~The Lords of the Magistone~


Sad Shroom
SkyGinge submitted a new role play. @SkyGinge, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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~Character form~

Just a heads up, this is only human characters. That's right, this isn't an animal-y/mystic creatures-y type of fantasy RP. The only non human things will be enemies, and even then shadow creatures.

I love me mah characters, and as a result expect pretty decent detail here. This doesn't mean necessarily a completely developed character, because otherwise they'd have no development to undergo and that would be dumb. But rather, more detail ensures well rounded and well thought out characters, thus improving the quality of the RP.



Age: (preferably between 16-30 unless you have something completely different in mind)

Appearance: (decent detail plz. Include clothes/armour. People on this site seem to like using anime pictures for appearances, but I'd prefer a written description as it makes you think more and be more original)

Personality Strengths:

Personality Weaknesses: (just split up to ensure a balanced character)

Background: (doesn't need to be too long)

Weapon: (can be anything medieval-ish. Give it a description also)

Magic: (describe the persons magical ability)

Battle strengths/weaknesses: (must be balanced out)

Other: (juicy little bits of info that don't fit in elsewhere, like interests, ECT.)

User Timezone: (kinda important for a Brit like me)
User: Rukatin

Character name: Jerrick Firesmith

Age: 25

Appearance: Jerrick stands at 5'10" and has broad shoulders. His skin is pale but tanned, and shows the muscles underneath formed from long days in a forge. His uncombed feathery hair is a shade of Onyx that goes to his shoulders, and his eyes are a cool dark blue that burn with an inner passion. For clothing he wears a dark to almost black grey tunic which is singed is some places, as are his well worn work pants. We dons a canvas cloak over this, easily able to conceal his identity with the hood up, and thick enough to hide his armor when hears wears it, a chain mail-leather and plate mix that he made himself.

Weapon: Also made by himself, he wields a bastard sword which he can hold one-handed, having trained himself to do so. He also carries a hatchet designed for combat for a backup along with your standard dagger.

Magic: Jerrick was born with a natural ability for magic, but only fire magic. Not the mage type, Jerrick applied his abilities in smithing instead. Jerrick never received a formal education with his magic, much of it was self taught.

Personality strengths: Jerrick is friendly enough, he's not a paragon of virtue, but he's willing to lend a hand when needed. Jerrick is honest...most times. He dislikes dishonesty, but can recognize some lies are beneficial. If anything else, Jerrick is loyal above all else. He'll never turn a back on a friend, and will do (almost) anything to help them. But his entire trust is something hard earned, and if someone betrays that trust... They will find that his fire will have no mercy upon them...

(Neutral Good)

Personality weaknesses: Jerrick likes honesty, and if he sees something he disapproves of, he be upfront and blunt about it. Jerrick is slow to anger, but once that fire is started, someone is bound to get burned. He tends to have a snarky sense of humor, and sometimes has a lack of tact concerning women.

Battle strengths and weaknesses: Jerrick is a close combat fighter, because he is actually a terrible shot with ranged weapons. The best thing he has to a ranged attack is with his magic, shooting out fire to a medium distance at best. He doesn't carry a shield, preferring to keep an open hand to wield his magic with. If he has to go on the defensive, he hold his sword with both hands. Jerrick originally used his magic in his trade, and as such, is still learning how to effectively use it in combat. But whatever fire he makes, it's hotter than any non-magical fire.

Background: Jerrick is an orphan, having killed his mother during birth, and his father having died in military service. He was raised in an orphanage, which wasn't the best, and in his childhood he was a common street urchin. But as he grew his powers manifested and other kids avoided him out of fear. Years passed and Jerrick worked hard to understand and control his inner fire. It wasn't until he was taken in and apprenticed to a Blacksmith that he finally made progress. The Smith was getting old, but had much experience and wisdom and helped Jerrick to shape his powers the best he could. The Smith had close ties to the military, often making weapons and armor for them. Jerrick was taught also to understand how what he was making was used, and as such received training in weapons and armor. The Smith got older as years passed and when he died Jerrick too over his business. Jerrick's life was good and successful until the day The Shadow King took over. Now with the land tainted and people dying, Jerrick realizes he has to do something, or die.

Other: Jerrick will sometimes be poetic, even philosophical at times, about his fire magic and life in general. Jerrick is neither idealistic nor cynical. He just has a strong sense of doing what needs to be done. He also carries a set of tools with him, both as a reminder to himself, and to use.

Time Zone: American central time
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@Rukatin Your sheet is largely good, and to a great level of detail. You are accepted, though I need you to change a few things. You should probably check back through the form for mistakes as I think autocorrect may have ravaged your form a little xD In addition, you really need to re-read the magics section of the initial post as you've failed to understand really how magic works in this RP; not through spells, nor inherited and individual, not tainted by the magic of others - think of magic as an energy rather than a force. You'll probably have to edit quite a bit of your form in light of this. However, once you've changed this I have no worries in regards to your writing and welcome you aboard.

My character:

User: SkyGinge

Name: Skyre Eraldus

Age: 19

Appearance: Skyre is fairly tall and slim, though not exactly to skin and bone/lamp post extremes. He is on the whole fairly average looking, with a long, bony chin, small mouth and long but not big nose. Yet two things about him stand out; his narrow but calm, emerald eyes exude absolute peace and serenity whilst his ginger hair is style like that of a dancing flame. It stand out manically to almost gravity defying extents, but looks cool on him; he never reveals how it still stays up. He wears a dark cloak over simple brown clothes and an emerald jacket complete with a cape, his look finished off by large black boots. Additionally, he has a pair of goggles around his forehead that he slides down when using intense magic.

Personality Strengths: Skyre strives to be selfless and caring to others, appearing as supportive and friendly to others; he often is willing to put his own life on the line to save others. He has an active, intelligent mind that allows him to construct clever tactical plans. He will never give up hope on a given goal, and keeps focused and determined even in the darkest of situations. Although he fails to admit it, he is a natural leader and a very understanding man.

Personality Weaknesses: Skyre likes to remain quiet, dark and enigmatic, often keeping ideas and plans to himself for the trivial need to feel powerful. Yet despite this, he becomes attached to people far too quickly, often falling in love very early on after meeting people - he wears his heart on his sleeve far too much to be truly enigmatic, and this can make him emotionally troubled and distracted. Couple this with a tendency to over think things and Skyre is very easy to read. Additionally, he isn't very physically strong, sometimes his sarcasm can inadvertently offend and he can often seem to serious.

Background: Skyre lived a fairly normal life in one of the many rural villages of Valia. As a child he was a dreaming loner who would much prefer his own company to joining in with the games of others, and as a result was bullied a little. Nevertheless, he understood why it had happened to him, forgave his oppressors and learnt to ignore them, gaining respect. When he was old enough, he enrolled to the university of wind magic, where he ended up in residence very near to the castle of light. As a result, he became familiar with seeing the king himself and other royal officials. One evening, the king summoned him to his room and told him to flee without explanation that night. Skyre reluctantly agreed and ran away. That was the night of the apocalypse. Now Skyre is living a life in the wild like the other survivors, though he is yet to find any other living people.

Weapon: A winged sword named Cloud. This is literally just a very light sword with sharp wings that unfold upon sheathing. The surface of the sword is engraved with ancient runes, and the hilt is a bright green.

Magic: Skyre is a strong user of wind magic, using it in many creative ways to aid his fighting ability. However, he didn't quite finish his time at the university of wind magic, and so does not feel proficient enough to be called a master.

Battle strengths/weaknesses: An active, strategic thinker, Skyre is able to think on his feet and use clever tactics to outwit others. His light sword and wind magic usage make him a swift and powerful fighter too. However, without his weapon he is very physically weak, and doesn't deal too well with pain. He can also be easily distracted by other personal issues, especially those regarding love.

Other: Skyre loves the natural world and nature in general; he is normally quite the naive pacifist unless dealing with shadow creatures. He plays a woodwind instrument called a Herthuin, and has a great sense of musicality.

