The Lost Clans; New Warrior Generation


DarkPaw's eyes fluttered open. She lifted her had and her tail swished about. She slowly got up, yawning and stretching her long agile limbs. She shook her all black fur, shaking off the sleepiness. She calmly walked out of her den looking around with her dazzling blue eyes.


SnowPelt searched through the territory looking for medical herbs to resupply. Her snow leopard like fur glistened in the sun under the brush, with her nose close to the ground sniffing for the familiar scents. She would ocasionally stop and look around for anything.

Mountain Clan:

BraveClaw was at the edge of the boundary making sure everything was in check. Doing his normal duties as a warrior and protecting the territory borders. His ears were perked for any suspicious sounds, eyes open for movements, and nose keen for scents. His paws stood firmly on the ground creating his tall intimidating posture.


BrightPaw's eyes shot open. She jumped up from her sleep and shook her fur playfully! She stretched and went into a stalking stance. She pounced out of her den with a grin. She looked around and padded to to a rock that stood infront of the entrance to her den and climbed to the top and sitting on it.
(Well, Rouges were found on GrowlClan territory, and are now approaching BraveClaw, TimberClan fought off a fox, and thats about it.)


He stepped out from the dense forest and spotted BraveClaw, Coal's pure black stail flicked calmly, and his spiked collar glittered like stars on his throat, He very slowly kept walking through the MountainClan territory.

Jingo & Lingo

The two followed Coal walking in unison, they looked over at BraveClaw and smirked, but kept walking with their Litter mate (Coal). They were trespassers on MountainClan territory, But they were oh so calm, too calm.


"Behind you!" CherryKit told BerryKit. "Hyah!" BerryKit turned and swiped at an imaginary warrior from MoonClan. "Great job!" CherryKit praised. "Over there! More warriors!" BerryKit said. "I can take them!" BerryKit leaped forward and slashed an imaginary warriors side, then slid under another and raked its belly. "Yay! We won!" CherryKit and BerryKit bounced up and down happily.


"Yeah. I hope we don't see them again. Ever." She stopped to look around a bit, then continued to follow her mentor. She hoped they didn't run in to anything else that could be bad. Well, all she could do was wait and walk.


He finished scenting all the boundaries then, As they came back to camp he jumped onto his rock and sat down the sun warm on his fur.

RabbitHeart looked down at Her young apprentice and smiled "Well, I had told you i was going to take you hunting did i not?" She purred delighted to go hunting with the young she-cat, Her eyes bright and glittered happily.

"You did say that!" ApplePaw excitedly ran in circles then pounced on a leaf. "I wanna catch a bird!" ApplePaw jumped to her feet and walked back to her mentor. "Are there any secret techniques for catching birds?"


FoxKit sighed. He heard someone approaching him, so he looked up and saw MilkKit. "Hey, MilkKit." "Hey. What're you doing?" "Pretending to be a medicine cat." "But that's boring!" "Maybe for you. What're YOU doing?" "I came out here to see if you wanted to play something FUN. FlowerKit is still asleep, and she's the only one who usually wants to do something FUN." "Then why'd you come to me?" "Occasionally you play with me. Last time it ended up in our mother dying though. Thanks for that." "You're the one who fell off! I didn't do anything." "Shut up!" MilkKit swished his tail over the organized grass, making it scatter all over the place. "Hey!" FoxKit hissed. "Haha!" MilkKit turned and walked away.


She had been watching FoxKit and she watched MilkKit approach, She sighed then leaped down and jumped in front of MilkKit stopping Him in quickly, she looked down at him and flicked his ear with her tail in a small punishing way, And her eyes glittered with disappointment as she stared down at the young kit. "Milkkit." She meowed, her voice stern and unhappy "Why would you do that to your brother?" She mewed and sat down waiting for the kit to explain himself. 

She purred and stroked ApplePaw's flank with her tail "If you bounce around to much you'll scare the prey from here to GrowlClan Territory." She purred louder then stood up and began to walk towards the woods"Just do as i do." she meowed softly.

