even if he ran with all his might, there was no way he could make it on time. He wasnโ€™t even sure if not annoying Jiyoung was going to be harder than actually talking to Soo-Jin.

If by the time he arrived Jiyoung wasnโ€™t already gone it would be a miracle, he rushed towards the place they were meeting not before going first to a convenience store and bought some ice cream as a peace offering when he finally arrived thankfully Jiyoung was still there.
โ€œSorry for being late. Had some trouble after practice. I bought some ice cream as an apology for being late. I wasnโ€™t sure what you would like, so I just choose a random flavor.โ€
He started saying,
โ€œSo, I heard the university is going to organize an event soon. I thought that would be an excellent opportunity to talk to Soo-Jin, but you are the one that is more known for the love advice.โ€
Location: university | Mood: failing again
Outift: Here | Interactions: Uxie Uxie
Hong Jun

Code by Stardust Galaxy


the playwright

for the fifth time since arriving, jiyoung clicked on her phone screen. to check the time, or for a notification from her charity caseโ€” anything to indicate that she should bother staying. there was nothing, of course, and yet she remained, tucked awkwardly into a corner and trying her best to look inconspicuous. university students were usually far too pre-occupied with other things to notice someone standing around, but that didn't help her feel any less self-conscious.

she'd stayed long enough to count for courtesy (she'd looked it up), but her feet remained stubbornly planted in place. maybe she felt bad. no, she definitely felt bad. he sounded far too earnest in his texts for her to simply up and leave.

"five more minutes,"
she murmured quietly to herself,
"if he's not here in five moreโ€”"

"sorry for being late! had some trouble after practice" jun popped into view, looking somewhat out-of-breath but still sporting a grin. jiyoung had to conceal the dismay at his sudden appearance, though she remarked to herself that it was quite obvious to her now why he was the popular type. no wonder seonhee had been so interested. it was effortless for this kid.

"I bought some ice cream as an apology for being late." he pressed the packet into her hands, "I wasnโ€™t sure what you would like, so I just choose a random flavor." she turned it over in her hands, eyebrows raising slightly. chocolate was a safe choice, and it was a nice gesture.

she supposed she couldn't fault him all that much.
she flashed him a brief smile, tearing open the wrapper as he continued to speak.

"So, I heard the university is going to organize an event soon. I thought that would be an excellent opportunity to talk to Soo-Jin," he said, and jiyoung thought she could hear that bit of shyness but you are the one that is more known for the love advice."[/b]

it was a needed confident boost, reminding her so simply of what she was here for. he was just another one of those letters.
"you've done your homework, and you're right, it would be a great opportunity..."
she caught the happiness that brushed across his features, though she was sure his bubble would burst if she continued. perhaps she should see it as a balloon, and deflate rather than pop it.

jiyoung's gaze flicked to the passerby, and the gears in her head clicked.

"but see, say, that girl,"
her wrist turned, picking out a random girl some ways away with her ice cream.
"and she... howโ€” how would you approach soojin?"

her ice cream returned to her mouth as she watched him study her question, his mix of seriousness and surprising awkwardness somewhat endearing, "Iโ€™ll probably say hello to her then introduce myself and ask her if she is having fun. I suppose thatโ€™s the normal thing to do."

a fair response; jiyoung nodded and then gestured to the girl again with a tilt of her head.
"so, let's say that girl over there, jun. she does exactly that to you at the festival. how would you react?"

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A sensation of relief took over Jun when he saw that brief smile coming from Jiyoung, not that he wasnโ€™t looking forward to impress the girl. At least not in I like you kind of way; but more in our first time meeting was a mess, so I want to make it up to you in a kind of way. Because if he messed up again. Jiyoung would be done helping him and then he could never interact properly with Soo-Jin, which was a terrible outcome if he care to say.

But thankfully, his peace offering worked perfectly, at least in his eyes. So while he was the guy that would usually ask someone about their day, somehow he had this feeling that he needed to get straight to the point about why they were meeting. After all, they were not exactly close to being discoursing their lives, and he had already made Jiyoung wait so much that he didnโ€™t want the girl to waste more of her time.

