[The Lost Shards Return] Site your Stockpile (Setting up base camp)

Confirmation from the ship comes quickly.

Level 5 demense, your technicians don't have the skills to raise that high of a manse. The rest of the place seems to be rubble. Rooms all over but they are caved in currently.

"Certainly. Though, I am afraid we might find more of the same. Still, if you fancied it, you could raise quite a manse here. Perhaps one focused on defending this small outpost. " mutterings "It also wouldn't be a bad place to strike out against the Fae from... at least for our smaller force... and a network could power some powerful weapons.."

Looking over at her with a smile Lothian adds, "If it weren't for all of these threats, fixing up creation could be quite fun. Makes you wonder what it was like for those that built these manses."
Oron walks into the room and stops to admire the murals, taken aback by the beauty of them.

'My lords, this demense sits on the intersection of three major dragon lines. One runs longitudinally, one laterally and one runs on a course of northwest or southeast. I have radioed in to our geomancers to start following these lines to search for more demenses. With such powerful ley lines, Combined with our Naval strength, this island network seems like a perfect place to build our nation on.'

'A couple of my combat engineers are coming through with suits of the Earth dragon to begin clearing these rooms for further inspection. We should have the structure of this old manse uncovered within the hour.'
Good, they had actually found a good position to make base on. Their situation seemed to be slightly improving.

"Excellent. First thing we'll need to do is make the place habitable for us. In the meanwhile, I'll be going with Ailera and keeping her out of trouble. We were lucky in not finding trouble here but we never know."

Twilights, always going around digging for trouble.

She laughs at the comment her Lunar-bondmate made. "You are going to keep me out of trouble? The problem with that is, who is going to keep you out of trouble? Come, dear heart. We are burning daylight." Ailera turns and makes her way out of the underground caverns, pausing only to give a few orders about clearning out the damaged areas of the demense. She then makes her way through the underbrush to find the area of the coast that was depicted in the mural.
The communicators crackle on. “We've got heavy contact to the south. Some sort of Iron Giant is coming out of the sea. It fired an eyebeam of some sort at a creature in the water. It's classified as a potential serious danger. My Lords the thing is taller then a Royal Warstrider.â€

You hear the head of the second centuries voice come on. Maheka Tokai, one of the twin fire caste that have stead fast at the side of the Enterprise's marines. “Pull back we're moving warstriders to support. Do not engage until either one of the Celestials arrive or the walkers do.â€

With a quick glance at the others Lothian rushed back above ground to see about getting a look at this thing. Comms: "How long would it take to target the Enterprise at that thing, Bosun?"
The communicator crackles as you can hear yells in the background. “Bad news sir, we can't take off till the engineers reseal the generator. It'll be half an hour for them to do that and another ten before we can activate the advance systems. I'm getting the secondary weapon systems up and running as we speak but that's all I can give at the moment.â€

Upon hearing about the giant coming out of the water, Ailera changes course and starts moving at top speed to intercept it before it has a chance to get to the ship. There is no time to attune to a warstrider! I just have to hope that what ever it is, I can face it on foot! I wonder if it is some defense mechanism that we set off? If so, there may be a way to shut it down without destroying it. Malfias, maybe we'll be lucky and it just wants to talk to us. Yeah, right!
Damn it, more trouble !

This thing was big, so he was going to need something big too to take care of it if it proved dangerous. Was time for him to get to Claymore and give the warstrider a spin. Been a while and it was getting bored recently.

He bolted straight to the Enterprise's hangars.
Oron grins as he runs out of the manse, catching the engineers both on comms and face to face as he rushes. 'Belay my last order, form up, I want teams of 5 men each with 2 men with Ramparts of Obedient Earth in each. "Bigger they are, Harder they Fall" maneuver in support of our lords.'

Three men on Defend other actions on the two with ramparts, who are taking guard actions then spamming ramparts under the giant to bring it to his knees

'Nearest Chariot, pick me up and bring the biggest Mountable Cannon you can!'

