[The Lost Shards Return] Site your Stockpile (Setting up base camp)

As Ailera's anima flares fully the great iron titan stops it's walking. Turning to look at the women below it closes. One of it's fists comes flying down to land in the ground nearby as it takes a knee. “Twilight command protocols accepted. Twlight not in database. Accessing rebirth protocals. Error not creator. Enable Crisis protocols. Glory to Sol. Awaiting command codes.â€
Ailera stands there for a moment, pleased that the titan did respond correctly to her challenge. If I can't disarm this thing, at least I'll be able to buy some time for the others. Now, lets see if I can make this little toy ours to play with. She wracks her brain and thinks about the demense she was just in. Perhaps there was a clue to the command codes there? The Thousand Forged Dragons all had individual activation codes, and Ailera knew of the nasty surprises that awaited the fool that tried to give the wrong code.

The Twilight doesn't spare a glance over her shoulder at the beehive of activity going on behind her; she just hopes that it is enough to stop this thing if she fails in returning the titan to a safe mode. This thing probably has programming that makes it respond to a pre-determined set of stimuli. If it is attacked, it will defend itself. Ailera plants the but of her spear into the dirt and thumbs her comlink. "This is Ailera e'Kieron! Do not, I say again, do not attack the titan unless I say so, or it moves to make a obvious attack against the Enterprise! It will be programmed to return fire to any threat, so play nice but stand ready! How long to return the shielding to the ship? It may be looking at the Enterprise as a Behemoth from the Raksha powerplant. Database query: does this titan match anything in our records as a work in progress from one of our coleagues? If we give the wrong command codes, that might be just as bad or even worse than attacking it."
“My Lady the only thing we can think of is this could be from the Twilight the Forger of Madness. He was one of the first twilights exalted. Him and his circle were renowned for killing the third Primordial that fell in the first war. He was famous for his constructs and his distrust of the Siderial Exalted.†You hear some talking in the background. “We're putting the shielding on as fast as we can but even with it the construct might just attack us anyways. From the documents he always began his command codes with 'In the name of Sol Invictus bow to the' then the main command word.â€

In the mural you did notice that there were 5 constellations that were upon the wall. The Ships Wheel was on the north wall. The Peacock on the west wall. The Gauntlet in the center. The Shield on the east wall. The Crow on the south wall.

The titans eyes start glowing a deeper red as it awaits your answer.
Cross listned to the conversation and didn't really like what he was hearing. The way things were going, that thning was going to go berserk soon and try and attack the ship. This would definitly ruin the rest of his day. He began moving to a good pisition, ready to blast the thnig the second negociations fail.

"Cross to all troops. Manouevre to good shooting positions. Strike on my mark."

And so he waited.
Ailera ponders her next move. Think, girl! Think! You know the constellations, which one should you invoke? Well, here it goes... "In the name of Sol Invictus bow to the West and the Peacock. Power down all weapons and prepare for inspection."
Give me Join battle rolls. The answer was actually Crow.

“Command Code incorrect. Starting traitor protocols. May those who defy the sun burn in it's glory.†As it speaks a pair of eye-beams shoot out. The red beams scorching the very air as they race towards Ailera.

5 successes the attack can only be dodged. Also it's join battle is at a 5. Evey one you get your readied actions so feel free to bring the pain, this thing can take it.

From the army arrayed beams of essence leap at the thing. A shimmering hexagon seems to appear that deflects most of them away. The shield seems to appear at 8 yards from the creature, melee or attacks up close likely will not be deflected by this shield.

A stream of swear words that would make a sailor blush start to flow from the sorceresses' mouth. The nimble woman is able to leap to the side and avoid the beam quite easily, and when she touches down on the ground once more, she begins to sprint in closer to the titan to engage it in melee combat.

That is not all that happens, however. A massive mirror appears in the air behind Ailera, and a copy of the titan steps through it out onto the beach. A massive Essence beam fires out from it, a twin to the ones fired at Ailera, and they hurtle across the field towards the giant.

10d10 → [4,8,10,9,5,1,7,7,8,2] - 7 successes on Join Battle roll


I don't know if I'm close enough to be in melee range before the end of the tick to make my attack. But, the Technique Mirror makes it strike using the same dice pool against the titan that it used against me for a total of 5 successes against its DV. Maybe it can't take its own punch. :twisted:
Davian Cross

Oh well, typical of their luck, negotiations had failed.

"Open fire ! Open fire!!"


You see the beam glance off the orange energy plate. Likely a perfect defense. It looks like you will need to either figure out how to bypass the shield or fight in close.

