• This section is for roleplays only.
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Realistic or Modern The Love Show (Open!)


Weird Bunny Lurker




Sexual Orientation:



What They Like in a Lover:

What They Dislike in a Lover:

How/Why are You in the Show?

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Name: Amaya

Age: 13


Sexual Orientation: heterosexual

Appearance: blonde straight hair

Personality:i like to read im a bit shy and very protective of myself i have trust issues

What They Like in a Lover: someone kind loving and loves to read a bit protective of me

What They Dislike in a Lover: someone whos a jerk and is super clingy

How/Why are You in the Show? im lonely

Extra: ummm i like doctor who

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.png.3763295dff75f2d41ed165edb37175a1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94901" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.png.3763295dff75f2d41ed165edb37175a1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tony Everglades

Age: 18

"I'm perfectly legal, honey."

Gender: Cisgender male

"I have the proof if you want to see."

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

"Sorry ladies, just kidding, I'm just not into it."


Sassy: "I like to be honest, and to be honest... You're nothing special."

Open-minded: "If you're into it, I'm more than willing to try baby."

Tease: "What can I say? I'm just that sexy."

Playful: "I love to tickle, though I find I'm usually the one to be tickled. Not complaining. Heh."

Cuddly: "I might be a total flirt, but that doesn't mean I don't love some quality loving."

Charming: "I just know all the right moves, what else can I say?"

Impulsive: "If I want to do something, I'll do it, whether it be good or bad."

Selfish: "Pay attention to me, and only me."

Possessive: "Once you're mine, you're always mine."

Submissive: "Whatever you say, my love."

What They Like in a Lover: "I want someone strong and understanding. I find that without good communication, the relationship will go down the shitter. My last relationship sucked to be quite frank, too timid to be honest with me. That's exactly what I don't want. Pleas, I'm begging the lords above us to grace me with a beautiful man that can respect me and be fearless."

What They Dislike in a Lover: "Whiney boys are the worst. So are those that are totally materialistic, or like sugar daddies. I'm not in the relationship for gifts and sex. I'm in it for love, a shoulder to lean on and a best friend. Oh, and I'm pretty sure that I addressed the fact that being scared is totally off the limits. Why is it so hard to understand that relationships are supposed to be full of truth and love."

Conclusion: All in all, Tony wants a lover that cares about him enough to be himself and to not fear rejection or anger. After all, Tomy is a ball of sunshine that doesn't believe in hating his lover.

How/Why are You in the Show?: He's missed the feeling of being in love.

"Love is a beautiful thing, and I miss being in it."




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Jade Michelle Reigns





Sexual Orientation:





Jade is a very caring and compassionate human being, though she can be a bit quiet and standoff-ish at first. She is super protective over anything and anyone close to her and will do just about anything to make them happy. She is very open minded and even a bit charming in her own way. She can be very cuddly when she wants to be, but she also needs her space. (Lie. She is clingy as hell and needs to be told when to stop. But she doesn't mind.) She is very respectful of other's personal space and even if she's dying to cuddle, she will go about it slowly to make sure it's okay.

What They Like in a Lover:

She loves someone that can be strong for the both of them and tough, but yet a complete softy at the same time. She wants someone willing to share his feelings with her, but she loves a challenge. Someone respectable and trustworthy is ideal for her, since she hates being lied to. She wants someone encouraging though won't be afraid to tell her his true thoughts at the same time.

What They Dislike in a Lover:

Jade absolutely cannot stand someone that will lie to her. She hates rude people and overly arrogant guys. She doesn't want someone that is completely closed up because she won't be able to get to know him, and anyone that tries to buy her love will get a boot in the ass.

How/Why are You in the Show?

She has tried being in love, but has been lied to and cheated on so many times that she gave up. She is just now realizing how lonely she is and misses the feeling of loving and being loved.


She loves milk. She can drink it with every meal no matter what.

She is an excellent singer.

She is currently going to online college for Music Education.