Seeing Ailera start off on foot, Lothian shifts into a great eagle and swoops over to offer her a ride before flying off to inspect this giant.

3m personal

Personal: 18/24

Peripheral: 44/65 + 0/10
Ailera and Lothian

You and your mate gain the beach fast enough. There you see the giant, it seems to actually be getting bigger as it closes in. There are runes etched into it's armor and you can see within the lattice of iron looks to be an alloy of Orichulum and something else. As it walks it turns it's head and fires a burst of energy. The bird it impacted was incinerated as is a bubble about ten meters around the point of impact. It's next step seems to make the ground shake.


You race to the Enterprise, you see your old friend already pulled out of the docking bay kneeling for you to enter. Leaping into it you start the activation sequence. The warstrider rising above the forest.


The engineers acknowledge the order as they race to the beach. Once there you see the Celestials gathering as well. The thing is truly massive. It's a thing of terrible beauty to behold. Your men array themselves around getting ready to use the power when the titan get's close enough. “Sir, I don't think we're going to shift enough earth to be able to bring this one to it's knees. Considering we're working with sand and the weight of that thing has to make it already sink into the ground.â€

Combat time hasn't started until you guys make the first attack or it reaches the point it will attack. If you want to put up charms now is a fine time to do so.

With a practiced leap, she helps her mate to lift her up in his claws while his powerful wings bring them close to the approaching mech. As they fly closer, she watches the beam of energy shoot out and vaporize a large chunk of earth. Ouch! Well. I'll just make sure not to get hit! Ailera points down with her spear and shouts into the wind, "Drop me off there, and get clear! I'll be ok!" As they dive in, she begins focusing her Essence into her martial abilities, knowing that she will need all that can be leveled against this thing to do any damage. Spinning her Glaive around in her hand, Ailera plants the weapon into the sand next to her and reaches into one of her many pockets and pulls out her Sorcery Capturing Cord and a small mirror. Undoing the third knot in the Cord, she unleashes the energy of one of her most powerful spells and traces the Sign of Reversal on the mirror. With a flip of her wrist, she tosses the mirror into the air where it starts spinning in a slow circle above her head. Ailera then yanks the Glave out of the dirt and assumes a fighting stance and hopes that backup arrives soon.

Spending 20m on Infinite Melee Excellency, and activating a trapped spell of Technique Mirror, both last for the entire scene. Virtuous Guardian and Unbreakable Bones of Stone are still in effect from earlier.
"So, ready to do your job ? You must be getting bored lately.." he said as he finished the activation process of the warstrider.

Once ready to go, he began running with it through the island towards the source of contact. Sure he could fly, but he felt he would need the essence during the fight itself.

"Cross to all units. Do not engage until hostility has been confirmed. We don't know yet if that thing wants to kill us. But be cautious. If it tries to attack, take down the bastard. I'm on my way."
Dropping Ailera on the beach Lothian swooped toward the ground a bit further off and shifted into his warform with his bow at the ready.

War Form + Gift charms: Claws of the Silver Moon (3m), Bruise-relief Method (2m), Halting the Scarlet Flow (3m) = 13m

Personal: 5/24

Peripheral: 44/65 + 0/10
The forces flock to prepare for massive combat. The trees snapping as the Warstriders do not hesitate or slow as they close on the beach. The flyers already in posistion to support. The chariot with a medium implosion bow lands near Oron off loading a unit of soldiers. “Sir, we had this sucker down for repairs on the mount. Figured you'd want it up here so snagged one of the extra hearth stones and brought it along.â€

As the forces move so does the titan. A beam lancing out to destroy another bird as it steps hard on something in the water. It's close now, well in range to engage.