User Timezone: GMT +1

In addition, I forgot to mention that you can have up to two characters :')




Sabrina Honor




Fairly tall at 6ft, though she has a heavy and stocky build, almost similar to Amazonian in stature. The rest of her, however, could be considered Albino, as she has deathly pale skin around her muscular body with unkept shoulder-length ghostly white hair and clouded red eyes. For casual wear, she normally dons rather colorful clothing like deep blues or reds, though if you ask her if she is compensating you'll likely get a solid whack in the head. Beneath this, she wears a thick jet-black plated armor handed down to her as a family heirloom.

Personality Strengths:

Sabrina is a calculating character, a strategist at heart and meticulous to a fault. Her mind is always on the next battle, or the next technique to perfect, constantly seeking to improve herself until she can improve no more.

Personality Weaknesses:

Despite her name, she is actually a rather dishonorable person, too focused on herself being better than everyone else than worrying about everyone else, though she could also be considered arrogant and stubborn. She normally looks out for herself unless someone proves that they are worth her time. She hates the idea of someone besting her at anything.


Sabrina was raised in one of the many towns that dotted Valia, though this particular town was more of a barracks with farmland then anything else. In tradition, many males seeking glory and honor would train at this town before marching off to war against the Shadow King, and unlikely as it seemed, it had a profound affect on Sabrina, and she often found herself fantasizing about going to war as well. She spent alot of her spare time training to become worthy of marching to war, and with her father's blessing, had ventured to a recruiter to sign up to become a member of the Royal Guard, though despite all her efforts over the years, the recruiter simply laughed her off. Embarrassed and angry, she fled into the woods to lick her wounds, and that night just so happened to be the day of the Apocalypse.


A large, long-reach Halberd, though also has a small hand-crossbow with her at all times.


Sabrina has never used magic, and has generally conceded never to use it, though if she tried she would find she has a natural talent in Nature magics.

Battle strengths/weaknesses:

Quick on her feet despite being heavily armored, but due to her being headstrong she could often commit to a battle she cannot win. Generally with her heavy armor and big weapon, she can still move around the field of battle quickly, but her attacks are often slow, and therefore easily avoided.

User Timezone:

Australian, so (UTC+10:00)

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Nice job, accepted, although I'm going to point out that the last big war was several years previously as described in the plot, where Lyram presumably put an end to the Shadow Kings dynasty before their recent uprising. However, she still could have been attempting to join the royal guard/army, so just change up that small detail and everything will be perfect! And woo, people from three different continents already, this is going to be fun to manage xD
User: Windnotes

Name: Vaelem Minvil

Age: 27

Appearance: Vaelem stands around six foot with a thick, muscular build. His thick brown locks are usually pulled back into a pony-tail, with a few strands loose and framing his face. Deep-set eyes peer from beneath his heavy brow. His features are blunt, with an average sized nose and tightly shut lips. Thick stubble encircles his mouth and lines his jaw. He is clad in a hauberk of chainmail, topped with a worn, studded leather jerkin. Over this, he usually wears a dark fur cloak. Thick leather boots, bracers, and matching gloves protect his appendages. The only sign of ornamentation lies in the fastener of his cloak, which bears a ring of rubies encircling a dark, smooth, and glass-like stone.

Personality Strengths: What he lacks in conventional intelligence and booksmarts, he makes up for in honor and discipline. Vaelem is fiercely loyal to his friends and wouldn't hesitate to endanger himself for them. His somber personality leads him to be thoughtful and thorough before choosing his next move.

Personality Weaknesses: Vaelem tends to become lost in the past and can often retreat behind a mental shield. He works to separate himself from others so as to avoid recreating his past (detailed further in background). As a result, he can appear cold and unresponsive at first impression. Vaelem is honorable to a fault, leading him to largely think of others before himself, even when his own peril is greater.

Background: Before the fall of King Lyram, Vaelem served as a knight and protector of Valia. He had been given leave and was on his way to see his wife and three year old daughter when the King was assassinated. When he arrived at his town, nothing remained save ash and charred rubble. Overcome with grief, Vaelem fled to the surrounding woods where he's been dodging the Shadow Warriors ever since.

Weapon: A two-handed greatsword, named Winter's Edge, and worn in an engraved leather sheath over his back. The greatsword is the one possession he cherishes and he often sharpens it, even when it could cut a fingertip at the slightest brush.

Magic: Although he prefers to fight with his sword, Vaelem received a year and a half of training in ice magic. He is moderately able to control ice, but is nowhere near a master. His main use is for creating impromptu weapons, such as a small dagger of ice with a razor edge.

Battle strengths/weaknesses: Vaelem is incredibly strong, but his use of a two-handed sword can render his movements slow. Any hit he lands is likely to be devastating, but a miss could leave him wide open and vulnerable. As a result, he tends to be cautious when fighting, preferring to assess his opponent and punish their mistakes.

Other: Vaelem has always been partial to stars and often gazes fixedly into the night sky.

User Timezone: US - Eastern Time (EST)
User: Cookie

Name: Aurelia Wren (Ari for short)

Age: 22

Appearance: Reasonably fit and athletic, the only thing Aurelia would change about her appearance is her height. Though she never cared much for the way she looked, Ari considers her vertically challenged 5'3" height to be a great disadvantage in battle. From a distance, Ari might appear like a young boy. Her reddish-brown hair is cut short to stay out of her way and her long purple cloak does a fair job at hiding her figure. Underneath the cloak, her clothes portray her desire for functionality over aesthetic. She wears close-fit leather shorts and a leather bodice, both designed for easy movement. Ari has defensive leather arm and shin guards. She wears her knives strapped to her hip along with a cross-body leather strap for holding anything ranging from vials to lock picks. From up close, Ari's features are deceptively delicate and charming. All but her eyes, whose striking deep grey color provide some hint to a personality contrary to her appearance.

Weapon: Ari uses two assassin's knives, concealed under her cloak. They look ordinary for their type -- long, thin blades and worn leather-wrapped grips. However, Ari's knives are made from a highly conductive metallic alloy and infused with some of her own thunder magic. They aid her in magic battles, directing the power and flow of electrical energy. She also has a few throwing knives made from the same material, but she rarely uses them.

Magic: Having mastered Thunder magic, Ari is able to generate large amounts of electricity from the air. She uses this ability most often in battle, firing arcing bolts of lighting at her opponents. With this level of skill, Ari can also maintain a field of energy around her for about a minute at a time. Ari knows very little about Light magic, but she can heal minor injuries and even good-sized cuts (with a little time). She can't create lasting light sources or buff allies with her current ability level.

Personality Strengths: Ari is clever and quick-witted, which aids her in battle success. Outside of battle, she's relaxed and composed. Her stealthy nature allows her to get out of tough situations with relative ease. Though she is well aware of her limits, Ari always puts her all into everything she tries. She is never the one to pick a fight, but she exhibits grace under pressure and is honorable in defeat.

Personality Weaknesses: She has a tendency to make a bad first impression, as her quick mind entails a sharp tongue. She comes off as snarky and unfriendly, which is true even past initial impressions. Ari sees friends as unwanted distractions and instead has what she likes to call 'contacts' in many regions of Valia. She considers altruism a weakness and dislikes forming close relationships.

Background: Aurelia's life always revolved around magic. From a very young age, she showed signs of magical excellence. She and her parents lived near a prestigious university of magic in the capital Aliak and she had grown up knowing she would go there to study Thunder magic. Having great aptitude for the art, Ari mastered thunder magic fairly quickly and was sent off to an outlying university to learn secondary Light magic. It proved a much more difficult discipline, but Ari was determined to master the skill. Sadly, she was never able to, as the kingdom collapsed when she finally began to make some progress in the art. As her parents were still in the city during the collapse, they became among the first to be eradicated -- along with all of her Light professors, who had gone to fight the Shadow King. However, Aurelia is still determined to finish what she started. She cares little for the fate of Valia or the banishment of the Shadow King or even getting revenge for her dead parents. Ari only wants to save the land to find a new Light mentor and master the skill in peace, which is perhaps the worst reason to join the battle against the Shadow King.

