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Fantasy The Lost Continent [Recruitment Thread (former interest check)]


Cuddly enby auntcle
Plot: On one of the world's great continents and apocalyptic calamity happened that was stopped before it could spread to the other domains of the world. However it left the continent almost void of sapient life (meaning humans, elves, orcs, ogres, dwarves, goblins). Elements of the calamity still exist, a beast and undead army with no leader split into multiple factions. There are parts of the continent that were virtually glassed, leaving a barren desert and other parts that have been corrupted by a miasma, producing abominations of its former wildlife.

In the other continents, it seems that pamphlets have been spread trying to lure in people to repopulate the continent. The pamphlets are mostly targeted at adventure since they can hold their own against the now dangerous environment.

The pamphlet reads: "Are you seeking new adventures? Do you want a fresh start or a second chance? Do you want to create your own legend as a hero? Come to the lost continent! We await you! Whether it is on the shores of the Blood Coast or in the Plains of the Queendom of Raadalir, there is a new home waiting for you!" On the bottom in fine print it says: "Warning: Only recommended for those who can hold their own. Dangerous creatures roam the lands."

A lot of people think it is a hoax, some think it is a trap by some evil force, but there are also those who have been captivated by the idea.

Seeking who made these pamphlet, the only clue is: "Produced by the homeland ministry of Raadalir."

Stories from others say that the Lost continent is called that way for a reason. They tell that no one lives there anymore except for the ghosts of the fallen and malevolent entities. Other stories tell of a group of heroes that set out to kill a witch in the Kingdom of Raadalir, only to never return. But most stories date the last communication with the lost continent to be decades ago and that no one travels there because any ships that went there never returned.

So you ended up going to the lost continent with a number of others. You and a couple companions you made along the way landed in a village on the Blood Coast to find it at least populated, but in a somewhat desolate state. You fought your way through watch the villages called a relatively safe route towards Raadalir. In the vast land of Raadalir, nearly all towns and villages are uninhabited. There are only skeletons and occasionally ghosts there. The few ghosts who mean no harm and are willing to talk, tell of a massacre of epic proportions and the fall of Raadalir. It seems suspicious since the pamphlets supposedly came from Raadalir. You and your group travel onwards to the capital. While the capital doesn't have much damage, it is at first absolutely devoid of life. But soon you find out that a handful of people live here. These people are mainly the "ruler", a few knights and what remained of the heroes that travelled to the lost continent.

You can also turn in bounties for goods and services. Also you are given a basic home on a plot of land as a start.

Playable species: Humans, Elves, Orcs, Ogres, Goblins and Dwarves.

Note: Ogres here look similar to elves, but with horns and more muscular. Orcs can have green, grey, brown or black skin. Goblins and dwarves are about the same average height.

Magics: There are different kinds of magics. They are elemental magic (fire, water/ice, wind, earth), dark magic (such as curses), light/healing magic (including lifting curses), summoning, necromancy, combat (enhancement) magic, taming magic and abyssal magic (stuff like summoning demons and horrors).

Magics also come in different forms (schools): Ancient magic is based on creating spell circles that require magic to activate but will immediately materialize the desired effect/element. Modern magic uses element aligned mana that first turns into the desired element/effect on target. And then there is unaspected mana which mostly only has use in combat magic for enhancing strength or speed.

The most common dominant form of magic is the modern magic though. Ancient magic is rarely known and usually comes with the disadvantage that it is slow to use unless you have practiced it for decades.


Raadalir: Once a vast empire spanning a third of the lost continent. Now it is an almost completely depopulated land after a string of unlucky events. While some managed to escape to the other continents, most of the citizens perished in the calamity. Only a few settlements are inhabited by a handful of people who managed to hold up against the strong enemies and dangerous environment. In the capital, most, if not all of the current inhabitants aren't even originally inhabitants of the city. The current queen isn't of the old royal dynasty as all of the royals and their relatives perished. Basically the calamity came to a miraculous stop when the land was fighting with it's last reserves. It is said that the current inhabitants of the capital including the queen and the remainder of the heroes managed to defeat all of the leaders of the invading forces.

Blood Coast: The Blood Coast is the southern coast of the continent. It is possibly currently the most populated part of the continent with a number of fishing villages and a small town. However most of the inhabitants of the Blood Coast don't dare to travel further into the continent. The Blood Coast may be a good base for adventurers willing to push into the dangerous parts of the continent.

The Glassed Lands: A former nation of the continent, it was as the name implied glassed. Everything within it was scorched beyond ash. It is said that it wasn't the invaders who did it, but a massive spell that went wrong and backfired, destroying everyone and everything in that country. In some places, there are the crystallized remains of people. Literally turned into a glass like substance.

The Miasma Jungle: Former a beautiful forest, now a hell of mutated creatures and toxic air. Always make sure you have a healer here, because breathing the air can damage your health.

The Abyss: A cracked landscape and flowing lava everywhere. A massive dark gaping hole that seemed to have swallow half of a large city. Most of the rest of the city lies slanted on a massive rock on the edge of the abyss. No one lives here because it is difficult to navigate, too warm and there is fear that the rest of the city will fall into the abyss too.

The Northern Range: A mountain range in the north of the continent. The few who live there are barbarian tribes. Unprepared adventurers will quickly freeze to death there. There could me exploitable mines and dungeons with vast treasures there. But beware of the dragons. The worse ones are undead or miasmic.

Link to character thread: Fantasy - The Lost Continent [Characters]

Link to out of character thread: Fantasy - The Lost Continent [Out of Character]
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This looks interesting. Any chance a Necromancer/Dark Wizzard can take an adventure?
I would like to give this a try if that is ok? I have an idea for a warrior/weapons master type....
This looks interesting! Though, I do have a question.

Religion, do you perhaps know of what religions you intend to put within the RP? I was thinking of joining as a Priest/Preacher for the group.
This looks interesting! Though, I do have a question.

Religion, do you perhaps know of what religions you intend to put within the RP? I was thinking of joining as a Priest/Preacher for the group.
Since there are many nations, there would be at least four or five different major religions and many smaller ones. So maybe you can make one yourself. Otherwise I'd say there is a monotheistic one with a mother goddess. A polytheistic one with over a dozen deities. My character would believe in a type of folk religion, she had adopted from a people she found refuge with during her persecution.
Since there are many nations, there would be at least four or five different major religions and many smaller ones. So maybe you can make one yourself. Otherwise I'd say there is a monotheistic one with a mother goddess. A polytheistic one with over a dozen deities. My character would believe in a type of folk religion, she had adopted from a people she found refuge with during her persecution.
Another question, would the RP focus around the group or is it free-roam?
It can be free roam. It is up to the players. With few people, it might be best to stay in a group. But with more people partaking, multiple smaller groups could act independently.
Good to know! Well, I think I'm very interested in joining if you have a spot opening.

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