[The Lost Shards Return] [Scouting North by Northeast] Water Water everywhere.


One Thousand Club
Year 2935, 16th of The Ewer within Cereluan Lute, Far west.

The Geomancers gather for the scouting mission. Talking over various techniques to use to try and find the manses and demanses that could be out there. A small troop also assemble mainly from the ranged forces. Crouching down they check the wind blades they are to use. Ensuring they are in good order.
Re: Water Water everywhere.

Lothian divides the troops of the second air wing into four groups each with a geomancer to protect. "Remember this is a scientific mission. We will not engage unknown entities but as last recourse. If you see anything unknown report it and back out of sight until you receive further orders. Report in every half hour with status and immediately report your position if you find evidence of a dragon line or nest. I will be out there with you as will Hati, Lieh Tzu, and General Wolf. That in no way changes the parameters of the mission, understood? We will deal with what we have to, but we will not attract attention to the Enterprise while she is docked for repairs. Keep your eyes open out there." He looks over each party and waits for the other Celestials to join them.

Keen Sight Technique, 3m

Instinctive Perception Unity, 8m, 1wp

WP 8/9

Personal: 24/24

Peripheral: 33/65 + 10/10
Re: Water Water everywhere.

General Wolf

Wolf sighed as he walked onto the Flight Deck. Everyone kept trying to give his troops orders to do strange things. He hated having to countermand orders from another Celestial, but that's what happens when they ignore the chain of command. He knew they meant well, but no heads for protocol.

Wolf stepped in front of the second squadron, or what was left of it, and crisply snapped out, "Belay those orders."

He took a moment to salute the troops before continuing, "You all know the situation. We are gathering critical resources to keep our bird in the air. This is a Recon-in-Force and standard rules of engagement apply. Fire only if fired upon. Call for backup or fire support if you need it. If you find a manse or demesne, call it in. Other than that, use your judgement; you don't need me babysitting you every 5 minutes."

He pauses for a moment, "The other recon mission took two of our skimmers and one of the chariots, so that leaves us down to two chariots. Since we only have five skimmers left working anyway, that's not really a problem. Two groups, each with two geomancers, a skimmer, a chariot and a unit of Wingblade and Dragon Armor troops. That will leave one fully functional skimmer and three damaged skimmers behind to cover Enterprise, as well as two Centuries of air troops." Wolf nods to one group of the assembled Dragonbloods, "Sorry Aragus, that means you and your Century get to stay behind. I want a CAP in the air to guard the ship, just in case anything funny happens. Questions?"

Wolf turned back towards Lothian, "Looks like its you, me, Night Without Moon, and perhaps a couple more. You want to take unit One or unit Two?"
Re: [scouting] Water Water everywhere.

Salutes as the soldiers go to finish their preparations. Making sure that the Wing Blades are fully functional as well as back up are stashed on the chariot as a precaution. The head of the unit salutes. “My Lords we will be ready shortly. We are planning on rotating the unit in and out of the chariot so that none of us will be two exhausted if we run into troubles.â€
Re: [scouting] Water Water everywhere.

"I can take a geomancer to give us a third vector. I promise not to dump you into the ocean." Lothian is clearly disappointed by having to pile resources together for a quick scouting mission. "Otherwise, it doesn't matter to me. We should have plenty of essence out there any way we do it."
Re: [scouting] Water Water everywhere.

General Wolf

Wolf laughed; the image of a soaked Geomancer and a shrugging bird-Lunar struck him as hilarious. He quickly got control of himself and nodded, "An excellent idea Lothian; the more we can spread out our eyes the better. Guess you luck out on this one Aragus; form up your unit, you'll be on Lothian's wing. Someone else will have to fly the CAP today. I think you owe Lothian a drink when we get back to the ship tonight."
Re: [scouting] Water Water everywhere.

A grin from Aragus. "My Lords I'll hold you to that."
Re: [scouting] Water Water everywhere.

OOC Are you guys all going the same direction or splitting up?
Re: [scouting] Water Water everywhere.

Each party heads out in a different direction so we can cover more area. We probably don't need to send a group back towards the Wyld though.
Re: [scouting North by North East] Water Water everywhere.

The first unit takes off and heads out. Turning to a Northerly direction. Shortly after that the second unit takes off heading to a North Easterly way. The major group takes off to cut the difference. A North North East direction. The skimmers humming as the air unit flies with them. As they clear the ship the water seems to stretch out a great distance. Even with Mount Meru to the east.

Mainly cause I like to share the action I'm gonna open a thread for the North scouting, one for the North East scouting, and leave this one open for the majority to post in. If I read right Zoronos your taking one group and Feantari is leading the other small group. The majority group is Teki, Lillithia (when she gets time to post), Effing, and Coyote. I will be continuing the middle group in here and splitting off the other two just so there isn't any confusion about who's where they want to be.
My understanding was, as you say, three groups

1) Feantari + one Geomancer + one unit of dragon blooded troops (+ anyone else that wants to go with her, though without a Chariot they'll need to either borrow a Windblade or have some other method of flight)

2) One Geomancer + One Skimmer + One Chariot + one unit of dragon blooded troops (+ PC's)

3) One Geomancer + One Skimmer + One Chariot + one unit of dragon blooded troops + Wolf (+ PC's).