โ€œYouโ€™ve done your homework, and youโ€™re right, it would be a great opportunity...โ€ Jiyoung said and he felt proud by hearing those words; even if he had a slight suspicion, it wasnโ€™t a compliment. Not long after that, Jiyoung started questioning him about how he would approach someone in a specific situation; to which Jun replied, and by the look of it, he gave a response that was acceptable for the radio host.

โ€œSo, letโ€™s say that girl over there, Jun. She does exactly that to you at the festival. How would you react?โ€ Jiyoung asked once again questioning him. He started thinking about what he would do as he ate the ice cream, putting a bit of thought.
โ€œIโ€™ll reply and start a conversation. Iโ€™m just the friendly type of person, so I donโ€™t think Iโ€™ll ignore her even if she was a stranger. Because Iโ€™m sure it took her a lot of courage to just talk to a stranger, assuming she would have some kind of interest in me, the last of my intentions wouldnโ€™t be making her feel embarrassed for deciding to talk to me.โ€

Jun spoke with honesty because he was the guy that didnโ€™t have bad intentions in every action he did, but maybe it was a bit too naรฏve and thatโ€™s why he was in this problem, to begin with.
โ€œBut you are the expert here. What would you do if someone does that to you? I mean the whole introducing thing we are talking about.โ€
Location: university | Mood: curious
Outift: Here | Interactions: Uxie Uxie
Hong Jun

Code by Stardust Galaxy


the playwright

he paused to think, and jiyoung took the opportunity to study him. he really was decent-looking; the type that was probably popular in high school. honestly, she doubted someone with his face would struggle with romance. if the girlโ€” soojin?โ€” was looking for a boyfriend at the time, she reckoned all he needed was a mutual friend or a chance to at least get acquainted. guys like him just needed the confidence.

"iโ€™ll reply and start a conversation. iโ€™m just the friendly type of person, so i donโ€™t think i'll ignore her even if she was a stranger." not exactly the sort of answer she'd been expecting, but he spoke very candidly, with an earnestness jiyoung couldn't help but admire. "because Iโ€™m sure it took her a lot of courage to just talk to a stranger, assuming she would have some kind of interest in me, the last of my intentions wouldnโ€™t be making her feel embarrassed for deciding to talk to me.โ€

"that's a very nice sentiment."
she remarked quietly. it was a mix of innocence and kindness that was so rare but so endearing to find in a person. how sweet of him, and how unfortunate most weren't like him.

his confidence seemed to ebb, just slightly, and with some sheepishness, he spoke again, "but you are the expert here. what would you do if someone does that to you? i mean the whole introducing thing we are talking about."

she fixed him with wide eyes, surprise written all over her features.
she squeaked, an awkward laugh slipping out,
"you're not looking for mine, because my reaction and soojin's would probably be very different."

from what she could guess about soojin, she sounded like the confident (and intimidating) type; popular, and probably used to all sorts of attention; an antonym of her, an anti-jiyoung. or maybe she was an anti-soojin. she'd dealt with worse ones, but even if it was someone as innocuous-looking as jun... she could already feel the alarm and clammy hands.

but perhaps the worst-case scenario was what he needed to know. maybe soojinโ€” she thought it very, very unlikelyโ€” was an anti-anti-jiyoung. who knew, right?

"but iโ€” let's take me as the worst-case scenario, i'd be a little weirded out,
she said, adding hurriedly a moment after,
"and, you know, it's really nice to think about the courage behind it, but for a lot of girls it can come off, um, a little strong. especially from a guy."

she took a bite from her ice-cream, letting the iced treat melt in her mouth as she considered what to say next. perhaps she should've come more prepared, even if she didn't usually do much when she answered lettersโ€” this one was a sort-of client, right? maybe it'd be better to plan a specific strategy for attack.

"which soojin are you talking about, by the way? do you have a picture? or any mutual friends, at all?"

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Jun spoke with full honesty, with the naivety that he was used to confronting everything that was happening in his life. A mindset that most people wouldnโ€™t consider approaching; as he remembered how he was told he was too artless for what life really was about. But either way, he believed, was the best way to approach every experience in his life. And a sentiment of proudness was noticeable on his face. Seeing how Jiyoung agreed with his comments.

