[The Lost Shards Return] Site your Stockpile (Setting up base camp)

Ailera continues to run across the surface of the titan as she looks for a access hatch or cockpit. Perhaps there would be a way to disable the construct without destroying it. Not bloody likely, but I have to try. She once again grips the Glaive and braces herself as she lunges again and again to drive the spiked tip deep into the metal of the titan. She grimmaces at the tiny flecks of metal that fly off. At this rate, it will take days to bring this thing down!


Performing a two hit flurry

29d10 → [4,2,1,4,5,10,7,7,7,1,2,9,3,3,9,3,6,6,3,9,9,4,8,10,6,10,6,6,1] - 14 successes


28d10 → [8,6,5,7,10,2,4,7,1,8,3,3,5,4,7,9,7,9,9,8,4,5,10,6,5,9,4,3] - 15 successes


Assuming the 6 DV and 20 armor from before:

7d10 → [2,5,6,6,8,5,10] - ping damage of 1L


7d10 → [10,8,10,4,10,2,7] - 5L

Speed 4 attacks

Any Stunt bonuses?
I'll give you a two die stunt for that. Also you can't see any control location currently.

You climb higher and higher on the large construct. Your glaive bites again and again. Mentally you try and figure how much of a shell this thing could have before you get into the soft chewy center.

You see the first of the platoons close in and attack it. The armor seems to flake off even as they strive to destroy it. One great blow reverberates through the titan as the leader of the first strikes an amazing strike.

Tick 5 - Davion, Strider 1

Tick 6 - Lothian, Strider 2

Tick 8 - Titan, Ailera

Tick 9 - Oron, Scout 1, Scout 2,

Tick 10 - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd platoon (All at full strength),
Just great, shooting this thing was going to do diddly squat. He was actually going to have to get close to it. And once more, life gave him another opportunity for a painful death in what should have just been a simple garrisoning mission. The Sun must be laughing at him right now.

Davian's warstrider took up its lance, attached to the back when not used. Pressed a button on it and it extended to a length that beyond of the armor itself.

That eye looked like a juicy target. If broken, it would partially cripple it. Time to show what a bloated Deliberative military budget could do.

The backpack like device on the back of the warstrider illuminated with golden energy as four wing like appendages unfolded from it. A deafening boom happened as the essence propellers came to life and brought the warstrider in the air. It flew in the air, higher even than colossus. Once about twice its height, it changed direction, going down now, spear first, straight for the eye.

Attack roll: Roll(16d10)+0: 8,8,7,5,9,5,8,10,5,7,4,5,10,6,2,7,+0 11sux

Claymore adding Uncanny Prowess to the attack at the cost of two motes. Adds valor to the roll.

Dodge DV: 10

Parry DV: 8
It's DV 6 right now and still has a 20L soak.

The lance impacts the eye shattering the crystal matrix. You can see the machine behind it even as the eye closes itself off to prevent further damage.
It's clobbering time:

Raw damage: 45 - 20


4,2,4,2,1,1,8,7,7,2,9,8,8,9,7,5,10,8,10,9,7,1,9,4,6,+0 16 sux

I love dire lances....
The titan raises a hand to it's ruined eye as you see the first strider pilot move to the side and with a echoing roar to focus his strength let's loose a thunderous blow with his hammer into it's knee.

The blow does more damage to the titan. It seems to move a bit slower now, the mighty construct is definitely getting worn down.

Tick 6 - Lothian, Strider 2

Tick 8 - Titan, Ailera

Tick 9 - Oron, Scout 1, Scout 2,

Tick 10 - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd platoon (All at full strength), Davion, Strider 1

Feantari your up.
Lothian charged along the beach bringing up the troops inside the radius of the shield. With the construct slowed, the troops should be able to support Cross's initial orders. "Target that eye!"

Raising his bow, he knocks two arrows and lets them fly in a flash of essence.