She can play piano and guitar.

She is fluent in the Spanish and French languages.

She was valedictorian of her high school graduating class.



"I could tell you my name...but then I have to kill you oh don't give me those eyes your like a puppy....fine its Nicola Jane Smit."

Nicola Jane Smit


"I'm legal plus one."



"Just because I wan't blessed somewhere doesn't mean you can call me a man, i'm a women."


Sexual Orientation:

"I like a bit of both its the best of both worlds you can't go wrong."




"I am just a giant ball of fun ain't no stopping me."

Nicola is a girl who is like wildfire she just wants to spread everywhere and she hates to be tied down and stuck doing one thing. Nicola is also very open-minded she is willing to listen to anyone and anything and if she sees some truth in what a person is saying she would trust them even if it was just a bunch of made up rubbish. Another thing about Nicola is that she has a massive love for art of the body she doesn't care what a person looks like if they have tattoos they are at least an instant seven in her books. Nicola is a quite distant person in a relationship she always ties to stay away from her partner this stems from a long line of breakups and cheaters. Finally Nicola is a very showy girl she enjoys to show off anything and everything (except her body unless its her tattoos) and she must prove that she is the best at anything even if she is useless at it.

What They Like in a Lover:

"I'm a simple women with a few simply things I like in a lover"

Nicola only looks for three things in a love;​

  1. They must have tattoos, she often finds that people without tattoos have more of a chance to frown on a person with tattoos and she doesn't want to be in a relationship where her partner can't stand her tattoos.
  2. They must find a way to make her spend time with her partner, Nicola is just like wildfire you need to find a way to isolate it before you even want to start trying anything just like Nicola you need to trap her(not literally) to keep her with you.
  3. Last but not least they must accept her for who she is. A hyperactive over the top girl who loves tattoos.


What They Dislike in a Lover:

"Like I said i'm simply and they are a few things I hate"

Nicola only hate three things in a lover;​

  1. She hates it when she thinks people judge her maybe they don't like tattoos, the way she dress or the fact that she is almost like a child at times but fact is that's just a part of her they should get used to it.
  2. She hates people who she can't trust she thinks a lover is someone you can tell your deepest secrets too but if you can't trust them then you can't do that.
  3. Finally she hates people that can't make time even if they work whats the point of being together if they can't spend even a little time together its pointless.

How/Why are You in the Show?

"You know breakup after breakup you notice something...why not just date someone you know nothing about is more fun that way."

She is on the show because of years of being lied and cheater with she decided that hell why not just be forced into a relationship with someone random maybe it could end up being the love of her life.


She owns a small tattoo studio that has become rather popular in the area she lives.

Not even she knows just how many tattoos she has got right now.

All but three of her tattoos are self done.

She is allergic to cows milk and anything with cows milk in it.

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? Peyton Zane Samuels ?





Peyton is a pretty low-key guy and he doesn't like to be involved in too much.He goes from quiet to loud when you get to know a bit more and let him know he can trust you. That's what he'll say though. He'll say he can trust you but honestly really doesn't. For a big guy, he doesn't ask for much.

Peyton doesn't ask for too much in a guy. Just that they don't cheat, show any affection for anybody else but him and don't push him into things. They have to be unique and different in many ways.

Goes back to what he likes in a lover. If they, cheat, show affection for anybody else and push him into things. If you're bland and boring, he's not interested.

Peyton's had issues with his past lovers and wants to start new.

He is in love with Milk Duds.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_noaselH6mT1sixguco3_500.gif.e5e143a1726e975dd1613aa905dedf84.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95869" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_noaselH6mT1sixguco3_500.gif.e5e143a1726e975dd1613aa905dedf84.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Erin Spinelli




Cis Female

Sexual Orientation:


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_mpzltoYjTe1s5ejr7o8_r2_250.gif.2045a0f6944c771c617947f70fcf8990.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95870" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_mpzltoYjTe1s5ejr7o8_r2_250.gif.2045a0f6944c771c617947f70fcf8990.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Erin is a very happy person. She loves music and all things 'pretty.' Erin will always try to get on someone's good side, although sometimes that can be quite hard. Erin is what most people would consider funny, she is sarcastic, but she can go overboard with sarcasm sometimes. She's the type of person to tell you to look at the sky all the time, she's also the type of person to call almost everything an adventure.