Battle strengths/weaknesses: With the height detriment, Ari is very lightweight. She uses her speed to become a difficult target, often wearing down her opponents with minor injuries that accumulate into one final blow when the adversary is weak. She tries to find holes in her opponent's defense by getting in close, but she doesn't fare well against long-range attacks. She tends to overexert herself in battle and is left weakened for a while afterwards.

Other: Aurelia hates being called by her first name, which is just as well seeing as everyone who knew it is now dead. She is a skilled thief and pickpocket as well.

User Timezone: UTC (-06:00)
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Thank you for trying to help Ruk, but in future please leave anything on regards to characters to me as the GM as I am now left very confused with a lot of comments that are seemingly unrelated to the current character, and your ordering bordered on rude. Kate, you mention in the OOC above that the character was a 'Mary Sue/Gary Stu' for a joke. I can't really tell if that's still true as of now, but I'd like a little more into the negative personality traits as they're all arguably positive ones. In addition, your character is essentially TinTin, no? Now, I just want conformation; was this a joke in knowledge that I would 'take it down anyway', or not?
User: Effervescent

Name: Rederik Valan

Age: 20

Appearance: Rederik is a pale young man, but it is not a conventional sort of pale. His Albinism gives him a fair complexion and platinum blond hair that rests in a shaggy mess atop his head. His almond-shaped eyes do hold a red hue, but from a distance they could appear more normal. He is fit and athletic, though any physical note of it would be covered under a combination of cloth and leather armor dyed in earth tones. Due to his appearance, he'll often throw up his hood in or around more crowded areas. His face is angular and often shaved.

Personality Strengths: He looks at everyone with compassion, seeking to find good before all else. Everyone is worth his time, and he lends a great ear to those who need someone to listen. He tends to befriend the outcasts if they'll have him, because he feels that everyone deserves someone. While he's worked mostly alone, he has a natural sense of teamwork and comradery.

Personality Weaknesses: Sometimes he can be in denial of bad situations or people. He's often too quick to trust as well, which has put him in a few unfortunate situations. He's a big pushover and puts others before himself to almost an unhealthy degree.

Background: Rederik grew up in a small town where his father owned a business as a bowyer. His parents loved him, but were incredibly protective of him and confined him to either the house or the workshop. He and his four older brothers would help his father at the shop wherever and however they could, but Rederik was the only one out of the bunch who couldn't shoot a bow to save his life. His family soon found out that part of his condition also limited his eyesight.

One of his father's friends, Jnar, took Rederik under his wing not soon after his poor sight was determined. He was a warrior who had been well outside the town limits and not only told Rederik fantastical stories of his adventures, but taught him how to fend for himself without needing to see far. Through Jnar, the boy became a capable man, and sought to find his own life and his own adventures.

Weapon: Dual katara daggers are Rederik's weapon of choice. These particular daggers have two long side bars as the hilt that run along his forearms when held at the grip. The blade protrudes just after his knuckles, the steel holding an ornate floral pattern at the base.

Magic: Rederik has never received any training in magic, though he has an affinity towards thunder. He can only create sparks, and tends to not dabble in the magic.

Battle strengths/weaknesses: In close combat, Rederik feels at ease. He knows what to do and how to do it well enough to survive and carry on. While he's never had to kill a man, it's safe to say he would hesitate far too long to actually go through with such an act. He would only wound enough to get away or attempt to negotiate.

Other: ((This is optional because I'm sort of uncertain if I'd be allowed this, but I thought I would throw it out here just in case.)) In his travels, Rederik came upon the rejected cub of a feline beast who also has Albinism. Amazed that other beings out there were like him, he took care of the cub and raised it to its adolescence thinking it would return to the wild when ready. The beast has never left his side, and he calls her Naraya.

User Timezone: USA EST (GMT-4:00)
User: Archwell

Name: Aladrien Tan'um

Age: 19

Appearance: 1,80 m, about 70 KG. His hair is short, dark and spiky. His eyes are brown colored, and he always has a stern look on his face, looking serious all the time. He has a tan skin, from training in the sun every day. He's slim, so he seems quick on his feet, but his body constitution makes him quite susceptible to direct strikes. Although having slim arms, he can hold weight quite well. He uses a leather armor, with some iron patches, studded pants, and leather shoes. All of them are adorned with gems, and his shoes are equipped with small bells, so when he runs, a jingling sound is heard.

Personality Strengths: Aladrien is a very friendly guy. He makes friends quickly, and is very sociable. He also has a quick mind, he always have a fast solution for problems.

Personality Weaknesses: Aladrien is quite scared of darkness. Since the attack on his village, he's mentally scarred, and often avoids being alone at dark. he also developed some sort of claustrophobia, so he enters in panic when standing in a very closed space.

Background: Living in the countryside, Aladrien always wanted to be part of the Royal Guard. For him, King Lyram was a beacon of hole through the kingdom, and he wanted to serve the one who killed the murderers of his family. Much time ago, he lived in another village, happily living his early days with his parents. His happiness was swept away when a group of Dark Druids swept over the village, causing chaos, killing everyone in its path. Aladrien was hidden by his parents, locked on a hidden cellar, and by sheer luck, he escaped. He stood there for what seemed like days. But then, the cellar door was broken down. He thought his life would end there, but what entered the cellar was something else. Knight of the king, who went for aid to the poor village. They saved Aladrien, but couldn't save his parents. Since then, he trained, and after the attack on the city by the Shadow Warriors, he swore he would put an end to the plague of the Shadow King on that land, once and for all.

Magic: It's poor, but he has some affinity for Fire Magic, and imbues his attacks with fire.

Battle strengths/weaknesses:

Strengths: Quick - He's agile, so he can dodge several attacks. He moves quickly, and strikes quickly.

Weaknesses: Scrawny - he's very susceptible to physical attacks. He gets knocked out easily with few strikes.


User Timezone: UTC -3:00(I'm from Brazil, so, yeah.)

User: Kattee1042

Name: Neljor

Age: 25

Appearance: Neljor is an attractive young woman, with light but sun-kissed skin and black as night curly hair. Neljor is neither tall nor short, being the average height of 5'6. A short lifetime of hard labor before coming to the academy has graced her with toned and wiry muscles, but her physique is still thin and girlish. Her eyes are a beautiful pale blue so light that one would think she had never before glanced at the sun. She has a small, up-turned nose and round fairy-like face with strong but not exaggerated cheek-bones. When she smiles, which she does often, it's the sort of smile that brings warmth to others and puts them at ease. Rarely is she seen out of her long, black cloak that shields her face and body from view, but underneath is simple leather armor surrounding neutral peasant clothes. Her arms are covered in well cared for bracers, a dark black unlike the brown leather encompassing the rest of her body. Her shoes are heavy leather men's boots that she's laced tightly enough to stay on her petite feet.

Personality strengths: Very friendly and likable. People tend to trust her straight away. Despite her amiable demeanor, if you get on her bad side, she has a very, very sharp tongue and wit.

Personality Weaknesses: Sometimes easy to fool, as her good-nature leads her to believe others are good-natured as well. Also, once you get on her bad side, she can hold a grudge to extreme lengths.

Background: Her family lived far out in a rural area as a central member of a farming community. In her early life she worked very hard there, as she is the oldest sibling out of 6. Her family meant everything to her, but when a man from the University of Magic happened by their community and noticed her particular talents, her family urged her to go with them so that she would have a better future. While she was finishing her secondary magic school, the war broke out. Fearing for her family she fled the institute with haste to learn of their fates. She however became quite lost and has been wandering around ever since.

Weapon: She has few small daggers hid around her body for extra safety but her go-to weapon will always be her bow and arrows. She's a skilled arrow maker and archer, having hunted small game for her family ever since she could pull a string. Her bow is made of fine yew wood with little engravings decorating the length of it.