"Ok." ApplePaw sat down, eager to learn. She hoped that she would catch a lot. Hunting was fun! But so was everything else. If she had to make a decision on what she liked to learn the most, she would be stumped on the question forever!


FoxKit lifted his head, waiting to see what MilkKit would say. "I... I..." MilkKit put his head down and tucked his tail. "I don't know..." FoxKit put his head down and sat there. He noticed he had just been blaming MilkKit, when previously he had kept blaming himself. He thought back to what his father had said. It wasn't either of their faults, because they didn't know better. Maybe he was right? FoxKit didn't know anymore.


She sighed, They had all gone through a great loss by losing their mother, and the clan from losing a loyal warrior, She brushed her tail over MilkKit's back in a calming, slightly motherly way. SilverStar never had kits of her own anyways, She never was capable of having them, "Next time your bother doesn't want to play a game you like, Try playing a game he likes." She c licked the kits ear gently "You might enjoy it, always try new things." She nudged the kit back with her long tail and looked over at FoxKit, and purred softly, before looking back down at MilkKit.


She looked back at her apprentice "Well come on!" she purred, then trotted slowly, letting her apprentice catch up.

"Oh, yeah!" ApplePaw stood back up and walked to her mentor, careful not to step on any twigs. She might scare off the nearby prey!


MilkKit walked back over to FoxKit, then proceeded to say, "Umm... FoxKit? Sorry... I... I'll play whatever you want to play..." FoxKit looked up. "Really?" "Really..." "Ok. Umm... Let's go look for some place with plants other than grass so that I don't end up putting everything in one pile. It isn't very fun or hard to sort one plant." "Uh, ok. Where... Where do we go?" "I don't know, let's look around camp." "Ok..."



"That was exhausting!" CherryKit exclaimed. "Yeah. What now?" "We could... Do something else that's just as or is more fun?" "Sounds good. Any ideas?" "Nope." "Hmm... Let's ask MouseEye! He always has great ideas!" "But, where is he?" "I don't know." "He's probably on patrol... He always is." "Yeah. Maybe BrightCloud has some good ideas?" "Ok, I guess."


GreenPaw sighed. Maybe no one would mention what he had done. He could pretend like he never did it, and never learned it. He could never EVER use it again. Or he could never talk to anyone again. Pretend he forgot how to talk. And hear. No, that was a stupid idea.


He watched his leader bask in the sun, he decided to put himself to use and slipped into the medience cat den. His pupils dilated, getting used to the sudden lack of light in the den. He glanced around, looking for the cat that was closest to Starclan. "Hello?" He called, voice soft.


He pushed himself deeper into the nest, purring as Foxkit left. It was a good thing too, he was too loud for Spottedkit's relaxed and calm personality.


She sat in the medicine cat den, she lifted her head and sat up "Yes PaleFace?" She mewed, curious of why he would come to her without injury.


He rested his head on his paws and dug his claws into the rock slightly, scratching the thin layer of dirt.
Mountain Clan:

BraveClaw stood his ground keeping calm but his tail swished giving an almost hostile feeling,"What do you think youre doing, trespassers?!" His voice was serious and looked at them straight in the eye looking upset.

Moon Clan:

DarkPaw looked at the two cats talking to eachother as she roamed the clan. She sighed and watched the warriors do their duties,"I wanna be a warrior so bad..." She said to herself. 
Timber Clan:

SnowPelt picked some alfalfa and jogged swiftly back the medicinal den and set the freshly picked herb in its designated area.

"There! Now everything is in stock" she heaved a sigh and sat on her hind legs, licking her paws.

Growl Clan:

BrightPaw pawed at a dandilion playfully, she rolled on her back still pawing at it and giggling as she played, she acted too young for her age...she stopped moving, purring loudly, she got back up in her feet and pounced on the plant.

