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Realistic or Modern โ™ก ๐‘ป๐‘ฏ๐‘ฌ ๐‘ณ๐‘ถ๐‘ฝ๐‘ฌ ๐‘ช๐‘ณ๐‘ผ๐‘ฉ โ€” ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฐ๐˜ค

my characters are done for now hehehe
Ugh Iโ€™m not sure if Iโ€™ll be able to do Amir ๐Ÿค”. Though it has been a long time since Iโ€™ve used that fc.
im so tempted to make more characters but i gotta control myself sjdhdsh
& no worries! theres still plenty of time til the due date ^^
So apparently Hyacinthโ€™s name is pronounced differently in French. I think I like that version better lol.
oooo. her name is really pretty either way tbh
god i forgot how long hispanic names are outside of the u.s. jude and her family all just have massively long names.
im so tempted to make more characters but i gotta control myself sjdhdsh
& no worries! theres still plenty of time til the due date ^^

when is the due date? i can get aspen up tonight but probably won't be able to get mckinley up until 12/16 : / graduating on friday lol
erised erised the tentative due date is dec. 15th, but yours being one day late is totally fine considering the circumstances lol. congrats on graduating!
tbh? ngl? everyone's characters look lovelyyyy so far. i hope mine are up to par lol.
can't wait to get this rp started :โ€ข)
im really excited to get started as well! :) everybodys characters are so interesting to read im a little intimidated lol

and congrats erised erised on graduating!! ๐ŸŽ‰
lol i know im the gm but same. everybody is just *chef kiss* so good ๐Ÿ˜ณ
Alright so I changed Hyacinthโ€™s reason for joining/why she was accepted. And instead of the club member statuses. Might tweak her bio too.
hi hello I will be most likely making two characters for this on Friday, but before I do I lowkey need some polling to help me decide the direction I wanna go...

Would people rather see two identical twins, who are complete brats but act like angels, and fuck with others - (So two chicks)


One singular brat and the fraternal twin who's probably a reject from the club? (so chick and a dude)
i vote fraternall twins ^^
โœจ due date has been extended by an extra day! โœจ
sorry in advance if im unavailable for a bit, some stuff has come up and life keeps me busy. x
These characters are great, makes me wanna create a moodboard.
ooooh a moodboard would be fun, i love making those for my characters.
that reminds me! i made a
pinterest board with the inspo for the love club.
lol guess who said fuck it & made moodboards of their ocs


Hello! Sorry about my absence but unfortunately I will have to drop this RP. A lotta personal stuff recently jumped at me so yeah.
False9 False9 no worries, i hope everything is alright!
helloooo beautiful people!

you all have such lovely and elegant characters..... im kinda jealous tbh. i hope ryan is up to par, and im very excited to be considered bc this looks rlly dope

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