Magic: Neljor quickly mastered wind magic, her strengths being tornadoes, blasts of heavy winds and short flights. Her secondary magic she was nearly there with is nature. She is very well connected with beasts and animals.

Battle strengths/weaknesses: Her best strength is with her wind attacks, combining that with her archery skills allows her to perfectly aim and strike much, much further. Animals will willingly obey her commands, but due to lack of training sometimes the commands can become confused and they might not do exactly as she desired. Neljor's weaknesses are up-close combat and dark magic.

Other: Neljor happens to be very, very good at cooking. This little talent doubled well for potion making in the University.

User Timezone: U.S. Mountain Time Zone

User: EinRaikou

Name: Ein Raikou

Age: 22, almost 23

Appearance: Short, almost shaved, dark black hair, stubble on face to match from lack of shaving.

Green-brown eyes. Average to a toned build. Utilizes very little armor. Don's a grey t-shirt (Ye old t-shirt? Lol) covered by a leather vest and matching karate pants.The lack of defense is to allow for quick mobility. When not in combat wears an old hooded cloak to cover up from the cold. (His Bro's)

Background: Rasied in a farming village until he turned 13 and moved to the capital with his brother, who was one of the king's knights.

There he learned the art of unarmed combat in hopes of one day fighting alongside his brother. When he turned 17 he enrolled in university to

learn to utilize Ice Magic. There he remained until his fifth year of school... when all hell broke loose.

Personality Strengths: Smart, strategic, witty, honest, trustworthy, and trusting. Easy to get along with, however if he doesn't like you it is made known.

Personality Weaknesses: Wit could be determined as being a "smartass", honest to a fault, sarcastic, trusting, prone to anger, especially at the loss of his brother

Weapon: A pair of trusty leather gauntlets that his older brother gave to him as a graduating gift for his first three years at university.

Magic: Quite adept at using Ice magic, due to his completion of his first three years away at school. Upon graduation he decided to complete another four years learning how to use ice in a different state... water. However, this was short lived as part way through his second year the war happened.

Battle strengths/weaknesses: In combat he uses his speed and his raw ability with ice magic to make up for his lack of overall strength and defense.

Other: Wants to exact revenge for the death of his brother, no matter the costs.

User Timezone: - 3:30... No. I don't live in the middle of the ocean. Newfie!
User: TheWizard

Name: Ethan Faust

Age: 23

Appearance: Ethan is a young light tanned man with medium lengthen light brown hair that is tapered yet clean at the nape of the neck. His eyes are a light blue like the sky on an early morning. Being five foot eight Ethan is not always considered the most manly of men. His baby face and small frame often gets him mistaken for a child and lacks the ability to grow any facial hair. His normal attire consists of a sand brown leather trench coat left open exposing his blue shirt his mother gifted to him. His pants where of a dark black as ebony night tied down with a brown leather belt made of boar skin. He is often carrying a satchel with brass rings and his master's trademark upon its clasp around his chest resting on his side.

Personality Strengths: Ethan is calculative and detailed, able to analyze and subject his theory to real life goals. Always a positive thinker he finds the aspect of helping others easy, like his father he can never turn down someone in need of treatment or injured. Always showing kindness and a warm smile it is hard to see nothing more then a gentle young man.

Personality Weaknesses: Due to his way of thinking Ethan lacks instincts like a warrior or hunter, a proof from the deaths of his family. This also causes him to feel heavy guilt as his knowledge was worthless in the onslaught of his loved ones and the aspect of his future. He fears loss and avoids tragedy forcing his work to try and save all he can even at the risk of himself. His shame of not acting in the past keeps him hiding behind a facade of courage.

Background: Ethan grew up in the west on a village looking over the sea. It was a simple farming village with little to offer but a few streaks of vegetables and the shore of boats netting their catch of the day. His family though where neither farmers or fishermen. His father was the local healer providing simple treatments and medicinal elixirs made from the herbs and foliage of the land. His mother was a seamstress and could knit and twine even the best fabrics, she would often boast how the lords and ladies who pass on by would be caught wearing her sashes and dresses. Though she was mainly focus on knitting nets, bags and patching the local farmer's pants. It was a quite home with little wealth but it was a modest and happy one.

As Ethan grew he followed in his father's work studying the healing properties of plants and natural binding of wounds. He found it fascinating how the mixture of grains, leaves, roots, and even the minerals of the earth reacted together. It was this curiosity that lead his father to reach out to a teacher for his son. Ethan was sent off to the south his mother gifting him a blue shirt so he would always remember their village by the sea. With a heartfelt goodbye Ethan's future was now in the hands of his teacher, an elderly man who took interest in the boy. His studies where deep in the valley woods in a small wooden cottage sitting close to a river. His teacher a famed alchemist who sought only the knowledge of the land found the solace life wonderful. It was here Ethan would embrace his gift, finding a knack for making elixirs and potions, studying the various effects some even harmful. In his later years the teacher found Ethan was gifted with the mysticism, surprised that it was not of nature it left him bewildered and intrigued. The elder alchemist taught the basics of magic and the law of the land showing pride of his student's progress. It was for Ethan the best years of his life learning under the elder but sadly as with all things his teacher grew weaker and no longer able to provide Ethan with any knowledge stating to the now young man how he had learned all the elder could provide him. The old man gave Ethan a letter to deliver to the capital, a chance to apprentice with the best and give Ethan a comfortable life doing what he loved. His teacher advised him to return home first to bare the fruit of his studies to his family. So with a gifted coat made from boars skin Ethan was now free to pursue the world around him.

It was then the dark days of the land had fallen, for upon reaching a pass in the west Ethan had found an amber glow towards the cliffs where his village lay. The sounds of screams and the howl of death echoed the night sky. It was for the first time Ethan felt despair and anxiety. From the underbrush of the forest Ethan attempted to make it to his family's home, but when his eye's met the destruction his feet became stiff. Bodies piled and burnt ash of homes that once was filled with laughter now stood silent. The entire village was no more...all where slaughtered by these monsters. Ethan escaped slipping back into the shadow of the trees, his face flowing with tears of hate and anguish. He now heads back to the south valleys seeking shelter in the only home he knows, his teacher's cottage...

Weapon: Ethan carries with him a simple dagger made of pressed iron with the handle made of oak. Its length is but seven inches from tip to grip and curves upwards given a slight crescent look.

Magic: Ethan was found to posses a knack for the mystic arts. Through his teachings from his master he has been able to produce burst and though he never used it for combat his primary focus is that of the ball of light that follows him when summoned. Used mainly as a means to see in the dark and searching for herbs and rare plants it has come to take a life of its own though bound to Ethan's wishes.

Battle strengths/weaknesses: Ethan lacks combat and though is knowledgeable of the lands has found little in the form fighting. His teachers lessons however had allowed Ethan the ability to produce pulses of energy from his mysticism and his knowledge of alchemy allows him access to common and unique potions/elixirs.

Other: Ethan finds the stars to be very calming but hates the taste of sweets. He'll often fancy a bitter root over a cake.

User Timezone: US - Central Standard Time
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Magnus Falk




Magnus is a man greyed with the wisdom of life, or that's what he calls it. In truth the stress of age has had it's tone on his appearance, turning his hair a silvery white and his skin to crease with lines of thought. He was once a good looking man though, which you can tell if you dismiss the age lines. His deep set blue eyes, a blue that's so light it boarders on grey, hidden behind spectacles and the defined jaw that has thinned with age covered in a shaggy silver beard. He has a tall frame that is still filled with strength, standing at 5'10 (177.8 cm) with solid shoulders and lean arms. Magnus appears frail though, mostly because he picks to dress in clothes baggy enough to hide his frame. The most common color you see him in is black, black breeches and tunic with accents of different colors depending on the day.

Personality Strengths:

Magnus is wise because of his lifetime, he has lived through both good and bad times making him unusually adapted to war. He's also a man of learning, making him learned in a large amount of knowledge including both magical and non-magical kind.