What They Like in a Lover:






What They Dislike in a Lover:

-If they're irresponsible

-If they're too bossy

-If they're dishonest

-If they're unimaginative

-If they're manipulative

How/Why are they in the Show?

She went through hundreds and hundreds of breakups, she has never found The One and wants to find them desperately.


She loves to sing and can play the ukulele

She loves the outdoors

She hates artificial grape flavoring

She loves chocolate milk

Erin has a tattoo of an open cage with a bird flying out on her right upper back that symbolizes freedom.

She is a very accepting person.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_noaselH6mT1sixguco4_500.gif.8b7c2df41c4c6239a34249b0a2e2510e.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95874" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_noaselH6mT1sixguco4_500.gif.8b7c2df41c4c6239a34249b0a2e2510e.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Legal, or something..."


Cisgender Female [semi-Gender-queer]

"I just don't think gender shouldn't define who you really are."

Sexual Orientation:


"I guess I like guys..."




Introverted, quiet, nerdy, plain, boring even. She's quite normal, but then again, quite unique. A bit of a wallflower, doesn't like to stand out. Almost unflappable. Not very good at making decisions, and can be stubborn at times. Kind and caring on the inside. Incredibly honest - sometimes too much. Loyal to no limits.

"I don't know how to describe myself, really..."

What They Like in a Lover:



Appreciation for someone's choices




What They Dislike in a Lover:






Overly arrogant

How/Why are You in the Show?

"I... don't know, really."


Often people are unable to tell if it is a boyish looking girl or a feminine boy.

ClaraOswaldig12 said:
Name: Amaya
Age: 13


Sexual Orientation: heterosexual

Appearance: blonde straight hair

Personality:i like to read im a bit shy and very protective of myself i have trust issues

What They Like in a Lover: someone kind loving and loves to read a bit protective of me

What They Dislike in a Lover: someone whos a jerk and is super clingy

How/Why are You in the Show? im lonely

Extra: ummm i like doctor who

Phantasia said:

View attachment 211045

Tony Everglades

Age: 18

"I'm perfectly legal, honey."

Gender: Cisgender male

"I have the proof if you want to see."

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

"Sorry ladies, just kidding, I'm just not into it."


Sassy: "I like to be honest, and to be honest... You're nothing special."

Open-minded: "If you're into it, I'm more than willing to try baby."

Tease: "What can I say? I'm just that sexy."

Playful: "I love to tickle, though I find I'm usually the one to be tickled. Not complaining. Heh."

Cuddly: "I might be a total flirt, but that doesn't mean I don't love some quality loving."

Charming: "I just know all the right moves, what else can I say?"

Impulsive: "If I want to do something, I'll do it, whether it be good or bad."

Selfish: "Pay attention to me, and only me."

Possessive: "Once you're mine, you're always mine."

Submissive: "Whatever you say, my love."

What They Like in a Lover: "I want someone strong and understanding. I find that without good communication, the relationship will go down the shitter. My last relationship sucked to be quite frank, too timid to be honest with me. That's exactly what I don't want. Pleas, I'm begging the lords above us to grace me with a beautiful man that can respect me and be fearless."

What They Dislike in a Lover: "Whiney boys are the worst. So are those that are totally materialistic, or like sugar daddies. I'm not in the relationship for gifts and sex. I'm in it for love, a shoulder to lean on and a best friend. Oh, and I'm pretty sure that I addressed the fact that being scared is totally off the limits. Why is it so hard to understand that relationships are supposed to be full of truth and love."