“Not bored, the Enterprise set up a virtual gaming pit for us advanced beings. Just eager to smite those who'd threaten creation.†The strider all but humming with anticipation. "That will be a tough opponent." As Claymore closes the distance.
Lothian raced to join the soldiers forming up on the beach happy to see that the orders he would have issued were already unneeded as weapons and troops moved to their optimal positions. Gaining their position he threw his essence around them and assumed command.

A sheen of moonlight grows outward and encompasses the group.

If Cross can/wants to command + warstrider let me know, wasn't sure if that would be effective or not.

Moonlight Curtain Drawn, 3m, 1wp

Personal: 5/24

Peripheral: 41/65 + 0/10

WP: 8/9

Anima: 3m
'Men, split up. Half support close up, Other half Dragon Claw support group, with me as Focus. Swap out when you're out of essence.'

As the men split off, Oron closes his helm. Seconds later, a loud grunt of pain passes through the local comms and his banner explodes outwards as the ground beneath him lends itself to his aura.

Men to form up firing Co-operative Elemental Bolts when the command to attack is received

Jade cruicible method, sacrificing 7 health levels. 3 Successes via Second Medicine excellency (6 motes).

84 motes

Wound closing touch turning all lethal to bashing (12m 1wp)

Bashing wounds heal at 1 per action or all in a minute.

Anima: Full Blown

Personal 23/23

Peripheral 88/53

WP 8/10
Cross was about to go around barking orders when he realised that Lothian had already beaten him to the punch. Better to let him keep command of the ground troops than try to hijack it. It tended to create confusion.

As the warstrider got to the end of the island, in full view of the titan, Cross switched on the loud speakers of the unit and spoke.

"Anything we can help with, big guy ?"

He mentaly readied himself for a hostile answer to that one.

As the Royal Warstrider clears the forest the titan turns to look at it. A flash of read and a transparent red beam shoots out quickly passing over the war strider and then the rest of the assembled soldier. In high realm. “Exalted identified. Glory to the Heavens protocal enacted. No wyld presence. Threat level great. Ignore, continue to target.â€

With that it continues on heading for the forest. Not seeming to give another thought to those arrayed against it. Still what ever that is it's likely as old as the manse was. As it takes the last step out of the cove it's height is truly apparent. As Claymore only comes up to it's hip.

Inside the Warstrider Claymore's voice comes through. “Pity you don't know solar hero style.â€

Taco give me a int/craft biotech. I figure your the only one who really knows the ins and outs of the engine and power plant system more then the generalities and capabilities. If anyone else characters want to say they studied it in detail you can roll as well.

Also I like the motes towards/ status of anima banner. It's helpful.
int+biotech 9 sux

If my speciality helps 1 sux

Buying maximum sux with craft second excellency (3 with no spec, 4 with spec)

Essence Cost depends on if spec applies or not (5 with spec, 6 without)


12 sux without speciality

14 with speciality

Feeling a sense of relief that the giant mech was not making any attacks against them or the Enterprise, Ailera wonders what it was that called the construct up from the depths. Did we set something off, or is it responding to something else? We'll need answers. "This thing seems to be responding to the presence of Solars in a favorable light. I'm going to follow it and see where it is going."
With a horrifying thought you realize that if it was programed poorly it could of read the enterprise as a Behemoth. The energy core is powered by a Rakasha, normally not a problem as the shielding takes care of it. Yet they were just working on the power leads. The shielding could have been down when it was scanned.

Still it would have to have controls. A condition to allow others to approach it. If you can figure out what said condition is you could possibly stop it without destroying it. Hopefully before it can attack the enterprise.

Moving at top speed to intercept the titan, Ailera sprints through the underbrush. With her anima effect flairing at full power, she calls out in her loudest voice, "In the name of the Unconquered Sun, and with the power and authority of the Deliberative, I order you to stop and identify yourself and your function!" With some luck, it will respond by talking instead of that Essence beam it used before. Malfias, I just hope it notices me and doesn't walk off! How embarrasing would that be?

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