Personality Weaknesses:

While he is very wise and had a large deal of knowledge he is also old, making him fixed in his ways. He is particular about things done and dislikes young-ones that talk big but don't have much to back it up.


Magnus was born in the time just before the rule of King Lyram, when the last Shadow King was still in power. It was a very dark time until the King look his warriors and destroyed the Dark Druids, slaying the Shadow King and insuring that no other would rise again. After that the lands fell into a time of great peace, Magnus's small village within the forests to the west of Valia. During this time Magnus discovered his ability to use magic and went to the University of Magic in Aliak. He was eleven at the time and took up the practice of learning Earth magic, his masters taking a liking to him and his peers looking up to him. Magnus took his time learning and found that he liked it. He was sixteen when he decided to become a scholar in magic and non-magical theories. He became a frequent face seen within the great libraries of the capital, in which he met Clara Erickson. Clara seemed to draw Magnus is, being almost captivating. She liked what he liked, sought to become a scholar, and also attended the University of magic as well. She was learning Wind magic and aimed to learn a Secondary Magical skill next in the legendary secret Plaza. It seemed that was her dream, to learn in such a secret place was so rare she couldn't resist the thought. Magnus, infected by her fever to learn, decided that he she was going to go than he would as well. He soon after realized that he was in love with her and married her to prove it. He was eighteen when they had their first and only child, a boy they named Liam.

When Liam was five the professors of the University informed Magnus that they wanted him to learn a secondary magic. He didn't want to leave his wife and child at first, but Clara insisted that he go and so Magnus took the trip to the Secret Plaza to continue his education. He was gone for seven years but disaster had struck while he was away. His wife had died because of fever and his son had disappeared, thrown to the streets because Magnus hadn't been there. Magnus dedicated eight years to trying to find his son, finding him finally when he returned to the University of Magic as a teacher. By then his son had a child of his own, a one year old girl by the name of Clara (Being named after her grandmother). Due to the fact that her mother had died during childbirth and that Liam had never wed her, the girl was usually looked down upon. Despite that and the fact that Liam didn't want father in his life, Magnus took it upon himself to making sure his granddaughter educated. He had no dealings with his son but it was agreed Clara would come to the University every afternoon after her own classes to be taught by him. He developed a very strong connection with his grandchild, who became stunningly more like his diseased wife as time passed.

He had just turned 54 when the new Shadow King rose, attacking the Capital and killing King Lryam. In the chaos Magnus was able to locate his son and granddaughter; they were fleeing when his son was killed. After that Magnus took Clara to his old village in the forest, hiding from the Dark Druids in the trees whenever they appeared close by.


Magnus carries a large hammer with him, silver in color with golden trim and a sturdy metal handle. He uses it to pound on the ground, causing great earthquakes or boulders to pop out of the ground (which he can then manipulate). It's also quite good for smashing in skulls, but that's only a last resort.


Magnus was trained in Earth Magic until he was 23 when he was picked to train in a secondary magic in the north. He took seven years to train in Nature Magic, leaving the secret plaza with good (not great) skills in it. He continued to train his magic during his search for his son, so much so that he became a professor at the University.

Battle strengths/weaknesses:

He's powerful and smart but he tired quickly became of his age. His stamina isn't what it used to be after all, he can control the magic but it gets harder and harder for him to use it for long amounts of time. Only with this he also becomes extremely sore after battles.


He regrets not being there when his wife died and hates that his son had such a deep hatred for him when he died. To make up for it he has swore that he will protect his granddaughter with his life. No matter what he plans to get her through this so that she can live in a time of peace again.

User Timezone:

Pacific (California, baby! ;D)

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...




Clara Falk




Clara is the spitting imagine of her grandmother, Clara Erickson. With a thin frame and wide brown eyes, she's neither plain nor overly gorgeous. She has a pale complexion and a smooth, rounded jaw. With her small nose and large eyes she appears younger than she actually is. Clara's stature is averagely built for a 5'6 (167.64 cm) girl, a tiny waist with a slight curve but she's rather flat. After fleeing the capital she chopped her brown hair short so that is hung around her shoulders instead of to her hips. She also clothed herself in traditional clothing, pulling a hood over her head to hide her face from everyone. A long sleeved tunic colored in a pale tan and red with a belt, high boots of similar color and tight black pants.

Personality Strengths:

Clara has a big personality despite her looks, her grandfather says she was a 6 foot tall warrior in a past life. She's bold and fearless, not to mention quick thinking like her grandfather and smart.

Personality Weaknesses:

On the other side of her bold personality is a stubborn fool. Her fearlessness makes her rash and idiotic in the face on danger despite her quick mind. If she could just be a bit less eager to kill all enemies in sight she might actually be a good leader and priceless warrior.


Clara's mother and father were not married when she was born, in fact her mother wanted nothing to do with her and quickly left her and her father behind. Clara was raised by only her father for a year, when her grandfather entered the picture. Her grandfather had left a long time ago so her father didn't want anything to do with him but he didn't stop Clara from interacting with Magnus. Being a child running around the University made her pretty well known amongst both the students and teachers. She attended her own classes during the day and spent afternoons with her grandfather, learning magic and theories. She loved it and continued to keep this routine until she began attending the University as a student herself. She wanted to follow in her grandfather's footsteps despite her father's disgust in the thought. Clara wanted to learn in the capital before going north to learn a secondary magic. The only difference was that Clara learned fire instead of Earth, liking the warmth of fire better than the solidity of earth.

She was attending a class when the attack put the capital in chaos. She was fleeing with her father and grandfather when her father was struck by a ball of fire and dark magic. He died and Clara had to leave him. After getting safely out of the city she cut her hair off in mourning of her father and swore she'd get revenge.


Clara doesn't carry much on her, since her Grandfather tends to do much of the fighting (which she hates). She does carry a series of daggers and a bow though, with she uses to hunt. She likes to set the arrows on fire so that her prey catches on fire, she hopes one day she can send a fire arrow into the Shadow King's heart.


Clara is no master, but she had been training her fire magic since she was young enough to. She plans to locate the secret plaza to the north so that she can learn a secondary magic (most likely light or water).

Battle strengths/weaknesses:

Clara's magic tends to be effected by her emotions, so if she feels unsure of something than it's not as powerful as it could be. On the other side when she is calm and collected, Clara can be quite powerful. It's hard for her though, she's a passionate person and therefore her magic will never be as powerful as it could be. Aside from that she has alright aim and good sight.


Clara seeks revenge for her father.


The closes picture I could find that looks like her.

User Timezone:


My main character would be Clara, and I figured we'd need someone to train all the un-trained so I made Magnus as a sort of wise-teacher guy. He'll pop in and out.

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Very nice characters, warmly accepted! Given Magnus' age and experience, I'll give you permission to make him already a master of both magics, provided his age and tiredness makes it hard for him to use his abilities fully - I'm thinking he could maybe unleash on devastating attack per battle but then have to back down to weaker ones, or something. In terms of a teacher though, I'd rather not have that - he would only be able to teach in his two arts anyway and there will be a chance later on for everybody to further their magic usage. I guess he could tutor any earth or nature magicians a little, but yeah, not a full teacher character please. Anyhow, really impressive stuff, welcome aboard!

And just to reiterate from before to anybody still wishing to joine this RP is still open and will remain so until I close it in the title - feel free to make a character or two and hop in! :D
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/Deisree_new.jpg.e15be666dc30fb1d5e649d5a701c1690.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30608" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/Deisree_new.jpg.e15be666dc30fb1d5e649d5a701c1690.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Still accepting CS?