"BrightCloud, do you have any ideas of what what to play?" CherryKit asked. "Well, there's plenty of things to do." BrightCloud replied. "Such as...?" BerryKit questioned. "You'll find something." "Ugh." CherryKit turned to BerryKit and sighed. "That wasn't very successful." CherryKit said. "What now?" BerryKit asked. "I don't know. Let's go back outside."


he turned and looked the unfamiliar cat dead in the eyes, A crazy glint in his bright eyes seemed to twinkle. "Trespassers?" He said, his voice hinting a growl slightly, and his tail swished slowly, His two sibling stood behind him, Their expressions calm, but the fur along their back began to bristle slightly. "I think that is quite a... Mouse brained way to greet another feline." He growled softly, Mouse Brained was used mainly in the clans, Rouges never really knew what it meant, His tail twitched with slight irritation, The tips of his thick, unusually sharp claws peeked from their sheaths, But he was not trying to unsheathe them.


She stood behind her litter mate (Coal) he was smaller then her, Her eyes were locked on the clan cat, a very slight smirk crossed her muzzle as her and Lingo exchanged slight glances, then looked back at the Clan cat "Well, if you don't mind me nosing in." Jingo meowed, a very soft satisfied purr rumbled in her chest "We never came here to spill any worthless Clan cat blood." She meowed calmly. Lingo purred with delight, And Jingo met Coal's cold, yet brotherly gaze. 

He dropped from the fence into a long grassed area, then smelt it, the foul stench of a dog, it was faint, then he heard a loud rumbling noise, He looked up and saw the massive dog step out from the twoleg home, the dog saw him and stared, then bared his teeth, LeopardPelt stood frozen, his legs shaking fearfully, then he whipped around and darted towards the fence, The dog ran after him.
Mountain Clan:

BraveClaw's fur on the back of his neck stood up from that insult(lolz i almost spelled BraveClam xD ). He looked at Coal eyeing his collar, he imediately calmed down knowing this cat seemed like no threat since it obviously belonged to a twoleg,"What's a petty kittypet like you doin out here anyway? Lose a squeaky toy?" he had an amused smirk on his face as his muscular body slightly towered over them. He looked at Jingo after she made her comment,"I have no problem talking down to female kit like you as well! Watch what you say..." He warned and hissed while keeping his cool and keeping his guard up. 
Timber Clan:

SnowPelt was finally done checking the inventory of the medicine den. A gust of wind blew and brought the scent of a dog with it,"Oh my...." she sighed. Her ears were perked incase of anything suspicious, she looked off into the distance,"I hope the dog doesnt come closer...."

His ears twitched "Twolegs?" He smirked "A human pet?" He asked then chuckled slightly "Leave it up to the flea ridden felines to create such a kit-ish name." his cold eyes met with BraveClaw's, "we don't live with the humans." He chuckled softly as the clan cat spoke to his litter mate "I dare you." He growled softly, but he smirked and unsheathed his claws, They were not cat claws, it was something like mothers had told their kits, of the alley cats who had attacked the clans in the earlier ages, The claws weren't even claws, They were teeth.


She unsheathed her claws as well, They were the same as her brothers, She twitched her ears and her tail swayed back and forth across the ground, a small smirk crossed her muzzle as the words rang in her ears.. 'i dare you' She purred softly


He was the largest among the three, and he unsheathed his claws, just as the other two, they were the sharp teeth of another species, nothing feline like. His ears were pricked forward, his tail swung and brushed against the ground. 

He ran to the gate and leaped up, He heard the jaws of the dog snap shut near his tail, He clawed himself up onto the fence, the dog barked and attacked the fence, LeopardPelt dug his claws into the fence, keeping himself from falling, He hissed loudly then unsheathed his claws, then swiped across the dogs muzzle, it whimpered, but attacked again, LeopardPelt ran across the fence top quickly, and leaped off of it, he stood beside the thunderpath waiting for a time to run.
BraveClaw scoffed,"You are all foolish..." He smirked as well. He may be a big cat but these are three cats! But he wasnt the least bit intimidated, he embraced a challenge, and didnt fear to take a beating. His claws poked out from his paws aswell, his ears were a little more flatened and he growled a bit, his tail darting from side to side, showing how annoyed he was from those three,"Why dont you make a move then kittypet? Or are you afrid you'll get your collar dirty?" He spoke to Coal with a mocking tone, and spoke down to him as though he were talking to a kit.