Wolf has a set of Wings of the Raptor to fly with, but he'd be quite happy to have any other PC's that want to come along with his group, do so.

Of course, if everyone else would rather arrange it in a different manner, that's cool too.
That's what I meant, the second group will stay in here and I'm posting the first bit in the new threads I'm making.
Day Without Sun

Skull turns to Night Without Moon and says “Let us go forth and see what is in store for usâ€
Lieh Tzu

"Mmm, yes." One hand gently petted Jiro's head. The basilisk growled at soldiers who looked at Lieh funny. She kept a careful eye on the soldiers loading up her powered armor into a flier. Should not be necessary, but push may well come to shove...

"So wonderful to taste the air of Creation again, Hati."
Night Without Moon

Hati nodded, "Indeed, and if we're good, we may get to take a few steps or a dip in Creation, too." She gestured to the waiting soldiers and took her place amongst them so that the group could leave. The sooner the departure, the sooner their discoveries and return.

The major group takes off to cut the difference. A North North East direction. The skimmers humming as the air unit flies with them. As they clear the ship the water seems to stretch out a great distance. Even with Mount Meru to the east.
The group followed the dragon line their geomancer located northwest. With all the water, it was difficult to discern any distinctive features, and mountains made poor landmarks when far in the distance. Perhaps they would luck out and there would be no competition to claim any manses or demenses. Hati squinted her eyes and looked about the water once more.

11 dice- 3 - 10 - 9 - 6 - 6 - 3 - 10 - 9 - 7 - 8 - 6, 8 successes
It is about two miles before your Geomancer perks up. “My lords and Lady there is a manse within a mile of us.†Night without Moon quickly spots what appears a purple and blue reef with glittering sapphires floating around it. Gorgeous except … there seems to be a slight discoloration in the water. Strange but could just be bleed off from the manse. Hovering over it you also notice multiple ships shattered about it, one of them looks to be a Swift Midday Brilliance-class Light Warship. You have to wonder what could of destroyed them.
Lieh Tzu

Lieh leaned over the controls, feeling a disquiet in the air. Misfortune and ill omens radiated from such a site. And yet, in the hearts of evil men lays the seed of virtue. Perhaps this manse may still bear fruit.

"I propose we check the site. Caution and luck be our guides!" Lieh wanders back to prepare for the struggle. Jiro patters behind her, claws tapping lightly on the floor.
Night Without Moon

Nodding once, Hati turned to the skimmer's crew. "We're going down, so just keep the skimmer at the ready. Whatever took out the warship might not be there anymore, but it may be a part of the manse. No need to risk lives and equipment unless necessary."

She joined Lieh, "I want to check the wreckage at least. We may be able to salvage parts for repairing the Enterprise."
Lieh Tzu

She petted Jiro. "That and so much more, my comrade." Just a hunch. Now, she steps up and lets the machine strap her into her powered armor, a Moonsilver shell against the cruelties of the outside world. Its mechanical organs sprang to life one by one -- targeting, rebreathing -- and so she was moderately protected from the cruelties of a changed Creation.

She had long argued the merits of designing powered armor for Jiro, but apparently the notion of a desert basilisc in armor did not appeal to the rest of the crew, especially after the fate of poor Ensign Dawes.
Night Without Moon

As one of the few beings without power armor, Hati relied on her nature to secure travel about. In this case, her dark skin developed a beautiful feather pattern, split and took on the skin of a sea eagle in a second. She waited for her friend’s armor to finish fitting coming online, talons curved around a banister. When Lieh was ready, Hati bobbed her feathered beak at her and turned to be let out. The eagle’s form would only last until Hati reached the wreckage and a safe place to stand in one of her true forms.
As you and the rest alight on various pieces of wreckage you notice that some of the water has a slight green tinge to it. You can't be quite positive on what it is. It could be wyld mutation, could be excess essence being vented out, or could be something worse. Looking at the manse in details some aspects of it look familiar.

Give me Lore/Int to try and remember what is familiar about it, give me an occult/perception to guess what the water could be, and if you feeling frisky give me a per/craft(earth) to get an idea what the obvious manses powers are.
Lore – Int – This was one of the western factory cathedrals making submersible combat vehicles called Devil Rays. Artifact 4 ships that are meant to destroy light craft and underwater threats.

(It was Percepction + Occult but I figure you'd of had more dice.) The water is likely the by product of a second circle demon. You don't remember it's name just it's title. It was called the Mover of Oceans and the Water that Thought. It was very rarely called up as it was one of the harder demons to control even if it was skilled and knowledgeable in the more arcane arts. It was likely bound here as a gaurdian.

(Craft + Int) You are not fully sure but those sapphires could actually be highly polished jade and act as a shield of some sort.
Lieh Tzu

"The water is a demon, and a potent one at that -- Movers of Ocean and the Water that Thought. Likely here as a guard. The Manse is a factory-cathedral, building Devil Rays. As for the sapphire... a shield, I would imagine. All in all, quite the fortress!"

GAH, I figured the wrong dice pool for that second roll. Sorry. >_<

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