The Lounge (ooc discussions) [Scion: Time Of Judgement]

Well, Roland's sheet isn't quite complete. But I've put up what I've got so far. Since this is my first Scion, I'd appreciate input and suggestions, as well as corrections for my inevitable screw-ups. :)
I know i promised it for yesterday, but then the forum crashed for a small while and I got distracted. Intro post coming right up.
I noticed that (the crashing). :? I'll try to get those last few points spent. I suppose Roland will be a bit of a man of mystery with regards to his background (although I'll try to throw a few paragraphs together...).
Between the forum hiccuping and my own computer issues, I lost the last bit of my final background post. For now, I've put up what I was able to recover and will be finishing/fixing it either tomorrow or sometime after my birthday chaos is over with (meaning sometime next week). Sorry for the delay.
My apologies all. I haven't had the time to complete the last bit of Roland's sheet, or to come up with any sort of background. :( I think it'd probably be best if I reluctantly pull out of this one, rather than send a half-baked concept in. You can feel free to use him as a ST-controlled character though, if you wish, and have fun everybody.
Player roll call ?

As a new rule, I think I'm going to ask that players not wishing to post at that point make their attention clear.
risaphoeniix said:
I am here. Also, good call Midboss, like, post in the OOC?
Yup, that's the idea. That way we avoid the, I thought it was you we were waiting for, syndrome that kills many pbps.
Just an FYI, this is the bit where PCs discuss what they want to do next. Plans, ideas, theories...

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