Conclusion: All in all, Tony wants a lover that cares about him enough to be himself and to not fear rejection or anger. After all, Tomy is a ball of sunshine that doesn't believe in hating his lover.

How/Why are You in the Show?: He's missed the feeling of being in love.

"Love is a beautiful thing, and I miss being in it."

JaneXJeff said:




Jade Michelle Reigns





Sexual Orientation:





Jade is a very caring and compassionate human being, though she can be a bit quiet and standoff-ish at first. She is super protective over anything and anyone close to her and will do just about anything to make them happy. She is very open minded and even a bit charming in her own way. She can be very cuddly when she wants to be, but she also needs her space. (Lie. She is clingy as hell and needs to be told when to stop. But she doesn't mind.) She is very respectful of other's personal space and even if she's dying to cuddle, she will go about it slowly to make sure it's okay.

What They Like in a Lover:

She loves someone that can be strong for the both of them and tough, but yet a complete softy at the same time. She wants someone willing to share his feelings with her, but she loves a challenge. Someone respectable and trustworthy is ideal for her, since she hates being lied to. She wants someone encouraging though won't be afraid to tell her his true thoughts at the same time.

What They Dislike in a Lover:

Jade absolutely cannot stand someone that will lie to her. She hates rude people and overly arrogant guys. She doesn't want someone that is completely closed up because she won't be able to get to know him, and anyone that tries to buy her love will get a boot in the ass.

How/Why are You in the Show?

She has tried being in love, but has been lied to and cheated on so many times that she gave up. She is just now realizing how lonely she is and misses the feeling of loving and being loved.


She loves milk. She can drink it with every meal no matter what.

She is an excellent singer.

She is currently going to online college for Music Education.

She can play piano and guitar.

She is fluent in the Spanish and French languages.

She was valedictorian of her high school graduating class.
NekoChanBo said:



"I could tell you my name...but then I have to kill you oh don't give me those eyes your like a puppy....fine its Nicola Jane Smit."

Nicola Jane Smit


"I'm legal plus one."



"Just because I wan't blessed somewhere doesn't mean you can call me a man, i'm a women."


Sexual Orientation:

"I like a bit of both its the best of both worlds you can't go wrong."




"I am just a giant ball of fun ain't no stopping me."

Nicola is a girl who is like wildfire she just wants to spread everywhere and she hates to be tied down and stuck doing one thing. Nicola is also very open-minded she is willing to listen to anyone and anything and if she sees some truth in what a person is saying she would trust them even if it was just a bunch of made up rubbish. Another thing about Nicola is that she has a massive love for art of the body she doesn't care what a person looks like if they have tattoos they are at least an instant seven in her books. Nicola is a quite distant person in a relationship she always ties to stay away from her partner this stems from a long line of breakups and cheaters. Finally Nicola is a very showy girl she enjoys to show off anything and everything (except her body unless its her tattoos) and she must prove that she is the best at anything even if she is useless at it.

What They Like in a Lover:

"I'm a simple women with a few simply things I like in a lover"

Nicola only looks for three things in a love;​

  1. They must have tattoos, she often finds that people without tattoos have more of a chance to frown on a person with tattoos and she doesn't want to be in a relationship where her partner can't stand her tattoos.
  2. They must find a way to make her spend time with her partner, Nicola is just like wildfire you need to find a way to isolate it before you even want to start trying anything just like Nicola you need to trap her(not literally) to keep her with you.
  3. Last but not least they must accept her for who she is. A hyperactive over the top girl who loves tattoos.


What They Dislike in a Lover:

"Like I said i'm simply and they are a few things I hate"

Nicola only hate three things in a lover;​

  1. She hates it when she thinks people judge her maybe they don't like tattoos, the way she dress or the fact that she is almost like a child at times but fact is that's just a part of her they should get used to it.
  2. She hates people who she can't trust she thinks a lover is someone you can tell your deepest secrets too but if you can't trust them then you can't do that.
  3. Finally she hates people that can't make time even if they work whats the point of being together if they can't spend even a little time together its pointless.