User: Kharmin

Name: Desiree Tanner

Age: 25

Appearance: Desiree is a slender young woman who stands a modest 5' 7" tall with long, straight blonde hair that cascades over her shoulders almost to her waist. She will wear her hair either loose or in a long pony-tail depending on her whim which can change with no apparent reason. Deep, blue eyes draw the observers' focus as they can seem to penetrate with a gaze when angered. Desiree is a casual person, who prefers to dress in loose-fitting trousers and comfortable, cotton spun shirts. She wears comfortable high-top style leather shoes. Typically, she accentuates her form with a bright-colored vest and completes the ensemble with a woolen cloak.

Personality Strength/Weakness:

Personality strengths and weaknesses are a matter of perspective. What one deems a boon, others might find detrimental. Desiree is a cunning, mischievous and impulsive soul. She is constantly on the move to find something new or fascinating. Decisions come easily to her because she doesn't waste a lot of time trying to weigh every single option. Where others might bog down on making choices, Desiree is quick to analyze and select a course of action.

As such, Desiree constantly finds trouble well before it finds her. This is what led to her "voluntary expulsion" from the university.

Desiree can get along with just about anyone. She has a knack of seeing many sides of things, be it a personality or an argument. She tolerates aggression and insults with witty retorts as she laughs them off. Although she is not a knock-out, stunning beauty, Desiree is attractive and has been known to bat a few eyelashes to get things she wants.

Being both impulsive and mischievous, her mannerisms mean no insult or harm; she is just trying to enjoy things and spread a little fun and humor in this current time of darkness. Her actions, though, don't always come across as intended and she has difficulty in knowing when to stop her playful teasing. This can cause some to dislike her or even become angry with her – something she struggles to understand why as she thinks that she is only playing.

Background: Desiree was found to be adept at air magic at a very early age. She was an ideal student and prodigy in her early years. Adolescence and the influence of some of those less than studious at the university changed all of that. Not even her younger brother Stephen, who was a year behind her in his studies, could dissuade her from following in with the riff-raff. Desiree found freedom from the constraints of rules and order and enjoyed the more chaotic nature of her element. The phrase "as fickle as the wind" was virtually her mantra.

In her third year at the university, the faculty had had enough of her impulsive behavior and strongly suggested that she leave to follow a path more suited to her personality as she no longer fit in with the structure and order of the school.

Six months later, the Shadow King and his forces swept the land. She returned home to find her parents' fate the same as just about everyone else's; however, to this day, Desiree does not know if her brother escaped the university alive or not.

Weapon: quarterstaff (but she's not all that proficient with it)

Magic: Air – Desiree never finished her studies at the university; however, she is quite adept with air using it for enhancing her combat (see battle strength/weakness section for more detail). Additionally, with great concentration, she can use the air around her to bend light and render herself invisible. In this way, she must remain still and fully concentrate on this talent. She can remain invisible for a maximum of two minuets, and is completely drained, both physically and magically, when it ends. Should she end the invisibility sooner, she is proportionally less drained.

Battle strengths/weaknesses: Desiree prefers not to fight at all if she can avoid doing so. As quick as she is to make decisions, the choice to fight is one that actually doesn't come so easily to her. Once committed, she will look for any opportunity to end the fight as quickly as possible, even if it means retreating.

Her strength lies in her ability to manipulate her air magic. She will use it to brush her foes aside, deflect missile attacks or enhance her own strikes by increasing the force behind her quarterstaff, since she really isn't very proficient with the weapon.

Her weakness lies in her ability to manipulate her air magic. When using her abilities in combat, her actions sap her magic rapidly, which is the main reason for her trying to end fights so quickly. Although she is well aware of her limitations, she ignores them and frequently exhausts herself.

Other: Desiree would like to find out what happened to her brother. Beyond this, and basic survival, she is easily fascinated by new things, people and places (but just as easily bored by them – she's fickle, remember?).

User Timezone: US East Coast (GMT -5) (or GMT-4 for daylight saving time)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfed49ac6_Desiree_Markup-Crop-50.jpg.7c21b68a8d01a7d25d2a2eba0b60e6a7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24957" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfed49ac6_Desiree_Markup-Crop-50.jpg.7c21b68a8d01a7d25d2a2eba0b60e6a7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> EDIT: Found a pic that I wanted to use, so I added it. Yeah, it's Jean Grey, but the outfit and the newly Photoshopped blonde hair pretty much encapsulates Desiree's appearance (once she finds the outfit, that is).



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Rusar Caldir




Rusar is has a petite but athletic build and stands at a full height of 5'5". She has slight blond hair which when let loos reaches just below her shoulders. She usually has her hair braided to frame her face.She has light brown eyes. Her usual clothing consist of a hunter green tunic, Leather vest, dark brown shorts and knee high leather boots. Around her waist is is a leather belt used mostly to carry her water skin and a few pouches with rations, tried berries and useful herbs. She wears leather gloves as well as bracers on her arms. Over her clothing she wears a slightly oversize soft leather brown cloak that cuts off just behind her knees. She has a leather messenger bag in which she caries her supplies and a quiver stocked with arrows on her hip.


Personality Strengths

Rusar is fairly mild mannered and very patient. She is very goal oriented and doesn't like to waste time. She is socially awkward around people and comes off as cold but she cant be friendly and even funny at times. Rusar is very self reliant and doesn't like anyone doing something she can't do her self. She will follow orders and work with a group when necessary. Rusar tends to have fairly violent tendencies but hides them well remaining is polite when needed, for those who get on her nerves she comes off as passive aggressive and very cold. Very few have seen Rusars temper however however she can get very violent and belligerent when she reaches her breaking point, few have come away from it unscathed.

Personality Weaknesses

Due to Rusars mentality she has a hard time making friends. She will usually choose training or studying over socializing. This often times results with her being the last to find out important new. She is awkward around people most times doesn't know what to say past answering questions. She will join with a group however she tends to get aggravated because they "slow her down". One of her biggest pet peeves is wasting time.

Rusar tends to shove down her emotions seeing them as something that just gets in the way. because of that she stugles and is easily overwhelmed in emotional situations. She will try to shove the emotions away but sometimes this doesn't always work. Rusars violent nature is kept under control most of the time but tends to show most during combat where she is shown to almost enjoy her enemy's pain.


Rusars father was an excellent archer and her mother a strong magicians . So there was always a great expectation that Rusar had to live up to. From the time she could hold a bow she was trained in archery. It was a rocky start at first but once she got the hand of it Rusar proved she had potential. Rusar started joining her father on his hunting trips when she was 7. Her mother saw signs of magic in her when she was young and started to teach her how to use it safely until she was old enough for proper schooling in the magical arts. Rusar studied hard not wanting to disappoint her parents so between her studies and continuing her archery training Rusar didn't have much time for friends.

Despite her diligent studying there was one problem that Rusar had no mater how much she practiced. Any ranged magic would miss their mark. On occasion she would hit however she missed more than hit. She couldn't figure out why growing frustrated with her self. The solution came when she attempted to use her magic in combination with her archery which proved to work out perfectly and made her all the more dangerous with a bow. Once Rusar had mastered Fire magic she wanted to know stronger more powerful arts of magic and sought out secondary training in the dark arts.

When the shadow kinds army invaded she remained apart from her family and still does now know of their fate.


Bow and Arrow: Rusar uses a medium range wooden re-curved bow that has runes carved into it that allow for spell casting. The bow has been coated in a special substance to make it resistant to fire.

Short Sword


Rusar has trained long an hard to master the art of fire magic. She can be very creative with her flames using it for more explosive effects in ranged attacks. Rusar had only spend little more then 1 year training in the arts of dark magic. She focused solely on the manipulation of shadows so she can control them to a some extent. She primarily uses them to trap opponents.

Battle strengths

Rusar's strength is in her ability to combine her magic with archery. She is extremely skilled with a bow and makes the majority of her shots. She knows how to channel her magic into a bow and enchant arrows with various spells using her fire magic. Rusar is also fairly skilled at hiding and is fast on her feet.

Battle weaknesses

Without her bow Rusars accuracy with ranged attack drops a great deal. She is also not very skilled at close combat fighting preferring to restrain opponents so she can escape instead. She tends to stay on the outskirts of the battle field away from the main combat.


