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Fandom The Lobby (OOC)

I think we just waiting on peeps to reply
I would, but it's only fair I give the other guys a turn, it'll become a 1x1 if I didnt
yeah we're all just waiting for everyone to get their turn first before we post again, it's just kinda how things are, but i could post if you want!
Heyo Sugar bombs, could ya play Grizz here again, just to get it goin? Unless you prefer me to do it, in which case I'll do it in my next post.
oops, should have checked here before I posted o_o Hope my post was okay! could change it if you guys wanted to talk to Grizz for some reason lol just let me know!

also, yes you can! the more the merrier
Fiona to the rescue again!
Okay but seriously you just have those days where you suddenly start interacting with a billion other people out of nowhere?
That's what she's having.
YAY! I really hoped you would!

I built a bunch of head canon lore around Grizzco- is it k if i use some of it?

And there may or may not be a subplot with Len and Grizz’s relationship heh heh heh heh heh
yeah, of course! is it cool if i ask what those hcs are? maybe we can use them to come up with what happens with the plot later on
Ofc! First and foremost, he uses the golden eggs to make a special kind of hallucinogen, a drug that he sells for a carp ton of money
I do! I’d say that somehow he’s flooding the salmonid population just enough to get a lot more money on the drug, but not decrease it’s value.

The rest has to do with Lenny/17, but you don’t have to hear that part if you don’t want to
not sure if you read the very first post on the forum but there is a plan to have there be some kind of salmonid uprising later on! maybe they were being given food/chemicals/idk that make them produce more or better eggs but also makes them bigger/smarter? just random thoughts lol

also, go for it! i wanna know more about her gritty backstory *-*
Oooh! Yes to all of those things!

Well- she was originally from outer Splatsville, in a more desolate area. When she saw the grizzco add she was young and impressionable and thought ‘hey! Opportunity!’ So she headed out-
Over around a course of two years, lenny got good- REALLY good. On live tv, she received a hairpin shaped like a golden egg and was deemed best worker! Everything seemed great- and then she was let in the back. . .

“Ah, lenny.” A deep voice said as a tall inkling man turned around, “I’ve been waiting for you.” It didn’t seem that bad at first- they just talked over sandwiches. But one day, her sandwich tasted funny- something was off.
Then she had a dream- it was like everything she ever wanted was there. This was the drug. She was hooked.
Lenny asked for more, each time doing bigger and bigger tasks for grizz. Longer missions turned into hours of work, and it only got worse when sexual favors were added to the mix.

But it’s all worth it for her ‘happy place’- right?

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