Prodigious Double-Tap Technique, 5m+4m (1st Srt Ex), 1wp

18 dice

18d10.hits(7) → [9,9,9,10,9,3,2,3,4,1,6,1,9,3,2,9,10,8] = (9)

11 suxx

damage roll assuming DV6, 20L: 13L + 5 + 8 - 20 = 6 dice then 7 dice (onslaught)

6d10.hits(7) → [3,9,5,10,2,2] = (2)

7d10.hits(7) → [8,3,8,10,9,3,4] = (4)

2L + 4L

Speed 6

Personal: 0/24

Peripheral: 37/65 + 0/10

WP: 7/9

Anima: 7m
The arrows seem to knock something loose you can see the eye gushing essence from it's wound. “Unit has suffered damage. Engaging hostiles. Ragnorok protocols considering …... threat not high enough. Abort Ragnarok protocols.â€

The second strider leaps up landing on the things shoulders it lashes out with a series of strikes the scour the metal.

Tick 8 - Titan, Ailera

Tick 9 - Oron, Scout 1, Scout 2,

Tick 10 - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd platoon (All at full strength), Davion, Strider 1

Tick 11 - Strider 2

Tick 12 - Lothian

Sherwood your up again. It's soak is now 15L with a hardness of 15L
Ailera keeps moving across the body of the titan, hoping to find a weak spot or an access hatch to its more delicate innards. Perhaps a way can be found to shut it down. Then she hears the comment about 'Ragnarok protocols'. Whatever that is, it can't be good. Possibly some kind of self-destruct mode, designed to take out whatever opponent was capable of destroying it. We need to take this thing down and fast! Whatever weapon it could turn to might damage the ship, not to mention kill all of us along with it!

Keeping an eye out for incomming attacks from her own people, Ailera once more chooses a likely spot to dish out some damage to this thing. Again and again, her Glaive tears into the soft metal of the body, ripping a jagged hole to expose the delicate mechanism inside.


Another two hit flurry

29d10 → [9,5,9,7,5,3,3,4,9,8,10,8,3,5,6,3,5,3,6,9,8,4,6,10,1,10,3,5,4] - 13 successes


28d10 → [3,8,4,6,8,6,8,8,9,10,2,8,3,2,10,7,3,6,9,7,3,10,4,7,2,7,9,10] - 18 successes

The glaive once more takes our sections of armor and now severing some of the gears functioning within. The damage while hampering to the Titan does not stop it. With a sudden speed it lashes out with first a fist to the second strider then Claymore. As that happens the lightning arcs around it, dancing and spitting. Then with a gaze he fires the remaining eye beam across the beach. Scattering the weapon teams as well as forcing Lothian and Oron to dodge the jagged beam.

Ailera can easily parry the lightning bolts. As can Davion. The dice obviously dislike extra's over PC's.

The second strider is nocked loose and looks to have take a fair amount of damage. The creation is truly mighty.

Tick 9 - Oron, Scout 1, Scout 2,

Tick 10 - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd platoon (All at full strength), Davion, Strider 1

Tick 11 - Strider 2

Tick 12 - Lothian, Ailera

Tick 13 - Titan

Taco your up.
I'm going to have Tacolicious and the two scout striders delay for now. Just so we can continue. Midboss your up.

"Ragnarok protocol... what's Ragnarok protocol ?!"

Things which had the name Ragnarok were never good news for those within a several mile radius. It usually either involved some big kaboom or some pretentious soirée of the social elite. He was betting on the former. While he trusted he could easily avoid it, there was the issue of the Enterprise which, if destroyed, meant he was screwed.

He hated himself for what he was about to say and do.

"All units, cease attack on titan. I will attempt to attract it far away from the Enterprise."

And to this he put the loudspeakers on full volume and shouted:

"Hey you big bastard ! Come here so I can finish clobbering you !"

To accentuate his point, he struck it once again with his lance.

Attack Roll(13d10)+0: 8,1,9,8,1,1,4,6,9,4,2,10,7,+0

7 sux

Dodge DV: 10

Parry DV: 8
The lance strikes true striking deeper within the titan but not slowing it any more. The Strider pilot acknowledges your order and backs off ready to support you if the order comes.