Rusar is skilled at carving and knows how to make weapons out of both wood and bone. Her skill mostly lies in making bows and arrows however she can do a decent job of carving other objects as well. She is also good at hunting and decent at fishing.

Rusar had love/hate friendship with a boy from a neighboring town, Warren Davis, she lost contact with him when she went to study magic.

User Timezone

Eastern Standard Time (-4 GMT)
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User: Icefox11

Name: Lapis Leavenworth

Age: 21

Appearance: She is 5'8" with long brown hair that usually reaches her calves when not in a ponytail. She usually wears her hair in a pony tail, tied in a bow with a blue and white ribbon. She wears a long sleeved kimono with light armor on top. The sleeves of her kimono fall off her shoulder to expose her shoulder. She always wears traditional samurai socks and those funny little wooden shoes. She has a fair complexion and has ocean blue eyes. Her hair is a dark brown with gold highlights in the sun.


Personality Strengths: Lapis is kind hearted. She loves to see the smiles on children's faces. She is agreeable to work with, most of the time and she can keep a leveled head when needed. She is respectful to her superiors, but family comes first in her line of view. She is often regarded as a motherly figure.

Personality Weaknesses: When you get on her bad side, she can get a little angry. She has a hard time dealing with people who can't take anything seriously. She can come off as cold or icy if someone threatens her or tries to make obvious moves on her. She hates most men, thinking of them as people that would discriminate her, like her grandfather. She hates people who stereotype women and/or physically hurt them.

Background: She came from a long line of noble men. When she was the only heir born, she inherited the family sword and became the first girl of her family to be a warrior. She trained with a sword master for years. She poured her heart into her training, so as not to dishonor her family. Her family, being kind hearted, say they do not care. However this is one of her most important morals. Unfortunately, only her brother and her survived the fall, leaving her the leading heir to the family warriors. She got separated from her brother during the fall. Her quest is to find him and reunite with him.

Weapon: A long katana with a blade that can cut anything like butter. the case and handle are both white, the case having blue swirls decorating the outside.

Magic: She uses the power of the wind to increase her speed and to create some nasty storms.

Battle strengths/weaknesses: She has lots of wit, but has little brute strength. She relies on accuracy, due to the fact that she is very nimble.

Other: She is afraid to dishonor her family. She loves her older brother over the rest of her family. She despises her grandfather the most because he is opposed to her becoming a warrior.

User Timezone: Pacific Timezone(SEATTLE BABY!)Edit
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User: Rhasta Lord

Name: Timour Delgado

Age: 15

Appearance: Timour is fairly tall standing at a height of 178 cm with a poorly built body; since he is really skinny weighting only 57 kilograms. His face is more triangular than round with a small nose and slightly thick lips, he has deep green eyes and thick eyebrows. His red-colored long hair is really soft, wavy and really eye-catching. He usually wears his favorite torn jeans and a purple well-worn T-shirt alongside with converse boots and a leather jacket.

Personality Strengths: Timour is really calm, and it is really hard to get him out of hand. He is hard-working even though born with a talent; since he is always working on improving his magic; since he really loves combat and fighting. He is really ambitious and always reaches his goals.

Personality Weaknesses: Timour is lonely and doesn't have friends; since he is really unsociable and likes keeping his ideas to himself. He is also really self-centered and puts himself and his goals above everything. He isn't used to failing, so he can get easily broken an brought down.

Background: Timour's origin is from The Valley Of Mithra which is located in the southern part of Velia, The Valley Of Mithra is a small village with a small population which is well-know with practicing dark arts and magic. Timour has started showing his capabilities with magic since he was 6 years old, which resulted in him starting the magic institute at the young age of 8!, mastering dark arts at the age of 13, after a year he started studying thunder magic at the age of 14, but he abandoned the institute at 15 and 7 months , continuing his studies alone. His goal in life is creating his own type of magic that would top every known type of magic and would make him the strongest magi in the world, also his goal is to find his missing older brother that disappeared after the dark king attacked.

Weapon: Timour doesn't use any physical weapons, he fully depends on his magic and if he needs a weapon he creates it from darkness with his dark magic.

Magic: He mastered the dark arts and topped all of the dark magi, even though he gets tired fastly when using his top level of magic. In addition to using a bit of electric magic.

Battle strengths/weaknesses: His body doesn't let him to use his magic to the full extent and is really fragile and could be taken down froma single blow, but his magic makes up for it, also he is bad at making strategies except at life-danger situations.

Other: He's very delicate in the matters love and wants to find a loved one.

User Timezone: UTC+3
@Icefox11 Thanks for the update, but sadly I think it has solved very little and you've kinda missed the point of what I was asking. In terms of personality all you've done is essentially give examples that emphasise the traits you had detailed before - your positive personality section especially just says "She's kind" in various different iterations. Think about what other traits define her as a character - what is she truly like? Surely there is much more to her than just kindness. And why do people say she is like a demon, especially if she is so kind? Additionally, you also seemed to miss that I pointed out that your backstory had very little reference to the fall - you should probably look at what others have done in this respect for an example.

In fact, my strongest advice is to read some of the other character sheets here for guidance. It's just a little frustrating as your character is very nearly there, you just need that extra detail as described above.
(I've taken up the habit of learning and posting with American measurements, as most people I've come across aren't from the U.K. area.)

User: Veirrianna Valentine

Name: Helia Heartstone

Age: 23

Appearance: Standing at four foot five inches and weighing in at 74 pounds, Helia is extremely tiny for someone her age. Despite her size, Helia is also extremely toned, and spent most of her life surviving as a woodsman/hermit. Her skin is olive hued and she has deep green eyes with dark black hair. Her hair is all braided, and all braids are all pulled back into a single, mid thigh length ponytail. Helia has a round, pixie style face complete with the small nose and a dash of freckles. Helia's main clothes are a set of leather pants, leather boot thigh high boots, leather fingerless gloves, and a leather top(style such as like a sports bra). Over her top she wears a long coat, also made of leather. The coat only fastens from her neck down to an inch or so above her navel before splitting apart like a robe. Due to being leather, all her clothes are black/dark brown in colour.

Personality Strengths: Having spent her life in the wilds, Helia is cool headed in even the most dire of circumstances. While she has no problem helping others, she won't do anything unless she is reasonably certain she won't put herself too much at risk unless she really knows you and really likes you. If she does really know you and really like you, then not even every demon in hell could stop her from trying to help you.

Personality Weaknesses: Poor interpersonal skills coupled with a past betrayal has left Helia with trouble accepting help and trusting people. Helia is also natural standoffish with anyone larger than her(everyone) and this can either lead to physical conflict, or her fleeing from the general area. Due to the aforementioned quirk, Helia has a strong dislike of being on equal footing as everyone else and can suffer random panic attacks when surrounded by large groups of people.

Background: Helia was orphaned at a young age, and spent a lot of her orphaned years stealing to survive, Helia showed a natural talent towards wind based magics before ever having been formally taught(once). This was noticed by a master wind magician who showed her everything he knew. Some time ago Helia decided she would be better off alone, and moved into the woods where she has spent most of her life up until recently. Helia also has a distrust of being on the same level as everyone else, as it shows how small she really is. Due to this, she tries to keep some sort of raised position, and her attitude and demeanor can sour when she's on the same level as people she doesn't know or trust. Helia also refuses to speak of the magician that taught her, and she can become volatile if the topic is pushed.

Weapon: A multitude of throwing knives. They are all fashioned the same. They are leaf-bladed weapons that give a faint minty green sheen.

Magic: While Helia is of master ranking in the art of Wind magic, her learned skills are selective, and Helia only ever learned what she could apply to her natural skills.(Meaning she doesn't do giant tornadoes, fly, or make wind tunnels, but she will use bursts of wind to 'shield' herself. She will also use wind to give her knives better flight, or to assist in her manoeuverability[including slowing falls or assisting in jumps])

Battle strengths/weaknesses: Deadly accurate with her aim, and ingenious and innovative with the use of her wind magic to aid with her natural agility and throwing skills, Helia is a force to be reckoned with at range. That said, with her height and weight, Helia tends to fare poorly in close quarters combat, and often finds herself on the retreat when people get too close for comfort.

