The Lost Land [Inactive]

Devin Barrett

New Member
Devin Barrett submitted a new role play:

The Lost Land - Senuquad is in ashes from battle, A group will be sent to kill the goblin and Orc army and restore peace

A battle broke out in Senuquad between Orcs, Goblins, Giants, Humans, Dwarf's and Elves causing Senuquad to burn in ashes. It's been two days after the battle struck out, but this was nothing. A war will break out next which will take place in Tukinrash (two-kin-rash) the Goblins territory, then make it's way towards Ranukish (ran-oo-kish) the Orcs territory. They are all going to pay for what they have done. The Orcs and Goblins ran away after it happened and the Giants just disappeared.
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