The rest of the troops back off to give you room acknowledging your orders. Ready to continue attacking at a moments notice.

Tick 12 - Lothian, Ailera, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd platoon (All at full strength), Strider 1, Strider 2, Oron

Tick 13 - Titan

Tick 15 - Davion

Fean and Sherwood you two are up. The NPC's are obeying Davion's orders to back off from attacking it.
Lothian moves to cover the damaged strider as the rest of the troops moved off. Defender at the ready, he watches anxiously the slim dervish of Ailera and her glaive atop the construct.

Defend other on the strider, swapped weapons
Ailera cringes at the thought of what the titan might do if it is not stopped soon. The lives of her shipmates depends on bringing this thing down, not to mention the lives lost to the Fae if they were not stopped. She closes her eyes for a moment to marshal her inner strength, then Ailera releases the built-up power in a furious attack, her anima flaring bright enough to be seen for miles around. Her breath comes in ragged gasps as her Essence pushes her body far past the limit of anything human. A massive hole is ripped into the body of the titan, exposing the delicate mechanisms inside. Again and again, her Glave strikes out, causing massive damage to the interior of the machine. Finally, Ailera decides that standing on the hull of this thing when it decides to blow might not be too healthy, so she leaps away, letting the kick of her Blazing Solar Bolt to help drive her farther away from what she hoped would be a contained blast.


Activating her combo Burning Light of the Dawn for nine melee attacks and one shot with her Blazing Solar Bolt

31d10 → [6,3,10,3,10,3,7,6,8,2,1,5,1,3,1,4,7,10,10,6,8,4,5,2,2,2,1,4,1,5,9] - 13 successes

31d10 → [8,6,4,8,10,5,9,3,1,2,5,10,2,10,9,10,4,9,1,1,5,4,2,1,6,6,9,5,5,3,9] - 15 successes

31d10 → [1,1,8,4,5,8,2,4,6,8,7,7,5,8,8,10,1,5,1,1,2,4,2,9,6,3,9,2,1,4,4] - 11 successes

31d10 → [8,10,8,4,5,1,9,7,5,3,8,7,2,5,10,3,4,7,4,8,6,8,9,4,6,9,4,7,7,8,10] - 20 successes

31d10 → [6,9,9,4,10,8,2,2,10,9,7,1,2,9,5,9,4,1,2,1,7,2,2,10,2,10,6,4,6,1,1] - 16 successes

31d10 → [9,1,8,1,9,4,7,3,2,5,7,1,5,9,2,7,1,10,8,5,6,4,8,6,3,8,6,5,9,7,1] - 14 successes

31d10 → [6,3,10,5,1,1,6,6,4,4,1,1,9,8,2,6,9,8,9,1,3,5,1,3,5,5,8,2,6,3,10] - 10 successes

31d10 → [1,5,10,10,5,8,9,8,3,2,3,4,1,6,3,2,8,10,3,7,6,5,1,5,1,2,6,4,6,4,6] - 11 successes

31d10 → [9,7,8,2,8,10,3,2,10,2,8,4,2,1,8,6,3,5,2,1,9,8,7,6,2,5,1,1,8,3,7] - 15 successes

31d10 → [1,10,9,4,10,6,4,10,9,2,3,5,1,8,9,10,4,1,4,9,4,7,6,7,4,2,10,2,5,7,9] - 18 successes











10d10 → [6,2,8,3,7,5,1,5,8,7] - 4L

12d10 → [9,4,3,10,9,8,2,4,2,7,3,1] - 6L

8d10 → [2,10,1,8,7,9,9,7] - 6L

17d10 → [9,6,3,10,5,7,2,5,8,9,4,5,1,2,9,2,6] - 6L

13d10 → [5,3,1,9,9,2,5,1,4,3,10,4,3] - 4L

11d10 → [7,2,10,5,1,3,1,4,9,8,7] - 5L

9d10 → [5,5,4,1,4,3,4,6,10] - 1L

10d10 → [1,2,6,9,7,1,8,3,2,9] - 4L

14d10 → [3,6,10,6,10,5,3,8,6,9,3,5,5,4] - 4L

17d10 → [1,9,4,3,5,9,6,3,1,9,2,8,3,6,5,8,1] - 5L











Any stunt bonuses?
Oron finally snaps from his concentration. A chink in the armour has appeared, having to have trawled his memory to work through the possible chances. The shield pulses very quickly with the essence reactor near its heart. Oron lines up the pulses, as he grabs a handful of fire pearls from his toolbelt.