Tick 0 - Ailera

Tick 2 - Titan

Tick 3 - Oron, Scout 1, Scout 2

Tick 4 - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd platoon (All at full strength)

Tick 5 - Davion, Strider 1

Tick 6 - Lothian, Strider 2
Ailera runs towards the titan, dodging and weaving to the sides to make it harder to hit her. Time to bring this fight in up close. As she nears the feet of the construct, she Twilight leaps halfway up the body of the thing, landing on her feet while standing perpendicualr to the side of the titan. Ailera then runs up the side, watching closely for any signs of a weak spot. Not likely to find one, she spins her Glaive around and drives the point into the armored skin as hard as she can, hoping to do something to slow this thing down.


29d10 → [4,1,10,7,1,9,7,2,1,4,7,4,10,1,4,2,8,9,2,9,10,5,2,2,1,9,6,9,7] - 16 successes to hit against its DV. Since I'm standing on it, would it have a applicable DV?

The glaive bites into the construct. It sinks in, obviously it was made for defeating fae as the Iron is not as tough as the composites usually used.

Nice try but it still has a DV. Mind you it's only DV 6 and it's lethal soak/hardness is a 20. You can easily figure out it has alot of health levels as the thing is massive.


Tick 2 - Titan

Tick 3 - Oron, Scout 1, Scout 2

Tick 4 - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd platoon (All at full strength), Ailera

Tick 5 - Davion, Strider 1

Tick 6 - Lothian, Strider 2
You see some of the pieces flake off it.

It's eyes flash as it sends a beam of destruction at one of the groups of dragon blooded even as it stands and starts moving. "Engaging anti-personnel conditions. Glorious is the Dragon of Air." a crackle of energy starts dancing along the edges of the titan. You see spikes appearing around where you are anchored before lightning arcs out around where Ailera is standing.

13 successes for the lightning bolts


Tick 3 - Oron, Scout 1, Scout 2

Tick 4 - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd platoon (All at full strength), Ailera

Tick 5 - Davion, Strider 1

Tick 6 - Lothian, Strider 2

Tick 8 - Titan
Can the lightning bolts be blocked, or just dodged?
Ailera spins the Glaive in a rapid circle, causing the pinnon to fan out in a spiral. One by one, the arcs of electricity are blocked by the golden weapon, leaving the Solar untouched.
'All right men, ranged support looks like its out of the question now' Orons voice pours over the local channel. He squares his feet, and his anima flashes stronger than usual, images from the Lords animas breifly showing in he maelstrom surrounding him. As it calms, his essence arms draw out his panopoly.

Inside his helmet Oron sifts through is mind about that hexagonal shield. Ranged support for the lords would make this a lot easier.

Activating Dragons Parable Defence (8m 1wp)

Essence arms activating (5m) and drawing the two hammers, the two plasma tongue repeaters and the Fuel Bolt launcher.

Oron is racking his brains on what the shield is and if he knows a way to shut it down (what should i roll?)

Finally, how many HLs have I healed before combat begins so I can start tracking them

Speed 6, -1 DV

Personal 23/23

Peripheral 75/53

WP 7/10

Anima 16/16
It's been a minute since you accessed your powers so your full up at this point. For the shield you can give me a perception/occult followed by a Perception/awareness as part of your flurry to try and figure out a rhyme or reason. You likely want the scout striders to support that testing, they are mainly ranged support and are on the same tick as you.

I figure you have more actions coming after the skill check so figure out how many actions your gonna stack then make your rolls.
Perception+Occult 7 sux

Perception+Awareness 2 sux

bit confused what you mean, I thought i'd make the actions based on what i find out? buy yes, will be using the scout striders to test my theories
Dragons parable defence is simple, and my essence arms would be taking a minus 5 action penalty to begin with. I'm down just chilling.

Tick 4 - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd platoon (All at full strength), Ailera

Tick 5 - Davion, Strider 1

Tick 6 - Lothian, Strider 2

Tick 8 - Titan

Tick 9 - Oron, Scout 1, Scout 2

Sherwood your up, Midboss your on deck and if you want Strider 1 to support you he has a Goremaul and is piloted by one of the senior Earth Dragon Blooded. Strider 2 is using a pair of Daiklaves and is piloted by a Fire Aspected. That's if you and Fean want to do a 4 way coordinated attack of doom or some such. The two scout Striders are equiped with Long Powerbows and are piloted by an Air and a Wood respectively.

The platoons are made up of 1 senior warrior and 7 warriors. They will give you room so as to let the heavy hitters operate freely. If you want them to close just command them and they will. The rest of your forces are near the ship and helping to try and speed up getting the Enterprise up and moving.

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