How/Why are You in the Show?

"You know breakup after breakup you notice something...why not just date someone you know nothing about is more fun that way."

She is on the show because of years of being lied and cheater with she decided that hell why not just be forced into a relationship with someone random maybe it could end up being the love of her life.


She owns a small tattoo studio that has become rather popular in the area she lives.

Not even she knows just how many tattoos she has got right now.

All but three of her tattoos are self done.

She is allergic to cows milk and anything with cows milk in it.

TuffBbg said:

? Peyton Zane Samuels ?





Peyton is a pretty low-key guy and he doesn't like to be involved in too much.He goes from quiet to loud when you get to know a bit more and let him know he can trust you. That's what he'll say though. He'll say he can trust you but honestly really doesn't. For a big guy, he doesn't ask for much.

Peyton doesn't ask for too much in a guy. Just that they don't cheat, show any affection for anybody else but him and don't push him into things. They have to be unique and different in many ways.

Goes back to what he likes in a lover. If they, cheat, show affection for anybody else and push him into things. If you're bland and boring, he's not interested.

Peyton's had issues with his past lovers and wants to start new.

He is in love with Milk Duds.

Fanta said:

View attachment 213332

Erin Spinelli




Cis Female

Sexual Orientation:


View attachment 213335


Erin is a very happy person. She loves music and all things 'pretty.' Erin will always try to get on someone's good side, although sometimes that can be quite hard. Erin is what most people would consider funny, she is sarcastic, but she can go overboard with sarcasm sometimes. She's the type of person to tell you to look at the sky all the time, she's also the type of person to call almost everything an adventure.

What They Like in a Lover:






What They Dislike in a Lover:

-If they're irresponsible

-If they're too bossy

-If they're dishonest

-If they're unimaginative

-If they're manipulative

How/Why are they in the Show?

She went through hundreds and hundreds of breakups, she has never found The One and wants to find them desperately.


She loves to sing and can play the ukulele

She loves the outdoors

She hates artificial grape flavoring

She loves chocolate milk

Erin has a tattoo of an open cage with a bird flying out on her right upper back that symbolizes freedom.

She is a very accepting person.

View attachment 213346

kurol said:




"Legal, or something..."


Cisgender Female [semi-Gender-queer]

"I just don't think gender shouldn't define who you really are."

Sexual Orientation:


"I guess I like guys..."




Introverted, quiet, nerdy, plain, boring even. She's quite normal, but then again, quite unique. A bit of a wallflower, doesn't like to stand out. Almost unflappable. Not very good at making decisions, and can be stubborn at times. Kind and caring on the inside. Incredibly honest - sometimes too much. Loyal to no limits.

"I don't know how to describe myself, really..."

What They Like in a Lover:



Appreciation for someone's choices




What They Dislike in a Lover:






Overly arrogant

How/Why are You in the Show?

"I... don't know, really."


Often people are unable to tell if it is a boyish looking girl or a feminine boy.

OMG I literally got no alerts I'm so sorry all accepted
Name: Kouichi Sakakibara

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.93053aad61148422253033079242f19d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108142" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.93053aad61148422253033079242f19d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.97333fa466d619e8f213fd78fa3ac2dc.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108143" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.97333fa466d619e8f213fd78fa3ac2dc.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


A natural detective who is incredibly observant. Clever, introverted, somehow finds himself in the worst situations. He has his own detective service called Sakaki and Co. He's considered a little strange among his peers, but is kind-hearted and loving.

What They Like in a Lover:

• Kindness

• Intellectual

• Passionate

• Takes things seriously

What They Dislike in a Lover:

• Obnoxious

• Never takes anything seriously

• Cold

• Bad kissers

How/Why are You in the Show?

More for an investigation; he suspects illegal activity and wants to find out if his suspicions are correct.