Insubstantial Essence vines grow from the ground and wrap themselves around the Fuel bolt launcher as it rests on Oron's shoulder. A flash of essence and a blur of motion, six Fire Pearls fly towards the titan, the gap between heartbeats their targets.

Sorry guys, been in the outback for a week trying to fix some equipment.

Surging Archery Mastery 6m

Swallows defends the Nest 6m

so six attacks with 9 extra dice http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3280617/

1st attack 11 sux

2nd 13 sux

3rd 9 sux

4th 13 sux

5th 10 sux

6th 12 sux

average rolls meh

Speed 5

Is the titans armour affected by piercing, or is it all natural?

Personal 23/23

Peripheral 63/53

WP 7/10

Anima 16/16

Parry DV 15

Dodge DV 19
As the blows rain down on the titan it falls backwards the sound of it's impact deafening. You see it still trying to stand up. It's hand levering it upright before slipping and falling back down. “Ragnarok Protocals Activated. Glory Be The Sun.†As those words sound out a wave of green energy erupts out. Strangely it seems to bypass somethings and destroy others. As the wave hits you, you can feel the layers of charms and sorceries put up stripped away. A wave of ultra reality, a doomsday device verse the fae.

Over the communicator you hear the engineering crew speak up. “The engine's cold, something stripped the energy from the outlying power conduits but luckily the shields held. The Cursed one is dead, his body destroyed itself. It was kinda horrifying.â€

From another channel. “My lords we are under attack from defenses near the manse. We are dealing with them quickly as they are old and ill kept but they just activated moments ago.â€

The titan's eyes slowly dim their light fading.

It was all natural but the thing had four health levels before you attacked. The wave did 3 levels of agg per mutation you had. As I don't believe any of you had said mutations it didn't really hurt you. Still all spells and charms are now deactivated. Your artifacts will work you've just been deattuned to them.
Just in between the last sentence from the titan and the wave of energy, Cross had just enough time to shout:

"Ooohhhhh shhiiiiittttt!!!!"

At that moment, his control over the Claymore went down, although luckily, or unfortunately, the intelligence inside it kept the systems on, meaning he still had access to the comms. Therefore he heard everything that went wrong.

The ship was now down, the Cursed One had bit the dust, and now the defenses had activated. It really wasn't his day. He spoke on the comms:

"All units retreat to ship immediately. The mission is a failure. I want a casualty and damage report as soon as possible."

And to this he stopped talking. Taking a moment to take a deep breath and calm down before speaking to himself in a weak voice:

"Damn it..."

The sorceress stands still for a moment listening to the cacophony of voices over the comlink, holding the dead weight of her spear in her hand. Damn it! If I hadn't misread the signs, I could have avoided this! It's all my fault! She slams her fist into her thigh in frustration. I wonder how bad the damage is to the Enterprise? Will she ever fly again? Perhaps, with the hearthstones we are collecting, there will be enough power for flight, but the defenses? Ailera thumbs the com once more. "All units, cut the chatter! Report status by the numbers. Engineering, how bad is the damage to the Enterprise?"
After a few moments acknowledgments ring out across the channel. A few cross channel chatter to deal with immediate threats as the forces return to the ship.

It takes about ten minutes before the engineering team comes back with a clear answer. Well other then we need more time. “The main engine is intact, we lucked out. As is the Enterprise is hurting bad. I'm not sure if we can put the Sheath back up but we can definitely fly and fire the main cannon. The team's suggestion is that we clear the island and stay to fully repair her. That will likely take a few months to a year.â€

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