He bared his fangs "Gladly." Then he ran at BraveClaw and used a warrior cat move, he slid under BraveClaw's belly and raked his massive sharp claws through the clan cat's belly, He then stood straight, he brought his bloody paw up to his mouth and licked the blood from his massive claws.


She purred loudly, but sat with Lingo


He watched the runt of the litter attack the larger clan cat.
BraveClaw was surprised by this move. How did he know this? The pain didnt come till later, he cringed as blood spread through his fur. He chuckled a bit more,"Is that the only move you learned?" He taunted him some more. Why was he proviking him? Who knows! Its just the way BraveClaw was, he hardly got any action so he was enjoying to speak...
(Sorry I didn't receive any alerts!)


He jolted back at the sight of Honeyfern, alarmed at her sudden presence, stepping away from her. Once the familiar scent reached his light pink nose and soft smile appeared on his face. "Hello Honeyfern," He purred at the she-cat. His fur settled on his back and he relaxed, claws releasing the soft earth beneath him. "I thought maybe you could use my help." He offered, his voice containing his usual friendly tone. "I could collect moss for nests if you want." As a kit he wanted to be Medicine Cat, but Starclan chose a different path for him, and to date he didn't regret the outcome. Still, he felt most comfortable here in this den.


She lifted her head, finished grooming her now spotless white and grey long pelt. The breeze hit her full on, dust flying up and finding it's way into her pelt, which she found incredibly annoying, but the intoxicating scent of dog shoved the thought from her mind. Doubting her nose, she closed her eyes and pushed her head into the air, inhaling deeply. Yes, that is indeed dog, and awfully close. Too close for comfort. She thought worriedly. She rose at all four paws, the lazy she-cat padding off to speak with a higher ranking cat about her discovery.


He smiled then attacked again, He leaped onto BraveClaw's back and sunk his sharp teeth into the clan cat's scruff deep and tight, then he sunk his claws into his shoulders and raked down his sides quickly then jumped off before the drop and roll move could be preformed and landed in front of BraveClaw and sat down, He was preforming clan cat moves, His spiked collar hung from his throat, and it was teeth and claws that glistened from it in the sunlight, Blood covered his paws, but he smirked, he looked like a kit, but fought like a fully grown warrior. 

She purred softly and sat up "That would be lovely PaleFace." she meowed then bowed her head slightly and began to assort herbs, then she very carefully picked up a bundle of leaves in her mouth, and stood on her hind paws placing them high on a rock, her tail flicking with concentration as she very softly placed the leave bundle on the rock and then got back onto four paws.
BraveClaw cringed once more,"Alright....Enough free-shots..." He pounced ontop of Coal while he licked his paws, using his superior weight to hold him down. He grabbed onto the cat's collar with his teeth and yanked it, the spikes hurt the roof of his mouth but so did his body. That wretched collar just absolutely bothered him more the cat himself! His goal was to tear that thing, and he could he feel it barely starting to give way. The claws from BraveClaw hooked onto the cat, going deep so it curves inward, and his own blood from his stomach wound dripped onto the strange cat's fur. He released one penetrating paw and its claws, and placed it on the cats head, to push it against the ground,"Dont play with me!" BraveClaw growled in the cats ear.

He hissed with anger then raked his claws along BraveClaw's stomach again but from his hide paws, Coal chuckled and kicked his under belly hard, scratching more and more, And more of BraveClaw's blood poured onto Coal, but it pleased him, And he swung his frontal paws and sunk his claws into the soft flesh above BaveClaw's eyes, and his blood began to drip more.

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