Other: She likes music and tea. Her first and only bought of informal magic occurred when she fell from a roof and slowed her fall. That being said, she still hit the ground hard enough to break her leg, and it was then that she met her former teacher.

User Timezone: GMT +1
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User: frxgile

Name: Elsani Minn

Age: 17

Appearance: You will first be greeted with a set of pale grey eyes. Even when you look directly into Elsani's eyes, they will appear emotionless and dead. Her skin has a softly sun-kissed tone, even though she's rarely seen outside. Elsani's hair is pure white and falls to a few inches past her shoulders. Her hair typically lays straight unless it's ruffled in the wind or tousled with. She doesn't have any layers or bangs in her hair, as she doesn't care much for her appearance. Despite not caring about how she appears, Elsani does have a rather pretty face even though she rarely smiles. As for her clothes, Elsani will typically dress in more natural colors such as black or grey combined with the occasional brown. She is rarely seen without a black hooded coat that comes down to about her knees, the hood always pulled over her eyes. Her grey tattered boots are always fitted over her feet, as she never goes anywhere without her only pair of shoes. As her last accessory, Elsani is always carrying her scythe over her back with a thick white leather strap, ready to be drawn at any time.

Personality Strengths: Once you break through her various barriers, Elsani will be an outstanding companion. She is headstrong (which might also be considered a weakness), and refuses to be bossed around by anyone. Especially due to her young age, Elsani is always on her most defensive behavior around her elders. She will stick by the people she believes are most similar to herself.

Personality Weaknesses: Elsani is definitely shy. She refuses to talk to anyone unless spoken to; partially because she is extremely self conscious and partially because she doesn't want to deal with any emotional attachments. So, Elsani tends to avoid people as often as she can.

Background: To keep things simple, Elsani's home life with her parents was never quite normal. She never saw her father much, but never really questioned why he was gone. However, when her father was present, Elsani's days were spent miserably. Her father was extremely abusive, especially when Elsani would not obey his every order. For the majority of her life, Elsani was raised by a housekeeper by the name of Tiri Minn. He was the most father-like figure in her life due to her actual father's absence. Growing up, Elsani spent most of her time in the woods playing with her wooden scythe and knives, both crafted by Tiri. Unbeknownst to Elsani herself, Tiri watched her throughout her practicing sessions from afar. As she improved more and more, Tiri began to provide her with more realistic weapons, up until the day she owns the very scythe she uses today.

When her father returned after four years on her fifteenth birthday, Elsani had expected nothing less than the usual: being ordered around and waking up with new bruises each morning. She had decided to end things with her father. Elsani's first kill was her own father as he slept in their house. It was the first of many times her scythe would be drenched with blood. Disowning her father's last name, Elsani changed her last name to Minn, in honor of Tiri, who she still considers her father.

After the death of her father, Elsani traveled to study magic at a primary university, specifically ice magic. However, finding no magic ability of the ice variety within herself, Elsani left the university within a month and traveled to pursue dark magic instead. Ever since she killed her father, Elsani's veins surged with a newfound energy; leading her into the education of dark magic.

Weapon: Elsani's main weapon of choice is her scythe. The long 7 inch blade is attached with a worn cord onto a rather strong branch, crafted to fit into her hand easily. The scythe is her favorite weapon due to its harsh nature, usually causing a long painful death for her opponent. As a more secondary weapon, Elsani specializes in long distance knife throwing. Though her accuracy isn't always spot on, she can typically hit whatever target within 75 yards.

Magic: Elsani was found to have no magical ability whatsoever throughout the majority of her life. She has no primary form of magic, however, following the death of her father by her own hand, Elsani began to study dark magic. Since her studies were obviously interrupted, Elsani only has two of the four years required for secondary magic under her belt, but she is more than eager to embrace her darkness to obtain more skills. Elsani can make small dark magic blasts or beams; but after a total of three or four, her energy would run out. Along with this, Elsani can manipulate shadows for a maximum of 15 seconds at a time, requiring most of her energy.

Battle strengths/weaknesses: Thanks to her young age, Elsani creates very quick movements throughout her battles. Though the scythe isn't exactly the quickest weapon, Elsani's physical quickness makes up for the speed of her scythe. Elsani doesn't have much battle experience; however, she handles one on one battles extremely well. She doesn't have much physical strength, but she is not afraid of any opponent she may go against. If she would ever be faced with a battle including more than one person, Elsani would have definite trouble figuring out how to maneuver herself and her multiple abilities. She is incapable of balancing her abilities in order to strategically gain victory. Along with this, Elsani rarely brings anything to defend herself with.

Other: None.

User Timezone: USA Eastern
User: Macaberz

Name: Modrin Maubiag

Age: 14 (with @SkyGinge’s permission).

Appearance: Modrin’s greasy black hair and tattered clothes suggest he’s been out in the wild for far too long. Wild green eyes stare into the world with contempt and anger. Rarely has there been a boy standing five feet four, or thereabouts, in bluchers whose lips curl neither up nor down. His oversized cloak, mud stained tunic and patched trouser betray a simple background. His chiseled features, a sharp cheek and strong cheekbones indicate a tough upbringing. Aside from a dagger strapped to his waist and a small knapsack slung over his shoulder he doesn’t have any belongings.


Personality strengths: Modrin is a soft spoken and thoughtful boy who will keep to himself if he has any say in the matter. Brave and devout well beyond his years, he won’t stand for injustice and will do anything in his power to combat it.

Personality weaknesses: Modrin’s habit of keeping his emotions bottled has left him with great inner turmoil. He will not soon voice his concerns or consult wiser men or women to aid him. Instead he will recklessly assume that his own solutions are best and disregard any alternatives.

Background: Modrin lived in a village near the sandy coast in the south and was first and only son to an old fisher who’d managed to reel in a young wife with dubious promises of rich and fame. Having been brought up amidst the salty waves of the sea and the violent rocking of rickety boats, Modrin is surprisingly hardened for such a scrawny figure, though he has no skill with weapons to show it.

Although many children in the sea-side village could swim, none quite matched his perseverance and stamina that earned him the nick-name little fish, a more amiable name than his father’s: crooked crab.

Modrin lived a reasonably happy live until, inevitably, his mother settled for another man of more suitable age and nobility. This greatly angered Modrin, even though his mother invited him to come along and live in the rich man’s house. But years of sailing and fishing with his father had bonded the two beyond material temptations and Modrin decided to stay with his father who made sure to fuel the boy’s hate for highborn snobs even more.

Nothing in his young life had quite prepared him for the raid that destroyed his hometown and scattered the populace that had lived in it. Miracolously, Modrin survived the disaster by fleeing towards the sea and swimming away from the shore, only to return hours later, frozen and exhausted. Little remained of his father’s old bones but ashes and a torn limb or two. Driven by the desire to stay alive, Modrin pushed through and looted the dead bodies of neighbors and friends alike. He has been on the road ever since.

Weapon: a small dagger strapped to his waist with a thin leather belt. Not much longer than his index finger, Modrin got the dagger from his father when he became twelve. It has been passed down the male line of the family for ages and has a fish etched into the wooden hilt. The dagger is intended to gut fish bur can obviously be used to gut other, living, things as well.

Magic: Modrin has some very weak magical abilities that will be revealed later in the story.

Battle strengths/weaknesses: Can take quite a beating and his small frame is harder to hit. Unfortunately, Modrin has no combat training and knows only to jab the pointy end into someone before they do it to you. As such, Modrin is more likely to hold his own in an unarmed brawl than a swordfight or anything of that nature.

Other: Tenses around knights or figures of nobility. Insists on being extremely polite to them, to the point of sickening flattery.

Timezone: GMT+2.
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