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Name: Kayli

Age: 18

Gender: F

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_ny9w21petj1s8n7clo1_250.gif.307f360fcaa1fd81ba7b07608759ac77.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108403" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_ny9w21petj1s8n7clo1_250.gif.307f360fcaa1fd81ba7b07608759ac77.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Kayli is usually very calm and laid back, until you anger her. She may be considered as an airhead, but is smarter than most people think and know a lot more. She is very temperamental and overly protective and jealous of what's hers.

What They Like in a Lover: Someone to laugh with, and someone who can have fun and not take things too seriously.

What They Dislike in a Lover: Someone who has bad hygiene and who takes things over the top/ oo dramatically

How/Why are You in the Show?; Wanted to find love again.




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youngin said:
Name: Kayli
Age: 18

Gender: F

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Appearance:View attachment 241730

Personality: Kayli is usually very calm and laid back, until you anger her. She may be considered as an airhead, but is smarter than most people think and know a lot more. She is very temperamental and overly protective and jealous of what's hers.

What They Like in a Lover: Someone to laugh with, and someone who can have fun and not take things too seriously.

What They Dislike in a Lover: Someone who has bad hygiene and who takes things over the top/ oo dramatically

How/Why are You in the Show?; Wanted to find love again.

Accepted. We really need more male chars tho....
femjapanriceball said:
Name: Riley

Age: 17

Gender: female

Sexual Orientation: heterosexual

Appearance: 5'5 amber hair, shoulder length, curly. Hazel eyes, glasses.

Personality: shy, sweet, kinda wakward, friendly, caring.

What They Like in a Lover: someone friendly and and funny. Someone accepting and kind

What They Dislike in a Lover: Rude, whiney and arrogant

How/Why are You in the Show? Ive never experienced love, so i thought this would be a good opportunity.


femjapanriceball said:



Sexual Orientation:



What They Like in a Lover:

What They Dislike in a Lover:

How/Why are You in the Show?




Name: Irina Ekaterina Zolnerowich

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: Irina is a calm person. Her gentle nature attracts people although she is introverted. She's a peacekeeper and hates conflict and drama and is able to be calm even in the middle of complete chaos thanks to her aunt, who was a nurse and taught her different safety precautions. Consequently, Irina is the kind of person that doesn't like taking risks, which makes some people think she's boring or a goody-two-shoes. If you annoy her a lot though, you'll get on her nerves and, to put it simply, she is not the kind of person that you want to anger.

What They Like in a Lover: Irina wants someone who is fun and open. She might be quiet but she is open. She also wants someone who can make her laugh and she can laugh with.

What They Dislike in a Lover: Irina hates arrogant braggarts. She doesn't mind a rich guy, but she does mind ignoramuses. She also doesn't like people who just want to be in a relationship just because she's sexy and has big boobs.

How/Why are You in the Show? She's been cheated on and had multiple breakups and wants to find her true love.

Extra: Has a hot Russian accent and speaks fluent Russian.

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xXNightRyderXx said:



Name: Irina Ekaterina Zolnerowich

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: Irina is a calm person. Her gentle nature attracts people although she is introverted. She's a peacekeeper and hates conflict and drama and is able to be calm even in the middle of complete chaos thanks to her aunt, who was a nurse and taught her different safety precautions. Consequently, Irina is the kind of person that doesn't like taking risks, which makes some people think she's boring or a goody-two-shoes. If you annoy her a lot though, you'll get on her nerves and, to put it simply, she is not the kind of person that you want to anger.

What They Like in a Lover: Irina wants someone who is fun and open. She might be quiet but she is open. She also wants someone who can make her laugh and she can laugh with.

What They Dislike in a Lover: Irina hates arrogant braggarts. She doesn't mind a rich guy, but she does mind ignoramuses. She also doesn't like people who just want to be in a relationship just because she's sexy and has big boobs.

How/Why are You in the Show? She's been cheated on and had multiple breakups and wants to find her true love.

Extra: Has a hot Russian accent and speaks fluent Russian.


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