But despite his newfound pride, he still couldnโ€™t be satisfied that it was the best way to approach someone when sentiments of attraction were involved. And thatโ€™s why he asked Jiyoung about her opinions mostly to know what someone could think of his actions and to understand the mystery that the radio host was. And having someone that was supposedly so knowledgeable in love; Jun really wanted to know her input before deciding what his plan of action would be as he really desired for things to work out for him.

Jun waited patiently for Jiyoungโ€™s answer and if he was being honest, he didnโ€™t expect that reply, but he could understand the reasoning behind her sentiments if she was put into that kind of situation. He took a bite of his ice cream; pondering what could be the consequences of what he thought was the best way to approach her.
โ€œThen knowing that can be a possibility, what do you think I should do instead?โ€

โ€œWhich Soojin are you talking about, by the way? Do you have a picture? Or any mutual friends at all?โ€ Jiyoung asked Jun, taking him by surprise
โ€œOh! Iโ€™m talking about Ahn Soojin. She is from marketing and I donโ€™t have a picture of her, but I have seen one of my classmates talk to her a few times with her, Iโ€™m cordial with her but not to the point to ask her if she could introduce Soojin to me.โ€
Jun admitted embarrassed, as he was sure that Jiyoung would think that he was a lost cause and there was nothing she could do to help him.

But as soon as he said those words, a familiar figure on a hurriedly way passed next to them, making Jun a bit perplexed by the sudden appearance of the girl he was talking about
โ€œThatโ€™s Soojin!โ€
Jun murmured to Jiyoung trying to maintain his composure and not look foolish in love. But just in the brief moment, he took to talk to Jiyoung; Soojin was already long gone. Instead of longing for the missed opportunity, he noticed something that resembled a student ID. Jun stood up and picked it up, noticing that the owner was no one else than Soojin.

โ€œSoojin dropped this, this is bad. She could need it. What do I do now? I donโ€™t know where she could have gone.โ€
Location: university | Mood: panick
Outift: Here | Interactions: Uxie Uxie
Hong Jun

Code by Stardust Galaxy


the playwright

"what do you think i should do instead?" truly, it would be far easier if he knew her at all. but alas, from the way he shyly babbled about her, jiyoung knew it would be asking for too much. "i have seen one of my classmates talk to her a few times with her; i'm cordial with her but not to the point to ask her if she could introduce soojin to me."

chomp. the last of her ice cream was eaten, and she was left with only a stick as she considered the new information. ahn soojin... ahn soojin.

nope, it didn't ring a bell.

well, at least there was an acquaintance at all. her attention went elsewhere, turning around to find a dustbin to discard her ice-cream stick and just in time to conveniently miss the girl walking by. "that's soojin!" jun cried out in an urgent scream-whisper, and jiyoung's turned immediately, only to find... nothing.

"what? where..."
she asked, her question falling on deaf ears as he scampered forward to pick something up off the ground. a cardโ€” a student ID, to be more specific, and ahn soojin's, to be even more specific. jiyoung stared at the image printed on the card, noting the girl's appearance. she was pretty, probably the popular type too. what a nice ID photo.

"soojin dropped this, this is bad. she could need it." his voice was frantic, and he turned to her. for what; guidance? she raised an eyebrow. "what do i do now? i don't know where she could have gone."

do as the university recommends and go to the lost-and-found, jiyoung wanted to say, but it was an opportunity; one that had been delivered very conveniently, if she might add.
"we could just wait here for a bit. she might come back."

or maybe she was just being silly, and it wouldn't work at all, but she supposed he could always post on the school forums. yeah, it was a little bad to hold a student id hostage for a chance to meet his crush, of all things, butโ โ€” that was gonna be his problem. she hoped it wouldn't come down to it, though.

and, lo and behold, just a few minutes later; a girl rapidly approaching them, her gaze darting urgently around the ground. soojin? she snuck a peek at the id in his handsโ€” yeah, ahn soojin. perfect, great.

"good luck,"
she murmured, just as soojin reached them. she was somewhat out-of-breath, eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"ah, s... sorry, did you happen to see a student id around here?" her eyes flashed between the two of them, coming to rest on jun. well, that was her cue.

the buzz of her phone (a conveniently set timer, as she was so used to doing to get out of bad social situations) had jiyoung patting her pocket, and she excused herself quietly,
"sorry, i have to take this."

with that, she stepped aside, leaving her meek student to fend for himself. it was all up to him, now.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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